Her voice did not betray her fears; instead it came out sounding clear and focused, like ice. “You mean besides the fact that you’ve tagged almost every woman in Atlanta? Or the fact that you refuse to let people backstage at your shows because they might ‘ruin your concentration’? Or maybe it’s that all of your lyrics scream ‘come fuck me’ and then you proceed to ask for exactly that? And then, of course, it could be that I just don’t like your attitude.” Stacey could not believe she had just said all that, again she wished she had stayed home, read a book maybe, let Jana fend for herself.
Jordan’s eyes blazed with anger. “Well, that’s interesting. You know, I don’t dislike many people myself, but, I do know that if I do, it’s based on facts. Facts that I observe with my own eyes, not ones passed on through countless numbers of people and twisted this way and that. Your information is false. Your friend was wrong, we have nothing in common, I don’t judge people by what I hear.” Before Stacey could open her mouth Jordan was gone, all she saw was her retreating back. Were her shoulders down just a little? Did she look somewhat despondent as she took the stage? Stacey felt like the worst kind of fool. Jordan was right of course. Stacey had never seen Jordan do anything off color, only heard about her shenanigans, just like everyone else. But, wasn’t at least some of it true? She didn’t know, but she did know if she didn’t leave now, she was going to be sick. Sorry Jana, Stacey thought, as she raced out into the evening and stumbled towards her apartment.
Two nights later, Jordan sat at a small bar and ordered another beer. This would be her third, and not being a heavy drinker was probably the last one she needed. Since the concert, Jordan had not been able to get the gorgeous woman’s words out of her head. Did people really think of me like that? Does everyone believe the rumors? Jordan shook her head and her eyes stared into her beer. She was vaguely aware of someone sitting down beside her, but did not take her eyes off her beer or her thoughts off of what kind of person she was.
“Where’s your groupies,” a light voice beside her queried?
“Listen, I’m sorry but I’m really... “ Jordan’s voice trailed off as she turned her head to the newcomer.
Golden hair and green eyes stared back at her. It was the girl from the concert that had so easily put her in her place.
“Not wanting company?” Stacey cocked her head to the side and the look in her eyes made Jordan confused over whether she wanted to kiss her or throttle her.
“Never thought I would see you again. Listen, I really want to apologize, I was incredibly rude the other night. I had no right to say the things I did.” Jordan had to pull her eyes away from Stacey’s perfect lips.
“No, I’m the one that is sorry. You were right; I listened to what other people said and didn’t look for myself. Jana and I had a long discussion and she told me some things that I wasn’t aware of before. So, I’m sorry. There, done, finished with. Now we start over.” Stacey delivered her speech in a rush and her face was blushing by the time she was done.
Jordan had to smile at the fact that this woman was not used to apologizing and she had just done a marvelous job of not only saying she was sorry, but completely ending the subject.
They sat at the bar and talked for a long time about everything and nothing. They found that they both liked to paint, Jordan did portraits, Stacey did landscapes. Reading was also something they liked to do, although they both thought that what the other read was quite boring. They found out that they did indeed have many things in common, and what things they disagreed on were only friendly debates. After a time Stacey looked at her watch.
“Damn, I’ve got to get home. The shop opens at 8 in the morning and it’s almost 2 a.m. now.” Jordan was pleased to see that Stacey’s eyes really did show distress at having to leave her.
“Well, I would like to drive you home, if you’d let me.” Jordan hoped and hoped she’d say yes.
Stacey averted her eyes and again Jordan saw a blush creeping up her neck. “Yeah, that’d be really nice. But, I just live down the block, I can walk.”
“Great, I’ll walk you then.”
They walked in companionable silence. Jordan wanted to reach out and take her hand, but did not want to ruin anything they might have started by appearing too pushy. Instead she was shocked when Stacey reached out and gently took her own hand. She glanced at Jordan and grinned and then looked away quickly. Jordan smiled broadly and tugged her a little closer. They chatted as they walked up to the front door of Stacey’s apartment.
“Um... “ Stacey was turning an attractive shade of pink again. “If you want... I... uh….”
“I was wondering if I could see some of your paintings,” Jordan saved her from stammering.
“Yes, that would be great; I’ve always wanted someone else’s opinion on them.”
She opened the door and led Jordan into her apartment. As soon as the door was closed she turned, took Jordan’s hand and pulled her to her. Her lips touched Jordan’s softly, gently. “I’m sorry, but I’ve wanted to do that for the past hour or so.”
Jordan slid her arms around Stacey’s waist. “It’s about time then, “was all she said before her lips melted on Stacey’s.
Their mouths explored each other and their hands traced the outlines of their bodies. Jordan slipped her hand beneath Stacey’s shirt and caressed the skin on her back. She felt more than heard a soft whimper in her mouth as her hand smoothed over bare skin. Stacey led her backward to a large queen size bed and turned slowly. Jordan trailed kisses down her neck and over her face. She captured her lips again in a kiss of such great depth that Stacey was tingling with excitement. Jordan slowly lowered Stacey to the mattress and lay on her side beside her. Her fingers played over Stacey’s body as she kissed her lips and her neck. Slowly they undressed each other, their lips never leaving each other for long. When they lay completely naked Stacey rolled over to lie over Jordan. Her lips began a wandering trail over her shoulders and chest. She sucked in one nipple and lavished it with her tongue. Jordan moaned in delight as Stacey took complete control of her body.
Stacey’s hands left trails of fire on Jordan’s body as they seemed to be everywhere at once. She delighted in the moans and whimpers of pleasure coming from the beautiful woman beneath her. Her lips dipped to Jordan’s side and tasted of her hips, her teeth nipped gently and Jordan’s body jerked. Stacey massaged the inside of Jordan’s thighs, teasing and testing. Jordan arched toward her.
“Oh my god, you feel so good.” Jordan felt as if her body were going to burn through the mattress she was so hot for this woman.
Stacey slowly slipped a finger over Jordan’s sex. She was hot and ready. Her shaved crotch was wet and dripping. Stacey slid a finger in, then two. Jordan bucked up as if to take her in deeper. Stacey captured Jordan’s mouth in a deep kiss as her fingers slowly stroked in and out. She felt Jordan’s body getting hotter, felt the think sheen of sweat on her skin. She moved her hands quicker, dropping her lips to Jordan’s nipples and tasting them both time and again. Jordan moaned, her body arching and bucking to meet the thrusts of Stacey’s fingers. Her body convulsed, her muscles tightened, her mind completely went blank as the most extreme pleasure she had ever felt encompassed her. Jordan came and gushed over Stacey’s hand and for the first time ever Stacey felt her own body going over the edge, just from giving another pleasure.
Stacey collapsed to the side of Jordan, her fingers still buried within her. Her head rested on Jordan’s chest and their breathing tangled together as they both struggled for breath. As Jordan slowly recovered she stroked Stacey’s hair with her hands, stroked her back and her stomach. Stacey took Jordan’s hand in her own.
“I have never done that before.”
Jordan knew Stacey had cum, had felt it on her leg even as she felt herself climaxing.
“I have to get some sleep, but, if you are here when I wake up, it would make me very happy.” Stacey looked at Jordan through dazed eyes and lay her head down again.
Jordan stroked her hair some more, and heard her breathing shallow out into a peaceful sleep.
“I’ll be here tomorrow,” she whispered, “and for as many tomorrows as you will let me.”
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