Millenium Present

(Part 3 from 3)
To say the least from that day onwards, Ramesh became my second lover. We became mother and son only for other people and for his dad. It was very hard to balance being mother and lover with a stud son around and doing all kinds of mischievous things. Ramesh never had enough of me and used to molest me even when somebody is around. he does more of it when somebody is around us. He would never let an opportunity go to fondle his mother's body. I always wondered whether he is doing it for shear lust or to hint people around that he is bonking his mother. In anycase, I liked it.

Ramesh's four week holidays passed by in a flick. This time his holiday was spent in an unexpected manner though! He had new girl and I had a new lover. The new millenium has provided me with a son-lover and with lots of cum in my pussy and another cocktail of love juice marks on my bedsheet. I thought I would get him a bride this time but never imagined I would become his lover and take his semen in me.

A week before Ramesh's departure, I became sad. Previously, it used to be only a son's see off. Now its a son and lover. He made me rid of all sexual frustrations I had and took me to a new hieght of sexual ecstacy where only a son can take his mother to. I felt sad missing a son and a lover. Ramesh has another week in singapore before he would go back to US. Seeing me very dejected of Ramesh's departure his dad suggested me to take a trip to singapore with him. I was so excited but at the same time I felt a bit guilty that I am taking advantage of my hubby. It wasn't until the next day when Ramesh lifted my pettycoat yet again to show me heaven, I decided I need to have another week of this forbidden dick of my son. So I booked and flew with my son to sinagpore. Ramesh and I had time of our life. It wasn't a lot different from India but in singapore Ramesh got access to his mother's pussy even in the night. Shopping and sex were the two main things in our agenda with everything rolling around those. We talked to my hubby on phone but everytime we talked to him Ramesh was either licking or fucking my pussy. We both talked together with him while our genitals locked. Only a son can give this opportunity!

Before we knew the week was over and we had the time of our lives. Ramesh saw me off at the airport the day before he flew to US.

I flew back with fond memories of our lustful 'honeymoon' followed by a big shopping bag. Ramesh took care of all the shopping bills. Somehow I felt like I was his escort or a call-girl and Ramesh paid me for my services to him. The perverted feeling in me was satisfied that I became a personal whore for my son.

After he is gone to US Ramesh called me more often specially when his dad is not around to talk about his fantacies of fucking his mother. He makes me so hot on phone that I tell him I replaced his dick with my fingures as we kept talking. I even asked him if he thought of me as his escort during our singapore lustweek. Ramesh said it was not the case and he payed the bills as a gratitude of me being a perfect mother. It was until later I found our that Ramesh also paid for my airfare. Ramesh might have did it for love towards his mother but I certainly felt I escorted my son while in s'pore. With the amount of spending he did on me, I figured its well over 5000 rupees per day. We kept talking about all the kinky things. Our phone calls have become more like lover calls instead of mother and son ones. He never completed a call without giving me an orgasm when his dad is not around.

It wasn't another three weeks passed by, I realised Ramesh has left me more than my fond memories of becoming his lover and probably his whore. The loads of semen my pussy was soaked in all the time when Ramesh was here finally managed to penetrate my egg. Little did my egg know that the semen was from my own son. Little did Ramesh's semen knew that it his mother's egg he's penetrating. How would they know? Their job is to procreate. The evolutionary cycle has turned around with semen from my own son penetrated his own mother's egg.

I went into this philosophy mode. All these mother/son relationships are all created by us. In my opinion everybody is free to mate with everybody. Look at animals; a son always fucks his mother to mate and create more. Likewise a mother always gives her son a chance to make her pregnant. Take a look at ancient history! Every culture has mother son turned lovers relationships. The mother earth also mated with her son to produce. Eve was Adam's mother. Eve also became the wife of her another son/grandson Cain whom she produced through Adam. Several greek legends married and lusted for their mother. The famous Jocasta and Oedipus mother/son copulation yeilded 3 children. Jocasta must have been one happy woman when she married her son.

In my opinion mother/son sex is natural thing to do. Since a woman matures and marries generally when she is 15/16, her breeding season is divided between her husband and son/s. The first fifteen years until she turns 30 are husband's to produce and when her sons turn 15 she should be mating with her offspring and breed with them until the age of menopause. For me it seems logical and our bodies are designed for it. It is a well known fact that women reach their prime sexual stage when they are past 30, the age when her sons too reach a sexual age. The sexual desire of a mother and her son would balance each other at that stage.

I started out late now at 43, but I still feel I have few more years to breed with my son. I am starting now. To say the least I am pregnant with my son. It felt good. I felt as if I am godess Rati, the love godess who became a lover to her son Kama, the cupid.

As usual my husband thought his semen lacked some discipline and invaded his wife's womb. My mother-loving son is very excited that his semen made its way to penetrate his mother's egg and made his sexy and slutty mother pregnant with his child. I have mixed fellings about this. I am not happy because I am pregnant at this age but at the same time I am excited because my own son made me pregnant. I am fucked by both men of my life and I became pregnant by both of them.

Few weeks later I was stuck between two males competing for possession of a pregnant female. Ramesh might have thought he wanted to see his slutty mother belly grow as his baby took shape. So he proposed his dad that I should go to US. He used the excuse saying hospitals are better there. His dad on the other hand wants me to be with him so that he can see me safe. I took the backstage letting them sort out as I have nothing to loose. No matter where I stay I will get good care and my bed will always be warm. If I am here I will have my hubby dick in my pussy and if I am there my son will still keep it lubricated and wet.

Finally Ramesh won. His dad let go as he knew I will be well there. A week later, during fourth month of my pregnancy, my hubby saw me off at the airport. I felt sorry for him since he is unknowingly send me to my lover and illicit father of my baby.

Ramesh picked me up from the airport in US. He was very excited to see his mother-lover. We drove home and he waited nomore to see his mother naked with her growing belly. We both celebrated with you know what!!! He fucked me passionately as if a husband parting from his wife for a long time. I don't need to tell you the happenings in detail after that. The life is usual with doctor visits, pregnant sex, dad/hubby phone calls to India, sex again, parent talk with my son as mother of his baby, and more sex. We are tired of inventing new postions to rest my belly while Ramesh filled me.

A month later, my son revealed his ultimate desire. A desire to marry me. I was shocked at first but was happy that he wanted to marry me. He said "Since we are already having a baby together, we should get married."

I did not get his point. I said "But I am already married Ramesh! to your dad! How can I marry you?"

He said "I don't know! Divorce him or..."

I said "Shut up! Why would I spoil a good relationship? And whats wrong with staying as of now?"

He said "Like how?"

I said "Like now! Married to my hubby! You will still get what you getting from me and have me anytime you like! What wrong with being as now? The baby is yours and I dont' need to change surnames either"

Ramesh interrupted "But I want you all by myself mom! I want to be your hubby! I want to take care of you myself"

I said "That's sweet son! But I am also your mother and still married to your dad! I might be pregnant by you and sleep with you but relationwise you will still be my son first!"

I could see Ramesh got disappointed by my rejection. He didnot talk to me well for two hours after that. So I put a proposal. I said "How about an agreement?"

"What agreement?" he asked.

"Since you will be here in US for a while, I can be your wife when I am here!"


"We can marry here and I will become your wife. Whenever I am here I will be called as your wife. But I India I will be your dad's wife and your mother. You can share my body with your dad but only as your mother as we are doing now. That means I will be your wife in US and your dad's in India"

The idea seems to have worked with him. But then he asked "What if dad comes here?"

I said "You dad will be the same person to you when you will be in India. He will be my illicit lover here"

Ramesh laughed "Dad? your illicit lover?"

"Yes! Once I am married to you he will become my lover not hubby!"

Ramesh agreed. The following friday, we went to a temple and got married. He put me another mangal sutra around my neck and formally I accpeted my son Ramesh to be my second husband. I became my own daughter-in-law. For the firstime after my son fucked me, he removed my clothes and fucked me as a husband. I felt Ramesh is more a husband to me than his dad as by the time Ramesh married me I am already pregnant by him and it appeared to me as if I am his real wife.

Five months after we got married, we had a baby girl. Ramesh's dad flew to US to see his daughter. We stayed together for three months. Ramesh and his dad competed yet again for their first fuck with me after delivery. But this time his dad won as he is in holiday here. The next day Ramesh took me to a hotel to get his first taste of his mother-wife's pussy after delivery somehow avoiding his dad coming with us. I didnot tell Ramesh that his dad had the first milking session with his mother's cunt.

After three months, Ramesh's dad flew back to India giving Ramesh more time to fuck his mother-wife. Ramesh reluctantly sent me to India after another three months.

But things changed in India as I found out that my husband was cheating on me too! I demonstrated anger and left to US. It has been eight months eversince I came back to US to become Ramesh's wife. There is no chance of going back to India as Ramesh knocked me again and I am pregnant with our second child. This time though there is no way that I can bluff that Ramesh's dad knocked me. He would eventually know that his own son is also bonking his wife and Ramesh is the father of our baby.

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