My Tiny Skirt. Part Six.
Eric came punctually but I didn’t open the door and gate for him. I prearranged with Sis Mary to invite him in and I will only come out to meet him when he is in the living room.
I wanted to see his reaction when I come out from my room wearing this outrageous dress to surprise him. I came out of my room when Sis Mary knocked on my door informing Eric present. I came out of my bedroom after checking myself in the long mirror and give myself a chance to make a final decision whether to wear this. I decided to let Eric decide for me instead. I walked out of the room to meet Eric. As usual he was stunned to see me wearing this dress. I asked him how I looked? He is speechless before asking me whether I am wearing this out to the shopping center with him? I smile and knocking my head before taking a sit beside him. He held my hand and told me that he is getting sexually excided seeing my white panty visibly exposed. I asked him whether we should “fool around” before leaving first. He said he need to discharge incase he lost his sexual control on our way. I prepared a piece of hand towel nearby before unzipping his pants. He already had a hard-on indeed and the moment I touch his cock he already almost ready to cum. Luckily I used my hand to cup it from that forceful ejaculation and another hand grabbed the paper hand towel to contain the dripping cum from my cupped hand thus prevented causing a mess on his body with his own cum. Just then Sis Mary came in, she shock her head but make no comment. She helped me to dispose off the stained hand towel while I went to the washroom to wash my hand. Having done that, I’m sure he will be able to control for a while at least. (God knows for how long). I called out loud to Sis Mary that we will be going and she reminded me to call home.
We walked out to the Bus Stop at the main road. There were a couple of men there. One was an elderly man of about 70 and another, an Indian man of about 30. The elderly man didn’t turn to have a good look at me but the Indian man eye is glued to my lower half of my body obviously enjoying the free view. I was quite uneasy when he kept his eye on my bottom. The bus came and the old man went up before me. Eric follow behind and the Indian man last. The bus wasn’t crowded and I walked straight to take the back seat. Since the old man sat down near to the entrance I was at the front and I could see all the passengers turned to look at me and needless to say they aren’t looking at my face but only looking at my lower part. According to Eric some of them even turned their head to look at my back the moment I walked passed them. Although I had already taken my seat some of them still occasionally turned their head to looking to me direction. Eric also told me that after I climbed the steps of the bus my dress rode up slightly and attracted much attention from the passengers. I was nervous when so many people looked at me. Actually I was trembling from the nervousness experience. When it is almost time for us to alight I was wandering how to overcome my nervousness. I told Eric let me walk behind me when we alight.
When the bus come to the Bus Stop I stood up and he followed me from behind. I knew the people are looking at my back without blinking their eye. I heard one lady passenger telling her man companion quite loudly seating next to her “you see, you see, so short, can even see her panty, wear like that to go shopping, terrible”. The man didn’t answer her and I won’t dare to look at her either. They are also alighting. They came down after us and while we were walking toward the underground pedestrians crossing they were just behind us. Beside them there are many people taking the tunnel to get to the other end where cluster of shopping arcades are located. Then she walked beside me and she looked at me and started to talk to me. She spoke fluently in English, “ lady your hemline is too short, showing too much panty, why can’t you wear a longer dress or skirt”? I was annoyed by her nosiness. I looked at her hard and told her that I have the right to wear whatever I wished to and I told her to get lost. She knew I was mad at her comments and she slowed down her paced. Eric kept silent all this while. We knew they are still walking behind us. We lost sigh of them when we walked into on of my favorite shopping center. A lot of shoppers are there and many of them who noticed my outrageous dress would surely kept watching me. I am not worried anymore and told Eric that I wished to call Sis Mary. After I called Sis Mary we took the escalator up to the lady section. Out of the blue I met a good friend of my, Judy. She was my Secondary School Classmate. She is considered my best friend then but we didn’t contact each other when we posted to different Junior Colleges. She was with a guy browsing around for clothing. She waved to me and walked over to where I was and when she saw my dress she showed me a wide eye and she opened her mouth, partly to tease me and partly in surprised. The first things she did scanned me from head to toes stopping at the end of my dress. She said that I dress too sexily and commented that its too short. She asked me whether is always wear so short? I told her that I used to wear very short skirt but this is the first time wearing one that showed lots of panty. Her friend came to say hello. She introduced to us saying he is her cousin, James. I introduced Eric to them as my boyfriend. She teased me saying, “wow! Got boyfriend already ah!” James didn’t dare to look at my dress directly but would catches him stealing a few glances while chatting with Eric. We went around together selecting dresses. I also invited them over my birthday party. They accepted and promised to be there early.
We exchanged telephone numbers and addresses. We decided to browse around for clothing while the two guys followed us around. Judy again commented on my dress saying that she won’t dare to wear them so short. She said I am too daring and asked me whether I would fell uneasy, embarrass or shy when people kept staring at me? I told her that I am not feeling shy but a little nervous. On one hand the feeling of nervousness gave me certain unexplained trills and excitement that provide great satisfaction. She said she wouldn’t want to look for such satisfaction when practically everybody is staring at our bottom. We spent about an hour before Judy found the dress she wanted. I couldn’t find my ideal clothing and gave up. James insisted giving us a lunch treat and brought us to the food center where a large selection of food is available. It was near lunch hours and the food center very crowded. Everyone there is keeping a watchful eye on me when we are searching for seat. As usual some especially the older women gave me a starry look while the guys silently watching. I knew from their expression, some are talking about me. An elbow nudging to alerted their partner who didn’t notice my present. I felt a little uneasy, not with the guys but with those women that gave me a hard stared. We managed to fine a shared table for just enough for the 4 of us. Since it is crowded we had to take turn to buy our food so that others would not occupy our table. James and Judy told us to select our food first while they stayed to look after the seats. We went and just as we were waiting to order the food we wanted, I heard a young boy sitting near the stall where I stood spoke loudly to her mother. He said, “mummy look “jiejie” (big sister) didn’t wear skirt, can see her panty”. His mother immediately is long “shhhhh”. Eric heard that too and he we turned to look at each other and we smiled. Standing beside us was a lady of about 50 (she must have heard what the boy said) turned her head look find who is the “jiejie” she turned her head to look at me and even bend down slightly to have a clearer look at my bottom. She then looked at me frowning and spoke in Mandarin “lady how could you wear this way walking around, don’t you know that it is not long enough to cover your panty and everyone could see your panty, you know”? I just kept quite, not wishing to offend her. After getting our food we went back to our table to join Judy and her cousin. Judy stayed with us while James went to buy for her. Judy told me that I am the center of attraction; everyone is turning their head to observe me especially when I was at the stall ordering food with my back facing all of them. She said my panty is showing very clearly. I told her that that didn’t bothers me at all. She said that I am really brave and takes her hat off for me. Eric excused himself to the washroom. Judy asked me what planed I had after lunch? I told her that I am going straight home since I can’t get what I wanted. She told me that her cousin is driving and she would asked him to give us a lift home since they wished to know where I live so that on coming Saturday they will have no problem getting to my place. I asked Judy whether her cousin said anything about my dressing? She said he didn’t. James returned with a tray of food just before Eric. I asked Eric privately what take him so long? He looked at me saying that he is just “cleaning up”. I opened my eyes wide looking at him. From my expression Eric knew what I was thinking. He knocked his head to confirm my suspicion that he had cum. James agreed to drive us back when Judy asked whether it is convenient. We thanked them for the trouble and we spent almost an hour chatting there after our lunch before heading home. I called Sis Mary informing her that I am find and I am returning home soon.
I welcome James and Judy to our house for a cup of drink. The moment they steps out of the car they are greatly impressed with the gigantic land and my colonial style house. James commented that this is his first time stepping foot on such a huge private landed property. He asked permission to look around. I told him to feel at home.
Eric accompanied him to look around while Judy and I strolled to the side garden to chat and to appreciate mum’s favorite bonsai plants. I asked Judy whether she had a steady boyfriend? She told me that she had one before but didn’t work out well. Presently she is unattached. She said Eric looked very compatible with me and told me to treasure our relationship. She asked me a very personal question; she asked me whether I had already given myself to Eric. I told her that I am still a virgin but admitted that we fool around. She didn’t quite believe me judging from the way I dressed made her to doubt we didn’t do it. I told her that we had promised not to have intercourse until we are very sure of our relationship. I told her that we try our best to wait till the day of our marriage. Moreover, now, we have lots of fun and excitement by exploring each other bodies. I told her that Eric love to see me wearing outrageously sexy dress and that alone could satisfy him sexually. On the other hand, I got my satisfaction when we engaged in heavy patting, caressing and etcetera. She said she really envied me; I had almost everything in life. She said that my life is almost complete now, beautiful, staying in luxurious house, intelligent, studying in one of the top Junior College and now had a loving boyfriend. I told her that she shouldn’t envy me. Other than the big house and boyfriend, all others “qualities” are superior to mine. I told her that her beauty is definitely overshadowed my, she is supposed to go to the same Junior College as me but she decided not to at the last minute because of the distance she need to travel and she is slightly taller then me. What she is missing now is “Mr. Right”. So, I should envy her instead.
I asked Judy whether she noticed the two boys kept looking to our direction. She said she noticed but they are not looking at her but me. She said my dressing is like honey attracting lots of bees (attention). We laughed out quite loudly and I told Judy that I must tease them since they are so cheeky. I told Judy that I am going to pretend to take a pot of bonsai from the top shelve (pots of bonsai’s are placed on a wooden shelves, like a steps) to show her. While laughing I stretched out both my hands to take the smallest pot down. Judy said, “oh, my God, Jenny you are really daring, quickly pull down your dress, your panty is totally exposed”. I didn’t pull down my skirt as told. She looked shy and said, “please, please pull down your dress, the guys are looking”. Judy face was flushing. I turned around after taking a small pot of bonsai with both my hand and told her calmly not to get so worked-up. She said “oh my god, Jenny, I could see a little of your pubic hair showing from the side of your panty”. She said she don’t believed what she is seeing shaking her head. Then she said in a soft and excitedly high pitch voice, “ Jennyyyyy, they are coming, quickly pull down your dress”. I said calmly, let them come and I try putting back the pot on the original position pretending not noticing they are coming. Judy wanted to tell me something but the guys are too near to us. When Judy said hi! to both of them, I turned to them and immediately showing a bit surprised and pulled down and adjusts my dress but just slightly leaving lots more panty view for them to “appreciate”. I extended my hand to Eric to hold on to me so that I could climb down the rake. James said that they got to go and extended his handshake to Eric and me. We walked them to their car and before they leave I reminded them to come to my birthday party. I also apologized to them for forgetting to entertain them with drinks. They just waved their hand indicating that it doesn’t matter.
First fuck... |
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