My Husbands Fantasy
We had been married for three years and my husband was an awesome lover and when we first started having sex he would tell me stories to make me so hot I would fuck a snake and they were always about me. At first they were me having sex with cocks in all my holes and other places but after we got married he gradually changed them to include other women, then just women. We would watch lesbian porn and he would make me tell him all about the tits and pussies in the movies and what I would do to them if they were there. He did it so subtlety over time that by the time we watched the lesbian porn, I was primed to enjoy it and get hotter then hell watching it. I didn't know it at the time, but his whole intent was to get me in bed with another woman and I sure didn't realize it then, but it was working. I started looking at other women wondering what it would be like to hold their naked bodies against mine and then I started wondering what it would be like to taste a pussy other then mine, which I tasted every time I gave him a blow job, because he always took it out of my pussy and put it in my mouth when I blew him. Then it happened, I was in a McDonald's at lunch and I saw this red haired beauty come in and my pussy got soaking wet from just looking at her.
She was dressed in skin tight shorts with a low cut halter top, which really showed her tits off and I wanted to run over to her and rip her clothes off so bad, I almost touched myself in public. I was so glad I had worn a skirt that day as my pussy juice was leaking onto my thighs and if I had shorts on, there would have been a huge wet spot for the world to see. I was the last one in the line I was in and she came right over and stood behind me. I could smell her and she smelled so good, I thought my pussy was going to explode, then she asked me if I had been waiting long. I turned to talk to her and it took all my resolve not to pull her into my body and tear her clothes off. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, but did manage to hold a conversation with her as we waited. When I got my order I had to leave to get back to work, but she told me she was a dancer, gave me a card to where she was dancing and in a very sexy voice told me I should come see her because she thinks I would really like what I saw, she danced topless. On my walk back to work I wanted to put my hands on my pussy so bad, I thought I would go crazy until I touched my blazing hot cunt.
I couldn't do anything until I got home though and when my husband walked in, I grabbed him and hustled him into the bedroom, while telling him all about my little adventure. When I told him about the effect she had on me and ask him if it was alright to feel like I did, he buried his cock in my pussy and made me tell him every little detail, which got me hotter then any story ever did. While he was riding my pussy into fuck heaven, he told me that we were going to go see her dance tonight and he would dress me for the occasion. I was so happy that he wasn't mad or upset that I got sexually aroused by another woman, we had the best fuck of our lives. We ate, showered and he dressed me like he said he would, no bra or thong, black stockings stay ups and a low cut short dress that you could see through if the light was right. I couldn't believe he dressed me like that, normally he doesn't want anybody to see any part of me but him and now I was dressed so I would be on display. I was very nervous about this whole thing but my husband kept telling me how beautiful I was and that the dancer was going to cream her jeans when she saw me.
By the time we got there it was late and the club was closing in less then an hour, a stupid local law, twelve o'clock closing time but she was on stage dancing and all she had on was a G string and my pussy flooded so much, I think there was a puddle on the floor. God she was beautiful and sexy with very large dark pink nipples and aerola, just like I had come to like them. I couldn't take my eyes off her and my husband led me to an up front table, so we would be close to her. I never looked around and didn't realize there were only two other women in the place, which as it turned out was a god send. She saw me, smiled and mouthed glad you made it and spent the next ten minutes dancing for me, including running her tongue over her lips, which made my cunt do flip flops. When she was finished dancing she pointed to a door and got off stage, walking towards the door. My husband asked if I was going to just sit there or go keep her company and when I asked if it would bother him, he had this funny smile on his face and told me to go for it. I got up, walked to the door, saw it was the ladies room and walked in to find her standing there totally naked. My heart was racing, my knees got weak, her pussy had red hair and she was holding her arms out to me, saying she was afraid I wasn't coming but now she was so happy I was there. I walked into her arms, she wrapped them around my ass, pulled my cunt into her and kissed me. I almost passed out from her kiss it was so fucking hot and when she put her tongue in my mouth, I came, moaning like a little whore.
She started to take my dress off and I kind of panicked because it was a public rest room, but she said it was okay, the other ladies left so we were the only ones there. I told her I wanted to touch her tits and she said I will but first she wanted me naked for her, that she had been thinking about my body all day. She took my dress off, commented how thoughtful I was showing up almost naked and now here I was, standing in front of this red haired sex goddess, naked as a jay bird with a pussy about ready to explode. She was running her hands all over my body and when she touched my blazing cunt, it shot cum out like a fountain, soaking her cunt hair and belly. She was ecstatic that I was a squirter telling me she knew I was something special, pulled me into her again and kissed me, making my toes curl. I could feel her tits pressing into mine while our pussy hairs meshed together and I grabbed her perfect ass and stuck my tongue down her throat. We were standing there alternating putting our tongues in each others mouth, bodies welded together and she took my hand and put it on her pussy. Her cunt was boiling hot and wet, it felt different then mine but I really liked touching her and then I slid a finger into her hot cunt. She moaned into my mouth, then said, “More baby more, fill me up with your fingers baby, fill me up” and I filled her cunt with my fingers. I have small hands but could only get three fingers in up to my knuckles, but this was enough as I fucked her pussy making her cum all over my hand and wrist.
I was now in a state of total ecstasy standing naked in a public restroom with my fingers buried in what I thought was the hottest cunt in the world, her hot tits pressing against mine, her belly pressing into mine, her tongue in my mouth and my hand and wrist covered with her hot cum. My husband didn't prepare me for what I was feeling now, I wanted to eat this hot little beauty alive, I wanted to give her my body to use as she pleased and my first female lover knew it. She had four fingers in my pussy and was telling me what she was going to do to me when she got me in her bed and this being better then any story, my cunt exploded hot juice all over her again. She was holding me up by my pussy and ass when she told me what a good girl I was for cumming for her, I came again and she laid claim to my body telling me I was her baby now to suck and fuck, making me cum again. I came so many times so fast for her, I was exhausted but she put me on a commode and stuck her tongue into my still raging cunt as far as it would go. I screamed this time as I came, went totally limp but she wasn't finished with me yet. She sucked my clit into her mouth and started manipulating it like I had never been manipulated before and as spent as I was, I came again.
She raised up to look me in the eyes with her face covered in my pussy juice, put her lips on mine and stuck her cum covered tongue down my throat and even though I had tasted my pussy on my husbands cock before, this was different and I was transported to never never land. When I was aware of the world around me, my awesome little cunt lapper was cleaning me up with a hot towel and when she saw I was aware of what was going on, kissed me again and told me to get dressed, it was time to go home and fuck. I slipped my dress on in a flash and we went out to find my husband who was sitting with one of the dancers, a hot blond, right up his alley. What I didn't know at the time was that my new lover had set this up with the blond so she could have me all to herself and I wanted this hot cunt so bad, I was willing to let my husband have the blond. My husband took the blond to her place and we went to my house to finish the evening in comfort. While we were walking to the car, my lover lifted my dress and was holding my ass in both her hands, whispering in my ear what was in store for me. My pussy juice was running down my legs by the time we got to the car and when I got in the passengers seat, she spread my legs and licked my pussy, putting it in a fucking frenzy. She drove to my house with my dress hiked up so my pussy was exposed and she had buried three fingers in my cunt, finger fucking me and talking to me all the way home.
By the time we got to the house I was out of my mind with passion as she wouldn't let me cum in the car and I was ripe for her to do whatever she wished with me. We walked to the door with both her hands on my ass and her whispering in my ear how she was going to fuck me silly when we got in bed. We ran up the stairs into the bedroom, she pulled my dress off, pushed me onto the bed, took her clothes off and got on top of me, rubbing her body against mine and kissing and licking my face and neck. She pinned my arms back, told me I was her hot cunted fucking whore now and since I was made to be fucked, she was going to fuck me into submission. I was crazy with lust and kept telling her I was hers to suck and fuck or whatever she wanted to do to me. She had reached down, grabbed my pussy and told me to beg her to eat my cunt like a good little lesbian whore and I begged just like a good little lesbian whore. She slid down between my legs and when she stuck her tongue in my flaming pussy, it exploded cunt juice all over both of us. She looked up at me with her cum covered face, told me what a good girl I was for cumming for her but she knew I could cum more then that and went right back to savaging my pussy with her mouth. I had never been that hot in my life, my brain was on fucking fire and all I could do was moan, “Heaven, fucking heaven”, over and over as she worked my cunt into a place it had never been before. I kept cumming and cumming for my new lover and I swear she had to be the best cunt lapper alive because I finally passed out from so much stimulation to my poor pussy.
I was out for a few minutes and when I woke, my lover had her whole hand buried in my pussy and began fist fucking me, making my brain explode with overload. This was another new experience for me and my pussy was filled to the breaking point and she was slamming away with her fist and arm, just like she was cock fucking me. My ass was up off the bed as she slammed my pussy with her fist and the whole time she was fist fucking me, she was talking to me and making me tell her what it felt like being fist fucked. I haven't a clue as to what I said, but I do remember her telling me what a good little cunt I am and to cum for her when she told me. The last thing I remember being fist fucked was her telling me to cum for her and then I blacked out again, only this time I slept for a few hours. When I woke this time, she was holding me in her arms, my pussy was still on fire and she started kissing me, taking me from a smoldering pussy to a pussy in flames. In between kisses she was talking to me and her voice drove me fucking insane with desire and when she asked if I was ready for another new experience, I told her I would try anything for her. She turned around, got on top of me so her mouth was at my pussy and of course her pussy was at my mouth, all wet and juicy, leaking drops of cum onto my mouth. I liked the taste of her pussy so much I wanted a lot more of it, so without hesitation, I buried my tongue in her cunt hole, which made her fill my mouth with her sweet cunt nectar. I had hold of her ass with both hands when she filled my mouth with the nectar of the Gods and it was so so fucking good, I went crazy on her pussy, going into a cunt eating frenzy
I didn't even think about what I was doing, I just wanted more and more of her hot cunt and dimly I could hear her screaming something unintelligible. I made her fill my mouth with the sweetest pussy juice in the world seven or eight times before it registered that she was telling me to stop before I killed her. My face, neck and tits were covered with her cunt juice and I was in a state of ecstasy, having just eaten a pussy and loved it. My lover turned around and I saw her face was covered with my pussy juice and without even thinking about it, I licked her face clean. She took me in her arms and started talking to me in an incredibly sexy voice, telling me I was one hot fucking cunt that was born to suck and fuck hot cunt and that I was the most beautiful pussy she ever fucked. She was rubbing my pussy the whole time she was talking to me, making me almost cum, but stopping just before could have a pussy explosion and between her talking and rubbing my cunt, I was in the most fucking passionate state I had ever been in. She kept talking in that voice, telling me what a great pussy I was, what she was going to do to my pussy and what she was going to let me do to her pussy. I was so fucking hot and wanted to shot my load so bad, I would have literally done anything she wanted me to and when she told me she was going to bring her friends over to fuck my magnificent cunt, I whole heartedly agreed to having her friends fuck me.
I was now begging her like the little pussy she made me be, for her to make me cum before I lost my fucking mind and when she stuck her tongue in my mouth and rubbed my clit, I shot out cunt juice just like I was pissing. When I calmed down some, she told me that was the most awesome thing she ever saw a hot cunt do and she was going to make me do that for her friends. I was still so fucking turned on I didn't care if she brought the whole damn neighborhood in to see me cum, I was now begging her to fist fuck me again. She worked her fingers into my pussy very slowly this time, one finger at a time, making me beg like a little cunt for more and promising her I would fuck her friends if she put her hand whole hand in my cunt. Finally she had her hand in my pussy, fist fucking me while stroking my clit and I was going fucking insane from all the pleasure my cunt was getting. She made me tell her when I was going to cum and when I told her, she stopped doing my pussy to talk to me, making me nuts, of course. She made me tell her what I was going to do to her pussy and her friends pussies and how much I loved her cunt, before she would let me cum. She did this to me three times and on the forth time, no matter what she did, I shot cum out of my cunt again, like a fire hose being turned on, soaking the bed again.
That lesbian cunt worked my pussy over that night like it had never been worked over before, she had her hands on some part of my anatomy the whole night and when she sat in a chair and put me on her lap, I thought I would pass out from shear pleasure. She started out finger fucking me with one finger while sucking on my tits and worked her way up to four fingers, had put hickeys on both my tits while managing to rub my clit while finger fucking me into sexual heaven. I have no idea how many times she made me cum while I was on her lap, but it took the cushion on the chair a whole day to dry out and I fell asleep in her arms with my cunt full of her fingers. When I woke the next morning, she was straddling my face with her hot, wet pussy pressed to my mouth and when she told me to eat her pussy to show her how much I loved her cunt, I started eating her sweet pussy just like I was born to do it. She was right, I really loved her pussy and made her cum in my mouth three times before she got off me, ruining my cunt sucking fun. She said she was really hungry, but after we ate, she was going to make desert out of my wonderful pussy and then she showed me who was boss. She pulled me off the bed, slapped my ass and said, “Go make me breakfast my little lesbian cunt, your dyke is hungry” and I did just that.
While I was making my female stud breakfast, it occurred to me that I hadn't thought about my husband one time and as good as a lover he is, I was having the sexual time of my life and really didn't care where or what he was doing. My new lover had her hands all over me while I was cooking and we actually took a pussy break so she could eat my pussy for me, before I finished cooking, right on the kitchen table. While we were eating, I asked how many of her friends were coming over, she told me four of them and when I asked her what they were going to do, she replied, “You my dear, they are going to do you” and I have to say, I was looking forward to it, especially when my lover told me that it was going to be a feast and my pussy was the feast. We went back up to bed with visions of licking tongues dancing around in my head.
Fun with a hot looking redhead... a hand full and all that! |
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