
(Part 1 from 1)

For years the drug companies have been looking for Hibercus a jungle plant said to heighten sexual experience for both men and women.According to legend the Napenthe people - also known as the "sex tribe" - were said to be experts in locating and using this rare plant.

After months of tracking my wife Sylvia and I found the tribe in one of the remotest areas of the rain forest.They were amazed that we
survived our trek through the forest but were even more fascinated by Slyvia's long red hair.The women touched it and pointed to her crotch.
"They want to know is it red down there too" I said picking up their meaning.

Soon the whole village was around us.The leader was Kuza a tall fellow with beautiful black hair that fell to his shoulders and the lean build of a hungry mountain wolf.
After much trouble I was able to make Kawe understand what we had come for.He agreed to give us some Hibercus but we had to participate in a ceremony that evening. We were so desperate to finally get our hands on the treasured Hibercus that we hastily agreed to it.

All we could think of was the fame and money our discovery would yield.We never dreamed of what the ceremony entailed.It was an unforgettable experience.
Sylvia was immediately taken up by the women and carried over their heads 3 times around the village.She was stripped in spite of her protests and stood up in front of the whole village. The young women danced around her. Sylvia has a beautiful body and this wasn't lost on the young men who sat fascinated on their haunches,some openly masturbating as the women chanted.
Sylvia tried to hide her nakedness but the women held her arms as Kuza ordered them to rub her down with oils. She was soon glistening and as her legs were held open a cheer went up at the site
of her red pubic hair.This was obviously something that marked her as having special sexual powers because the young men went crazy upon seeing it.There were maybe 20 of them and they all had erections which could not be hid by their flimsy loin cloths.

Feeling the situation getting out of hand I went to rescue my wife but all around me strong hands held me back.Something was pressed past my lips and a bitter liquid was poured down my throat.Immediately I was immobolized and I felt the liquid taking effect. It made me sluggish and woozy. It really disconnected me. I saw and heard everything but I was unable to move really.
They carried me into the ceremonial hut and placed me in a corner for what seemed like hours.Night fell and the chanting started again.All the while I watched them prepare the Hibercus.They worked it into a gel like substance which they spread over their cocks and then they drank a cocktail of some other root. I young man came over and pulled down my shorts,slowly he slathered the gel over my cock and as he worked it in I felt a warm sensation.My cock was getting hard and super erect. I drank the cocktail as it was passed to me and it gave me such a craving for sexual satisfaction that I was raring to fuck anything.

I saw the young man smile as my hard cock waved in front of him.He called out and that seemed to be the signal for the ceremony to start.
Sylvia was brought in by the women and placed on the altar at the front of the hut.She was a naked and adorned with a fertility belt on which hung a hide amulet.
Her stomach had been painted with tribal designs and she seemed drugged but aware.I tried to call to her but nothing came out of my mouth.

Kuza ascended the altar and as the women spread her legs he shaved Sylvia's cunt as the men chanted furiously.Her cunt hairs were distributed amongst the men who put them in their own fertility
amulets.Then he took hibercus gel and spread it all over her shaved cunt. The women made her drink so much of the cocktail that it spilled out the sides of her mouth.

After a while the women let her go and left the hut.Sylvia seemed to relax.She brought her legs up to her chest and fingered her pussy seemingly oblivious to the 40 pairs of eyes watching her.As she swirled her fingers in her cunt I could see how wet it was.Her pussy lips were swollen and puckered.

At a signal from Kuza all the young men of a certain age stood up.There must have been 10 of them.Kuza picked the best of the bunch to join him on the altar.The young man's dick was hard and stuck straight up he had to pressed it down as he mounted my wife.She felt the head work in and sighed loudly.The chanting stopped and there was only the hard breathing of Sylvia and the young man.
Slowly her pussy became compliant and he was all the way inside of her. She squirmed as he jabbed his rock hard cock into her like a rhythmic pile driver.I could see her nails digging into his back as she started to cum over and over. With each stroke he pushed her closer. 

"Oh God..." I heard her shout as her orgasm started.He shot his load soon after and rolled off spent and sweaty.Another young man got up and mounted her and through the course of the night she took all 10 young men. One after the other and 2 at a time when the previous ones got hard again. Once I looked up and she had three on her. One in her pussy one in her mouth and one in her hand.
Kuza stepped in after that and positioned her on her hands and knees ass up in the air. He called for a man in the back who strode forward his cock was the biggest in the village.She nearly fainted when she saw it.12 inches long and 4 inches around it was. 

He lubed her butt with gel and incredibly started sinking that monster in her asshole.

Sylvia screamed "It's breaking me in half"... but the monster kept plunging it into her, right up to the balls. She shuddered with each thrust crying for him to stop I thought.But as I listened closer I realised she was saying don't stop. The tears in her eyes were tears of multi-orgasmic joy. As he gained released his cock was slimy with anal mucus and cum. 

Kuza proudly held Sylvia's ass cheeks apart to show the others how much her asshole had been stretched. It looked like a gaping hole filled with a lake white cum that slowly oozed out onto her ravaged cunt.

With that Sylvia's ordeal and her part of the ceremony was over. Mine was just about to start though and if you like I'll tell that story too... stay tuned.

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She lay back against me and we both watched as her fingers hooked the side of her panties and pulled them out and my fingers stroked her pussy. My hand felt her hot wet pussy and I worked 2 fingers into her hole as my thumb stroked her clit!