Mountains of Rubber: Chapter 1, Arrival
As MzDominica opened the door and got out of the van, Dan felt his male persona emerging again. Still a bit disoriented, he looked at his hands, his legs. The loose, cotton clothes he'd been wearing were back -- though there was a wide wet spot in the crotch of his pants, around his cock, which was still rigid and extremely sensitive. He was surprised to find the black rubber dildo was still in his right hand. He realized he'd been uncertain whether that had actually been real, or just part of his deep trance. Experimentally, he ran his thumb around the tip, and got an even bigger surprise when he could feel the sensation on the tip of his own cock.
"Get out NOW, slave!" Dominica commanded. She was still smiling, enjoying the power she had over him -- but the look in her eyes made it very clear to Dan he'd better get moving.
Not sure what else to do, Dan quickly stuffed the dildo into his right pocket -- a tight fit, as it was plenty large. He fumbled a moment, looking for the door latch, opened the door, and quickly slid out of the seat. Dan almost fell to the ground, though, because his legs felt weak and numb. He looked up at Mistress, forgot what he was doing, and fell to his knees, onto the soft ground. He felt so stupid and clumsy, and confused, and wanted to beg forgiveness, and...
"Stand up, slave," Mistress said. "Get the bags and bring them in. Mine are in the back." Dominica walked away, toward the cabin, to open up. In the late afternoon light, she looked so delicious, walking, her hips gently swaying, her gorgeous boots so shiny...
Dan realized he actually was standing there with his mouth open and drooling. Get moving. Get moving. Mistress commands!
He grabbed his own little overnight case from the front, then walked around and opened the back door of the van. Three big suitcases! Okay, he had no idea what might be in all that luggage, though Mistress was likely to be clothed more than he was. Dan picked up one case, and hastily trotted up behind MzDominica, just as she was opening the door to the cabin. She walked in first, letting the screen door close behind her -- just as if Dan wasn't even there. Well, of course, she was the Mistress! Hands full, Dan worried that maybe, just maybe, he'd been expected to drop the suitcases and hold the door open for her. Only here two minutes, and already he'd made a complete idiot of himself!
Dan shifted the handle of the overnight bag, pulled open the door, and followed Dominica inside. She turned around to face him.
Dan held his breath.
She looked at him a moment. He felt so small. She raised her hand, up, up... then pointed at a door to his left, near the front of the cabin. "That room is mine," she said. Then she pointed to another door, farther toward the back. "And that room is yours. One of my suitcases is heavier than the others. That goes in your room -- but you are not to open it, until I say so." She turned toward his right, and walked into the living room.
Dan's eyes couldn't help following her, his mind going blank. He shook his head, and opened the door to his left. Inside was a big four-poster bed, with an elaborate quilt on top. Dan didn't dare spend any time staring around the room, but set the suitcase down on the floor by the bed, then walked out, turned, and went to the other door. There was another four-poster bed, which surprised him a little. Then he noticed the little pallet on the floor. His cock gave a tiny leap in his wet pants as he realized this was very likely where he would be sleeping -- which made him wonder what the second big bed was for. He set his overnight bag down next to the pallet, then briskly trotted back to the van for the other two suitcases.
One WAS heavier than the other -- a LOT heavier. Dan wondered what might be inside that weighed so much. Chains? Whatever, he pulled it out, set it down, and closed up the van. It was getting dark, now. He lugged the two mismatched weights into the cabin, setting the lighter one in Dominica's room, the heavier one in his.
Unsure what to do next, Dan walked out of his room, where he could see Mistress talking on her cell phone, the room lighted by a couple of lamps in the corners. She saw him, standing at the edge of the living room, which also had a small dining table, and glanced up at him. While continuing to talk, she snapped her finger and pointed at the floor at her feet. Dan took the hint. He dropped to the floor, and crawled to her side, where he brought his head to within inches of her booted feet. He bowed his head till his forehead touched the floor, awaiting further instructions.
She was repeating the address, and confirming an order. "That's right, cut up into little bite-sized chunks." A pause. "Yes, something like that. A pet, anyway." Another pause. "Okay, thank you. Goodbye." Dominica looked down at Dan, smiling. "They wanted to know if I had a cat. If they only knew what I DO have..."
His forehead still touching the floor, Dan could feel MzDominica moving away. He heard the scrape of a chair on the floor, and could tell she was sitting down.
"Lift your head up, slave, and look at my boots." Dan looked up, and saw Mistress sitting just a short distance away, her legs crossed at the ankles. With her seated, the edge of her skirt was slightly above her knees, her thighs teasingly spread a few inches apart.
Dan could feel his cock throbbing, throbbing, throbbing inside his panties, under the damp cotton trousers.
"It's been a long drive, and your Mistress' feet are sooo tired." She began to sway one booted foot back and forth, back and forth. "What are you going to do about it, my little foot slave?"
Dan scooted forward on his knees, and, glancing up at MzDominica's face for permission, began unzipping the calf-length boot on her right foot. The leather felt so warm and smooth. It seemed like in the entire room, only Dominica's boots existed. With the zipper open, though, Dan could see her beautiful, muscled leg. So smooth, so sexy. Gently, he lifted her leg, so he could slide the boot off. Slowly... slowly... That sensation of ocean waves, rolling through his head, had returned. But he felt so warm. Barely realizing he had pulled the boot free, Dan held it in his hands a moment, then carefully set it aside, like a holy relic. Then, feeling the rush of the waves all over his skin, he reached up to the top of her left boot, slowly unzipped it, gently removed it, and set it aside.
The scent of Dominica's feet overwhelmed Dan. His eyes kept closing... so softly... so hard to open them again. He reached forward, one hand on each foot, his fingers on the tops, his thumbs on the soles. Around and around and around, his thumbs kneaded the soles of Dominica's feet, up to the balls of her feet, then up between each pair of toes, one by one by one. When he reached the "little piggy" toes, he ran his thumbs in long arcs from the balls of her feet almost to the heels. Then around the heels. Once... twice... Then a roll of his fingers on the tops of her feet, from her toes to her ankles, his thumbs firmly planted against the balls of her feet. Roll... roll... roll... Then again, his thumbs around and around the balls of her feet, repeating all the motions, twice more. Dan was gone, now. There were no thoughts in his head. He was just a robot... a machine... whose only purpose was to massage his Mistress' feet.
MzDominica moaned, and shifted her position. And somehow, Dan knew, what she wanted was for him to massage her calves. His hands moved upward, thumbs pressing against the inner sides of her calves, while his fingers ruffled the outer sides and the backs. Up to her knees, and ruffling... ruffling... ruffling... downward to her ankles. Dan's face was so close to Mistress' feet. Her feet filled his world. Again, up to her knees, then downward, ruffling... ruffling...
There was a knock at the front door.
Dominica stood up, went to answer. Dan remained on the floor, his mind empty. His hands stayed in mid-air, where Mistress' legs had been. Slowly, a sense of confusion -- maybe even frustration -- began to set in... to awaken Dan from his foot-slave trance. He opened his eyes and looked up, just as Mistress set two boxes down on the dining table. She looked down at him. The smile on her face made him feel so good!
"You may serve," she said.
At MzDominica's directions, Dan retrieved a fine china plate, silver tableware, and a linen napkin from a cabinet, and set a dining place on the table in front of her. Then he dished out the contents of one box -- a tempting dinner of lobster tail with steamed vegetables. The meal even included a bottle of a dry white wine, and he poured her a glass. Then Dan stood at her side while Dominica enjoyed her meal, waiting attentively in case she wanted anything else.
Of course, Dan was feeling a little hungry himself. He wondered what was in the other box -- and whether it was dessert for her, or something for him. Still, he forced himself to be patient. Quiet. Obedient. From where he was standing, Dan could see only the back of her head. He wondered what she was thinking.
After a while, Dominica pushed the plate away, and sighed. She looked around and back at Dan. And smiled. Somehow, her smile made everything seem so wonderful!
"Come forward, slave!" she commanded. "Out here, where I can see you."
Dan stood in the middle of the room, a couple of feet from the table.
"I told you, you wouldn't be wearing much, while you were here," she began.
Dan was still wearing his cotton shirt and pants, and the panty hose underneath felt so tight against his hard cock.
"Now it's time for you to strip. Slowly. Make it good. Make it sensual... Daniella! Danielllaaaaaa!"
Dan's male persona dropped away like a heavy stone, and Daniella emerged. It was almost like a light switch, now. She felt all the clothes covering her, and she wanted only to remove them, to expose herself to Mistress. To show what a hot little bitch she was.
"That's right, Daniella. Hear the music in your head. Feel the beat, forcing you to strip. Peel your clothes off for your Mistress. You little slut! You know how much you want to tease me. C'mon, slut! Tease me -- if you dare. And you DO dare, don't you? DON'T YOU?!?"
Daniella's head throbbed with the pulsing music, that thumped, thumped, thumped in her head. She couldn't stop herself. All her clothes had to come off. As sexy as possible. So Mistress would want her. Would want to throw her down on a bed, on the floor, on the ground, and rape her! Daniella began to peel the shoulder of her cotton blouse downward, off her shoulder, staring into Dominica's eyes. She began to pant. She licked her lips. Show how shiny they were. How wet and clever her tongue was. Suddenly, the cotton blouse just had to come off! Daniella grabbed the bottom edge, and began pulling it upward, swaying her hips to the music. Thump! Thump! Thump-a thump! She threw the top aside, wiggling her shoulders to show off her pert little titties in the sports bra.
Daniella kicked off the loafers. Then her hands reached down to the waistband of her cotton pants, and she began to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle the waistband down over her hips. Thump! Thump-a thump! Once her crotch was uncovered, she started thrusting it forward with the beat, her knees wide, daring Mistress to claim her. She danced, twirling around once, then pulled her knees together and quickly shoved the pants down to her ankles. Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump-a! Daniella danced herself out of the pants, now in a clump on the floor. Around, and around. Bouncing. Thump! Thump-a!
She reached behind her, unhooked the bra, twirled it in the air once, then dropped it to the floor. Thump! Thump-a! Daniella began pushing the top of the panty hose down over her hips, her wet sex getting even wetter. Thump! Thump-a thump! Down over her hips, gathering it, bit by bit, down each leg to the ankle. Dancing. Gyrating. Pumping her hips. Turning around, and wiggling her ass. Not sure whether she wanted it fucked or spanked. (Oh, Goddess, couldn't she have both?!?) She stepped out of the little, crinkled mound of panty hose.
Just the satin panties, now. So tight! The thong up the crack of her ass kept diddling her anus, so deliciously. It was a shame to have to let that go, it felt so good. Thump! Thump-a! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle the tight thong off, over her hips. Plop! It dropped to the floor!
Daniella was gloriously naked, her breasts jiggling, her wet cunt dripping! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump-a! Thump! Dancing. Dancing. Dancing for her Mistress...
"Stop, Daniella!"
Daniella froze. Her right arm, high above her head. Her left arm, down toward the floor. Her knees slightly farther apart than the width of her hips. Open. Ready. Soooo drippy.
"On the floor, Daniella. Come here, and kneel before your Mistress!"
Daniella dropped, crawled -- almost scooted, she was so fast -- and knelt on the floor in front of Dominica, her chest thrust forward, showing off her huge titties. Knees apart, sex open, ready to obey.
"Good girl," Dominica said. Daniella felt a flush of heat roll through her entire body. She smiled, her eyes closing languidly.
"You must be hungry," Dominica said. Daniella couldn't remember. Mistress was all that mattered. Food seemed unimportant.
"Yes, I know, little girl. You want your Mistress, soooo much. But I'm not going to let you starve -- you mindless little slut! See the box on the table?"
Daniella swiveled her head -- so hard to look away from Dominica -- and looked at the box. Oh, yes, there it was.
"I want you to get up, open the box, and put the contents into this dish." Dominica held a plastic doggie dish in front of her. Daniella didn't remember when Dominica might have stood up to get it, but that didn't matter. "And put some water into THIS dish." She held up another plastic doggie bowl. "Then take them into the kitchen over there..." she gestured at a door, "get on your knees, and have a nice dinner. Go ahead, now."
Still in a daze, Daniella shuffled forward on her knees, took the two bowls, retreated, and picked up the box from the table. When she got to the kitchen and opened the box, she discovered it was filled with grilled chicken, cut into little bite-sized chunks.
In the living room, Dominica checked her phone messages and e-mail, while in the kitchen Daniella ate and drank from her bowls, kneeling on the floor. Such a happy, naked, slutty slave.
A cat indeed. Dominica's pet pussy.
The Tuesday that came with fortune... |
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