Home : Incest Stories : total 10 reviews.

My Sister's Slumber Party reviews

Posted by Sainkr
not so good
Posted by LucOuarm
Very busy story, but rather bland in spite of the extensive sex scenes due to the lack of dialogue. Really nothing special, but good enough for a first effort.
Posted by Tash
You need more dialouge, make things go slower, and explain things a little better. It wasn't all that great...it needs work
I, for one, loved this one completely! It was absolutely spetacular- the whole idea of a hot sister and her friends, not permanently teasing her brother but actually being good enough to really put out- that is some damn hot stuff.
Posted by Devon
You have obviously never "popped" a cherry. Busting through a hymen is not exacly done in group orgies. Although you have a mediocore story line, I suggest you drop the mass cherry cracking ceremony. People just plain no better than to buy that silly stuff. Perhaps then your storyline line will move up a notch to "been there read that" from "im a nerd virgin wanna be."
Posted by Devon
Yes, my "Y" key is broken y do you ask?
Posted by dichhead
fuckin horrible
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