I am a huge Nancy Wilson fan so just the fact that Nancy did the video required me to puhracse it. It was great having the focus on Nancy while she chats about her music and plays guitar. It felt very Up close and personal . I loved every minute of it. However; trying to follow her instruction made me realize I am incapable of re-creating anything Nancy does on her guitar. She is just too far out of my league. I thought I was a pretty decent acoustic guitar player until I watched this video. Not even her verbal explanations and visual demonstrations enabled me to play these songs with any confidence. Because of my faith that Ms. Wilson is perfect .. the fault must lie with me.
Posted by Dylan
The David Campbell affair. I never watch 7 News but I got the gist of it. Campbell was phorogtaphed coming out of a gay sex club which he had driven to in a Ministerial car.Last time I looked, in NSW Ministers could use Government cars for personal use.And, last time I looked, peoples' sex lives were their own private business.Sure, he's going to have some issues to work through with his family. And there are questions about the morality of the betrayal of a terminally ill spouse. But again, that is Campbell's personal business.If the ill-considered judgements and acts we all at sometimes fall into in our in our personal lives are to used as markers of integrity in our professional lives its highly likely everyone in the country lacks integrity at some time or other.This wasn't just a spin or a beat up by 7. It was a gross intrusion of privacy and a misuse of media power.
Posted by Vejhai
Actually, it's worse than that. If every American, that is everyone from 0-120 years old, were to sudlendy become unemployed, we would only have 305million unemployed. Now if you count the illegal aliens, it might be a little worse...I never thought of my 3 year old grandson as being unemployed...
Walking past my step-daughter's window one evening gave me a new outlook on...
Walking past my step-daughter's window one night gave me a unexpected thrill.