Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 6, Dancing Partners

(Part 2 from 3)

Funny thing about this ride in the van. Daniella KNEW she was no longer wearing the goggles, that made everything spell MzDominica's name. But she still saw the effect anyway. Even as they passed the occasional roadside street light, its after-image trailed past them, the streaks of light stretching into long trails that turned into handwritten letters, spelling "Dominica." Daniella sat in the back seat, between two of the "leather ladies," Barb and Roxy, while Annie sat in the passenger seat up front, next to Mistress. Daniella could feel the heat from their thighs pressed against hers, and her pussy seemed to be melting. Her legs were wide open, available for anything that ANYONE might want to do to her. Anyone. The butt plug seemed to pump... pump... pump... into her ass with every little bump in the road as they drove. Her nipples pulsed with every tiny bounce and jiggle of the van. It was getting to be more and more difficult for Daniella to gauge the passage of time. Things just seemed to happen, and slide by. Like the trails of light on either side of the van, spelling "Dommmiiiiinnnniiicaaaaaaa....."

Of course the name of the club was "Dominica's" -- at least, as far as Daniella could tell. She had only had the ONE glass of wine, right? So why did she feel so dizzy? So disoriented? Mistress got out of the driver's seat, and as soon as She closed the door, Daniella's pussy began to feel that inescapable massaging again, as MzDominica moved farther away. Pushing, gliding, throbbing, teasing -- making her clitty so hard. She wanted to cum. It was beginning to be the center of her universe, her life. She wanted to fall down at Mistress' feet, and cry, and beg, and beat her hands on the ground -- she felt so helpless!

She found Roxy and Barb helping her to undo the seatbelt, get her moving out of the van. They were doing their best to chatter, and be encouraging -- but it all sounded like nonsense syllables to Daniella. She watched as Dominica and Annie walked, side by side, across the parking lot, finding herself unable to take her eyes off Dominica's boots. Following her Mistress' boots was what got her walking... walking... suddenly finding herself inside the club, dazzled by the colors, the strobe lights, the loud music.

They were all barely able to hear one another over the loud band -- but with shouting and gestures to each other, they managed to find a table, buy the drinks for their cover charge, and started pointing out the hot guys -- and hot girls -- on the dance floor. Even seated, Daniella found her ass swinging and bumping to the beat, tapping her little booted feet, feeling her boobs jiggle with every bump. As long as she kept moving, she could think about something OTHER than the ache in her clit!

Daniella found herself staring at the deep red leather of Annie's costume, mentally undoing the black laces, that held the pieces of leather together, long gaps exposing her smooth, shiny flesh underneath, finding her mind drifting... Suddenly, she realized Annie was shouting and signing to her: "Wanna dance?" Daniella gasped a deep intake of breath, feeling strangely guilty, that she hadn't been thinking of her Mistress. She looked over at MzDominica, completely unsure whether she wanted Mistress to say "yes" or "no" -- or to command her to drop to her knees and beg forgiveness.

She was doubly surprised when Dominica almost pushed her off her stool, shouted under the music, and waved her hands, clearly commanding her to "Go on and dance, babi! Go dance!"

Annie stood, and held out her left hand, arm straight, like an invitation. Daniella felt a gentle nudge between her shoulder blades. She reached out with her right hand and took Annie's fingers in hers. They might have paraded onto the dance floor, if it had been less crowded. Hand in hand, they pushed their way into the middle of the crowd, the loud music thumping in their ears. Annie stared into Daniella's eyes for a moment, then bowed -- still holding her right hand. Then she straightened, released her hold on Daniella, and began to dance.

At first, Daniella was scared. She was so hot in the tight, rubber halter and mini-skirt. Little droplets of sweat turned into trails, and ran, tickling, between her breasts and down her exposed tummy. The bright lights from overhead, and the crowd all around didn't make her feel any cooler. But she watched Annie, as her movements took on a sensuality, a sinuousness that made Daniella's clit start to throb again. She looked over at Dominica, across the dance floor, and found her Mistress watching her... smiling. She looked back at Annie, and thought -- what the hell? She began to mimic Annie's movements, swaying her hips, jiggling her breasts, weaving her arms into patterns that looked like Celtic knots.

Little by little, their movements were becoming synchronized -- everything Annie did, Daniella did, too -- at almost the same time. Annie wiggled her entire body, like a snake, and ran her hands over her breasts, down her belly, to her thighs. Daniella copied every movement, the music thump-thump-thumping in her head, wiping out all conscious thought. Annie danced closer, and Daniella stepped toward her. Annie danced away, and Daniella stepped back. Annie took a step to her right, and Daniella took one to her left -- a perfect mirror image. Annie began to circle around and around, staring into Daniella's eyes -- and Daniella circled right with her. Annie approached, and trailed her hand down Daniella's left shoulder, over the rubber, stopping on her bare waist. Daniella trailed her hand down Annie's side, and began to tug at the black laces, holding the leather together...

Suddenly, the music stopped!

Daniella found herself breathing heavily -- and not from the dancing. She wasn't sure what to do. She looked at Dominica, who was applauding her performance. She looked at Annie, who stared into her eyes and bowed again, then took her hand and led her back to the table.

"Whoo! You can DANCE, girl," said Roxy.

"Me next! Me next!" shouted Barb, as the band started up again with a new song, R&B heavily laced with wailing guitars and a strong back-beat. Barb started to get up... and MzDominica pushed her back onto her chair.

Commandingly, Mistress reached out her right hand, waiting for Daniella to respond. The sweating rubber slave grasped Dominica's hand instantly, feeling a tingle as their fingers touched. Daniella's eyes caught a glint of something shiny in Dominica's other hand. At first, she thought it was just some of Mistress' jewelry -- rings or a bracelet. Then she realized Dominica was holding a black rubber glove. Her jaw dropped open, and she started to pant.

On the dance floor, Mistress released Daniella's hand, and they both started to dance. Dominica favored bouncy movements, nodding her head, grinding her hips, stepping around. Daniella began to copy her Mistress' dance, like she had done with Annie -- and suddenly realized that Dominica was tugging the rubber glove onto her left hand. She imitated the motion in reverse, sliding her left hand over her right forearm. The music grew louder and louder, the beat even stronger. Then, just as the singer was reaching the end of a verse, MzDominica reached toward her slave, and touched the index finger of her gloved hand to Daniella's own outstretched finger.

And, just like at the restaurant yesterday afternoon, Daniella saw the rubber spread over her skin. She watched, still dancing, as Dominica's black rubber glove seemed to turn itself inside-out and cover HER hand, glide up her arm, looking so shiny! Then it began to stretch upward, covering her elbow, her shoulder. As soon as it touched her rubber halter top, the top began to stretch and grow, spreading upward over her neck and head, across and over her left hand, downward over her bare waist to her rubber mini-skirt. Then the skirt stretched downward and covered her legs, oozing down inside her ringed leather boots, covering her feet.

As Daniella felt herself completely encased in tight, black rubber, the band began a wailing guitar solo. Riffs running up and down the scale trailed electric caresses up and down the slave's body. Her dancing became an expression of ecstasy, arms reaching upward, grabbing the sky and pulling it down, as her hips gyrated, seeming to fuck the empty air. She stepped, and twirled -- always returning her empty-headed gaze to MzDominica's hypnotic stare -- writhing with the trills and chords from the lead guitar. Shivering. The drums began to pick up the beat again, and Daniella's buttocks thrust backward with every thump! thump! thump! -- trying to impale herself on a lover, a dildo, anything she could find, though nothing was behind her.

The singer resumed, vocalizing the final verses, and Dominica reached out again, touching Daniella's hand with her own. The slave could feel the rubber contracting, receding, turning back into a mini-skirt, a halter top. Her sweaty skin felt cool where it was suddenly exposed again. Finally, she saw the black rubber glove turn itself inside-out again, gliding onto Dominica's hand and arm -- just as the song ended.

Daniella didn't know what to do. Her head felt completely empty. She stood on the dance floor, panting, staring mindlessly into Dominica's green eyes, not even aware that she was waiting for instructions. Dominica's hand shifted, clasped the slave's hand, and she gently pulled, guiding Daniella back to the table.

"What was THAT?" Annie shouted, totally amazed. "Whoa! You rock, girl!"

Daniella was still too blank to answer. MzDominica gently pushed her down onto a seat, just as Barb and Roxy got up together to dance with the next number. The slave watched them, her clit throbbing in time with the music, her ass sucking on the butt plug, unaware that Annie and Dominica were having an intense conversation -- well, shouting into each other's ears, actually. At length, MzDominica smiled -- a big, almost predatory smile. Annie nodded, eyes wide, also smiling. And the two shook hands.

"Thank you, thank you," the lead singer's voice boomed, nearly drowning out the applause, as Barb and Roxy returned from the dance floor. "We're gonna take a short break now! We'll be back in a few minutes. Enjoy yourselves!" All the guys in the band set their instruments down, and walked off the stage. Daniella was drifting, now. Staring at the singer's ass, for no special reason. Her clit throbbed, and the butt plug pumped mercilessly into her behind. She could not think. Could not move.

When their waitress arrived, asking if they wanted refills, Dominica crooked her finger, drawing the girl close, even though the band had stopped for a while. "I want to talk to Howie. Tell him it's MzDominica. Okay?" The waitress clearly had no idea what was going on, but she straightened and left -- apparently to relay the message. 

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