My Home : Chapter 3
*** Chapter 3 - Celebration
I watched Louis as he took a sip from his glass before stretching across the table to kiss me. The music was loud but I still heard my heart as it pumped away in my ears. When he pulled back the world only came back slightly into view.
It was a mostly dark room with shafts of light poking through in different colors. Music was being kicked out from the thirty or so speakers that lined the whole room. The place was hot, but at this point I could blame Louis for most of the heat I was feeling instead of the mass of people around us who were talking, shouting, drinking and dancing.
Our outing that started three hours ago, eventually lead us here, to Bottles, with already a few drinks under our belts. Carmon was on the dance floor and we watched her for a bit until she got swallowed up by the crowd and other guys that like how she was feeling the music. This left Louis and I to find a new way to drink. I reached for my can of beer and took a swing of it before reaching across the table for him. He didn’t even wait for me to reach there this time. He met me half way and we kept on kissing after the beer had been drunk, if not mostly spilled.
I felt his month moving along my neck, to then hear him sucking the beer through my shirt as I closed my eyes and started pushing my hand into his jeans. My other hand tangled in his hair as he started to play with one of my nipples through my shirt with his teeth and tongue.
The music encouraged my heart to beat faster and I pulled him closer in between my legs. I moaned without caring, thinking that no one would hear over the techno drum that filled the room. I was proved wrong a few seconds later when Louis was ripped from me. I opened my eyes and saw a very angry looking man looking down at me between equally angry words he was shouting at Louis.
I stood up when I heard the words ‘fairy hooker’ come out of the guy’s mouth.
“Who the fuck are you calling a fairy hooker?” I asked as I stood closer to guy I earlier thought was the bar keeper.
“Oh, have I got your attention now?” he said as he turned towards me. It would have been easier to hate him if he was older with thirty years of fat and a beer gut hanging off of him, but he looked good even. “I was just telling your ‘john’ that fairy hookers aren’t allowed in here with all the other kinds of fairies,” he said as he turned towards me.
“He’s not my ‘john’,” I told him with enough anger that it started to burn through the alcohol in my body. “And who the fuck are you to tell me who I can be with?” I asked him as my first option of him of being cute was quickly wacked by his narrow mindedness. If it wasn’t for all three factors keeping me warm, I know I would have turned cold on the inside as some of his ‘friends’ came closer cutting us off from most of the other clubbers.
“I’m the barkeep,” he said.
“So are you telling us its club rules that we can’t be here, because I heard otherwise,” I said as I stood our ground. There was no snappy comeback?
“Get the manager to tell us we aren’t welcomed here, or get out of our faces,” Louis told him as he reminded him of his presence.
“He left me in charge, and I say that you aren’t welcomed,” he answered.
“Good luck making us leave,” I said as I prepared for a fight. I was sure that Louis wouldn’t mind. He hasn’t had been in a fight for a while and he didn’t have to worry about work for weeks.
“Let me through!” I heard and turned to see Carmon pushing her way towards us. “What’s going on?” she asked all of us. I just looked at her, thinking that we should leave to keep her from getting harmed if they really wanted to start a fight over this.
“They don’t like us and want us to leave,” Louis told her.
“Why?” she asked as she turned towards the guy who was in the lead of the little group.
“Do you know that your boyfriend was a fairy and getting all chummy with that guy?” the jerk asked her. He was now the jerk.
“What!?” she said as she looked between all of us. Then he started to laugh. bad move.
“You might want to check to see he paid him. He might be trying to get it all,” he added before he broke out in a laugh again. As much as I hated him for saying that, I still felt his pain as I watched Carmon walk up to him and kneed him so hard she almost fell off balance. Louis and I stood there and watched as he fell in pain with his hands between his legs. It was only when we saw his friends go after Carmon did we move and pulled her back behind of us and prepared to fight.
A brief moment of floating had me looking at what was causing pressure on my arm. Bouncer was the only word that came to mind when I saw who had a hold of me. I looked over at Louis and Carmon and had to change that to bouncers.
“They started it!” I shouted as we were being hauled off towards the entrance with others parting the way for us to be thrown out.
“Yah, but you guys threw the first blow,” the guy who was dragging me out said. Carmon who was putting up more of fight because she believed that her sex would save her from being really ‘dealt with’ was the last to be tossed out to land on Louis.
“Oh,” my bouncer said as he turned back to look at us. “We, management, don’t care if you are gay or not, as long as you pay your bill, but anyone in there can tell you what they think. If you get them to throw the first punch then they go out. No fighting allowed.” He then turned his back on us and walked back inside leaving us sitting on the dark side street.
“What were you doing to have them think that you were turning tricks?” she asked me before looking at Louis who she stayed on top of.
“We were just kissing,” I said before I remembered that he was acutely sucking on my nipple. She looked at Louis again.
“Well it was a kind of kissing,” he said in his defense as I started to stand.
“What do you want to do now?” I asked them as I dusted off the side of my thigh that had hit the ground. “It one-thirty am,” I said after looking at my watch.
“Let’s just get some drinks and head home,” Carmon said as she decided to get up and release Louis.
“I don’t mind,” I said. We now looked at Louis to hear what he wanted. He looked between the two of us before looking down the street.
“I feel like pancakes. Do you know where I can find some this late?” he said as he walked towards us. He walked past Carmon and kissed me before walking on towards some flashing lights at the other end of the ally. I watched his back as Carmon now held on to my arm before we started to follow him and early morning pancakes.
Two hours later we found ourselves laying on or against each other as we sat on the only bus that got close to our home. It was so early in the morning that I was sure we would see the sun come up before we got home. I sat between Carmon who was laying across my lap face up with her legs crossed under her skirt, while Louis just laid against my side happy and a little tired from the breakfast that he was able to find.
We all ended up having something and were happy to have found the place three long blocks from the club. We were about to give up when we say the stack of neon pancakes on their roof. We were in high spirits when we left Annie’s Corner and even higher still when we saw that there as a stop for our bus across the street.
My eyes focused as a stop was being requested and with little interest I watched a security guard get off a minute later. The bus continued on into what was left of the night with just the three of us and the driver. I turned my head to look out the window again as we moved through dark tall buildings for a number of blocks. With each block the buildings got smaller, but they all stayed dark and lifeless.
Carmon had been holding my hand since she took its place in my lap. I now felt her smaller hand on the back of it as she pressed it onto her bra under her shirt. I moved it inside her bra and cupped the fullness of one of her breasts. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth it had as it got a little heavier in my palm. I felt Louis as he started to move at my side. My arm fell from behind his neck to around his waist. I felt his hot breath on my neck before he rubbed his face against my skin.
I felt his lips through my shirt on my shoulder.
“You reek of beer,” he told me.
“That’s entirely your fault,” I told him. “You wouldn’t drink any of my beer,” I finished.
“Then maybe your mouth would taste better then,” he said before I felt his hand turning my head towards him. I opened my eyes just to close them as I saw him coming towards me. I pulled him a bit closer as I kissed him back.
Carmon rolled her head in my lap rubbing things that made the kiss more effective. I soon pushed Louis away for a breath and barely saw our stop as we passed it.
“Damn! We missed our stop,” I said as I pulled my hand out of Carmon’s shirt and singled for a stop by pulling on the yellow rope that ran along both sides of the bus. Louis stood with me but waited until Carmon had fixed her outfit and bra before coming up to the front of bus where I stood, with Carmon in tow. By the time the bus came to its next stop we were in front of the fountain at the park. An extra three blocks away from home. A five block walk just turned into an eight block walk.
The sun was starting to rise, and since it had been a while since I saw one I pulled Louis and Carmon over to watch it with me on the other side of fountain. I didn’t feel much, but it was an event to see the sun created. When it was a full circle and most of the red was gone from the sky we turned and walked home.
I ended up counting down our progress in blocks. For the first three we walked next to each other. On the fourth block Louis held my hand but kept his distance. With two blocks left Carmon held on to my whole other arm. We rounded the corner and there were no signs of life even though the whole world was now full of light. I saw our house three rows down and I saw my bed waiting for me. I just wasn’t sure what I would be doing it in yet.
At that moment I didn’t feel tired, but I couldn’t for sure say that I was going
to have sex instead of going off to la-la land, but it was good to be home. I
looked at it and saw its green front lawn, its oak stained front door, two
stories containing three bedrooms and two baths that three of us had put our
money into buying four years ago.
Carmon and I stood with Louis as he fished the keys out of his pocket to open
the front door. We walked into the cool air of the house and headed down the
hall to the kitchen and the stairs that went up. Carmon went to the fridge while
Louis and I walked on.
“Bring some water and cups Carmon,” I told her as I started up the steps with Louis right behind me pushing me forward.
“Who’s room?” she asked when I could no longer see her.
“James’,” Louis told her. Before we got to my room I turned around and pulled him into my body and I kissed with a full set of lungs. My body had heated up when he placed his hands on my back. I remembered what we had started back at the bar before we were interrupted and the bus before we got off. He kept on walking as he pulled me along with him. We ended up in my room all the same as we huffed with the effort and expectations.
“Bath,” he told me as he slowly pulled me away. “You’ll make a mess out of the sheets if you don’t wash the beer off,” he added.
“Who said we had to do it on the bed?” I asked him as I moved in for another lip locking kiss pushing him backwards against the wall or was it the door?
“Fine,” he said when I stopped, leaning away to look into his face. Louis helped with getting me undressed. I slide my arms around his neck and kissed him until his paints started to bother me.
“It’s your turn to get naked,” I told him as my hands started to rid him of his shirt. Once his briefs were off he walked into the bathroom.
“James,” he said as he turned on the lights. I got myself excited over the thought that he might have wanted me to fuck him over the toilet again as I started walking after him. I heard the shower being turned on before I had walked four steps. As I turned into the room I saw that Louis had left the door open to the shower. His hair was darker as it stuck to his head and neck. He wiped the water down his arms and stomach and over a cock that looked hard. He locked his eyes with mine and he stepped backwards until his butt hit the wall and he waited for me to join him.
I got the hint. My mouth went dry before I swallowed and walked into the shower for him.
Had a little fallout about that customer and the hand job!!! My boss, Miss Wilson, came up to me a few days later and asked me how many other women I had jerked off!!!... |
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