Nap Time part II
This story is completely fictional, never try this this at home.
I called my x-wife Thursday evening to see what time she wanted me to pick the girls up Friday for my weekend with them. My x tells me Shelly is spending the night with a girlfriend, it would just be Susan, will that be ok? Hell yes! I thought to myself. I controlled my voice and told my x that was fine, and what time would Susan be ready? She told me at 7.
Friday evening Susan was lying down on her bed thinking, she couldn't believe her luck, Shelly got invited to spend the weekend with one of her friends and I get daddy to myself. MMMMMMM, I can still feel his dick in my mouth, it felt wonderful. What can I do to see him naked again, or maybe let him see me naked. Susan let out a little giggle. I need to come up with a plan. While Susan thought, she let her hand slide into her panties.
Steve arrived a few minutes before 7, he already had a semi hardon thinking about this weekend. He had to stay in ther car for a minute to try to get it down, the last thing he needed was to go to the door and have his x see him looking like this. He managed to get it down enough to knock on the door. He heard his x tell Susan her dad was at the door and it was Susan who opened the door moments later. On her way out the door her mom said "have a good time" Susan, with a big smile said, "Oh, I will. See ya." Steve looked down at his daughter and said "Hi ya squirt, how was your week?" Before Susan answered, she thought about seeing him squirt last week, she just giggled and went to the car.
On the way back to his apartment Susan asked what the plans are for the weekend? Steve replied "We'll just play it be ear" Both knew that wasn't exactly what they wanted to play with.
Once at the apartment, the normal rutine took over, putting away her bag of cloths and Steve started some dinner. While they ate the conversation was light, normal stuff, school, grades, sports etc. Susan asked why he was wearing slacks and a business shirt? Steve said "He just hadn't changed from what he wore to work" Susan told him "well, you go put some shorts on or something while I clean the table off" Steve looked at her and said "Deal, can't pass that up." He got up from the table and went down the hallway and into his room. He didn't close the door thinking Susan would still be in the kitchen. Susan had snuck down the hall as well, she couldn't peak around the door without being seen but she saw his dresser mirror and hoped that would do. She caught a glimpse of him taking off his shirt and hanging it up and then he sat on the bed and off came his shoes and socks. He stood up and took off his pants, hung those up. He bent over to pick up his walking shorts he had worn last week and before he put them on she was shocked to see him take off his underwear and then put on his walking shorts. She ran back to the kitchen and finished cleaning just as her daddy came back.
Susan said "You look a lot more comfortable that way" Thanks, Steve said "I feel better, what show did you pick out?" Susan lifted one and said "How about The Scare Crow?" Steve said "Didn't that one give you nightmares for a week once?" She just giggled, "yeal, well I was younger then." Ok, Steve said, "But first, take your shower and get dressed for bed, then we can watch the show."
Susan had an idea, she'll forget to take a towel with her and either ask dad to bring her one or come out and get one herself and hope he sees her. After Susan showered she turned off the water and steped out of the tub dripping wet. Her heart was pounding in her chest, which do I do, if I ask for a towel he'll just open the door a little and poke his hand through and hand it off. That's no good. I'll go out and get one, yeal that's it. She stood there with her hand on the door handle not moving. Finally she opened the door and walked into the hall and bumped into her dad coming from his bedroom. Susan fell backwards on the floor with her legs wide open. Steve stood there staring between his daughters legs into her virginal opening. His eyes went to her small breasts and nipples back to her virtually hairless pussy mound. He finally said "Are you ok, I'm sorry I didn't see you there" He bent over to give her a hand. She got up saying "I, I forgot my towel" with that she scurried back into the bathroom closing the door behind her. Susan stood there with her back to the door breathing hard and eyes closed, smileing. Judgeing by the tent in his shorts I think daddy liked what he saw.
Steve couldn't believe what just happened. He saw his beautiful daughter as naked as you can get sprawled on the floor. Looked into her tiny pussy. God, my dick is tring to poke through my shorts. He rubbed himself through his shorts and wondered if not wearing underwear was such a good idea or not. He had to stop rubbing or he'd cum right there. He knew it was wrong, but he now needed more than just looking at her. Needed much more.
When Susan came out of the bathroom she was wearing a T-shirt and panties and walked by Steve to put the movie in. Steve watched her walk by and saw her cute little bottom wiggle back and forth. Shit, he thought "This is going to be a long movie" Before the show started, Steve went to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet to see if he still had any of the sleeping pills he used to take when he couldn't sleep. He found the prescription, looked at the dates on it. It expired several months ago, but it still might work. He took out two of them, placed them in his pocket and joined Susan on the couch. The show was pretty predictable, but not too bad. Some good plots. About half was through the show he got up and told Susan he was getting a beer and would she like some milk or anything. Susan said "Some milk sounds good." He got the beer and milk out and poured some milk into a glass, he reached into his pocket and got the two sleeping pills. He put them on the counter top and using a large spoon he ground them into powder and mixed it into the milk, stirred it well and went back to the couch and gave Susan hers. Susan accepted the glass and drank half of it then. After 15 minutes had passed Steve watched her out of the corner of his eye and saw her head tilt back and forth. She shook her head a little bit tring to keep her eyes open and drank the rest of her milk. Sleep finally overtook Susan, Steve allowed her to stay there for another 10 minutes to make sure she was under.
He turned off the TV and picked Susan up and took her to her bedroom. He laid her onto her bed and stood over her. His hands were shakeing while he lifted her T-shirt to her arm pits and then completely off, she laid there only in her panties. He knelt down and kissed those little breasts of hers and sucked on her nipples. His hands explored her other breast and roamed over her stomach to the tops of her panties. He lifted his head from Susans chest and moved to her waist. He parted her legs and lowered his head down and smelled her panties and kissed her between her legs. Ahhhh, she smells so good. He put his hands on the hem of her panties and lifting her slightly and pulled her panties to her knees and finally off her. Susan, now totally naked before her daddy. Steve brought up her knees and spread her legs opening her as wide as possible, he brought his mouth to her pussy, smelling her sweet fragrance and extended his tounge to her opening, he licked her from the bottom to the top of her beautiful pussy lips. He inserted his tounge into the opening and heard her moan slightly but he wasn't able to stop. He forced his tounge into her as far as he could and wiggled his tounge while inside. Steve felt her body tense up and then shudder, he tasted her cum filling his mouth and drank it all and lapped for more. Her body went limp. He straightended her legs out and gently rolled her onto her stomach. He ran his hands over her pretty little ass and going up and down her crack. Steve always liked a womans butt but most of them didn't like that much attention paid to their ass's saying it was gross being played with. He spread Susan's ass and looked at her little puckered hole and let his finger rub around the opening. He licked his finger and put it to her hole and slowly put his finger inside her to his first joint. She was soooooo tight, he turned his finger slightly and pushed it in to his next joint. He slowly pulled out his finger only to push it back in again until his hole finger was buried into his daughters tight ass. He finger fucked her ass for quite a while, he removed it totally and went down with his tounge. Using his hands he spread her cheeks wide open and burried his face into Susans bottom shoving his tounge into her rectom as far as he could put it. This went on for almost a half hour. Steve rolled her onto her back ,he stood up, pulled off his shorts with his dick straight out like a steel rod. Without thinking he started masterbating. Within seconds he shot his load all over his daughter, her mouth and chest were covered with his cum. Susans mouth was partially opened and some of it went inside. Steve got a washcloth and cleaned her and her bed up and redressed Susan and kissed her and put his tounge into her mouth, for just a breif moment he could have sworn she had kissed him back. Steve went to his room and fell asleep.
Saturday morning Steve got up and went to make his morning coffee, while it was brewing he went to check on Susan. As he walked down the hall he had pangs of regret from what he did to his sleeping daughter. He opened her door and saw she was still asleep, he also saw her hand in her panties. He stood there awhile looking and wishing that was his hand, he felt his dick growing hard again, with one hand on his dick and the other on the door he pulled it closed and went to the bathroom for some relief.
Susan laid there on her bed tring to remember last night but couldn't. She didn't recall even getting into bed, oh, but what great dreams she had.
It was almost noon before he heard Susan moving in her room, he had finished his coffee and was reading the paper when she came around the corner to sit at the table with her dad. Steve said "Darn, girl. I thought you were going to sleep the day away." Susan looked at him and said "I don't know what happened, I never sleep that long and had some strange dreams last night too." Yeal, said Steve, "What type of dreams?" She replied, "Oh, well, you know just strange ones. Didn't make any sense." Steve got up and made some more coffee for himself while Susan got a bowl of cereal. While Susan ate Steve was still looking at the paper, he turned the page and saw an advertisement for hypnosis to stop smoking. MMMMMMMMMM, hypnosis. I have an idea he thought.
Their rutine was to swim in the afternoon and then either go out to eat and a movie, or to just kick back at the apartment. Susan said she felt a little tired still and decided to just stay in this weekend. Steve asked if she felt ok worried he may have given her too much in pills. She said "Maybe she just had too much sleep, that's all." Steve didn't want to push it so he didn't ask anything else.
The telephone rang and Susan answered it and then handed it to her dad. It was his associate from his job reminding him to be a half hour early Monday morning for the meeting, Steve thanked him for the call and pushed the off key on the cordless phone. Still holding the phone he told Susan he needed to have some privacy for the call and he went to his room pulling the door but not enough to close it all the way. He leaned back on his bed and pretended having a conversation. When he was sure Susan would be close by he said "yeal, when I was married, Linda and I went to this night club and they had this hypnotist on stage. Well, she thought it would be funny if I volunteered, so, what the heck. I went up there and in just two minutes I was under his spell. Well, guess I was glad I didn't know what had happened while I was under because when I woke up I had on someone elses pants on and the whole crowd was laughing their heads off" Steve pretended listening for awhile and then said "yeal, all he said to make me go under was -" NORTH,SOUTH 124 "- , yeal, that was it. I don't know, I guess some post hypnotic suggestion or something. Oh, he woke me up by saying "BUTTERCUPS" Steve paused awhile then laughed again and said good bye to the pretent person on the phone. He gave Susan enough time to get back to the living room before he came out.
Susan was on the couch watching TV when Steve came back to the room and didn't show any signs that she had even heard any of his play acting on the phone. Oh well, he thought, it was a good try. During a commerical Susan looked over at her daddy and told him that they were studing the Civil War in school and asked "If you were in that war, would you be on the NORTH or SOUTH side?" Steve tried to keep his smile off his face and just answered "the North side I suppose, why?"
Susan just said the teacher wanted us to ask our parents which side they would be on, that's all. Steve thought to himself, she thinks very quickly on her feet, even when she's sitting down, then gave himself a little inward smile.
Most of the evening was spent playing board games, monopoly and clue. It was getting close to dinner time and I suggested ordering a pizza, she quickly agreed. It arrived 30 minutes later and wasn't long til it was gone. I was cleaning up the mess while she brushed her teeth. When she came back to the room I asked her what show she wanted to see tonight she answered "NORTH, SOUTH 124" I just stood there pretending to be in a daze waiting to see what she would do next. I picked out a spot on the wall and stared at it. Susan came up to me not knowing what to do next. Susan thought to herself, ok, let's see if this works. She said "Bark like a dog." Steve barked 4 times. Susan said "Cool, ok pick your nose." Steve put his fingure in his nose. Susan said "This is great, ok, now rub your leg." Steve reached down and rubbed his leg. Susan said "Now, rub higher" Steve moved his have to the lower part of his shorts and rubbed. Susan again said "Higher" Steve now was rubbing his dick in front of his daughter. Susan let him rub there awhile and said "ok, take your shorts off" Steve pulled his shorts to his feet. Susan said "pull your underwear down" Steve pulled his underwear down to his feet. Susan stood there looking at her daddy naked and his dick sticking straight out at her. Susan said "wow!!!!!, ok, go to your bedroom and stand by your bed" Steve went.
Susan walked behind her daddy looking at his bottom as he went. Susan said "Undress me" Steve got on his knees and reached for his daughters shirt hoping his hands weren't shaking, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head and tossed it to the floor. He tugged at her shorts until they were at her ankles and then did the same to her panties, Susan stepped out of her clothes and stood before her daddy as naked as he was. Susan said "Pick me up and put me on your bed" Steve did so. She said "Lay down beside me" Steve laid down next to her. Susan took a deep breath and said "I am your girlfriend, do to me EVERYTHING you would normally do with any girlfriend"
Steve rolled over and kissed Susan deeply using his tounge, he felt Susan back off slightly at first and then kiss him back passionately. Steves hands explored Susans body, over her breats and lightly pinched her nipples. Down over her waist to her mound and finally between her open legs. She was very wet, her skin there was very warm, he allowed his middle finger to penatrate her pussy lips he heard her give out a deep moan. His finger went deeper and felt her hymen and stoped there. Still kissing Susan he withdrew his finger from her body. Susan's hands were all over Steve's body. His dick was shoving against her thighs, she broke from his kiss and slid down to take his member into her mouth.
Steve rolled onto his back and lifted Susan on his chest in a 69 possition. She still had his dick in her mouth working fevorioushly on him. Steve wrapped his arms around Susan's lower back and buried his face into her beautiful ass. He used his tounge from the top of her ass crack to the bottom of her pussy lips, each time he felt her body shake. He focused on her sweet pussy moving his tounge in and out, up and down until she stiffened and then with a loud moan came in his face. He moved her off of him and had her kneel with her legs spread over his waiting dick, Susan lowered herself to her daddy, he held his dick steady pointing straight up at Susan's pussy, she came lower and his head touched her lips, she lowered more and felt the tip part her lips slightly. Steve raised his hips some and made a little more penatration. Susan's eyes went wide open like saucers, she didn't know it would hurt so much and he wasn't even in her very far. She wanted to do this, her body was soaking wet, she bite her lip, held her breath and let her own weight force her down on her daddy's dick. A shooting white pain went through her, she yelled out in pain, and just went limp on Steve's chest. Steve put his arms around his daughter to comfort her knowing he let himself harm her. He was about to give up his play acting to help her when Susan moaned softly. She had had time to get use to him inside her and the pain has gone away. She started moving her hips slowly up and down and then quicker and quicker. Her body once again went stiff just as Steve shot his cum deep inside Susan, she yell again, this time with pleasure. Again she slumped over on his chest. After several minutes Susan slid off Steve's now limp dick and made her way to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Steve laid there while she was gone, he had to keep the pretense up being hypnotised. What seemed like hours Susan re-appeared and said for him to stand up. She had a wash cloth to wipe his body clean. When finished she told him to get dressed. Before leaveing his room Susan walked to her daddy gave him a big hug and said "Daddy, I love you and I always want to be your girlfriend. Susan went into the living room and turned on the TV and from there he heard her say "BUTTERCUP"
Steve walked into the room with Susan, she looked up at him and asked "Did you have a nice nap?" His only response was, "Yep, the best one I have had in years"
Thanks for reading the sequal, let me know what you think.
continue of #1... |
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