Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks
Daniella had long since forgotten her hands. A sex slave didn't need hands, so long as she had her tongue. Her mouth. In her dreams, Daniella became more and more desperate to make Dominica cum. To make her Mistress cum. To please Mistress. All thoughts of herself were forgotten. "Obey Dominica... Obey Dominica... Obey Dominica..." Lick... lick... lick... suck... swallow... lick... obey... lick...
Suddenly, like a huge explosion in reverse, Daniella felt herself falling, and her dreams vanished. Her eyes popped open. She glanced around, completely disoriented, no idea where she was. Her mind was still so blank, still caught in the echoes of Mistress' trance, her control, her dreams.
Daniella automatically sucked on the thick, black, rubber dildo -- and the soft firmness of the rubber felt so good, it almost sent her back into a hypnotic sleep. But something in the back of her mind talked to her. Talked to her with Mistress' voice. "Time to wake up, now, slave." She leaned forward and pressed her huge tits against the rubber sheet on the pallet, enjoying the way her cunt and ass echoed and reflected the pleasure in her breasts.
Still glancing around, trying to re-connect to the real world, Daniella's eyes fell upon two things directly in front of her. She didn't recognize the round, lumpy circle right away. She pumped her hips back into the dream dildos again, reacting to the circle before she knew what it was. A little tire -- like from a toy truck. She almost laughed, remembering the tire store from last night. Then she realized she didn't remember MUCH about being in the tire store. That brought a combination of confusion, a little panic, and a growing desire, as she realized how deeply controlled she had become. Her lips curled up into a smile -- quite a task, as they were still firmly wrapped around the thick rubber dildo.
The second item was a note. A simple piece of paper with writing on it, folded so it could stand, like a little tent, angled so the slave would see the words when she woke up. Daniella was almost afraid to try to read it, certain that -- like everything else -- it would simply appear to say "Dominica... Dominica..." over and over again. "Read it, slave," she heard Mistress' voice command. Opening eyes that she hadn't realized had closed again, Daniella read the note.
"Take a shower, slut. Then crawl to Me. I want you completely naked. Except, of course, for your butt plug. I have a special treat for you this morning! -- xox, MzD"
Daniella was at once relieved that she could actually read the note. Shower... yes, she probably was in great need of one, after last night. Something about her rubber panties felt... gummy... Kind of nice, actually... in a way... But she didn't want to think about it too much.
The slave stood up and stretched. Oh... She must have been crouched in a tight, little ball all night! She looked down at her legs. The "fuck me" hose no longer showed even a single filigree letter. All that was left was tattered little threads and runs. The rubber clothes and boots seemed to have survived unharmed, though. Her mind drifted again, imaging the thick dildos in her ass and cunt. Even standing and stretching, her hips began to buck. "Shower... NOW," Mistress' voice demanded. Daniella quickly trotted out the door, down the hallway, into the bathroom.
She was almost afraid to look in the mirror -- but she just had to. Oh... my... Goddess! She was a real mess! The wig was gone -- probably fell off in the tire store. She hoped MzDominica had retrieved it! Her eye makeup was nothing but dark blotches and streaks, and the lipstick was a blur smeared around her lips and up one cheek. She looked like a raccoon that had tried to dress up as a whore. A twinge of excitement made her clit throb. What a slut she had been, for her Mistress! She smiled into the mirror, enjoying the feeling of having been so deliciously used -- like an article of clothing that had been worn, soiled, and tossed in the laundry by Dominica -- to be used again later, after it had been cleaned. Daniella's hips began to wiggle, anticipating the next time.
Then she noticed the little black marks all over her body. Bruises? Her arms, legs, even parts of her face were covered with them! She rubbed at one on her forearm, and it didn't hurt... didn't feel sore. In fact, some of it rubbed off with her thumb. She looked at another one, near her elbow. The squiggly lines of light flesh between the black blotches gave her the missing clue. Tire treads! Oh, Goddess! She was covered with skid marks, from all the tires last night. Daniella couldn't help herself -- she pulled one arm with the other, and brought her blackened elbow close to her nose and inhaled, testing for the scent of rubber. Of course, it was there! Her mind drifted, and her nipples began to tingle, as she thought of Mistress' control over her mind...
"Shower!" commanded Dominica's voice in her head.
Daniella found herself almost hopping, turning the handles on in the shower to warm up the water. Unzipping the boots. Pulling at the rubber halter and mini-skirt. Peeling off the remains of the pantyhose. She looked down at the rubber panties. The lock was gone -- oh, thank Goddess! But she left the panties on, for the moment. She tested the temperature of the water, found it warm enough, and stepped into the shower.
Immediately, Daniella's bladder gave up all control. She peed helplessly inside the rubber panties, while the warm water splashed down her face and neck, and she squeezed her nipples and breasts. Her hands descended down her torso to the top edge of the panties, and she pulled them open, letting the warm water rush inside. She felt like some kind of perverted kangaroo, her pocket stretched open, a waterfall pouring into it, cleaning everything away. Her breath came in little, panting gasps, as she slowly pulled and twisted the rubber panties, down... down... down her legs. Sliding them down over her knees. Down her calves. Over her feet. Panties on the shower floor, she just stood mindlessly in the shower, warm water running over her, rubbing her tits. Her ass sucked on the butt plug again, reminding her that it was there, and her fingers trailed down to her pussy, her middle finger pressing into the cleft between her labia, her palm firmly against her clit. Rubbing... pumping... Mmmmm, so good!
"Soap! Shampoo! Now! You must obey!" Dominica's orders came from somewhere inside Daniella's head. She jumped a little, and emitted a tiny squeak, responding to the sudden commands. "I must obey Dominica," she automatically replied. Of course, she needed to present herself to Mistress, immediately! She grabbed the soap, and ran it all over her breasts, down her tummy, between her legs -- jumping again, every once in a while, as she realized she had languished too long.
After toweling off, Daniella crawled into the dining room, and was greeted with a view of MzDominica seated near the table, talking on her cell phone. She was laughing so hard, tears were running down her face. Mistress caught sight of her slave on the floor. She snapped her fingers and pointed down, indicating her boots. The slave hurriedly skittered across the floor to bring her lips to Dominica's toes.
"And then they WHAT?" Mistress almost screamed. "Oh, God. Those two can be so cruel!" She laughed again. "And you loved it, didn't you?... Yes, I know you did, you little slut!... Yeah, well, I always knew you were a size queen! Yeah... Oh, yeah!... And I bet that's not the biggest one you can take, either!... Uh-huh!... Oh, God, what an image! You, tied up like that, all night, and..." Dominica looked down at her naked slave, who was already falling deeper and deeper into trance, kissing Mistress' boots over and over. "Hey, you know what? I want those as a trophy from last night... Yes, I do... In fact, I want you to bring them over right now. I have an idea of something I'd like to do with them..." She trailed her fingers through Daniella's hair. She looked up again. "No, NOW, you little slut!..." Mistress turned away from Daniella for a moment, and quietly spoke a single word into the phone. "Now bring them over... Oh, you didn't realize I'd implanted that trigger, huh?" Dominica's chuckle sounded wicked. "Yeah, well you should know better than to fuck with me... Right away." She pressed a button, and set the phone down on the table.
Mistress reached a hand down to her slave's freshly-shampooed hair, still damp from the shower. "You know who that was, babi?" Daniella, now deep in trance, didn't understand the question. All that seemed to matter was kissing Mistress' boots. "That was Annie, from last night, making her report. It seems she had quite a time at the hands... and other things... of her two girlfriends." Dominica curled a finger under Daniella's chin, and pulled the slave's face upward. Daniella's mind had completely emptied, and she looked up into her Mistress' eyes with complete adoration, too blank even to be awaiting an instruction -- simply happy and content to be there, with Dominica.
MzDominica reached over to a bowl on the table, and pulled an orange section from it. She lifted Her skirt, and shifted her hips forward, exposing her smooth pussy. Then She waved the orange section back and forth in front of Daniella's eyes, moving it closer and closer to her cunt, watching the slave track her every move. A gentle push, and one end of the orange section plopped into Dominica's pussy, between her pink, puffy labia. She spoke one single word: "Fruit."
Daniella leaned forward, and sucked the orange slice out of Dominica's pussy, tasting Mistress' juices, almost like vanilla. She stared blankly at Dominica's moist cunt, while she chewed and swallowed, barely registering the fact that Mistress had reached for another piece of fruit -- an apple slice this time. She placed it, one end in her cunt, curled up near her aroused clit. "Eat," she commanded. Daniella leaned forward again, taking the apple slice in her mouth, her upper lip grazing Mistress' clit. Dominica's hips pumped forward, just a little, as she reached for a grape...
There was a knock at the front door.
Dominica set the grape back down in the bowl, fully certain she knew who was out front. She stood up, stepping around her kneeling slave, who seemed only aware that Mistress had moved away. Daniella remained, blankly staring at the chair where Dominica had been.
Another knock, and Dominica opened the door, to find Annie hastily dropping to her knees on the front porch. She was dressed a lot more simply, this morning -- t-shirt, jeans, running shoes. Of course, the jeans were amazingly tight -- calculated to produce a devastating effect on any appreciative male... or female. She held her hands up and forward in supplication, the strands of several black cords draped across them, drooping toward the floor.
"Please, Mistress, take these from me as Your trophy. They are Yours, as am I," she begged, then bowed her head.
"Laying it on a little thick, aren't you, slut?" Mistress laughed.
Annie bowed her head even further, and replied, "Not as thick as you might think, Mistress." Then she looked up and winked, "But if you've got a few flower beds that need some fertilizing..."
Dominica took the cords, laughing. "You ARE incorrigible!" She gathered the strands up. "So, have you learned your lesson? No trying to steal my slaves -- even for a night?"
"Yes, Mistress," Annie bowed again. "I have just one question..."
"You're unbelievable," Dominica replied. "Okay, I'll bite -- what's your question?"
Annie looked up, winked a second time. "When can we do it again?"
Dominica couldn't help laughing again. "Get out of here, you little slut!" And as Annie leaped up and began walking down the path to the gate, a little awkwardly due to some soreness she was TRYING to hide, Dominica shouted, "I'll call you next week!" Annie turned, waved goodbye, and hobbled out the gate.
Mistress closed the door, then walked slowly back to her slave, who was still where she had been left, staring blankly at nothing. "Wake up, Daniella," she said. "Danielllllaaaa!" She dangled the cords in front of the slave's face. "Wake up. Do you know what these are?"
Daniella's mind seemed to return from far, far away. She looked at the black cords wiggling in front of her, but could make no sense of the image.
Dominica began stretching the cords out, separating them. There were six of them -- some longer, some shorter -- all several feet long. "You remember these. This one," she said, holding up an especially long cord, "I bet this ran from her ankle, criss-crossing up all the way up her leg, and tied at her waist... Holding Annie's leather pants together!"
Daniella began to pant.
"You remember," Dominica teased, wiggling the cords again. "Red leather... black laces..."
Daniella's clit, already so hard, suddenly leaped to full attention.
"Mmmm, you DO remember," Mistress said. "I thought so! I like your response -- but we're going to have to change your associations!" She pitched her voice a little louder for a moment. "It would be good if I had a small rubber sheet on my chair, here!" Then she turned her attention back to Daniella. "Yes, Annie's girlfriends kept her tied up all night -- with the laces from her own red leather outfit!" She sat down -- and of course when she did, there was a sheet of black latex, covering the chair.
MzDominica folded the laces in half, and caressed Daniella's face gently with the loops. "Well, now these black laces are MINE... And we are going to have such fun!"
* * * * * *
Sunday morning, and our little she-male is learning the meaning of the word "worship!" What plans DOES Mistress have for those long, black laces?
Mark gets to see more than he could ever have imagined as a friend drops by. And encounters a fantasy he couldn't imagine... |
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