My Clipped Cock

(Part 1 from 1)

Technically, right now I am an "It." A few weeks ago I was a "He." In another few weeks I will be a "She." The adventure is a celebration for me. I am doing everything right, and sensually documenting and sharing the adventure with my very-supportive and very-erotic friends.

This is the invitation to my special party back in April:

Ball of Balls

LeMensa Jette Maison

requests the honor of your presence
as she is beautifully sent off
to be gelded
with her wonderful friends to witness

the sensual ceremony will
take place beginning at
3 a.m. on April 8, 2002,
at 1800 Rue Devon, Toronto

strictly formal half-attire required
(tuxedoed men without pants,
and gowned women showing breasts)

This blooming orchidectomy
is part of the essential transformation
of LeMensa to her ultimate LeFemme

The event will be elegantly erotic
and your arroused attendance
will make it all the more perfect


I had been seriously and sensually cross-dressing for months, with some flings in DRAG having gone on for years. It was time for me to become the woman I was meant to be. Fortunately, there is a doctor in Philly who does not require a lot of pscyho babble before he'll cut off your balls.

He knows that the transforming person needs estrogen and other hormones to start naturally developing a more feminine form, to start getting those sensitive nipples that will eventually have orgasms of their own. But before the female hormones can do the best work, one must rid the body of testosterone. The testes have to go.

The sooner they are clipped the better. The waiting line is not long, so once I made my decision and made the modest down payment, my only wait was to make sure I had the formal party I wanted before being snipped (the operation is technically an "Orchidectomy," which is the perfect name to excise the man and begin to flower as the woman).

The party invitation really tells the story of what came next. Fifty of my best and most supportive friends, both male, real female, and transformed females, were invited, and all were delighted to attend. It was a very formal outdoor affair. Orchids were everywhere. The table settings were perfect. The dessert was liquer-filled jello in a mold from my penis and balls. The dessert was served during the ceremony I will desrcribe later, and the small dessert plates made my cock/ball mold seem big enough. I even had the molded cock and balls cleanly cut so they were slightly separated as dessert was presented.

I arrived a little fashionalby late. As I exited the white limo on the lawn, my long bare legs came out revealing open-toed stilettos and the french tipped pedicure that matched my manicure. My flowing white gown parted at the nave so everything below was wonderfully exposed with the gown's fluffy train framing me from behind.

At the party I would have my last male orgasm, so I had not cum for months. My cum-filled balls were perfectly waxed and wrapped with a white ribbon to match my gown. My cock stayed rock hard all day. Although laughably small, certainly extra justifcation to get it off, my cock was (and is as you will learn) very cute.

The party was great and at dusk I went into the house to prepare for the main ceremony. With the help of my two beautiful male attendants (one black, one white, with amazingly matching always-hard and amply-sized cocks), I disrobed. I then slipped into my shimmering lilac full-length kimono from Victoria's Secret. Matching thigh-high hose and matching high, high, close-toe heels finished the look.

A table had been prepared on a raised platform, lit for effect and for the filming. Ushered by my beautiful hard-cocked attendants I was lifted to lay on my back on the table which was then tilted up to give the audience a better view. My sexy, fully-waxed body was then fully exposed as my attendants quickly parted my robe. Cheers and claps came from my friends as they saw that I had a new matching and shimmering lilac ribbon around my soon-to-be-gone balls.

It was the perfect scene especially because my attendants were both fully waxed and wore just white shirts cut high in the front to show their cocks, with matching and shimmering lilac ties, and also with the same lilac hose and heels I was wearing.

Awed by the vision, each member of the audience eagerly lined up to lick caviar off my balls followed by a lick of ice cold champagne. One of my attendants spooned the caviar to my testicles using a golden spoon and the other then splashed the bubbly over the pretty balls for the tongues to enjoy after the caviar.

Back in their seats, the white attendant gently caressed my balls as he stroked my rock-hard cock. To keep me especially turned on the black attendant had mounted the table and was fucking my mouth. He quickly came, and then took over for the white attendant while I then got a nice load the white cock's cum. With both of their hard-again cocks in my hands, I then had the longest-lasting, longest-shooting orgasm of my life. My cum was all over me, from face all the over my chest and stomach. The gold spoon was used by both attendants to feed it all to me as the audience gasped and politely clapped for me.

Then I was wrapped and whisked away to the clinic. The professional still and video photographers followed, along with my lesbian girlfriend Gina (a beautiful stripper who has really helped me learn to think, dress, and act like the Classy Bitch I am). Even the snipping was sensual and beautiful.

In minutes I had quickly and happily had my entire ball sac snipped clean. The incisiion was clean and carefully stiched. The shots of xylecaine were great, but it never really hurt even when the local wore off. Carefully cleaned, my little white testicles (looking like albino lima beans with cute little tail strings) were packed in ice. The ball sack was carefully resphaped and Gina took it so she could have our jeweler plate it in gold so it would be the beautiful pendant on a gold necklace that would accenuate the cleavage I would get later.

So in less than an hour, I was back at the party for the Reception. Everyone oohed and aahed to see my cute gonads on ice and Gina held the ball sac to her wonderful chest to show what a nice necklace pendant it would soon be.

Every man had to dance with me first, where I would suck his beautiful cock and be nourished by his cum in front of all. The day and evening were perfect in every way.

A few days later, this invitation went to Gina and her girlfriend, and to my two beautiful male attendants:

Ball of Balls Redux

LeMensa Jette Maison

requests the honor of your presence
to tastefully toast her deflowered
orchids in tribute to her most
feminine of self-tributes

formal erotic dress required
with both men and women
full-body shaved and
perfumed, all wearing
only lavender stillettos
with matching thigh-highs

Again, the invitation says it all.

As I qucikly cooked in my gourmet kitchen, with my gourmet dinining room all set up for the most sensual feast, all tongues watered. Slightly simmered and steamed, my cute little testicles would now make a great oyster feast. Both of my attendants had contributed a sauce bowl of freshly masterbated cum, and the presentation was ready.

Placed on a bed of wild rice, with a little parsley, the plate of gonads was as scruptuous as any high-quality cookbook could ever produce. All agreed that the feast was mostly for me, and they were happy to have the more common bull and lamb testicles served for them. With a very sharp knife, the thin sliced testes were delicious. Although the cum cream was nice to have available, the taste was just perfect with only a dab. Everyone had a taste and agreed.

The female hormones now began to work quickly and it was time for the nullification. I have never liked the hairy scarred look of an artificial vagina, so I opted for the full penis excision, with a new pee hole low between my legs. My pubic area would then be sewn together for a perfectly smooth, very feminine look, with no hint of genitals at all. It is what I call the Barbie Doll look, so smooth and pefect for bikinis and panties (and of course to expose and be petted by both men and women).

The female surgeon did a great job of clipping the cock, and I am fully smooth and healed (all in less than a month). This part happened in Mexico, but the doctor is from L.A.

Two months later I have had the tit job, the most expensive breast implants available, from the most expensive New York City doctor. I am now 38DD perfection up top, to compliment my sensual smoothness below. And ooh how sexy that gold scrotum pendant necklace is between my new and perfect breasts.

The penis was preserved by a taxidermist and used by a florist to make a dry flower arrangement. The arrangement looks like a beautiful orchid with my pretty little cock as the stamen and pistel.

I am sucking the highest grade of huge cock I ever had (they clamor to find me). And ooh those tit fucks and nipple orgasms always leave me smiling with a facefull of wonderful cum, so finger-licking good. I feel so feminine now being fucked in the ass with my hosed and heeled legs on my mans shoulders as I lay on my back and admire his beautiful face and body as he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts. They say the super smooth, genital-less pubic area is the biggest turnon they have ever had.

Even women want to touch me and lick my smooth fully-covered "pussy." This classy bitch has it all, because she so happily and finally "lost it all."

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XXY, just three little insignificant letters in the English alphabet, that is unless that was your chromosome designation and not the normal XX or XY!!! XX equals girl, XY equals boy, while XXY equals what!?! For Sula it meant being caught in a permantent limbo between male and female, with oversized male genitalia and a woman's breasts and hips with no discernable body facial or chest hair!!!...