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Much Older Woman reviews

Posted by Candy
Nowhereman51, how old are you now?? You wouldn't mind fucking a 30 year old, would you? Man, the things I wouldn't do to you... Lol! Great stories!
Posted by Sam
things were moving too fast and he got scerad. Well he was the one who came back with me when I drove 500 miles to see him. My point is if you can figure it out is: Don't move there or tell her you want to or even tell her you love her if you don't mean it! Karma is a bitch and I feel pitty for all the men who do good women wrong guess that is why there are so many hatefull bitches in this world because men mess up the heads of the good women and well they just turn into the run of the mill evil she devils that were already pleagueing the earth. Hey guys keep it up and eventually WE will ALL be cold hearted because of your lies!
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When Jo made her ass-to-mouth movie with Alphonse, I played a little trick on her so she ended up with a mouthful of shit. Lucky for her, her attempt to get back at me results in her having an even bigger mouthful of shit...