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My Sister Kelly Pt.2 reviews

Posted by Dave
I have planned at least 6 or 7 more continuing stories. Any comments are welcomed. Please feel free to email me. Dave
Posted by Bane
Very good series. i like them alot. keep them coming.
Posted by Fanya
I think that, even aside from questions of efusulness and horror, a BIG metric is whether someone wants to hear the story or not. For example, when I said that I might share a story about a care provider, I was thinking of a case where someone might ask, What did you think of Dr. So-and-So? There are women who want to hear it ALL, good and bad. They ask for stories. They want stories. And that, in my mind, is the really big difference between horror' and helpful' does this person want this information, at this time. And if you're not sure, asking up front lets you know.
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Having a great orgasm while reading and writing it. It's almost real like you're really having it. Just read it, you won't be dislike it...