My Wife Abroad - Part 2

(Part 2 from 3)

His build implied an aura of respectability. Though he had perhaps done heavy labour for much of his life. His dark, deep skin had obviously spent too much time out in the sun. He certainly carried himself and my wife was confidently holding his eye. Seeing Thomas with food around his mouth she paused to clean him up. Then she turned to me and asked me what I thought. The restaurant was reasonably quiet. Perhaps because it was ludicrously overpriced. Taking a sip from my glass I had already decided that would like nothing more than to have this man screw my wife rigid. He probably had a very big cock and I kept telling myself this as she waited for an answer. Just then another couple with two young kids took a table behind us. They, like us where tourists. Ladled with beach things. Their arrival distracted me. Zoë and Thomas where entertaining themselves. Looking into Rachel’s eyes I nodded and stood to go to the bathroom. 

When I returned I got a wonderful surprise. Rachel had turned her chair to face the man and was sitting cross-legged, gently tapping her foot and smiling. She was completely unashamed, inviting this total stranger to enjoy her body. I shifted uncomfortably, noticing that several other people, including the young couple behind us where beginning to notice. It didn’t matter. Rachel loved the attention she was getting. The man too, was generously accepting my wife’s offer. Pausing regularly from his meal to sit back and admire her figure. His eyes where dark and sharp. I don’t think that even he could believe how bold she was being. Playing with her wedding ring, rotating it around her finger. There was a look of amusement on both their faces. Even so, as I took my seat I noticed my wife’s hand trembling. Hiding how nervous she must have felt. On her current path she would be getting every inch of his big, black cock before long and I just hoped I could be there to see it. 

Rachel boldly stood, satisfied that she had the man's full attention and walked over to his table. She introduced herself and putting down his glass, he told her to sit. I watched as they began light chat. His English was good, but broken in patches. Of course my wife was flirting. Leaning across the table and enjoying having his eyes all over her. He asked her where we were from. Rachel had no reason to lie to him. She said that we were English and on holiday. That we liked to visit Spain often. At this point he cast his gaze across our table. Towards Zoë, Thomas and myself. He knew what was going on. Rachel smiled knowingly and took a cigarette from her handbag. The man smoothly produced a lighter from his pocket. He lit hers then took one out of a packet for himself.

I could not take my eyes away. An air of proud and assured confidence about my wife. I listened. He seemed to say little as to his origin. Though Rachel did ask him and I was unsure if he was Spanish. Thomas asked why his mother was sitting at another table. I told him it would not be for long. Rachel was obviously very taken by her new friend. Their voices where often muffled by the bustle in the street but I listened as intently as I could. I heard the man sigh, his dinner finished. Neatly putting down his knife and fork he asked my wife to put her chair back. That he liked her legs very much and would enjoy a better view of them. Rachel laughed and did as she was told. Folding her hands in her lap and showing off her tits as well. 

The couple behind me where obviously listening in too. Muttering unhappily they knew what was going on. They quickly paid and left. Rachel seemed not to notice their look. Her bright, captivating look was settled on the older man in front of her. I truly believe she drew as much excitement from flirting and showing her body as from fucking. And I was sure that second part was about to come. At last Rachel sat forward and quietly put what I was sure was a proposition to him. She stood, smiling and came back to our table. My wife had a wicked look in her eyes as she asked me for some money to rent a room. I quickly, breathlessly counted out some notes and handed them to her. Then she walked back to his table and the pair of them stood. Her dress was so short. Her hips swaying a treat. I swallowed as they went together into the bar. The man several inches shorter but broad in stature. I knew he would be well hung and wondered if Rachel had thought that too. 

Time seemed to stand still and I checked my watch what seemed every few seconds. Enjoying my glass of wine and letting my thoughts run wild. For most of that time in full knowledge that the black man my wife had teased so was at that moment no doubt rogering her senseless in an upstairs room. She deserved it and I felt deep down that he did too. The kids where entertaining themselves, oblivious to all of it. The time wore on and on. For around 30 minutes I waited. The street beginning to quieten down as people went home. I was growing more impatient and nervy by the second. Eventually Rachel and the man remerged. Passing the waiter that had shown an interest in her earlier. My wife looked paler and a little shaken but was smiling broadly. A slight ginger-ness in her step.

She sat at our table, crossed her legs and gave a favourable look to her companion who joined us, grinning and shaking hands with Thomas. He had a look of relief about him. I would have loved to know what had gone on. Rachel introduced ‘Carlos’ to me. He put out his hand and I shook it. As a sign of generosity he ordered a pitcher of Retsina for us. We chatted about home and work. Rachel leading of course. Playing the hostess. Carlos himself was quite a character. He seemed loud and settled with his glass of wine. My wife unable to hide how attractive she found his manner. As I went to the bathroom a second time I noticed his hand lying on her thigh beneath the table. Her own hand was on top of his. Letting him know that she liked his touch. I knew right away that we where not finished yet. 

We agreed to return to our own hotel. As it happened Carlos had a car and was willing to drive us. He knew what he would be getting and my wife joined him in the front. She couldn’t take her eyes off him and obviously was very impressed by what had occurred between them. There was such chemistry. Carlos had a bold, familiar feel about him. Very comfortable with himself and I noticed he had a wedding ring of his own. When I asked him about it he reacted subtly. Responding casually to my question by adding he had four children of his own. The kids were bouncing about on the back seat. They liked Carlos and I had noticed this wasn’t lost on my wife. 

Of course there was quite a scene at the hotel. Especially as Rachel and Carlos walked together. My wife insisted being arm in arm with her new lover. I saw one of the staff raise her eyebrows when she saw my wife’s dress. As we made our way up in the lift I was glad we had two rooms. Otherwise I would have had to take Zoë and Thomas down to the lobby and I did not want to miss what was going to happen. Instead I took them inside while Rachel unlocked our adjoining room from the hall and showed Carlos in. She was most definitely willing. He in turn was honestly hungry for more of her body. Changing my shirt I looked in the mirror. Breathing heavily with anticipation. Then I went back to the main room where Zoë and Thomas where playing on the floor. 

I sat down with them. It was not long before the sounds began coming from the next room. My wife’s deep, muffled gasps of pleasure. 
‘Oh….yes..yes..’ over and over. The kids looked at each other. Wondering what the new, strange man was doing to their mother. I knew full well. Leaving them playing I stood on shaky legs. Feeling dizzy as I struggled to my feet. Unable to resist I knocked once, opened the side door and slipped through. The dimly lit, heat of the room hit me right away. Together with the sight and sound of Carlos vigorously fucking Rachel on the bed. The thin curtains where closed and as I stepped forward I stumbled on my wife dress. Lying discarded on the floor. Turning, I locking the door behind me.

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Strip, he commands. I am stunned I’m sorry? This is a strip search. Take off your clothes! I shouldn’t argue with the authority, I thought. One piece at a time, my clothes eventually is dropped on the floor.