My Argentina
When I turned 20, I had just graduated college with my masters in Cultural Studies, and was on my way to Argentina for a summer in culutral submission.
At 5'7", 140, I was muscular, and strong. A soccer player since age 5, I had a passion for the field. I was well tanned year round - living in southern Texas let me be outside year round, without worry for a too-cold season of soccer. A tight, muscular waist, dainty hips, and perky breasts completed my body - with only 30 B's, I had the perfect chest - not too big to mess up my game, but just big enough to make me sexy. My long hair fell nearly to my ass, a deep mahagony, with streaks of red that I inherited from my mother. Being outside gave me blonde highlights across my head, and the combination of deep brown, fire red, and briliant blonde gave me a striking look. My eyes were as dark as my hair, with gold that kissed and splattered across them. Full lips and high cheekbones accented my face, and thick, dark lashes gave me an ever mysterious shadow.
I was looking forward to going to Argentina to not only study the people and their culture, but to fall in love with their sport as they had. I was traveling with 3 friends of mine: my roomate, Olivia, her brother Simon, and one of my teammates, Elliot, a tall, handsom boy who played goalie for our school. I had been playing with Elliot since we were children, having grown up in the same neighborhood, and we had lived in each other's skin. Why, we were so close, it was impossibly to say who had seen the other naked more often. At 6'4", he was taller than most soccer players, and was constantly criticized by his father for not taking to basketball. However, like me, Elliot's passion lied on the field. As tan as me, and as dark featured as I, people often mistook us for siglings. Elliot's dark hair was short and shaggy, making him playfull and sinfully delicious, and his brilliant green eyes always managed to dance out from under his bands. We were playful with each other, and had never really considered each other as sexual partners. We had played "marriage" when we were kids, but that was the extent of our sexuality.
Olivia and I had put together the trip - she had then invited her brother, who wanted to come along and film our trip for a documentary he was shooting about American's in other cultures. When I mentioned the trip to Elliot, he just had to come. Olivia wasn't enitrely pleased with this - at 5'3", and slightly pudgier than I, she was often jealous of me and the attention I got from Elliot. I constantly reminded her that he and I were simply friends, but it never seemed to settle with her. She eventually warmed to the idea of him coming, and as Simon pestered her that he would need another mate along, she agreed.
We left for Argentina by plane, and the flight took us a mere 9 hours from Houston. Laughing and joking the whole time, the 4 of us played with our High School Spanish vocabulary, trying to remember as much as we could. We had all agreed that we wouldn't stay in fancy hotels, but rather in hostels and underground housing systems for students. We wanted it to be total cultural emertion - this was partially due to my curiosity, and to Simon's want for a more "raw and graphic" documentary.
Ariving in Argentina, we made our way to our first hostel, and prepared to set up for the night. We agreed to share a room, us gals in one bed, the boys in the other. We dined and socialized with the others in the hostel - we were lucky enough to meet a few other American's staying at the same hostel as us, who were taking vertially the same route as we were. We were pleased to see that we wouldn't be alone.
A few Argentinian's in the hostel asked if we liked to party.
"Cerveza?!" one of the, cried out to us.
Olivia smiled mischiviously, and grabbed a bottle of the golden liquid.
"Cheers, mates!" she cried, throwing back the bottle, and sucking down the alchohol. The locals all laughed at her, and tossed bottles at the rest of us. Elliot and I opened our bottles, toasted, and with a slight wink from Ellior, we drank. Simon had a bottle, but continued to film while we drank, watching us melt into the culture of the Argentinian locals. We drank and sang the whole night, laughing and dancing, learning Spanish phrases, and teaching English ones.
Once we were all good and drunk, a young German in the hostel grabbed Olivia by the hand, and asked her name, in very clear English. He was cute, and Olivia, being drunk, decided to flirt. Giggling, and barely managing to get her name out, the two scampered off the do God only knows what. Simon seemed oblivious to this, as he had finally put his camera down, and was begining to drink with a group of young women in the hostel. Elliot and I laughed with one another.
"Can you imagine - SIMON - drunk?!" I cried out hysterically, barely managing to get it out thanks to my laughter.
"God, and Livvy - she's such a sport! Such a flirt! If she's not carefull, we'll have a 1/2 Argentinan baby to take home - what'll Simon think of THAT for his documentary!" Elliot laughed, his face red, his ahir falling this way and that. It was at this point that i realized just how sexy my best mate was.
Staring at Elliot, I started to study his face. The way his gentle mouth, with full lips would pucker into a smile, the way his eyes squinted when this happened. The white gleam of his teeth in the poorly light hostel, and the sexy, tribal glow of his skin. I licked my lips, tasting the strong Argentinian beer, and leaned closer to him.
"Dear, Elliot" I murmured, only a few inches from his face. "Have you ANY idea how devestatingly SEXY you are...?" I opened my eyes innocently, as if I had only recently observered this, which was partially true.
Elliot cocked his eyebrow, took another swig of the cerveza, and winked at me.
"I do believe, Miz Kera, that you have had far too much to drink. Hand it over."
Clutching the now warm bottle to my chest, I pouted. "Make me. And I'm serious, you know."
Elliot raised his eyes even farther. "Kera, we're friends, you don't wanna fuck that up do you?"
I opened my mouth and let out an audible gasp. "Fuck things up!? How could we up things fuck!?" I paused, glancing side to side as I realized I had misspoken and giggled, my giggles turning to laughs, and my laughs turning to hysterical cries as I said "Up, fuck! Up, fuck!" over and over again.
Elliot side, and set aside his drink, looking around desperatly for Simon and Olivia. Neither were to be found, and many of the hostel-stayers had evaporated from the scene. He realized that he and I were very much along, and as I was much too drunk to notice this sort of thing, he playfully pointed it out to me, noticing the interesting turn of events we were in.
"Kera" he muttered, "Shush, calm down, listen. I'm drunk. You're drunk. We'll probably not remember half of this trip by the time we get back to the states. So..." he ran his fingers thru his hair, mussing it up more, making me oggle him harder, leaning close to him, my hand across his chest. "...What do you say we--" But before he could answer, my mouth had covered his, my hands at his chest, tasting the drunkship of our bodies, and the warm beer on our lips. Elliot let out a primal moan, and leaned back into the bench as I starddled him.
Pulling my hair drunkinly from my face, I focused on his. "No one hears. Mums the word!" I giggled, then started undoing his pants, roughly pulling the snaps and strings that held his shorts together.
"Ker, Ker, slow up, KER!" he let out an agressive shout, as I pulled roughly on his pants, probably tugging his member at the same time. I could feel his pulsing dick beneath the thin travelers cotton, and I wanted to feel more of it.
Ellit held my hands in my lap, and focused on my face. "Slow up, ok? If we're doing this, we're doing this properly. Back in the room. In a strange bed, and loaded with foregin booze." I smirked, scruntching my nose at him, and gave him another hard kiss.
"Gaaaawd Ell, you taste so fantastic" I muttered between kisses, my lips smacking noisly against his, our tongues pulsing against each others slowly, tasting the sweet alchohol and sweat in and on each other's mouths. I felt his hands slowly sliding up my back, under my shirt, and caressing my skin. It was summer, and the heat was greatly affecting us - our tee shirts were sticking to our bodies, and we were sweating heavily. I pulled away from the kiss, and licked my lips, sucking on my tongue to taste sweet Elliot all over again.
"The room. The room" I said again. Standing up, I took his hand, and, with a swagger in both of our steps, we made our way up the stairs into our cramped room. Not bothering with the light, we stumbled onto what I thought I remembered being mine and Olivia's bed. Muttering against each other about clothes and the time, we pulled our sticky tee shirts and shorts off, kicking off hiking boots, and tugging away underwear. In total darkness, we pushed against each other, searching for that sweet spot.
I roll over on top of him, teasing his raging hard cock, standing erect against my stomach. Stroking it with my long fingers, I purred softly.
"Ohhh, Elliot.... how come you never told me your penis was so preeeeettty?" I giggled a bit, and said "penis" again, laughing at the funny word. Elliot moaned a bit, his throbbing cock in my tender hands, and bucked his hips up a bit. "Oop!" I said, feeling him push me up. I laughed again. "Elliot and Kera, fuckin in the bush... F-U-K-C---fuck!!" I laughed again, and Elliot stopped me.
"Kera? Sweety? Shut the fuck up and blow me."
Shocked, I opened my mouth to argue, then looked down. It was as if I had never noticed how truly tempting his thick cock looked, after a full 5 minutes of just stroking it. At a stiff 8 1/2 inches, I was impressed. Licking my lips, I moaned loudly, letting out a few grunts and purrs and soft cries as I bent down, sliding down his muscular thighs, and gently kissing the tip of his cock.
Elliot moaned, bucking his hips against my face. I looked up at him, watching his eyes, locked on mine. Both of our eyes were on fire, the glow from our bodies so intense. I slowly pulled him into my mouth, dragging my tongue along the delicate skin of his cock. I murmered my pleasure as I watched his face contort delightfully. Sucking harder on his raging member, I massaged his thighs with my hands, pulling myself up farther on his cock, till only his head was in my mouth. He moaned again, softly saying my name, his hips gently swaying in rhythm to my mouth. I forcefull held him down, gave him a swift wink at his look of questioning, and, without skipping a beat, pulled all of him down myu throat.
He let out a yelp, crying "Oh FUCK, Ker!" and grabbed my hair, twisting my locks in his hands, pulling me tighter around his dick, bucking his hips against my face. I sucked him harder, my saliva sliding around my mouth, and leaking out the corners, his pre-cum mixing with my spit, coating his dick in a thick layer of lubricant that kept my lips tight and gliding smoothly as he fucked away at my mouth.
I began to hum deeply in my throat, feeling his cock pulsate deeper and deeper in my mouth, his cries getting louder and sharper, his moans mixing with my own, and as he gave out one final cry and thrust, I felt him cum hard and deep into my mouth. I kept my head still as he pumped his hot cum down my throat, every muscle in his body tense under my own. Letting out ragged gasps of breath, Elliot let out shot after shot of cum. I was amazed at how much spooge he was loading into my mouth.. After what seemed like forever, he finally slowed down, relaxing his body, and letting go of my hair. Gasping for breath, he slid his still hard cock from my mouth, and wipped a smudge of cum from my lips. I grabbed his finger with my mouth, and sucked it hard.
Sighing, I rolled onto my back, scooting up beside Elliot. Gasping for breath, I tweaking my stiff nippples, standig as erect as his still hard cock. Groaning, Elliot rolled on top of me.
"Ohhh... Oh fuck, Kera.... I never imagined how fucking hot that would be.... Oh CHRIST..."
Elliot reached between us, slipping a finger between my silky folds. I was soaked after blowing him, that his fingers parted me with ease.
"I don't suppose you'd mind....?" He looked innocently at me, giving me a wink, and before I could answer, diving between my legs. Hoisting my thighs onto his shoulders, Elliot gently kissed the top of my slit, caressing my folds with his long fingers. I moaned, and slid farther down the bed, till I could feel his nose against my clit. Begging him to eat me, I grabbed his head and gently massaged it, pushing him slwoly closer to me. Reaching out a tentative tongue, Elliot gently licked my slit, rubbing his tongue up and down my slit, slowly parting my lips and tasting my depths. Kissing my wet pussy, he spread me apart with his figners, and began to suck my clit, gently massaging it with his tongue. I let out a moan, saying his name and whispering to the Virgin Mother (my friends say I do this when I'm drunk - I suppose I do it when receiving oral as well).
Elliot began to intensely suck my clit, fingering my tight hole with his thumb, gently rubbing my outer lips, and sucking me harder all the time. He'd stop, rotate his lips, lick my clit, and flick it with his tongue, his fingers, all the while driving me closer to orgasm. Grasping his head between my thighs, I began to rock against him with my hips, grasping one hand against his head, and another at the sheets at my side. Pushing my body as hard against his face as I could, I begged him to suck me harder, to pinch me, twist me, even spank me. Elliot gave me a light slap on the ass, and I shreiked with delight. As he began to furiously suck my clit and finger fuck me, I reached orgasm, pressing myself against his face, and crying out his name, I came on his face, moaning with delight, my whole body rigid and shaking at the same time. Elliot stopped sucking me as I came on his face, but gently licked around my pussy and lips, taking care not to touch my sensetive clit so close after orgasm.
My legs fell apart, my arms at my sides. I gasped for breath, feeling the effects of the orgasm rocket through my body. As Elliot silently lapped at my hot pussy, I grabbed his shoulders, pulled him too me, and with one silent agreement, pulled his thick cock into my throabing pussy.
Feeling him fill me up, I felt my sex drive shoot above me. As Elliot gently thrust in and out of me, he kissed my shoudlers and neck, waiting for me to give the OK for it to be harder. The more slowly he thrust, the more I wanted it to be rouch, and I realized he was helping me build myself back up. Grasping his back with my hands, I clawed at his shoulders, moaning against his body, and searching for his mouth.
As Elliot kissed me hard, I tasted the warm cerveza again, as well as my own cum. I could taste a slight hint of him in my mouth as well, and it only drove me more insane. I imagine it drove him wild as well, as he began to kiss me harder, and pump deeper into my tight cunt..
"Oh! Elliot!" I cried, bucking my hips against his, pulling him deeper into me. He grunted and moaned, crying out my name as he humped furiously. I began to tear at his shoulders, feeling the heat build up in my groin, traveling to my stomach, as I neared my orgasm. Feeling my climax build, I flipped onto my stomach, sticking my ass in the air, and begging Elliot to fuck my ass. Not missing a second, Ellit withdrew from my tight pussy, and slammed his cock into my waiting asshole. I moaned, throwing myself harder onto the bed as Elliot pumped away at my ass. He gave me a few quick slaps, thrusting hard and deep into me.
I began to moan louder, crying out his name, and felt him grab my hips. I knew he was close, and I said between breaths, "cum in my ass, cum in my ass baby". A rigurous slap told me my request would be answered.
Only a few seconds later, Elliot pumped at least twice what he had down my throat into my ass. As I madly fignered my clit, his thick seed filled me, and I felt myself reach yet another orgasm. Cumming all over my figners, I rubbed my clit as hard as I could, orgasming again and again.
As both of our orgasms passed, Elliot pulled himself from my ass. Gently fingering my red asshole, and soping wet pussy, he stroked himself a few times, a few drops of cum flying out across my backside. Wiping it up with his fingers, Elliot collapsed on the bed next to me, and stuck his figners towards me. I giggled, and sucked his figners into my mouth. Rolling onto my back, I quickly touched myself, bringing my own hot cum up to his lips. We greedily sucked on each other's fingers.
The next morning, we woke up to Simon shouting to Olivia about all the marvelous things he had shot. He added, hottly, that he only wished he had gotten more footage of the 3 of us. I could hear Olivia blush, smiling knowlingly that she had had almost as much fun as Elliot and I. Well... almost.
The adventures of Sasha C and her sexcapades starts at her job where she meets a sexy black man... |
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