Note : THis story is completely fictional!
A man I was in jail with near Cerre,I believe he was a pick pocket, told me an amazing story that both helped to pass the time as we waited for our court dates and made me think. Well in jail everyone lies but there was something about the way he told the story that rang true. And if you could see him deliver it you would be convinced that he was telling the truth.
He was old maybe 50ish and you could see he'd had a hard life. The subject was first lovers and he began a tale about a woman from the north named Nasika that was his first. He was young and living hard on the streets with 2 other street boys under a bridge at Camon. They would rob and steal for their daily bread and of course eventually ran a foul of the law. It was dangerous in those times the police were known to take you to the edge of town and shoot you. His friends got away but the police grabbed him in front of a basket shop and started beating the hell out of him. He was nearly 20 but living hand to mouth had stunted his growth and development and he looked more like a 18 year old. Well this is what saved him. The owner of the basket shop thought they were beating a kid to death and bravely intervened. She launched into the fray and pulled him away from the cops who kicked at her savagely but as she had a reputation for being a bit insane they let her take him. In those days crazy people were more feared than they are today. She was thought to have been possessed by demons that may jump out of her body and into yours.
Her name was Nasika and she was a 33 year old mother who owned the basket shop he was being beaten in front of. She was married to a miner who stayed away most of the week working in the mountains. She had had twins a girl and a boy but the boy died early on and that pushed her over the edge. She talked to her self and ranted at times but mostly she was sane. When she would go psychotic she would have visions and hear voices. Sometimes she would clear the basket shop and close for days. Her husband was at his wits end about her strange behavior and so stayed away. He took the job as a miner because it assured he would be way from home as much as possible. The narrator never gave his name really but I'll call him V. He was taken in by Nasika ostensibly to help around the shop. He had no interest in learning how to weave baskets and that was a shame because as it turns out Nasika's baskets are famous all over the country now. She was really an artistic genuis at weaving. V swept up and carried baskets and stacked inventory. He began to eat regularly for the first time since his parents died.
V became very attached to Nasika and she to him. She had saved him after all and
he seemed to sense that she saw her dead son in him.Or
you should say what her son may have looked like if he had lived. Her daughter
was nearly a year old now and V helped with her as well. Her husband was
skeptical of V but never bothered him much. He told Nasika that one day V would
rob them and cut their throats as they slept. But Nasika wouldn't hear of it. He
slept on a pallet by the shop entrance at night and they slept above in the
living Quarters. After a while Nasika got him an old army cot and he slept down
the hall from them.
A terrible thing happened next and it showed how true it was that Nasika had
saved V's life. His friends had tried to steal food and were cornered by the
police near the Bridge at Camon. Eyewitnesses say the police shot them down like
dogs without even asking them to surrender. When V heard this he was distraught.
Nasika spoke with her husband who had just been down by the bridge and he said
it was true.
V lay awake on his cot crying inconsolably. Those boys were the only family he had and he always believed they would be together again. That night as he sobbed he heard something and looked up to see Nasika standing over him in her night shirt. She seemed to be in one of her trances and babbled on about the baby. Suddenly she looked at him as if for the first time and said "Why You're just a child". Then she lay down on the cot with him and he cried on her shoulder. She caressed and soothed him as he poured tears. Then V said the amazing thing happened. Nasika lifted her night shirt and offered her breasts to him and before he knew it she had slipped one into his mouth and he was sucking it gently. It was so natural he just kept sucking it.
Because of the baby Nasika's breast were fat and full. It wasn't long before the milk flowed.The milk was watery at first then became a little thicker and tasted sweet and warm. He stayed on her tit for quite some time that night. At nearly 4am they heard her husband stir and get ready for work she quickly got up and put a finger to her mouth. She slipped away as quickly as she had appeared. He went to sleep with the milk taste in his mouth. It was a taste like melon and warm bread. That night he had a wet dream for the first time in his life.
The next day Nasika acted as if nothing had happened but she seemed warmer and friendlier to everybody. He even heard her sing a bit as he stacked baskets and she weaved. Around lunch time she called him into the back of the shop. Behind a dressing board she sat and pulled him to her lap and to his surprise she was wet and flowing before his mouth got on her. He suckled again for a time and she smoothed his hair and whispered nonsensically as he pressed the tit with his free hand. The milk this time whooshed into his mouth like expressed from a goat skin bladder. He sucked greedily as she moaned with pleasure.
He drank so much he became a little sick to his stomach but the feeling soon passed and he felt her moving him back down on the other breast. Afterwards she cleaned up and resumed her weaving as if nothing at all had happened.
Each night she would appear in his room and he would suckle and this went on for weeks until her husband nearly caught them. He had become addicted to the milk and didn't feel good unless he got some everyday. She enjoyed his needing her and would eat things he liked so that the milk tasted like that. But nothing was ever said between them. Her husband thought they were lovers and kicked V out at the point of a gun. Still Nasika would meet him and he would suckle but her mental state went downhill quickly after that and V believed that her husband had her committed. Still the sight of a plump nursing mother brings back the memories of Nasika and her milk which he claimed cured him of various maladies. Years later he went to the town looking for her but she was never seen again.
Follow up to husbands revenge... |
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