Military Madness
It had previously occurred to the army that placing Over 30 what were essentially teenage girls in the custody of army instructors could be an invitation for abuse, and indeed there had been what was referred to as incidents as well as rumors throughout the army of the goings on in the troop blocks of the Army Foundation College.
But so long as the girls in all these rumors were willing and the training and recruitment were not affected well the army wasn't going to risk the disruption that any investigation would cause, especially not in these times of decreasing recruitment
Being part of the training staff of a female platoon was not an enticing job for most male NCOs. The old adage applied wanting to do the job was the most obvious disqualification for it.
Sergeant David Lewis nerves were also on edge, this was his 2nd female troop, It was nearly a year to the day that he taken up the role of sergeant to the only female troop at the regiment. The army had toyed with the idea of having an all female troop staff, but the notion that their had to be a strong infantry influence in the training of soldiers even those destined for non frontline roles was a strong one, and if you wanted an infantry soldier that meant a man.
Lewis had been something of a high flyer after only 7 years in the army he was a sergeant a rank that many good infantrymen would often take twice as long to reach. Decorated with the military medal in Iraq he was also something of a celebrity in the training regiment. At 24 even his admirers thought him young for his rank; the parachute regiment had reluctantly given him a detached posting for 2 years so that he could gain administrative experience before he would return to take up his role as a platoon sergeant in the army's premier regiment.
The rest of the troop staff was a mixed bunch they came mostly from the logistics corps a group of people Lewis considered to be soldiers in name only. Corporal Lisa Hughes was a short stocky little blonde, and someone that seemed only too willing to live up to the blonde stereotype, lazy and bad tempered she was unsuited to any position of authority she was also easily led, Lewis had shagged her on his first night at the regiment, as a guest of the corporal’s mess. She had a tight body with large fleshy tits, which were a preference of Lewis's.
Ignoring her requests to take her to his room he had instead bent her over the pool table, the other people in the room taking his hitching up of her skirt and ripping off of her knickers as their queue to vacate the room. She went through the motions of protesting when he proceeded to place his cock against her arsehole but the only concession he gave her was a little well aimed spit as lubrication which she rubbed in herself. As lousy a soldier as she was he had to admit that she took it well clenching her internal muscles like a pro at the right times.
She had been no trouble since and was keen to repeat the experience whenever Lewis felt like it. She was always up for a discreet blowjob during working hours but Lewis had always refused to see her outside of work.
Corporal Lucy Taylor was different sort and someone that Lewis grudgingly
respected an army decathlon champion, wide shouldered and brawny with cropped
hair she was no beauty, but she at least had a dedication to
Her job, at times equally short tempered, she cared passionately for her job of
instilling military values in teenage girls.
Then there was Corporal David Norris, Lewis considered Norris to be a friend so he owed the man some loyalty, he was also an experienced infantry soldier although a disenchanted one, at 36 he was counting the days until his pension. At times he still showed himself to be a competent soldier and when he wanted he was able to impart that knowledge to the recruits.
Norris also found it hard to resist the allure of the Recruits. Lewis had heard
that with previous intakes he had taken girls as shag buddies. He had also heard
that Taylor had intervened to make sure that the girls were willing.
Both girls had been among the poorer recruits, when he had discussed the girls
with Taylor she had dismissed them simply as not being fit for any other use.
Even after only knowing her for a day he had faith in Taylor so he decided to
trust her judgment.
Then there was the final member of the troop staff First lieutenant Alice Jones. Before he had even met her, he had been comprehensively briefed on Lieutenant Jones by one of her classmates at Sandhurst who knew her intimately. On The day of their first meeting Lieutenant Jones had been in an anxious state. She had been under a cloud in the army, and the renewal of her commission normally formality was not certain even with her extensive family connections. She needed a good performance in her role as troop commander just to stay in the army.
That day of their first meeting nearly a year ago, Alice had been in a nervous
state. The thought of having to impose her will on a decorated combat
Veteran, made her feel ill. Alice chosen path had been with the logistics corps
and her only operational tour had been a disaster with her being sent home in
disgrace. Para's were notorious as being hard to manage, they prided themselves
on it, and this Para was an army hero who had been feted at a special reception
the night before at the officer's mess.
She had not gone due to another engagement which had got her another in a constant line of rebukes from the Commanding Officer who Sang Sergeant Lewis's praises to her and made sure she knew how lucky she was to have him and how he hoped Lewis could improve her own poor performance at the Regiment so far.
It was essential that she make a good first impression on the man. She carefully rehearsed a speech and arranged her office layout to the maximum effect. She was standing behind her desk when she heard the knock.
"Come in," she said.
Lewis marched in smartly and saluted as Alice reached out to shake hands, "Good morning Ma'am Sergeant David Lewis."
"Good Morning Sergeant," Alice said cursing inwardly drawing her hand back and
starting to salute her.
"You're not wearing any head dress ma'am," Lewis said calmly.
“bugger bugger bugger” she said mentally “well done alice you’ve fucked it up already”, it was all going tits up straight from the beginning "excuse me Sergeant" she made herself come to attention which was the accepted form for returning a salute when no head dress was worn.
"May I sit down ma'am?" Lewis asked already in the process of doing so.
Alice was completely flustered now and withdrew behind her desk. "So welcome to the Army Foundation College Sergeant I hope you will..."
"Yes ma'am I was given a comprehensive brief by the CO last night"
"Yes ahm... okay so..." Alice was struggling to remember her prepared intro.
"I met a friend of yours in Basra ma'am."
"Yes and who was that?" Alice said curiously.
"Hugh Barlow."
"Oh..." Alice blanched, "and how... How is he?"
"Missing a leg," Lewis said simply, "you did hear he was wounded didn't you?"
"Yes, I've been meaning to get in touch but I've been so ..."
"Yes... busy," Alice's head was spinning it was all going wrong, Hugh Barlow fuck.
"Do you know him well?" Alice asked.
"Well familiarity between the ranks being discouraged and all that, he was my platoon commander. I got my Military Cross when he lost his leg; we shared a ward in the hospital."
"I'll write to him as soon as I get a chance," Alice said meekly.
"Yeah... Well like I said he was pretty annoyed you didn’t write, I'm not sure
if he has reason to be. It’s not as if you denied him anything when you were
together. Is it?"
Alice felt sick; she couldn't look at Lewis anymore.
"Anyway he wanted me to return something to you" Alice saw Lewis reach into his
pocket and pull something out, It was only when he held it out in front of him
that She realized what it was. A small black lace G-string With the words
'peek-a-boo' just about fitting onto the front panel, which Hugh Barlow had
taken as a souvenir nearly a year and a half previously.
Daughter gives father full access to her virgin pussy and becomes his lover. Dad later fathers her offspring... |
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