I hope that the author, Jason, keeps writing stories like this one, or even does a sequel. Very hot!
Posted by Frank
Lovely story to wank to I came so quickly but wish I had been there too
Posted by Walter Pulitzer
This so called "erotic story" was a dredful piece of garbage. A third grader could do better.it's seems as if a dumb-ass perverted teenager poorly attempted to wright out one of his really stupid wet dreams. I am Mr. Walter Pulizter. I am the one whose great great great grandfather had the highly respected Pulitzer Prize named after him so I know what I'm talking about when I say this story should be destroyed.
Posted by Walter Pulitzer
you sir should be ashamed of yourself for wrighting such an atrcious piece and being proud of it.
Posted by ric
great story love to have joined u there i always wanted to be spitroasted
Posted by jared
it wuz ok..i guess
Posted by Boypenis
Very sexy story made my dick get hard
Posted by gim
Ok "Walter Pulitzer". First of all it's write not wright. wright is a name. And before you go commenting on how bad stories are, get your grammar straight. And this story was pretty fucking hot.
Posted by Larissa
I think gay marriage shluod be voted on by people of the states. It is a moral issue, not a religious one. There are Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheists who oppose gay marriage. It is not like telling someone to pray to Allah 5 x a day or take communion. It is not a central tenet of any one faith, so it does not constitute enforcing one religion on the rest of society, as England did 200 plus years ago. No state ever voted for gay marriage
I wasn't into men until James tied me up in the woods...