good story but not all men are bad. i'm sure there are sweet one some where in the world but liked your story
Posted by unu
Posted by Galaxy
If it's true, get over it. Are you going to deny yourself the rest of your life? Hot story, and the writing was great! Nine years? Get some help or get some, whatever it takes, don't continue celebacy. I understand your pain, but pleasure will get rid of the pain. I am writing an on-going story that many think helps them. Maybe read some of our experiences to get you excited again. Never look back. Galaxy
Posted by Ali
I also want to fuch u
Posted by Andrea
I understand what you went through I was 19 and he was 31 he pushed out the big "I love you" but was BS....then about 4 months later I finally decided to give myself to him and did several more times yes there was alot of blood and was more for aprox 3 more times....well he played with me and after a few months I learned he was still having sex with his ex after she called and ask me to come over only to find him drunk and passed out in her bed.....I know it sucks and you are hurt,but that is life some times your first no matter how bad you want to spend forever with is a prick but there are so many more out there.Eventually you will find him but dont give up on sex because its an amazing thing the pleasure and the release...time heals all pain but you have to help it.
Posted by Hari
Its nice
Posted by Arsh
I think he did well, he did everything he could to name you feel safe and secure... Yet you broke up with him, it's not his fault he sure his best to make you feel secure, you didn't tell him the truth about the pain that is why you are now in such trauma. Is say get out there and try men again, remember communication is important with having sex. I am a man, 20 years old, never had sex before, so I would use lots of communiction with my pusher engaging in sexual contact.
Posted by Dina
These pieces relaly set a standard in the industry.
Posted by jack
nice fucking those little ones and popping the cherrry
Posted by yungpus
jack, I agree iwas 14 when I fucked my next door neighbours 8 yr old daughter best cunt I ever had just wish I could find more her age
Sams husband was away and the store offered her a break from boring coffee mornings...