Natalie's New Job Part 2
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Smiling at Kim Natalie realized that she could really embarrass her daughter if she decided to show more than just a little belly, a
little thigh. She entertained just that notion as she winked at Mark.
Turning her attention to the stereo she programmed four songs into its memory.
Kim had caught her mother's wink to her brother. Apprehensively she advised, "Mom, you wouldn't? Would you?"
Teasingly, with a sexual tone, she answered, "Maybe." After checking her selection she wiggled her way towards the doorway. "I'm
going to change." Stepping through the open doorway she glanced over her shoulder. "Be right back."
"Mom," Kim advanced, "want some help?" Seeing her mother's nodding
smile she got up from the couch.
Anticipating a bit of a show Mark leaned forward on the couch. Though he had seen a bit of her breast he couldn't help but hope that
she might reward him with a more revealing glimpse. If her robe parted, just right, he might get the chance to catch a fleeting look at his sister's crotch. His attempts to catch that glimpse were thwarted by her modesty.
Arriving in her mother's bedroom Kim decided to confront her mother directly about her concerns. "Mom, you aren't considering,
well, you know."
"Don't be silly, Kim," she teased as she removed the pin from the
red plaid skirt, "I wouldn't even dream of doing that."
"That's a relief," Kim sighed watching her mother toss the skirt onto the bed.
"Kim, be honest with me now." Seeing Kim's eyes staring into hers,
she questioned, "You didn't think for a minute that I'd go all the way?"
"Well actually, mom, it did cross my mind."
"Oh Kim," Natalie joshed as she turned towards the dresser. "Now,
let's see, what should I wear?" Jokingly she withdrew a grungy fatigue jumpsuit from the drawer. Turning around, revealing her
selection, she wondered, "What about this?"
"Yeah, mom, that'd be great."
Tossing them onto the bed she rebuked, "I don't think so." Returning her hands to the drawer she withdrew her actual choice.
Displaying her choice over her shoulder she commented, "I'll wear this. It's sexier."
Sitting down on the bed, Kim sighed, "I guess."
Natalie had left the door open. She hoped, in the back of her mind, that Mark wouldn't be curious and creep upstairs. Though she
had entertained the thought of it she didn't relish it. She had no
qualms about Kim, though, and turned around. "This will do just fine."
Kim watched as her mother slipped off her panties. Though not
really concerned she was just curious. "Geez mom," she blurted out,
"you got a lot of hair!"
Jokingly Natalie soothed a hand through her shoulder length blonde
hair. "Yeah, I know."
"Mom," Kim blushed, "I didn't mean that." Advancing a finger towards her crotch she added, "I meant there."
As Kim pointed Natalie decided to tease her a bit and advanced herself quickly towards the pointing finger. Caught unawares Kim's
finger grazed against the light blonde pubic hair. Promiscuously she
turned causing her daughter's hand to palm itself against her.
"Oh mom," Kim blushed quickly withdrawing it.
Stepping into the thin white, somewhat revealing, thong she made
sure she didn't show anything. Wrapping the red plaid skirt about herself she dispensed with the pin. "Shall we go?" Watching her get off the bed she couldn't help but wonder. "Hell," she thought, "what harm would it do just to ask". Turning in the doorway she grinned at her daughter. "Hey, sweetie, you got any hair there?"
Kim glared at her mother as she came towards the doorway. Joining her side she could only blush. "Mom."
Entertaining her thoughts she slipped a hand onto her thigh. What would she encounter? Was Kim modestly dressed under the robe and wearing panties. Curiosity getting the best of her she slipped a hand into the robe. "Oh," she said. Rubbing her daughter she added,
"My my, sweetie, fuzzy."
Returning to the den Natalie went directly to the stereo as Kim sat down on the couch. Checking her selections she turned to them.
Hey, here's an idea," she beamed. Withdrawing some money from her
wallet she gave them each five singles. "You guys can tip me. Make me feel like this is the club."
Turning her attention back to the stereo she tapped the button. Stepping into the center of the room, under the ceiling light, she
waited for the song to begin. Standing there gave her time to reflect on just how far she'd actually go.
The song blared it first notes and she danced well. Wiggling her breasts, boucning them upward as well, throwing in a few pelvic thrusts, accompanied by a few fanny wiggles, she danced rather
provocatively to 'The Stripper'.
As the song progressed she teased them with bumps and grinds. The
little over two minute song gave her time to consider her options. As it neared the end of the second minute she untied her blouse and,
teasingly, undid two buttons. Could she bring herself to remove it?
As she she undid the last button she clutched the blouse closed.
She knew, considering her bra was an undercup affair with lace on top, she'd reveal a considerable amount if she discarded it. As the
song crescendoed she flung the blouse directly at Mark covering his
face with it. That ploy gave her just enough time to turn around.
She stood in the center of the room, with her back to them, waiting the few seconds for the next song to begin. As 'Rock and Roll 2' teased its first notes she wiggled her fanny. She even got bold enough to flap the back of her skirt towards them. The ten second flap allowed them to see her fanny with white material camouflaging its crack.
Advancing herself, backwards, toward them she stooped in front of
Kim. Resting a hand on her knee she thumbed her bra strap and looked over her shoulder. "Thanks, Kim," she said softly as the dollar got caught in the snapping back of the strap.
She slithered towards Mark. Just as he was about to slip a bill under the strap she turned sideways. "Uh uh," she teased, and turned to face him. "Slip it in right here." She cupped the bra shoving her
breasts together.
Mark couldn't help but stare. As his fingers advanced the bill towards the rounded tops of her cleavage she pushed herself forward a
bit more. Her sudden movement caused his fingers, still clutching the
dollar, to glance off the inside of her breasts. Without warning she
squirmed allowing a finger to glance against a nipple. "Oh mom," he blushed as she regained the center of the room.
Exposing her skimpy bra caused her a bit of concern though. She wondered if she should get friskier in her dancing. Considering her options she didn't want to get to frisky because she didn't want an accident. An accident that could cause embarrassment on not only
her part but her daughter's as well. She also considered whether she
should remove the skirt.
Dancing risquely, bumping and grinding, wiggling her top, she was
cautious not to be reveal anything. Considering the tight undercup
bra, coupled with the lacy top, it wasn't easy but she persevered.
As the song entered its final minute she solicited another tip from Kim. Advancing herself forward she allowed Kim the same privilege she had allowed Mark earlier. Bebopping her way towards Mark she solicited a tip from him as well. As his hand advanced towards her bra she fell backwards a bit and thumbed its bottom upward.
Mark understood where he was to put it this time. His fingers, nimbly, shoved the dollar in. What she did surprized him. As his fingers inserted the dollar she fell towards it causing his hand to
slide against a breast. Her sudden movement caused his hand to palm itself, flat, against the underside of it. A casual squirm caused his whole hand to squash itself against her nipple.
Retreating to the safety of the room center she danced a bit more
as the song began its final throes. As it crescendoed she slid her
hand into the waistband of the red plaid skirt and flung it free just
as the song ended.
Standing under the bright light in her undwear caused a little
apprehension. Though she had insinuated to Kim that she wouldn't show much she had adjusted the thong a bit. She had exited the bedroom first giving her ample time to adjust the thin white thong just right. It was a white lace affair which hugged her crotch tightly. Her adjustment of it, which was her intent, allowed some of
light blonde pubic hair to peak out.
As the third song blasted its first notes she got friskier with her dancing. For some reason, with 'Hot Stuff' filling the room, from stereo hi-fi speakers, caused her to disregard any notions of modesty that she might harbor. Though she didn't reveal anything in
its entirety she did tease them with drops of the lace bra top. She
even teased them with slight slips, and a little peek beneath, of her
thong. Though it was only a tease as she was, somewhat, protected by
the darkness of a corner, away from the lights, and she really didn't
let either of them see beneath it clearly.
Realizing she had over three and half minutes to perform this number she entertained some wild thoughts. She wondered if she should
advance herself that boldly. Moving towards the couch, pelvic thrusting her way forward, she snapped the elastic that hugged her crotch. Being under the ceiling light, and facing Mark, allowed him a peek at more pubic hair teasingly. Snapping the side strap of the thong at Kim she solicited not one, but two, dollars which amounted to one for each hip.
Now it was Mark's turn to tip her. Turning towards him she fell
to the floor and, humping the air, tightened the thong. She knew he was staring at it. She knew her could see the rounded bump of her
vaginal mound and pelvic thrust it towards him.
She questioned her thoughts as to whether to allow it. Pondering her ideas she gained her knees and rested her hands on his thighs.
Quite boldly she dropped her head into his lap as her hands glided
themselves under the towel. As her hands touched, she fondled his
genitals, and smiled up at him.
Knowing Kim would be peeved at her pondered action she grinned at Mark. Nudging his eyes towards the thong she, withdrawing her hands,
stooped directly in front of him. With her eyes drawing his down she
slipped a finger into the waistband of the thong. "Right there."
Smiling up at him she pulled the waistband forward a bit. Her next request startled him. "Fold it up," his mother said. Adding a
wry grin she continued, "Quarter it."
Folding the dollar into what she requested resulted in a very small
piece. Nimbly he slipped it in grazing her stomach. Considering the lowness of the thong he was awarded a touch of pubic hair. "Oh wow."
As his fingers grazed the top fringes of her pubic hair she looked over at Kim. Noticing her daughter was staring right into her thong, knowing she knew where his fingers were, she pondered her dilema.
"Oh my," she cooed stumbling to gain her feet.
Her stumbling caused a crimson hue to engulf his face. Not only did she stumble, but she stumbled upward, allowing his hand to delve deeper. She thought of her next move and, as the song neared the final thirty seconds, fell a bit forward. Her sudden movement caused his hand to slide down the pubic bush. "Oh my," she sighed as his
fingers touched the bottom of the bushy triangle.
Pulling back caused the thong to pull away allowing him a glancing peek at her blonde pubic hair. As she stood up, with his hand still beneath the thong, she exposed more of her uncovered crotch to him.
As the song ended she had regained the spotlighting ceiling light. Waiting the few seconds for the last song to begin she smiled at Mark shooting a pelvic thrust in his direction. Though she had allowed him to touch her breasts, allowed him to touch her vaginal mound, she wondered if she could bring herself to do it.
As the last song began to play she had thoughts of letting them see beneath the bra. She pondered, as the four minute song played, whether to allow them to see her breasts uncovered, unadorned by the undercupped lacy bra.
As 'You Sexy Thing' played out the first minute, her dancing quite risquely, she turned her back to them. Pausing a moment into the second minute she reached behind and unclasped it. Holding it tight she danced with her back to them. Wiggling her butt, quivering her cheeks, she stood up and turned around. Still clutching it about herself she teased them with a peek. That little peek revealed the top of aereolas. Continuing to tease them with peeks, getting a bit lower each time, she continued to dance out the second minute.
The second minute gave way to the third and she was happy at her little flaunt. She teased them, hinting at total exposure, but never let either Mark or Kim see her nipples. In the excitement of this fourth song, coupled with previous touching, she knew her nipples were swollen. She knew they were sticking out. Could she let them see her excitement? Could she allow them to see those succulent nipples?
She decided to tease them some more, solicit their last dollars. Advancing towards them she allowed Kim a generous feel, a little peek, of a hard nipple. She was careful not to let Mark see anything though.
Turning around to face him she stepped close to him. Teasingly she let the bra slip just enough to allow it to rest against her nipples. Sexually she intoned, "Go ahead, honey, slip that dollar in." She pondered about if she should let her bra slip further. Should she let his fingers grace her hard, swollen, nipples? Should she let him feel her excited, slightly erotic, state? Or should she abandon any qualms and drop it completely?
The fourth minute began to blast its provacative tones and Natalie was excited, sexually excited, even aroused, at the thought of revealing her naked breasts. "Go ahead, Mark, stick it in," she pleaded.
She had let him touch her breasts, her nipples, and boldly, even let him savor her pubic hair. She decided on her course of action and, as he slipped the folded dollar into the low hanging bra, she flinched allowing his fingers to touch her swollen nipples. "Oh my," she sighed as his fingers massaged a nipple.
She realized, that as the fourth minute continued to beat, that not much time remained, and that she would have to decide now. With no hestitation she bent forward, allowing him to see her swollen nipples. She pulled back quickly. As his fingers were dislodged from her hard nipples the bra got yanked off.
Without skipping a beat she stood up, being quite close to him, allowing his lips to graze against her swollen nipples. She stepped backward under the ceiling light and let them both see her
nicely hspaed breasts with their hard nipples. She bounced them around as she danced, throwing in a few pelvic thrusts as well, and even let them see how nicely her thirtyfours hung.
Fourtyfive seconds remained of this final song. Could she jaybird herself? She had let them both see her naked breasts. She had let Kim see her naked vaginal mound, adorned only by her light blonde hair. Did she have enough gumption, enough dare, to let Mark see it as well?
She decided to tease them both a little and, with her back to them, she slid the thong downward. Alowing them to see her entire fanny without the material cover this time. Bending over she wiggled it at them. She even slipped the thin strip aside allowing them to catch a fleeting glimpse of her twat.
As the last thirty seconds began to play she toyed with an idea. A scenario which would surely excite Mark and piss the hell out of Kim. Her idea, actually, was two-fold. Looking between her legs she becked Mark to join her on the floor.
As he walked towards the center of the room she let the back strap of the thong regain its height. Stooping down as he approached she beckoned his hands into the waistband. Readjusting his hands forward, above her crotch, she stood up just as the song ended.
His hands slid down abruptly. He had had a glancing feel of his mother's pubic mound. But now, with the abruptness of her standing, he got to feel more. He sighed as his hands groped against it.
She didn't care. She let him savor all of her sexuality. Slowly, without his knowledge, she reached back, and tucked a few fingers into the top of the towel he was wearing. Pulling forward a little, dislodging his hands from her groin, she pulled the towel with her, and discarded it to the side.
Feeling his erection against her leg she quickly turned around. Her sudden movement, accompanied by a forward movement, caused Mark's hard shaft to jam against her exposed pubic mound. Feeling moisture against her blonde hair she wiggled herself in closer letting the tip of it to savor the tip of her clitoris.
The beautiful young mistress of a spy unmasked during the French-Mexican war is forced to whore to save him from execution... |
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