Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 9, Dark and Airless (The Conclusion)
Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Sunday morning, mistress kept Daniella in a deep brainwashing trance while letting the slave watch close up, as Dominica took the long laces from a friend's leather outfit, tied little bumps in one cord, and masturbated herself to an intense orgasm. She then sent Daniella to the bathroom, with orders to put on the remote-controlled rubber panties and present herself for further orders.
Chapter 9, Dark and Airless:
* * * * * *
Daniella reached the bathroom on her hands and knees, her body feeling so heavy, her mind so empty. She crawled through the door into the bathroom, and suddenly felt light, like a balloon. Like a leaf, being blown upwards by a warm, summer breeze. She felt, not so much like she was standing up, as that she was floating. Rising, not through any will or effort of her own. Her body simply responding to outside forces, completely beyond her control.
She looked into the mirror, but scarcely noticed what it actually reflected. Instead, she saw with her mind's eye. She reached up to the long, blonde hair she saw reflected in the mirror, and curled her fingers into the tresses. Stroking her hand downward, all the way past her shoulders, combing her hair with her fingers, Daniella could feel the long strands between her fingers. Both hands reached up and cupped her round, firm breasts, squeezing them. She gently tugged at both nipples, with thumbs and forefingers, and her eyes drifted closed at the sensation. Her pussy was getting so hot and wet!
Pussy... wet... that was right... Daniella remembered she needed to get ready. Needed to take a long, emptying pee and then get back into those rubber panties for Mistress. The thought of the soft rubber, caressing her clit made her drift even more for a moment. But the urge to obey was rapidly becoming stronger than her need to drift and play with her aching nipples. Obey... obey... obey... She saw Dominica's booted legs in front of her, felt herself kneeling on the floor looking up at them. She could feel Mistress' hands on her shoulders, pushing her down, forcing her into a seated position on the toilet, her body tilted forward, her ass pushing the base of the butt plug firmly against the back of the seat. She could hear Mistress voice ordering her to release!
Daniella's mind dropped even deeper into trance, as she continued to play with her nipples, her lower body entirely beyond her control, all sensation but her nipples lost in the trance. She heard Mistress' words over and over, telling her to drop deeper, sink deeper, obey, calling her name Danieelllllaaaaaa! Mistress' voice said a special trigger word, and Daniella's mind blanked out completely, forcing her to obey. Her belly and bladder clenched tightly, expelling every tiny drop -- while the butt plug remained firmly pressed into her ass.
Feeling dizzy, Daniella began to awaken. Slowly. Flashes of light sparkled in her head. Her hands tingled as they began to relax, no longer pinching her nipples so firmly. Her eyes opened, and stared at nothing for a few moments. Then she reached up with one hand, like a robot, pulled a few sheets off the tissue roll, and wiped her pussy. She stood up, reached back, flushed -- and the sound of the rushing water woke her up further. Enough to realize... enough to realize she had a task to perform.
The panties. The rubber panties. Where had she left them? She remembered showering with them -- oh, had she left them in the bathtub, all wet on the floor? Daniella started to walk across the room, ready to draw back the shower curtain -- and noticed that the rubber panties were resting on a small towel on the counter top, next to the plastic bottle of talcum powder. The panties were clean, dry, and ready to put on.
The slave couldn't remember doing this. She began to wonder when MzDominica might have... No, she wouldn't be doing menial tasks like this, there had to be... The shiny rubber of the panties looked so soft and smooth and squishy. Daniella picked up the panties, and trailed her fingers over the black surface, feeling it slip and catch, slip and catch, against her skin. She lifted the panties up to her face and inhaled. They still smelled like new rubber, somehow. The surface touched her cheek, and the sensation felt like a command, to obey MzDominica... obey MzDominica.
It was so hard to set the panties down, so she could shake talcum powder out of the bottle, spread it around her bottom and upper thighs, and around her pussy. But as soon as she was done, Daniella had the thrill of again picking up the rubber panties, touching them, feeling them -- stepping in and feeling them slide up her legs. Tugging and pulling, patting the rubber smooth against her skin. The slave looked at her shiny, black rubber-covered bottom in the mirror, and gave it a wiggle. Then she looked into her own eyes, and gave herself a wink and a big smile. Certainly, she was a pretty little rubber whore for her Mistress!
And that thought made her feel so heavy! Her knees seemed to buckle, in slow motion, and Daniella dropped to the floor, again on her hands and knees. Her head and shoulders seemed to be magnetized, pulled, drawn out the doorway. She crawled -- eyes unfocused and unblinking -- she crawled out the bathroom door, down the hallway, into her room. The magnetic pole was here -- right in the middle of the floor, in front of the four-poster bed. Daniella's head slowly bent down, down, down until her forehead touched the floor, touching that magnetic pole. And she waited, mind empty and blank. No time passed. A thousand years passed. It did not matter. The universe was empty without Dominica's presence.
Daniella was instantly aware when Mistress walked into the room -- and yet remained blank, unthinking, frozen in position. Her eyes open, staring at the floor, she was able to just catch a glimpse in her peripheral vision of Dominica's feet as she walked past. No boots this time, the slave had seen bare skin. And toes. That registered in her otherwise empty mind -- but Daniella could not contemplate anything further. All she knew was that Mistress had returned, and the universe existed again.
There was a sound -- it was Dominica sitting on the bed. There was a sensation of touch -- it was the back of her head being stroked. There was a command -- it was Mistress' voice.
"Look up, rubber... slave..." Dominica commanded.
Daniella shifted her weight back, and smoothly -- quickly -- tilted her head and torso upward, so she could gaze up at her Mistress. Her breath caught as she saw Dominica's feet, in sandals this time. Then her eyes trailed up the smooth, shiny legs, to Mistress' knees, to her ample breasts... look up... look up... the slave obeyed, and her eyes rose higher... to Mistress' shiny red lips... and finally to her deep, green eyes. Caught in the swirling of those beautiful green eyes...
"Do you know what day this is?" MzDominica asked.
The slave started to say "No," but found herself reluctant -- possibly even unable -- to form the word. Something shifted pathways in her brain, and she replied, "I do not, Mistress."
"It's Sunday," Dominica said, "and it's time to get ready to go home."
Daniella wasn't quite sure what any of these words meant. Days didn't matter, and home was anywhere near Mistress. She stared up at Dominica, face blank, mind blank, awaiting instructions.
"Time to wake up, babi," Mistress commanded. "Wake up!"
Dan felt the haze in his mind quietly disappear, like fog blown away by a sudden breeze. He still looked up at Dominica with worshipful eyes, but he now understood the meaning of her words. "Sunday already?" His voice was almost a whisper.
"Yes, little slave," Dominica said, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, Mistress," Dan replied. "But I can hardly believe it's already Sunday! I lost all track of time."
"Mmmmm, but did you enjoy it?" Mistress trailed a finger down Dan's cheek.
The sensation triggered Dan into a light trance again. So hard to think. "Yes, Mistress," he said, as if in a dream. "You have been so wonderful to me, Mistress Dominica!"
Dominica snapped her fingers. "Wake up!" she said, laughing. "You need to get dressed." She pointed to the pallet on the floor. "All your things are there. Get up. Put them on -- OVER the rubber panties. Make sure nothing is missing. I'll be back in a couple of minutes, and I expect to find you back on the floor, kneeling here, ready to go. Understand?"
"Yes, Mistress," Dan replied, bowing his head to the floor. Before he could rise again, Dominica had already left the room.
He stood up, realizing his knees were sore again, and walked over to the pallet. He remembered arriving Friday night, his cotton pants soaked with pre-cum from the ride up, and felt a little uncomfortable at the idea of putting them back on, the stain on front for all to see. But when he picked up his clothes, he noticed that they had been freshly laundered, and even folded! His wallet and other belongings were in a little stack, between his folded clothes and his loafers. There was definitely someone... um... The thought escaped him. Mistress was coming back in a couple of minutes, he needed to hurry.
A new job with all new cocks to suck, I’m in heaven... |
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