Neighborhood Restaurant Surprise - Kimi
My cock was completely coated with slick semen and Kimi wasted no time in
reaching inside my boxers and rubbing the slick fluid all over my cock. She even
took one hand out and rubbed the clear natural lubricant into her nipples. “Wow
this girl is sexy,” I thought.
I needed her lips around my cock and her tongue working its way around my
swollen dick. So, I gently put my hands on the back of her head and pulled her
closer to my cock. She bent forward and took my cock in her mouth, swirling her
tongue around the most sensitive places.
“She even knows where it feels best,” I thought to myself in amazement.
“Kimi, you are incredible,” I vocalized while in ecstasy. “I’m going to orgasm
at any moment if you keep this up.”
Instead of backing off as most women do, this seemed to encourage Kimi. She took
one hand and began to stroke the base of my cock while keeping the head in her
mouth using her tongue to tickle the nerve centers.
Then she did it. She looked up at me with my cock buried in her gorgeous
face. Those Asian eyes, dark pools of beauty, looked straight up at me framed by
blue-black shining hair. That was it. It was better than any movie or fantasy
could deliver to the visual cortex. I yelled “I’m coming Kimi, I’m coming!”
Kimi tightened her hand around my shaft and took the first volley in her mouth,
she then back off with eyes closed and directed my spurts all over her face,
hair and breasts.
I couldn’t believe either how good it felt or how sexy it looked. “Wow!” I
thought, over and over again as I caught my breath and came down from an
orgasmic high.
Kimi pulled herself up and climbed right back up on my lap now with my messy
cock out and rubbing against her thigh spreading come over her black stockings.
She used both hands to rub my come into her tits, chest, and neck like it was
fine lotion. Just watching this was incredible. She took strands of come from
her hair and rubbed into her breasts. Then the few globs left on her face she
moved with a finger to her mouth.
I was already getting stiff again just watching this show. I had about
decided that this never happened except in movies or when some girl was drunk.
They usually recoil at come or ingest as little as possible wiping the excess of
with a tissue or something. But here was Kimi putting a show that would rival
any porn star, and doing so on my lap with my come!
And before I could be shocked at what was to come, she did what was certainly a
first for me; she leaned in to kiss me. I didn’t back away and was intrigued by
her lips covered in my come. As soon as our lips parted she began pushing my
come into my mouth and sharing it with me between our tongues as the danced.
This was new for me and due to the passion of the moment not at all
We kissed like this for some time with me backing off to lick her face clean of what was left from my explosion. Each time taking the residue back to her mouth and sharing it in a deep kiss. Frankly, I’d never been so intimately turned on.
IV – The surprise
Kimi shifted positions so that she was sitting next to me with her legs under
her as girls often do. Her leather skirt was back to about mid-thigh and her
blouse was now in the floor leaving just her lacy black a-cup bra pulled back up
over her nipples to keep warm. As we sat, Kimi unbuttoned the rest of my shirt
buttons and was stroking me across my chest moving to my cock occasionally which
kept it fully stiff.
Kimi kissed me lightly, rested her head on my shoulder, and then went back to
licking my neck and ear which I like as much as any woman.
Then she began to talk to me about how glad she was that we met and how
attracted she had been to me at the restaurant the night before when we had met.
She said that all of the girls told her that I was a very nice guy and one even
encouraged her to hit on me. She said that because she was a few years older
than them, they somehow considered her 24 years of age to be about the same as
my 40!
We both laughed at this and returned to a passionate kiss. As we began to become
more active with our hands caressing each other, Kimi suddenly stopped, pulled
back a few inches, looked me in the eyes and then cast her eyes down as if about
to speak but afraid to do so.
“What’s wrong Kimi?” I asked.
“I must confess something to you and it frightens me,” she said seriously.
I pulled her tightly against me with her chin on my shoulder, mouth close to me
ear, and told her to whisper to me what it.
“We’ve just shared an incredible intimate moment Kimi,” I said. “There shouldn’t
be anything you can’t tell me. I promise I’ll listen.”
“I can’t be that bad,” I tried to reassure her as she began to tremble and was
clearly crying, or sobbing, quietly.
I just held her tightly to comfort and reassure her. It would be foolish to
say that I was in love with this girl I’d just met. But, it would not be wrong
to say that I had stronger feelings for her already than any woman I’d ever met
including those with whom I had had long relationships.
Then in a whisper just barely perceptible even with her mouth so near my ear, I
heard: “I’m not normal,” more quite sobbing and then again “I’m not a normal
This tiny petite, Filipina beauty was trembling in my arms and I could not
imagine what is was that she was talking about. Did she have an STD? Was she
unable to have children?
I had been with a woman who could not have children and it did seem to be a
giant weight around her neck. Even when as a man I was glad of the fact for
sexual reasons, she seemed to think it made her a defective lover. So, my mind
thought about this and I reasoned that possibly this was the problem.
“Kimi, you can tell me whatever it is,” I said while stroking her soft hair.
“Is that you can’t have children, or something like that?” I ventured.
“Similar,” she said quietly as she began to sit up on my lap and face me.
With tears streaming down her beautiful face and a hand on each of my
shoulders, Kimi looked at me.
“Jack, I’m not a normal woman,” she said as I tried to look at her with an open
loving look.
“I’ve been a girl all of my life,” she continued. “But, I do not have a vagina,”
she paused tightening up with nerves, “I have a penis.”
As she said this she quickly pulled herself back into a hug with me so that she
could not see rejection, or worse, in my eyes. It was now Kimi who held me
tight, as if to keep me from becoming violent.
“If you want me to leave now I will,” she whispered in my ear.
“I do understand and it’s not fair to you what we’ve already done, I will go if
you tell me,” she repeated.
We paused in that position for a few moments, during which not a single
negative thought entered my mind. I was surprised because I was not angry, or
even disappointed. Instead all my thoughts were of empathy toward Kimi. I
thought of what fear she must have been in, what confusion she must have
endured. And then I thought about how attracted to her I was.
I pushed her back slightly so that she was looking at me. She averted her eyes
so I put my finger under her chin and directed her softly to look at me.
“Kimi, putting the incredible, and I mean incredible, sex aside, today with you
has been one of the best days of my life. Everything about you is wonderful and
we both experienced a connection that, at least to me, is as strong as I’ve ever
felt with another person,” I said.
“I do not want you to leave. Not now, not anytime soon. I want more than
anything to be with you and learn more of each other,” I added.
“Kiss me,” I commanded, and she did.
V – The Disclosure
Now that her secret was known to me, I was not even slightly less attracted to
Kimi than I had been all along. I did however, have some questions for her that
could wait for a later time. Now as the time to show her how much I was
attracted to her even if she wasn’t a “normal woman.”
We continued kissing passionately and my hands were again squeezing her ass
through her sexy panties and rubbing the backs of her legs. The tears were gone,
replaced by a look of love and passion.
Then, I asked her: “Kimi, do something for me please. Standup here, in front of
Kimi moved off my lap and stood before me. Standing there in her black
stockings, leather skirt, bra, and sensual long hair, she was the picture of
feminine beauty.
“Take off your skirt for me please,” I said as gently and nicely as I could, not
wanting her to be nervous any more than she already was.
She reached to the side and unzipped her skirt letting it fall to the floor. She
was a vision of loveliness in her lace topped stockings, matching panties and
bra. I could see, for the first time, a slight area of something under her
panties not normally seen in a “normal woman.”
“Now your panties, sweetheart,” I commanded gently while putting a hand on my
cock feeling that it was at full tumescence.
Kimi began pulling down her panties slowly and as she did her smooth skin came
into view, hairless she was. Then a smallish cock, about ½ the size of mine came
into view. As she took her panties farther down, it became clear that her balls
were quite small and that she was completely hairless. All in all, even though I
was seeing a cock, it was all very feminine somehow.
Now loose, she let her panties fall to the floor and stepped out of them and the
skirt that lay at her ankles. She then stood there before me, hands at her
There is no telling what thoughts were going through her mind at this point.
Likely she was fearful that I would recoil, change my mind and reject her. But,
she had no need for such thoughts as I was under her spell completely.
In this instant of time, I began to think of all the fantasies I’d had over
the years. The anal play I’d loved when a past lover delighted in impaling me on
her vibrator. The great feeling I’d had on my cock when wearing a girlfriend’s
panties a time or two in love play. How, though I’d never been attracted to men,
I had desired a cock in my ass after the vibrator experiences. How I learned the
tremendous stimulation possible around the backdoor. And, how I had read a few
stories on-line about cross dressers and been made horny by them.
All of this took only seconds then I reached out to Kimi, her clit, as I started
to think of it at that moment, at face level as I was still seated on the sofa.
She moved forward and I reached around her hips to rub her ass this time without
panties between us.
I then leaned forward and took her semi-erect clit into my mouth. I pulled
her tight against me and worked my tongue on her clit feeling it grow slightly
in size and considerably in stiffness. Kimi now had her fingers running through
my hair as I sucked her cock and rubbed her ass.
After a few minutes I felt her pulling me up. I stood and we embraced. I was
amazing to feel her cock against mine. We kissed with deep passion.
I picked Kimi up in my arms in the manner I’d dreamed of before and carried her
to my bedroom where I placed her gently on my bed. I removed the remainder of my
clothing and to her surprise went straight for her clit with my mouth. I was
enchanted by her and there was nothing unpleasant at all about sucking and
licking her smallish cock. To the contrary, it was enjoyable and a unique
feeling in my mouth.
Soon Kimi had moved to where we were both on our sides and she was again
sucking my hard cock. But this time, and for the first time in my life, I had a
cock in my mouth too.
I used saliva and semen to rub around Kimi’s little asshole, or pussy, and I
inserted a finger slowly as my tongue swirled around the head of her clit. This
action caused Kimi to remove my cock from her mouth and begin concentrating on
what she was feeling.
I knew that I would take her come in my mouth just as she had done for me and
now I was ready. I took my free hand up to her small breasts and joined her own
fingers in stimulating her nipples. She was now on her back with me kneeling
over her fingering her pussy and sucking her clit.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she began to say in a staccato manner.
Then as she tensed her body, I felt her warm fluid shoot into my mouth. I
took it all inside saving to trade in sensual kisses as we had done before.
After Kimi’s clit had softened, I moved up first to her nipples and sucked them
spreading slick come over each of them and rubbing it in with my tongue. I then
moved to her to kiss her.
She opened her mouth but pushed my head up above her several inches. I read her
invitation and slowly let a long strand of white liquid slowly descend from my
mouth to hers watching it as it collected on her tongue. Then, she pulled me in
to kiss and we shared her essence.
Kimi and I lay together for another half hour just stroking and rubbing each
other. Then we began to talk. I asked her if she considered her ass to be her
pussy and if she wanted to be penetrated. She told me that indeed she did and
that she had penetrated herself in her ass since she was 18 years old using
a vibrator she gotten from another boy who took it from his sister or mother.
I learned that Kimi had been living as a girl fully since she finished primary
school and had attended secondary and preparatory school as a girl. That’s when
I told her of how hot I found the Japanese school girl uniforms. She assured me
that wearing such for me would be her pleasure.
Kimi also told me something that set some of my fears to rest. She had not been
sexually active in a big way, had only had a few lovers, and all of those were
years ago in prep school and one in college. And I was very surprised at the
next comment.
“I’ve had a lot of oral sex with those guys as well as some girl classmates
but, I’ve never had a real penis in my ass,” she said.
And before I could think of what to say she continued with, “I want you to be
the first.”
She knew my reaction by how tightly I hugged her. Of course I would be
tremendously honored. I had learned from my ass-play loving girlfriend years
before about lubrication and having had a fairly large vibrator in my own back
how a few times, was familiar with what was required.
We still had more than an hour before we would need to shower and get Kimi to
work so I bounded off to the bathroom, relieved and cleaned myself a bit, and
found a little used tube of KY lubricant.
When I returned Kimi was on the bed face down and had removed her bra. Her
smooth, hairless olive skin was so beautiful and the contrast with the lace top
of her stockings was very sexy. Her ass, while more flat as it is with Asians,
was very sexy in a differing way.
I moved up, straddling her legs and immediately began to touch, stimulate and
lubricate her pussy. She moved her legs farther apart as I began to finger her
pussy again.
Then, I turned Kimi over and lifted her feet to my shoulders. There was pure
affection present and we wanted to look into each other’s eyes as we made love.
I lined my cock up with her pussy after putting a pillow under her ass, and
began to enter her as she bit her lip. There was no sign of pain on her face,
more a look of overwhelming sensations. She had much experience taking a dildo
and had not difficulty with my throbbing cock.
When I was in fully, I remained still allowing Kimi to adjust to my presence and
to enjoy the sensations.
“Fantastic,” she said. “I can feel the heat and pulse of your body inside.”
“It’s so much better than the dildo!” she said as she began to almost laugh with
I began to stroke in and out and slow we built into a full rhythm. I was bending
forward licking Kimi’s nipples and kissing her as he pulled up to meet me. All
the while I was fucking her ass pussy with the clit between us.
“Please come inside me,” Kimi said to me as I increased the tempo of my
“It’s coming soon,” I said between vigorous strokes.
Looking at her as she pinched her nipples and licked her lips was a fabulous
I held her legs up on my shoulders and increased my pace one last time. Then I
pushed as deeply as possible and released my come.
“Incredible!” Kimi said as she described feeling the heat of my fluid deep
within her.
After becoming flaccid I withdrew, leaned forward and began sucking Kimi’s
clit-cock. I began stroking it with my hand as I licked the tip and in a short
moment, she shot her come on my face and on her little flat tummy.
We kissed for a bit and then I took her to the bathroom where we showered
together and cleaned our bodies with stimulating caresses. Kimi fingered my ass
while soaping me and saw the instant erection it created. She smiled and looked
at me while a finger was up my ass.
“Do you think you could fuck me sometime?” I asked.
“How about tonight after work”, she replied.
We kissed.
I took Kimi home as she had gotten a ride to lunch, not having a car, let her
change for work and then delivered her to work. And, I’m certain that several of
the waitresses spied our passionate kisses at the car.
One thing is certain; none of them would believe the Kimi is not a “normal
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