Nicky's Night to Remember : Part 1

(Part 1 from 2)

There stood, in front of the three boys’ eyes, the most beautiful young girl any of them had ever seen. How she got on their own doorstep was beyond their luck. It was pouring rain outside and you could see other people quickly gathering their stuff off the beach and running for their cars. Naturally, being the only shelter within blocks, some people sometimes came here. It was a small gift shop with an attached house upstairs and it served one of the least popular beaches in the area. The three boys, all college students, were on spring break. Jack, whose father owned the shop, took his two friends Adam and Logan here for the vacation. His father had stuck the three of them in charge for the evening with the benefit of earning a little cash.

The rain was still coming down hard, but the three boys couldn’t help but stare for a while before saying a word to the girl. And for good reason! She was stunning. Her perfect figure lit up the storm. She was about 5’ 10’ and had a petite and fit young body. Probably 21 years old. Her wavy long brunette hair was dampened from the rain and clung to her perfectly sculpted breasts. Of course, she was wearing a skimpy blue bikini that showed more of her perfectly rounded ass than the boys could handle. Her face was nothing less than cute and she had pretty bright blue eyes. Her skin was beaded with oil and rain water. She was the sexiest thing they had ever seen.

“Sorry” she spoke first. “Can I come in to use the phone? I was out for a walk and I’ve gone a little too far to turn back around, especially in this rain.”

The answer for this was obvious, but it was Jack who blurted out the first yes. She seemed hesitant as she glanced around and realized that there were no adults around. Just a couple of horny looking college aged boys. Logan realized what she might be thinking and quickly grabbed one of the gift shop towels. He handed it to her with a warm gesture and welcomed her in. She stepped inside and took the towel with a smile. It was then that the boys thanked God for sending cold rain. They watched her breasts intently as her two small nipples began to form little mounds on the thin tight fabric of her bikini top. She was cold and nature had its own way of showing it. She took the towel and began to wipe herself dry, caressing every inch of her skin. Then she began adjusting her bikini right in front of the boys as if they weren’t even there. They were sure she added an extra snap on her bottom piece. She looked up blushing, realizing she had a crowd watching her. To the boys’ dismay, she wrapped the towel around herself.

“O yes”, “The phone”, said Jack, snapping back to reality, “Follow me, it’s in the back.” It didn’t take long for her to call the number several times before she hung up and looked disgruntled. “My damn uncle is supposed to be home. He said he would pick me up if I needed him today. I’m staying there for spring break and I don’t know anyone else around here.” She looked outside at the rain and said, “I’m not walking back in this. It’s like four miles. I’ll have to call a cab.”

“You don’t have to. You can just wait out the rain here, you know, and try calling your uncle later.” Adam replied hopefully. She looked like she was going to deny the offer at first until Jack handed her a small souvenir t-shirt off one of the racks. She smiled again, “Well, I suppose I can, but just until the rain stops. Anyways…. my name is Nicky. Who are all of you?” The four of them began introducing themselves while they settled down in the shops’ front area. The rain went on and on as they began to pass around some beers. The more they drank, the more personal the questions got. After Logan had his eighth beer, he bluntly asked whether or not Nicky regularly had sex with a hot body like hers. Jack, who was watching his alcohol, punched Logan in the arm and apologized to Nicky for him. Nicky, who only had one beer so far, replied, “It’s ok, it’s really an easy question. I don’t get around that much. My father keeps a tight rope on me. Never even had a boyfriend.” Logan looked up stupidly. “So how many times have you……...”PUNCH! Adam hit Logan this time…. Nicky blushed and said, “Never.” … She blushed even more. She didn’t know why she had said it, but it was true, she was still a virgin. Her father really did keep a tight leash on her. It had taken all she had to get him to let her come to her uncles’ house for spring break. … But what was she thinking, telling three horny young men that she was a virgin? It was all the attention she was getting. She had never been in such a vulnerable situation before. She couldn’t believe how much they were staring at her body. She liked it.

An awkward silence passed as the boys let this new fact hit them hard. Not only was this the hottest girl they had ever layed their eyes on, but she was a virgin, a smoking hot virgin who was wearing nothing more than a t-shirt and a bikini with a towel wrapped around her waist.
After a few more conversations and beers they moved into the living room of the house upstairs. It was still raining like crazy. Jack sat next to Nicky on a couch that faced another couch with Adam and Logan on it. Somehow Nicky had lost her towel in this movement and was beginning to play mind games with the boys across the room. She would spread her legs wide open showing all parts of her sexy sleek legs. Then she would lean back to stretch and let her small shirt expose her petite slender midriff. She would constantly adjust the top of her bikini from under her tight t-shirt to make sure her breasts were presenting perfectly for them. She was delightfully enjoying the looks of lust and couldn’t believe she had never done this before. It was a whole knew feeling and she loved it. Logan obviously loved it too because it was him who suggested that they play strip poker. Jack rolled his eyes at first, but he just about dropped his jaw when Nicky agreed. And so Adam got some cards and they began to play.

As it turned out, Nicky was good at playing cards. She had only lost her shirt so far and two boys were down to their boxers and t-shirts. Logan only had his boxers left. It was at this point in the game where things started to change. Nicky’s full bikini-clad body was now in full view again and all three boys were struggling with raging hard-ons, something not easily hidden under boxers. Logan, being drunk, stood up to grab another beer. Nicky blushed as she saw his rod straining against his boxers. Had she gone too far? She had never seen this before. What could she do? She was very curious about this new eye candy and couldn’t help but take a couple glances. She felt a surge when she looked Adams way and noticed he had a bulge in his boxers as well. She had never been in a situation like this before.

While all of this was going on in a matter of seconds, it was Jack who had the biggest problem. You see, Jack wasn’t your ordinary male. He had been told that he was hung like a horse and that may be an understatement. Jack’s cock was huge. Thirteen inches huge. It was no laughing matter and he was well known for it, but in situations like this it was especially hard to hide. It, as it normally does, travelled up the left side of his boxer leg and was beginning to pop out from underneath. He needed to start controlling himself. Nicky was completely unaware of this as she turned to look at Jack because it was his turn…. Jack was turned on completely as Nicky moved her sexy body towards him to acknowledge his turn. It had no sexual intentions, but just the soul fact of her perfect body getting closer to his and staring him in the eyes caused his cock to spring out with lust. He felt his cock head travel all the way through his left boxer leg and become exposed along with several inches of his thick shaft. The head of his throbbing cock was now in full view of Nicky only inches away at his left side.

Jack looked down at his cock and Nicky’s eyes followed. She gasped….. “HOLY SHIT!!”, “Is that…. but….. it’s soo……what….” Nicky half screamed and jumped back a little. She had never, ever, seen a cock so big. In fact, she had never even seen a hard-on in real life before. Nicky was racking her memory of what her girlfriends had said about cocks. They had always said six or eight inches max. Never this. It can’t be real. This must be a sick joke. She stuck with this. What else could it be? Surely not real?... “Nice try… Very … funny”, she said looking Jack in the face. She couldn’t look down again. Her nerves were driving her crazy. Was she horny? She was defiantly curious. Yes, part of her defiantly wanted to look again.

Jack half blushed. Obviously the time to be courteous went out the window. He replied, “No joke… hehe…It’s as real as it gets” Why not he thought? Things were happening faster now and this was the topic of discussion. “I’ll prove it!” Jack stood up and dropped his boxers.
Nicky’s gaze immediately dropped and became transfixed on the monster cock that was swaying ominously back and forth. Thirteen inches of thick pulsating shaft led to a huge bulging mushroom head that looked as though it might burst. She could hardly see the outline of his balls behind the massive cock. So much cock. She stared with her jaw wide open. “Wow….. Jack, that’s….. hehe…. wow!” Her face was beat red.

Jack stood there looking at her perfect body that was so ready to fuck. He wanted to start fucking her so bad, but it was Nicky who would lead this encounter. She was hooked on this cock. Never had she been so close, so turned on. She was losing control.
She dropped to her knees and asked, almost pleadingly, “Can I touch it?”
“Only if you let me and my friends do whatever we want with you tonight.”, said Jack, thinking on his toes.
Ofcourse she would agree. Her sexual desires overtook her. She didn’t want to be a virgin anymore. She wanted this cock so bad she would have paid for it.

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