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My Teenage Slumber Party : (Part One) reviews

Posted by James
Loved it, absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work!
Posted by Ash
Jake mate, that was hilarious. In the beginning, it was funny because I think most blokes can relate to at least the first few paragraphs if not more! And as for the ending, well, I pretty much chuckled all the way through. I will definitely by cheking out more of you work. Nice one.
Posted by tom_55
I had no idea something could be so funny and sexy at the same time. I beg you to write and write and we will read and read
Posted by Fee
Wow... What can I say? I thought the stories on this site were gonna be lame. This is like finding a nugget of gold in an otherwise dirty river. Superb
Posted by yohoho
Posted by Howie
That has left me so hard ..it actually hurts!!
Posted by buy bystolic
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Posted by Jenny
When i was 16,One of my close friends,Maddie,had a slumber party on a saturday night while her parents were out of town,Maddie happened to be a bedwetter at the time and her parents required her to wear cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed every night for the bedwetting.We all got to her house around 8pm and started having fun! About 2 hours later,all 7 of us got ready for bed and so that Maddie wouldnt be the odd girl out,we all put on some of her cloth diapers and plastic pants and were carrying on like babies! Little did we know that we were being spied on by some teen boys!Ashort time later,there was a knock on the front door and Maddie answered it and 7 teen boys came barging in and saw all of us girls in our diapers and plastic pants and tops.They started taking pictures of us right away with their cell phones! They then told us that if we didnt get on our knees and give them a blowjob,they would show the photos around school and we would be humiliated.So we had to get on our knees and suck off a boy and swallow his losd!After it was over,the seven boys ordered us girls to get on the floor and roll around like babies,suck our thumbs and kick our legs like babies.Afer a while the boys left and the 7 of us girls were in a state of shock!
Posted by Jake
I would give anything to get a teenager girl or boy. Be hot and I wish Jennifer I'd be interested in seeing teens in diapers also
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His wife Cathy was pregnant with their second child and with house payments and all, things were a little tight, and besides, how long could it take, even if it lasted an hour it would be worth a shot!!!...