My Mother and I needed each other.
100% fiction!
When I turned eighteen years of age, my libido went off the roof.
I just couldn't stop masturbating.
I used to do it all the time, four to five times a day, sometimes even more.
I got my first job at a golf club, but got fired after being caught
masturbating in the woman's locker room by a female player.
And it's not like in pornos, she didn't come and join me in the fun, she freaked
out, told my boss, and got fired on the spot.
And it doesn't help to hide when you're a loud moaner either.
The next day I had to tell the news to my mom.
Of course I didn't tell her why I got fired, but did come up with some lame ass
story... I said I got caught taking a nap on the job.
She was pissed but hey, it was better to lie than her learning the truth.
So now that I had a lot of free time, I went back to my old routine, consisting of masturbating pretty much all the time.
Two weeks later, after coming back from job hunting, I caught my mom on the
phone talking to my Aunt Claudia, telling her she's getting one Hell of a case
of "horniness".
That was her word, not mine.
My Mother was always popular with my friends over the years, especially the male friends.
Well, when you are five foot six inches, one hundred and twenty pounds, and
have a tight little body, you'd understand why she's so popular... And like my
friend's say "She's a blond haired, tight assed, big titted milf and I wish I
could fuck her."
again, not my words, but my friend's.
I used to have blond hair myself but out-grew them, now they're brown, going
all the way to the middle of my back because I like heavy metal and I do think
it looks good on me.
At six foot one, and at one hundred and sixty pounds, I look more like my Father
when he was my age than my mom, but we do share some resemblances, like our
facial features.
To be honest, I never saw my Mother as a sexual thing, but now that I am eighteen, I did noticed her beauty and her "sexyness" and especially her breasts, they're freaking huge, all natural she once said to a friend of mine which, I can remember, made me blush like a tomato.
Over the weeks I got fired, I kept over-hearing conversations between my mom and her Sister, most of them were about how horny my mom was, and how much of a slut she used to be before she met my dad.
Being divorced for a year now, she said she was ready to get back on the
saddle, which, even though I was hiding in the hallway leading to my bedroom, I
was able to hear my Aunt laugh through the phone, and she laughed hard.
I was flabbergasted, I mean, it's my mom we're talking about here, and now that
she's thirty six, all she wants to do is fuck, as she said.
I was hiding in a corner of a hallway and was eavesdropping, and hearing my
Mother talk like that gave me some kind of weird reaction, I got the world's
biggest erection ever!
And got hornier then ever too!
I immediately went to my room, locked the door, stripped down, and
Not being able to hear her anymore, I did something I never thought I would do
before that day, I jacked off thinking of my Mother.
Thinking about her sexy full lips wrapped around my cock giving me a blowjob.
The thought of it kinda disgusted me in a way but, when I came, which
happened under a minute, which was a new record for me, because, usually when I
masturbate I go for minimum half an hour.
I shot my load at about three feet in the air, for more than ten seconds, which,
for real, is a whole lot.
I shot my load like I just had the best sex of my life.
After that I was exhausted, so I decided to take a nap.
It's not like I had better things to do anyway, and got woken up by my Mother at
dinner time.
I went to take my plate and ate in front of the T.V. as I always do, but my Mother stopped me and asked me if I'd eat with her in the kitchen that day, so I did.
We talked about everything and nothing, it was quite boring for the most part, but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about what I heard earlier that day and what I did as a consequence.
And maybe I was being paranoid but, I couldn't shake off the idea that she
knew I was listening in, just by the way she acted, and touched me, and smiled
at me, and laughed at my every joke.
It was quite unsettling, but I wanted to see where this strange and sudden
change in behavior was leading to.
That night, after helping her wash dishes and watch T.V. with her I told her
I was going to bed, she kissed me then, a strange kiss at that, on the cheek
yeah, but she kissed the corner of my mouth, getting some lips in the process.
I didn't think of it too much at the time and just went to my room.
I locked the door and got undressed.
I looked at the wall to my left, looked at it with fright.
I used to hate that wall, because that very thin wall is the only thing that
separates my room to my mom's.
And of course, after I stopped looking at the stupid wall, I jacked off.
Good thing the door to my bedroom can be locked, because not even ten seconds
after I started masturbating, I was not even hard yet, my mom came and knocked
on my door telling me she was going to bed herself.
I told her "Good night" And she told me "Good night" right back.
I waited to hear he get into bed, and then started to stroke my cock again,
getting hard in a matter of seconds and trying to stay silent, not that I ever
did before, I just presumed my mom couldn't hear me through the wall, until I
heard her telling my dad, when they were together that is, that she could hear
me very night, but I never really cared back then, but that night was different
and tried to stay quiet and succeeded... For a good twenty seconds.
Sorry, I just can't help it.
I started masturbating harder and faster by the second, getting louder with every stroke.
Everything was going fine until I heard something from the other side of the
Startled, I stopped for a while and listened in.
I was afraid telling me to be quiet...
But it wasn't her talking to me, it was her moaning.
I couldn't believe I was listening to my Mother masturbating.
It was the first time I ever heard her moan.
I couldn't even remember hearing having sex with my dad back when they were
together, let alone pleasing herself.
The second I touched my penis while I was listening to her I came hard again.
I cleaned myself up, still listening to her and went to bed.
The next morning she was, well... Different.
She was kissing me all over, in a super good mood, giving me hugs, smiling all
the time, and telling me how gorgeous I have become and throwing lines like "I
bet all the girls wants a piece of you" and whatnot.
It was shocking to see my Mother give me all the attention, at the time I even forgot about our mutual masturbation the night before.
When night came, the same events repeated themselves...
I masturbated listening to my mom touching herself and came hard as Hell even
though it was my fourth time I masturbated that particular day.
Believe it or not, that went on for a little more than a week, until that is, something drastic changed.
On that night, a Saturday, I went to bed first, but she followed right away,
keeping her door open, I know that because I can blatantly hear her door slam
shut usually, and started masturbating even before I did.
I joined in and our moans grew louder until I heard my Mother say...
"Oh come and fuck me already!"
My heart stopped, not believing what I just heard.
My breathing was fast and now my heart was pounding in my chest, I didn't know
what to do.
Was she talking to me?
Or her little private fantasy came out of her mouth as she was pleasing
herself by accident?
I tried to start masturbating again when I heard...
"Jason, did you hear me?"
Too nervous to acknowledge that I did hear her I said instead...
"Are you talking to me mom?"
"Yeah I fuckin' am, and we both know what I am asking you to do, we both want it, so come on over... NOW!"
I got up, shaking, put my tight black underwear back on, that couldn't hide
an erection worth a crap, left my bedroom and got into hers, and as I previously
thought, her bedroom door was wide open.
So I'd hear her better when she'd scream for me to go in her room?
If so, did she plan this?
When I got inside I got quite a sight.
My Mother was laying on naked on her back on her comfy king sized bed, the same
bed my Mother kept after my parents divorced.
With her table lamp turned on, she was playing with her clit.
"Jason, I know this is wrong but, I don't have your Father to please me anymore, and you don't have a girlfriend and, let's face it, I'm a fucking nymph, and we both know you are too, probably got it from me."
Again I froze, still in my semi-dazed state of mind, and so I just looked at
her, and I mean "looked" at her.
And my God, I then knew why all my friends wanted a piece of her, she was the
sexiest woman I have ever seen, and by far!
I inched in on her, baby step by baby step, getting closer to the edge of her
With every step I'd take she'd caress her little clit faster and faster until
she had to stop to prevent from reaching orgasm.
She kept looking at me, smiling, sometimes closing her eyes from pleasure.
"Mmmm I see your little friend is awake."
She said while moaning.
At first I didn't get that, but then I looked at my crotch, and indeed, my
friend was awake... "Wide" awake actually.
Half of it was coming out of my underwear, pointing in the direction of my belly
button, same belly button that was once attached to the woman that wanted that
very same cock inside her.
That thought doubled me over and I felt weak.
She got up, took my hand, and walked me over to her bed where I laid down.
"Let me take care of that honey."
She said while taking off the only pair of clothing I had left on me.
Weird thoughts were going through my mind all at once.
My head felt like a mall on Black Friday... It was very crowded in there.
So much so, that at first, I didn't even feel my mom's mouth wrapped around my
hard cock.
I finally came out of my daze and looked down.
"Oh my God mom..."
"What? Is something wrong? Aren't I good enough?"
She said with actual worry in her eyes.
I smiled and shook my head to her, letting her know all was good.
That is when I decided to let go of all I thought was good and wrong and just
let myself feel my Mother's mouth on my cock.
That warm, wet mouth going up and down on me.
"God mom, you're better than my ex."
I exclaimed, really getting into it.
"How long has it been since you had a blowjob?"
She said while slowly and gently stroking my cock.
"Seven months, we broke seven months ago."
"Mmmm, Than I guess you do deserve this."
She started to suck my cock good and deep, making it sloppy and drooling all over it, using her own spit to jack me off, something no one, not even myself, ever did to me before that night and it made me cum in her hand and all over the place.
Seeing this, my mom looked at me sad and said...
"But baby, I wanted you to fuck me."
She had a sad look on her face.
"Mom, I jack off six to seven times a day every day, so trust me when I tell
you, I still can go for a while."
I said, smiling wickedly.
She then moaned and licked all my cum from her hand and bed sheet.
"Wow, she's quite the whore."
I thought to myself.
She leaned in and kissed me on the mouth.
I backed up a bit, being more weirded out by passionately kissing my own Mother
then getting a blowjob by her for some reason, but caved in from being so overly
horny and being so turned on by this taboo we were doing and finally kissed her
back, eventually rising to my knees and kissing her more passionately than I
ever kissed anyone else before by the second, introducing my tongue in her
I grabbed her tits and went down on them like I needed them to live, hungry for flesh like I've never been before, I sucked on them as hard as I could.
"You like to suck on Mommy's tits honey?"
She said while looking down at me.
"Fuck yeah mom, as long as you keep it to ourselves."
"Well of course, we could get in trouble if we didn't.
I know it's wrong but..."
She broke her sentence with a load moan.
"It ain't wrong."
I replied, taking a break sucking on her tits, and slowly playing with her clit
"Look you said, we both need it, we're just taking care of each other, ever
since dad left we've been taking care of each other, but now, we're just doing
it in a different way, but we are, just, still taking care of each other."
I say while starting to finger her gently.
She smiled and a tear formed from her left eye.
She raised my head and kissed me more passionately then ever.
That time, it felt more like love than lust.
"I love you honey."
"I love you too mom."
I said while caressing her face with the back of my fingers.
"Lay down for me."
She did, slowly, as we locked on in each other's eyes, and I gently laid over
I started kissing her neck.
I kissed her and licked her all the way down to her throbbing pussy and started
to lick her clit.
She moaned right away, louder then before, but after I put my fingers inside her though, it took her less than ten seconds for her to cum all over my hand.
"God baby, fuck me, fuck me now OR I'LL EXPLODE!."
She screamed.
And so I did, I shoved my wet, pre-cum dripping big cock inside, starting to fuck her right away, her, cumming on me again in the process.
"Oh God baby, you're so good... and... BIG... bigger than what you dad used to have."
"Oh fuck mom, I'll be cumming soon!"
I said, panting.
"Cum in me baby, I want to feel my baby's cum in me!"
She said, almost screaming.
Right then I came in my Mother's pussy.
Took me less then five minutes to achieve orgasm.
By far the shortest fuck of my life, but also, by far the most satisfying.
I filled my Mother's pussy with my warm, gooey sperm, making her cum slightly
Following this, I collapsed on my mom's big, sweaty breasts.
Panting I said...
"God mom, that was the best fuck of my entire life."
Panting herself and petting my hair, she replied...
"Me too baby, me too."
"You can sleep in my room tonight if you want to."
She said, smiling down at me.
I smiled back.
"Let me just go pee first."
Giggling as I said so.
We both started laughing and did so for a while, then I got up and went to
the bathroom to relieve myself.
A little bit of pre-cum and actual cum came out of my still rock hard dick as I
was peeing.
I then went back to my mom's room and slept in each other's arms.
And since that night, my mom and I have been taking very good care of each
Four to five times a day on a daily basis.
A story about a man I met on a week long camping trip... |
- indian
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- porn
- scary
- bedtime
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- inspirational
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- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
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- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting