New Years Kiss
“When are you expected home? Won’t you be missed soon?” He was aware his
query sounded a bit more like begging not to go than trying to stop anything.
Janice pulled his face up to hers, an impish smile playing on her, “No, not very
soon. But is it a cooling off period? Time to think about this?”
Gord looked down with relief and gratitude, “Time to think about this, all
right. You good for some cold pizza?
She was. It’s what had taken her to the corner store in the first place. Him too, apparently, because that was what he had brought home. Walking to the kitchen, Jan made a move to pull her top back up, then checked herself. She had no reason to cover for Gord, and she certainly wasn’t ashamed of what they had done, and she liked how Gord’s eyes never stayed away long. It was enough to keep a girl hard and pointy. They munched a wedge apiece in that manner, silently, just studying the other’s face, in Gord’s case her face and breasts. Her reflection in the big mirror hanging over the dining table caught her eye, and she started to think she was standing with her tube top around her waist, generous tits exposed to the next door neighbour, just some sweat pants between her and nakedness. Still, she made a nice picture, especially when Gord moved behind her to see what had caught her attention.
“Nice couple,” he murmured.
“Us, or my boobs?” Janet was impish again.
“Your boobs. Well, us too.” Gord’s hands reclaimed the displayed breasts, “Do
you know what might have happened if you didn’t live next door and wouldn’t have
been missed?” His fingers gently twisted her nipples, sending electric shocks
down to her groin, as if to emphasize the peril she had been in.
Janice studied his face soberly, “Would you have fucked me?” She accepted his nod. “Good. You should know my folks are out of town playing tennis till tomorrow night.” She watched his eyes grow wide, then , as his hands fell off her breasts, she forcefully guided the right down her tummy, under her tube and sweat waste band and down to her crotch. She didn’t know exactly what might happen from here, but she had seen the mechanics online, and thought the end might be worth a voyage of discovery. Now she was doubly glad she had showered just before going to the store. Even now his fingers were doing magic down there, and she couldn’t imagine what other delights were in store. She had played with herself, of course, in the times after a petting session with Gord, but never got the tickles now radiating through her genitals. She had never cum before, and wondered how big it was going to be, and how much the pain she had heard about might be. She didn’t care about that.
Gord was revelling in the wetness and eagerness of her pussy, as he now did expert things to her clit. This was a new ball game. He wasn’t seducing the girl next door, he was making love to an angel who frankly told him she wanted him to. He chuckled as the shock of his finger penetrating and finding a sweet spot just inside, just where it is in Ruth. Ruth had had to coach him till he could find it by himself. Now Jan was squirming over the skill. Ruth would have been proud, or maybe not. Her clothes were now a puddle around her ankles, her hands behind her back fumbling with his fly, only succeeding with his help. She gasped again at the size of his boner in her hands. She had seen pictures, but had always assumed they had been doctored for size. Gord was a handful, and she had second thoughts about how much pain she might be able to take. But that wasn’t an issue right now.
“I want to be really wicked.” Jan gasped, “Would it be too, too bad if we fucked on Ruth’s bed? I mean, is that any worse than fucking at all?”
Gord’s tee as they made it down the hall was the last bit of clothing to hit the floor. Gord even threw the bed open for her and they chastely climbed in together and pulled the covers back up. Then their tongues were duelling again as so many time in the past year, but his time with new meaning as his cock probed to find its way between her thighs. Gord thought it might be a nice touch to eat her a bit, but then shelved the idea for a future joust. Time to do this before the bubble could possibly burst. Jan herself was doing what she could to pull him on top. Then she had him there, and closed her eyes in anticipation of what it might feel like, this thing she had been wanting so long, not so much from Gord, because he was supposedly out of reach, but from Kenneth, the poor dummy. She could feel the boner poking in the area, and tried to help position her pussy for the attack, but for a panicky second she felt it wasn’t working, that she was thwarted.
Gord took his weight on his hands and grinned down at her, “You got to do
your bit, sweet cheeks, You have to show you really want him. Take hold and show
him the way, tell me when to push. Tell me when to back off so as not to hurt
you.” As he coached she found the opening with his slippery head, and felt
herself opening to take him, then an almost audible pop!, and she had a cock, at
least part of it, in her. It was big, bigger than she could have imagined, but
she was managing, and able to encourage Gord to make his way further. She
revelled in the feeling that he was making short strokes now, and , even if the
sky now fell, she could say proudly that she was no virgin, she had fucked a
man! But she had little time for that extraneous thought, fun as it was. Now
they could both feel an obstacle, and Gord was looking anxiously into her eyes.
She resolutely closed them, “Do it. Fuck me. I want you in me all the way” The last was half choked off as Gord heaved into her, breaking all before him, not stopping till his pube bottomed on hers. He rested, letting Jan get used to the stretch, maybe let the pain subside. Her eyes were open now and looking up at him adoringly. “That was bit sharp, but its not bad now. Have I got it all? Just be still a minute, let me feel you. I’ve wanted this, I just had no idea it might be you. I’m glad it was you. Let me kiss you.”
As they played tongue play, she could feel his cock slowly pull back, and grunted in protest, then gasped as he again gave her the full shaft. She was tender, but it was manageable, and she didn’t wince as he turned it into slow, short strokes. All tickles were absent now, but she could feel his pleasure radiate into her, knew she was making him feel good, and she knew she would get her turn. Gord for his part could tell his prize for all her bravery wasn’t pain free, but knew that if he withdrew she would forever feel like she had failed. Besides, he was feeling awfully good, so he didn’t try to stop or slow the orgasm building in him, just mitigated the battering of her poor bruised pussy by using short, gentle strokes. Then he was grunting his ecstasy as he emptied his very soul into her womb. Jan felt the influx, glorified in the whimpers he was unable to contain, wondered for a moment when he would stop filling her as already she could feel cum squishing past his charger. Then, after a second or two pause, Gord gave a few spastic after shock thrusts, and she was delighted to feel an electric tickle instead of the pain. Her obvious pleasure delighted Gord even more as he gently coaxed her to higher plateaus until she couldn’t help but hump back into him, grinding her clit against him, totally unable to feel her recent wound over her present ecstasy. She would have many thousands of better orgasms in her future, but she had no knowledge or care for that now. This was the first, and it happened on her first fuck, and she knew that didn’t happen to most girls.
Jan thought dreamily about Ruth and what she might think if she knew. She was fully expecting to feel extreme remorse and regret, and was a little surprised when the feelings never surfaced. She was sure Gord must be feeling them. She had avoided meeting his eyes as they shared a shower. There had been very little blood mixed with his cum, only a tiny spot on the sheets, but she imagined Gord must me in agonies in how he was going to hide that evidence. All she could feel was the hope they might do it again before the guilt set in. Her hopes were soon answered there, as Gord’s fingers began tracing tickle patterns around her thighs. Gratefully she attacked his body, wantonly gluing herself to him, feeling his charger hardening against her belly, not even wondering how sore she might be from the first onslaught. She giggled wildly when he straddled her and rubbed his boner between her breasts, the head bumping under her chin. Then he quickly switched ends, her thighs covering his ears, her whole field of vision filled with a hardon, thinking giddily she had more to look at than he did, before the shock of his tongue had her not thinking at all. Once in the middle she took his cock in her mouth, then quickly expelled it before her spastic nerves and young teeth did serious damage. Maybe later, if it was still hard
She was still flying when she felt him enter her, and braced for the pain, and got only a full feeling as he slid home, then she was cumming again, this time with a full pussy and her whole pelvic area. How many waves? Only that suddenly Gord was humping madly and filling her again so it must have been a few minutes. She knew enough that the second time took a bit longer for a guy., if it happened at all. Then all she wanted was sleep, to be left to drift on her cloud of wispy tickles
Gord gazed fondly at the sleeping nymph beside him. The last light of day was fading through the window, making him wonder how many more times he could make it with Jan before her parents got home tomorrow. He thought of Ruth sleeping alone tonight, unless she had met someone interesting at the conference. Possible, but not likely. She was pretty picky, and he liked it that way. He liked watching her fuck, but only if the stud was up to standard. They had never even talked of him having strange sex. Ruth was such a sweet delectable little dish, it wasn’t hard to think of other women not measuring up. Jan was his first since marrying, and even she wasn’t in the plan, she just happened. What now wasn’t a question Gord had ever thought he might have to answer. Would Jan lay a claim on him, despite him being more than ten years older? Jerry had thought Ruth might like to live with him, but he came around when Ruth patiently explained she could never leave a man who found her exciting new lovers in exchange for one who thought he might be the only one.
Gord retrieved an envelope of pictures from his bedside table, and found one
of Jerry’s backside almost completely hiding Ruth’s flailing legs, her hands
clawing at his back. This was taken long after he had settled into his present
role, Ruth being just a stop on his trap line.
“Wow!, who is that?” Jan’s eyes had opened enough to focus on the scene. “Holy
smoke. She isn’t very big is she? Is he hurting her?” Jerry’s dark skin was
shiny with sweat, contrasting sharply with Ruth’s ivory skin.
“I wouldn’t let anyone hurt my little Ruth,” Gord said gently, watching for her
reaction as what he had said sunk in. “I can show you more pics if you like. I
take lots. Maybe Ruth can take some of you and me sometime.”
Jan’s eyes were wide, “Wow!!, would she? You mean she won’t mind you fucking me?
Oh, Gord, its such a relief. I was afraid I might be screwing a marriage up.
Sure, Ruth can take all the pictures she wants.”
Gord recoiled under the barrage of relief.. He was feeling a bit himself. Suddenly he felt capable of fucking non-stop for the next 24 hours. The thought drifted by that Jerry and for that matter Paul might like to fuck Jan. Ruth couldn’t complain about that, as long as she got her share. How could he engineer that?
He didn’t have to. Nan was impish again as she looked through the deck of
snaps. “OOOOh , Gord, I count at least four different guys here. Am I going to
be expected to fuck them too?” She searched his face for misgiving, “Would you
mind if I did?”
Gord guffawed, “How could I say no to a girl who lets me fuck her and still fuck
Ruth? Of course you can fuck any and all of them, one at a time or all together.
Plus all the others you come across yourself. Just save a bit for the first guy
once in a while. Would you like to sit on something hard?”
This is the story of how me and my my virgin gf started getting involved in sexual activities which finally led to sex... |
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