My Weekend In Bondage
I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there.
Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about 5:00 pm Friday at the cabin they reserved for us. When I arrived at the cabin they was already there waiting for me with ropes in their hands. As soon as I walked in to the cabin with one of my bags, they told me to take my clothes off and put on my black nylon g-string. So, I went in the bedroom and took off my clothes and put on my g-string as told.
When I came back in to the living room they immediately grabbed my arms and Angi tied my hands behind my back. Then Jenny stuffed a big 2 1/2" yellow ballgag in my mouth and buckled it as tight as she could. The ball of the gag was completely inside my mouth and I couldn't say a word, just make mmmppphhhing sounds and grunts and groans. She buckled the strap of the ball gag so tight that the straps pressed deep into my cheeks and the corners of my mouth. Making my cheeks bulge from around the straps of the ballgag.
Angi took another long length of rope and tied my elbows tight together just above my elbows. Then she tied another length of rope around my forearms halfway between my elbows and my wrists. While Angi was tying my arms nice and tight. Jenny took a short length of rope and tied the center of the rope tight around my g-string pouch making it look like a big round black ball.
She passed the 2 ends of the rope between my thighs and up to my wrists tied behind my back. She passed the 2 ends of the rope between my wrists and over the rope binding my wrists together. Then she pulled down on the ends of the rope which forced my g-string pouch back between my thighs and up against my ass.
She continued to pull down on the ends of the rope until my hands and g-string pouch was tight together. Then she wrapped the remaining length of the ends of the rope in opposite directions around the rope between my pouch and hands and tied the ends in a knot. They like tying me this way, so they can swat my ass and cock & balls at the same time.
After they had my arms tightly tied and my hands tied tight to my g-string pouch. They tied the center of another length of rope tight around my pouch that my hands were tied to. Then they each took an end of the rope and tied their end of the rope to one of my ankles making the ropes short enough to make me bend my knees a bit.
When I straightened my legs the ropes pulled down on my cock & balls only as far as my hands tied to my g-string pouch would allow. So, when I tried to walk or run the ropes tied from my pouch to my feet would tug and jerk on my g-string pouch. They keep me tied up like this for bondage every time we get together. This is called my basic bondage, so they say.
After they finished getting me tied up in my basic bondage. They made me go back out to my pickup and bring the rest of my luggage back into the cabin. It was pretty dark outside by the time they finished getting me all tied up and ballgagged, so we didn't worry about being seen by anybody. Besides, the cabin we rented was pretty secluded away from the more populated areas. Angi spun me around and shoved me to get me walking towards the door and outside to my pickup. Every step I took the ropes tugged and jerked down on my cock & balls all the way to my pickup.
They followed behind me each of them with a plastic coat hanger in their hands to swat my ass and g-string pouch as hard as they can with, if I stopped walking. I only stopped a couple times on my way out to my pickup. When I finally got to my pickup they made me try to open the backseat door with the ballgag tight in my mouth, it wasn't easy to do.
I had to squat down until the ballgag was at the same level with the door handle. Then press the ball of my gag against the handle and try to push up on the door handle with the ballgag. Trying to keep pressure on the handle with the ballgag in my mouth and shuffling my feet to back up and open the door. Once I got the door opened enough to roll my shoulder around to push the door open the rest of the way.
Now that I finally got the door open I had to get both my other 2 bags out of the backseat of my pickup. The first one was fairly easy to get a hold of, I just had to turn around with my ass towards the backseat and step back until I felt the luggage handle with my fingers. Then just grasp the handle and step forward to slide the bag out and walk to the cabin with the bag in my hands behind my back.
After I put the first bag in my room I sat down on the edge of the bed to catch my breath. I could feel my g-string pouch being squashed under my ass when I sat down with my hands tied tight to it. Jenny came into my room and yelled at me "What the fuck do you think you're doing taking a break...get the fuck up and bend over bitch." I got up and turned around to bend over for her to swat my ass and pouch. She gave me about 12 really hard swats with the plastic coathanger. Then told me to head back out to my pickup and get my last bag. Which wasn't as easy as getting the first one was.
I had to turn around and sit on my g-string pouch squashing my cock & balls and scoot on my ass across the backseat to reach my last bag. Then lean forward to get my hands tied tight to my g-string pouch high enough to reach the handle of my bag with my fingers. When I grasp the handle I had to scoot forward on my ass and pouch until I reach the edge of the backseat and hopped out of the pickup. I had to back up to the door and use my right shoulder to close the door. Then I walked back to my room and dropped the bag on the floor next to my bed.
Once I had all my luggage in my bedroom Angi yelled at me to get my ass into the living room. When I came into the living room they grabbed me and forced me to the floor on my belly and tied my feet together then my knees. I rolled over on my back to see what they was up to and I saw them getting a couple leather belts from the coffee table and doubled them in half.
They immediately began swatting me with the belts on my belly, legs, and chest, before I rolled back on to my belly. They continued swatting me as I rolled over and now they was targeting my ass and g-string pouch, arms, shoulders, and back of my legs. But, they concentrated most of their swats to my ass and pouch swatting me as hard as they could. I kept rolling over on to my back and then back onto my belly and over and over several times during the swatting. After they was done swatting me they left me there on the floor moaning and groaning through the ballgag tight in my mouth.
After they figure I had rested enough about 10 minutes, they grabbed my feet and tied them tight to my g-string pouch in a hogtied position. They told me to struggle and wiggle and roll to make my way to the sofa and get in a position for them to use me as a foot rest while they watch TV. After the movie they was watching was over they untied my knees and got me sitting on my knees. Jenny buckled a dog collar around my neck and attached a chain leash to it and gave it a sharp jerk. I had to shuffle hogtied on my knees to move forward to where she wanted me to go. I could only move my whole body in sequence from left to right scooting a few inches forward at a time.
Each time I scooted the ropes would tug and jerk hard on my g-string pouch squashed between my ass and feet tied tight to my pouch. I could feel my cock & balls rubbing against the heels of my feet as I tried scooting on my knees. Jenny kept jerking on the leash to keep me moving. Angi would swat me as hard as she could with a leather belt, if I stopped scooting. They made me scoot around the living room then into the kitchen and back in to the living room again. For the rest of the night they untied me and let me get some sleep, but told me that tomorrow would be even funner.
When I woke up Saturday morning and refreshed myself in the bathroom. I went back in the living room wearing only my black nylon g-string and they immediately started tying me up again just like I was last night. You know my basic bondage way to start. This time before they tied my hands behind my back tight to my g-string pouch they shoved a big black butt plug in my ass. They told me that this time they was going to keep me tied up all day and all night. To start the day off they had me do some house work while tightly tied up.
The put a feather duster ballgag in my mouth, so I can do some dusting around the cabin. They gave me another feather duster in my hands tied behind my back and tight to my g-string pouch. I had to use the ballgag feather duster to dust everything up high and the one in my hands to dust everything down low. Sometimes, I could bend over and dust things with the ballgag duster.
Then I had to vacuum the carpet and sweep the floors while tied and
ballgagged. To vacuum, I have to straddle the vacuum handle and hold on to it
with my hands tied behind my back tight to my g-string pouch. The vacuum handle
is pressing tight against my pouch squashing my cock & balls. While the ropes
tied from my pouch down to my ankles are pulling down on my cock & balls only as
far as my hands tied to my pouch will allow. So, while I'm vacuuming the carpets
by walking forward and backwards to move the vacuum instead of just pushing and
pulling like you would normally.
The ropes are tugging and jerking on my g-string pouch with every step I make and the handle of the vacuum tight and rubbing against my pouch. I had to vacuum the living room, dinning room, and all 3 bedrooms tied like this. Then I had to sweep the kitchen, entry way, and bathrooms with the broom tied to my arms at the elbows and wrists. To sweep I had to move my hips from side to side and bend my knees and straighten my legs at the same time I'm moving my hips. This caused the ropes to tug and jerk on my pouch with every movement.
After I finished the house cleaning they took me outside to bring in the firewood. The cabin has a little wagon to haul the firewood to the cabin from a woodshed about 100 feet from the back door of the cabin. They tied the handle of the wagon tight to my g-string pouch and made me pull the wagon from the cabin to the woodshed. Then they filled the wagon with firewood and made me pull the wagon back to the cabin with my pouch.
With every step I made the ropes from my ankles to my pouch tugged and jerked down on my cock & balls, plus the handle of the wagon pulled back and tugged and jerked on my pouch at the same time. I had to make 3 round trips pulling the wagon full and empty. The only time they let me use my hands to grab the handle tied to my pouch, was when I had to pull the wagon up the steps of the back porch.
Then I had to release the handle from my hands when I got inside the cabin, if I didn't Angi or Jenny or both would swat my ass and pouch with a fiberglass rod. After about a half hour of pulling the wagon we had enough firewood to last all day and night.
They took me back to the woodshed and untied the handle of the wagon from my pouch and took me back to the cabin. When we got inside they tied me back to the vacuum like before and made me vacuum up the wood chips from the carpet. After I finished vacuuming they untied me from the vacuum and let me sit down on a chair to relax for a few minutes.
While I was sitting I could feel my pouch being squashed under my ass on the seat of the chair. The Ladies came back into the room with some ropes in their hands and smiling at me. The next thing I knew Jenny was tying my feet together and Angi was tying my knees. Then Jenny tied a rope tight around my waist and the back of the chair, so I could get up.
Then Angi tied a rope from my g-string pouch and passing the other end of the rope between my calves over the ropes binding my feet and back between my feet and pulling the rope tight. So, my feet was pulled back under the seat of the chair and at the same time pulling on my g-string pouch and my hands tied tight together forcing my pouch back towards the back of the chair.
They tied my thighs down tight to the seat of the chair, so I couldn't move my legs. Jenny tied my upper body tight to the backrest of the chair and with my elbows tied tight together it was very uncomfortable. They buckled the dog collar back around my neck and tied a rope in the D-ring of the collar. Then tied the other end of the rope tight enough to make me lean forward as far as my upper body tied tight to the backrest of the chair would let me.
After that they tied a rope to the back of my ballgag strap at the buckle. Then they passed the other end of the rope between my elbows and around the ropes binding my elbows together and pulled up on the rope. Forcing my head back, so I was looking up at the ceiling and couldn't look straight forward.
They left me tied up like this for the next hour before they came back and started swatting me with the leathers belts all over my body. Then they left me alone again for about 15 minutes and came back to give me some more swats. Then they untied me from the chair, but left my feet and knees tied and made me hop around the room. The ropes tied from my ankles to my pouch tugged and jerked on my cock & balls with every hop I did a little harder than when I just walk. Because, I have to squat and leap forward when hopping. They left me tied like this for the rest of the day and into the night.
I was free to go anywhere I wanted in the cabin I just had to hop every where I went. To eat or drink they took my ballgag out of my mouth, but I still stayed tied up to hop into the dinning room and sit at the table or stand and bend over to eat like a pig and drink through a straw. After I have eaten I had to hop into the kitchen and get my face sprayed with the sink spray nozzle. Then the ballgag is back tight in my mouth and I hop back to the living room to watch TV.
When ever the Ladies feel like it they would grab me and make me hop to the center of the room and start swatting me all over my tied up body. They had me hop around the room while swatting me with fiberglass rods concentrating their swats to my ass and pouch. Finally they decided it was time for bed and they made me hop to my room.
They pushed me down on my bed and told me sweet dreams and left my room. I stayed tied up and ballgagged all night, so I didn't get a very good nights sleep. As long as I didn't move I could sleep, but when I did move the ropes would wake me. I struggled to try and get myself untied, but with my hands tied behind my back to my g-string pouch and my elbows tied together. There's no way I can get to any knots and untie them. It's absolutely impossible to get myself untied from this way I'm tied up I just have to wait for them to untie me.
In the morning they came into my room and made me hop out to the dinning room and took my ballgag out of my mouth to eat breakfast and drink through a straw. They made me hop to the kitchen sink and sprayed my face and stuffed the ballgag back in my mouth and buckled it as tight as they possibly could. Then Angi spun me around facing her and she slapped my face several times and Jenny gave me several slaps too.
They had me hop back to the living room and forced me down to the floor on my belly. Angi tied my feet tight to my elbows in a hogtie and tied a rope from the buckle of my ballgag to the ropes binding my elbows tight enough to force my head back, so I was looking up. My back was arched and you could rock me back and forth like a rocking horse.
There was no way I could move to struggle, wiggle, roll over, or say anything. The ballgag was deep in my mouth and I couldn't do nothing, but drool uncontrollably from the corners of my mouth and make uuuggg!!! uuuggg!!! sounds from my tightly ballgagged mouth. They always do something extreme to me before they untie me to go home. They left me hogtied like this for about a half hour.
They untied me from the hogtie and got me up on my feet and made me hop to a chair and sit down while they untied my feet and knees, so I could walk around the cabin. It was nice walking instead of hopping, but the ropes from my pouch to my ankles still tugged and jerked on my cock & balls when I walked. Angi and Jenny likes to go jogging, so they took me out to their car and hogtied me laying in the backseat.
They went back into the cabin and changed into their jogging shorts and t-shirts and shoes. Then they came back and got in the car and they drove to a secluded old closed logging road that we knew of that has a locked gate to keep vehicles out. When they parked the car at the gate they got me untied from the hogtie and made me get out of the car. We went on the other side of the gate and they shoved me to start jogging.
They brought with them the fiberglass rods to swat my ass and pouch, if I slowed down the pace. This was a lot more worst than walking or hopping with the ropes tied from my pouch down to my ankles. Because the ropes tugged and jerked a lot more faster with me jogging. We jogged for about a half mile and then back to the car and they hogtied me in the backseat for the trip back to the cabin. I was covered with red welts all over my ass from those fiberglass rods they swatted me with to keep up the pace.
When we got back to the cabin it was about time for us to leave. So, they untied me and we got our stuff packed up and got ready to head home. Angi and Jenny said they would e-mail me the next time they want to party with me again. I can't wait to party again with any females who would be interested in having fun with me kept in bondage like this.
Sherry's turn... |
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