Natalie's New Job Part 3
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Natalie's little ploy had worked perfectly. Not only had she let Kimberly see her brother's bare butt but she had positioned him, in such a way, to conceal herself as well. She turned towards Mark so suddenly that Kim had no idea that her mother had removed the thong. As she had let it fall to the floor she had kicked it forward. Now, bumping herself against his shaft, she advanced toward the wall.
Thinking of giving him a thrill she grabbed him around the waist
and reined him in tight. His penis ground into her pubic hair and slid upwards along her slit. Letting him savor the feeling she reached back and twisted the knob on the wall.
As the bright ceiling light dimmed, to a softened yellow glow, she
contemplated her next undertaking. "Sweetheart," she said, glancing over Mark's shoulder, "be a dear Kim and get me a beer."
"Sure mom," she said getting off the couch.
As Kim approached, still wishing to conceal herself, she turned
Mark slightly towards her daughter as she passed. She knew that all she saw was her brother's bare behind. Even though she had looked down at the floor Natalie had made sure that the lacy white thong was
safety out of sight under the television stand.
Natalie watched her daughter leave the room. "Well, she'll be awhile." Releasing him she quickly turned towards the stereo preventing him from seeing her frontside.
Removing the CD from the tray she put it back in its case. "Yeah,
she'll be awhile, honey. There's no beer in the fridge."
Joining her side he grinned. "You mean she's got to get it from
the basement fridge?" He looked over at her taking the opporturnity to see her nicely shaped breasts close up. He even darted his eyes toward her crotch and saw his mother's bushy blonde thatch.
"Yup," Natalie replied as she slid the case into the tray. In her haste to insert it home she fumbled it. As it hit the floor Natalie
made a simple request. "Mark honey, be a dear and get that for me."
The tray, she had attempted to put it in, was to her left and so
was Mark. She watched him, out of the corner of her eye, stoop down
to pick it up. Thinking of a really risque idea she turned. She was in the perfect position now. She knew that, if her looked up, he'd easily see her pubic mound close up. She toyed another idea in her
mind as well. It was something she was sure that he would like.
As he began to stand up she closed in on him. Natalie realized, that if he dared, he could very easily nudge her crotch. She couldn't help but wonder what he'd actually do. She knew that he would probably stare at it. Even she was surprized at his action. It
was something she never would have suspected.
As Mark got up, having taken a few moments to admire the blonde hair directly in front of him, he moved a little closer to the light haired bush. Standing up slowly he glided his tongue on it savoring her slit. Regaining his feet he just smiled, satisfiedly, at her.
"Thanks, Mark," she said taking the case from his hand. Slowly she slid it into the holder being careful not to drop it a second time. The first time was an accident but, if she dropped it this time, he might construe it somewhat differently.
"Mom, you didn't tell me that," Kim exhausted as she came back into the den. "Oh, I hope you don't mind but I brought some sodas and cookies."
"Sorry about that, Kim, I forget," Natalie apologized still concealing herself. Turning her head towards Mark she made a simple request. "Could you get mommy's beer?"
Without thinking, without realizing that he was uncovered, he turned around to face his sister. He easily saw, even under the faint glow of the ceiling light, her startled expression, her giggling grin. As he sauntered towards her, letting her see openly his swaying erection and swinging balls, he had an idea.
He wondered what her reaction would be. He decided to play it out. Grabbing the beer, in her right hand, he yanked it quickly from
her grasp. His sudden movement caused her hand to flay itself, openly, against his hard member. He stammered a quick apology, hoping to calm her astonishment, "Sorry, sis."
"Oh, forget it," she answered, a slight smile on her lips.
Mark was surprized that Kimberly wasn't abhorred by his actions.
Handing the beer to his mother he turned back around. "So, Kim, you said you brought sodas and cookies? Where are they?" Under the dim lighting he really couldn't see much across the room.
"The cookies are right here, silly," she said advancing her left hand. "And, since I am not a juggler I put the sodas in my sash."
Watching her set the cookie platter down on the small table in front of the couch he asked, "Can I have one, sis?"
"Sure," she said, "you can have a cookie."
"No, I meant a soda," he laughed as he came over to her. Seeing she didn't offer him one he questioned her about it. "Well, can I have one or not?" He noticed that she had put them on either side of
the tied sash. "Come on sis, give me one, huh."
"Oh, your royal hiney wants one?" She joked, adding, "If you want one, you little twerp, get it yourself."
Looking down he could easily see where the sodas were. Stepping directly in front of her he realized that she still only had the sash
tied once. He also realized that Kimberly had wrapped the four foot long sash around the cans a few times.
She removed one, carefully, and opened it. Taking a sip she gushed, "Oh that's good." She turned slightly as she had removed the one can.
"Come on, Kim, give me one," he pleaded.
"Like I said, Mark, you get your own. I ain't your servant." Just for spite, having set hers down, she slid the other can directly behind the knot.
Mark looked at her, disgust in his eyes, and looked down. Though the robe had loosened up it still didn't reveal anything. He wondered if she was daring him to take the soda? She had pushed out her stomach to hold it behind the sash.
"Look here, Mark, I can't hold this thing forever," she remarked.
"Fine," he answered defiantly and reached for the top of the can.
However, daringly, Kim had loosened up a bit. As his hand reached for the can it slipped from behind the sash. He tried to catch the top of the can as it slipped but couldn't. Quickly he reached down
catching the bottom of it.
In his quick movement to grab the can he just reached from the top, past the loosened sash, and grabbed the can. However, in his haste to catch it, the back of his hand happened to slip under the robe, which had been loosened. He was surprized at the soft fuzz it
grazed against. Opening the can, he quipped, "Oh that is good." He smiled at her, stepped over the table, and sat down on the couch.
Kim turned around. "Think this is too loose?" She saw his nod and undid the sash completely, closed the robe tighter, disallowing
any glimpse beneath, and retied the sash.
Though Natalie had seen what had transpired she still hadn't revealed her nudity. Taking a sip of beer she glaned over her shoulder at them. "Hey, want I should put on some music?"
"Yeah super," Kim blurted out. Walking over to her mother she
finally realized that she was completely nude. "Oh, mom," she blushed, "how could you?"
Trying the innocent act Natalie simply asked, "Could what?"
"Oh, mom," Kim answered, "how could you let my brother see you
"What makes you think he saw anything?"
"You mean he didn't see anything?"
Still deceiving Kim she replied, "No, he didn't." Actually she
wasn't fibbing, too much anyway, since the dim light accompanied by the dark corner, really didn't allow too much of a view. Natalie, even by her standards, dared herself and stepped over to the dimmer
switch on the wall. Turning it up to full brightness she turned to Kim, who was directly in front of her. "I'm going to get a cookie."
Trying to block her, Kim rebuked, "Mom, you can't! Not like that."
"Oh, poppycock," Natalie commented, "don't be so prissy." Shoving past Kim she knew that, under the bright light, Mark could see her
plainly. And she didn't care. Grabbing a cookie she tepped over the table and sat down on the couch. "Hey, Kimberly, bring my beer over here."
"Yeah, but first put on some music," Mark added.
Kim grabbed a compact disc and, inserting it, adjusted the volume lower. Grabbing her mother's beer she punched the play button. She
hadn't looked at what she had put in though. As she came towards the
couch the music began to play. Reaching over the table she handed the beer forward. "Here, mom."
"Oh, Mark," Natalie said embracing him, "don't you just love
that music?"
"Yeah, mom," he replied, "always did. Real catchy." He looked at her, glancing down at the blonde triangle, and said, "But I can't hear it too well."
Padding his leg with her other hand she simply said, "It is kind of low. You think, huh?"
"Yeah," Mark answered padding his mother's thigh. Her sudden movement caused an embarrassment to him.
With Kimberly facing them she witnessed his sudden movement. She
also noticed the hand slip on his leg engulfing his genitals. "Mom!"
"What's the matter now?"
"Your hand, mom."
"Oh, that," Natalie giggled, "don't worry about it." A wild thought crossed her mind. "Hey, how about this?" She squirmed on the
couch allowing Mark's hand to grope against her bush. "Just turn up
the music."
Kim sighed and adjusted the volume. "There," she said defiantly,
"that better?"
"I guess," Natalie replied. "At least we can hear it now." Removing her hand she readjusted herself disallowing Mark's hand as
well. Looking at Mark she asked, "What do you think, Mark?"
"I know she can, mom," he replied. "Kim's a great dancer."
"Can I what?" Kimberly confronted them emphatically.
Daringly Natalie inquired, "Can you dance to that?"
"Flashdance?" Kimberly smiled at Natalie. "Sure I could. It's so
damn easy."
"Care to demonstrate your expertise then?" Natalie asked.
"Actually, not really," Kimberly answered sheepishly.
"Mark, I think Kimberly can not dance to that."
"Yeah, I think you're right, mom."
"I can too dance to that. I just don't want too."
"Hey, you claim you can. Then prove it," Natalie remarked. Bluntly Natalie added, "Prove it, Kimberly. Dance to the fucking song." Natalie knew her daughter was a good dancer. And she knew that the song was a wild one. And, if Kim danced to the beat, it could be very enlightening.
"Fine then, I will prove it, smartass!" Kim blurted out and began to dance to the beat.
"Hey, not bad, eh Mom?"
"No, Mark, not bad at all. Actually very good. Check out her
fancy moves."
Kim knew, that if she actually pursued the beat, she just might
allow a peek under the robe. She stopped, momentarily, and looked over at the couch. She couldn't help but notice her brother's dick standing up between his legs nor could she not notice the light blonde triangle between her mother's legs. "Okay, here goes," Kim
commented, "now you see some fancy stuff."
As the song progressed she did some back flips, some leg spreads,
though she did them with her back to them. Then she decided to really get into it and turned sideways to the couch. "Watch this!"
Standing straight up she grinned at them. "Now watch," she said and flipped backwards. Applause greeted her ears as she began her movement. "Just watch," she said as she continued over.
Mark's eyes were glued to her movement as she she performed the
difficult backflip. His eyes bugged out in disbelief when she stood
upside down on her hands. For that movement, that quick movement,
caused her robe to fall against her shoulders. Though she was facing sideways he still caught a glimpse of her light blonde fuzz.
That blackflip had been the finale. As the song completed she regained her feet and recomposed her signity. "Well, did you enjoy that?"
"Oh yeah," Mark applauded.
"I thought you would." Turning to her mother she asked the same question.
"It was okay. Though you could have been a bit flashier."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Kim asked definatly putting her hands on her hips.
"Honestly, Kimberly," Natalie laughed, her breasts shaking right at her, "you might have shown a bit more skin."
"Oh, is that so?" She saw her nod and saw his beaming smiling nod. "Well, for your information, that song is not exactly right."
"What is that supposed to mean, young lady?"
"Well, really, mom," Kim answered, "you want to really see some
skin? You gotta play this one then." Removing the disc from the
stereo she stuck in a different one. Turning to face them she said,
"Now this one is much better." Kim smiled at Mark. "Hey, you wanna
learn to dance to this one, Mark?"
"Oh, I don't know, Kim," he stammered, "I ain't that good."
"Go ahead, Mark," Natalie shoved his shoulder, "dance with her."
"I guess," he reluctantly replied as he got up. Coming over to Kim he inquired, "What song you playing?"
"It's a good one I guarantee it, Mark," she answered. Taking his hands in her she added, "But you got to follow the words and dance accordingly."
"I'm not dancing be myself am I?"
"No, silly," Kim laughed jerking his hands. "Mark, would I be that mean? Surely I plan to dance, too."
"And you will follow the song?" Natalie couldn't help but ask.
"Sure, mom, just as it says. Every move, every step." She turned back to the stereo, pulling Mark with her. Her sudden pull caused his hand to glance against the terrycloth robe, glancing off a breast. Just before tapping the button she reiterated, "Every move,
every step." Seeing his hestitation, she calmed his nerves. "Oh, it'll be okay. Just follow my moves."
"Okay, Kim, if you insist. What song you playing?"
"Land of a Thousand Dances," was her reply. She tapped the bottom and drew him back to the center of the room. Her choice of music would allow her the priviledge of seeing his genitals bounce all over the place. She, also, realized that there was the possibility of her robe opening a little. She didn't want to think of that happening.
Though she did realize that if she got too frenzied it just might open up more than just a little.
The song reverberated its opening notes and Kim went nuts. Mark tried, desparately, to mimic her every move. Kim was a few feet away from him and, as he tried to mimic, she glanced down and smiled at his flopping dick and swinging balls. She could feel the sash loosen
it knot but she was enjoying herself.
As the song played into the second minute she got much friskier and noticed Mark was having a bit of difficulty following her. So, she clasped his hands and got him swinging to the beat. She, too, swung wilder to the drumming music. As she did so the robe began to
loosen itself with move she made. "Come on, Mark, work with me."
"Sorry, Kim," he replied still trying to copy her gyrations. "Oh
my," he thought, "she was really going nuts."
As the song continued she became so engrossed in it that she didn't realize that her tie continued to loosen itself. As the song
neared its final seconds she frenzied final, bold, gyrations.
Mark stood still, dumbfounded, at what he was witnessing. Kim had thrown her modesty to the wind and, as she danced wildly, the robe continued to open. He was getting a peek beneath her robe. And, considering the bright overhead light, he got a pretty decent glimpse.
However, her last bit really floored even him.
As the song closed its final seconds she, facing him, directly in his field of vision, much to his astonished amazement, flung her robe open completely and let it slip off her shoulders.
The song ended. She stood there, directly under the light, directly in his field of vision. She knew he was scoping her body.
"Hey, Mark," she praised grabbing his hands, "you were great."
"Thanks, sis, I tried," he smiled.
"Don't be so modest, silly," she giggled. Averting her eyes toward Natalie, she asked, "Agree, mom?"
"Absolutely, he was just great. And, you Kim, you were super."
She pulled Mark a bit closer and, together, they turned towards the couch. With bows, Kim gushed, "Thank you. Thank you." Turning to her brother, she commented, "You were really pretty good you know.
It was a pleasure to dance with you. Now give me a hug."
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