Mike's mom does black cock
Marion Wilson was behind schedule as she ran around her house half dressed trying to straighten it up when the doorbell rang. Wearing nothing but sweats and a sports bra, she looked out the window and a nice looking, well dressed young black man stood on her porch.
Happy to oblige worthy solicitors, which she assumed he was, she answered her door anyways with a grand smile. Not carrying any clipboard, she second guessed herself wondering if she should have answered it. Vulnerable to assumptions that she was easy, which she could be persuaded, she hesitated to listen to him. He wasn’t soliciting she discovered quickly.
He was looking for her son Mike. “So you’re the infamous Ram I’ve heard mentioned so many times. Come in out of the cold. It’s 5 dergees below zero; get inside young man and let me make you a cup of hot cocoa.” He said he was fine, but she insisted.
Walking around dressed as she was he gawked at her when she didn’t look. “nice ass for a mom” he thought to himself, “and big tits too, damn!” She told him to have a seat.
Leaving his heavy jacket on, he had taken off his shoes since they were full of snow. He was properly dressed in a turtleneck and jeans. He looked fit in her opinion. A first year football player for the local college team, he was recruited out of New Jersey.
He came from upper middle class parents. He knew his manners. She didn’t know much about him. In addition to good manners his hygeine was great too. Also, he liked showering using Irish Spring. He always said “Yes mam, no mam” or something similar.
She watched him as he looked straight at her as he was raised. But when she wasn’t looking he was looking elsewhere about her.
“Now Ram, if you can wait one minute, I’m running late for something and need to call and cancel. But I’ve got to get changed anyways and will be right down. Can I count on you to wait here at the table while I change?” He guaranteed her he would.
Upstairs, there was a huge crash. It rattled throughout the house. Initially he didn’t move, but wondered of all was okay. He decided to go to the bottom of the stairs and call up. He asked if all was okay. She said yes, but she sounded distressed. She was and the problem was she was on a stool, without anything but panties on and reaching up into her closet. She fell off the stool. Finally she pulled out an undersized top which showed off way too much cleavage. She put on some old shorts. Trying to move, she was unable.
Second guessing herself, she called down to Ram. “Ram would you come up and help me please. I fell and I think I may have broken or severely sprained my ankle.”
He said yes and walked up to her room. Sitting in the middle of her floor he gazed upon her beautiful wondrous cleavage. She knew it could be a distraction. “It’s an old top dear; not something I would usually wear and I apologize that it’s so distracting to you.”
“Oh no man, you are completely fine. It doesn’t bother me at all.”
“I’m sure it isn't seeing as you’re a full red blooded american male.” He looked at her with surprise while she smiled back at him. “I’m sure I’m easing some of your worries a little; am I right?”
“Huh, pardon me mam? I’m not sure I understand you.”
“It’s simple dear. I have a nice figure. I work hard to keep a trim, lively figure so a handsome man such as you appreciates it like you do at this moment, and in turn I can appreciate your fit trim physique as well. You’re no slouch Ram and it is very clear too.”
“Ummm, well thank you mam, umm that’s nice of you to say. Now here let me help you up.” Picking her up and as slim and trim and shapely as she was he almost dropped her. Moving her to her bed, she fell backwards, but since he was holding on to her, he accidentally fell on top of her. “I’m sorry mam I didn’t mean to fall on you.”
“That’s quite all right Ram; mmmmm boy what’s that fragrance? Is that Irish Spring? It smells delightful. You smell delightful for sure” smiling warmly at him. He thanked her, but was embarrassed.
“I owe you for coming to my rescue. But I should tell you anyways, Mike isn’t expected home for a while. Can you help me down stairs? I can get around form there.”
Helping her downstairs, her tits, and cleavage stared him straight in the face. He could look through it for days almost it seemed. “I’m sorry I’m a distraction to you Ram.” He said she wasn’t. “Oh I’m sure I am seeing as your eyes haven’t moved much. By the way I did say I owed you too. What can this old woman do to repay you for your kindness? There must be something. Oh wait I know; you like looking at my cleavage. That’s a sure source of entertainment. I can entertain you that way. And what else might you like” smiling mischievously at him.
“Mam, I’m just a friend of Mike’s. I’m not so sure this is right mam.”
“Sure it is Ram; everything’s fine and dandy. Listen, a young boy” as she began placing her hand on his crotch surprising the crap out of him “has to have lots of interest in a woman and let me tell you Ram, you’re quite the man and I’m all woman from what I can see. Wouldn’t you agree” winking at him with that same mischievous smile.
Hesitant she swarmed his crotch. I love giving blow jobs and as handsome as you are and as strong looking as you seem, I bet you have a strong muscular cock wanting some attention by a woman who’s experienced in giving the right attention. Ram dear, don’t you think I’m an attractive woman with a sexy figure?”
He knew she was but didn’t know how to respond. She prompted him again. Unzipping his jeans, he pleaded with her not to and tried sliding away from her. “Would you prefer I do you upstairs in my bed dear? That way you can see me completely naked.”
“I shave too” she added with a wink. He was horny and she could feel him. “Yep, I do turn you on and it’s all right to feel that way. Pick me up and carry me upstairs. I’ll show you as good a time as you’ll ever know honey.”
Without acknowledging her, he picked her up, carried her upstairs, placed her on her bed, and removed his turtleneck and jeans. Standing in a pair of tight grey underwear he looked solid and sexy to her.
“Ooohhh my lord Ram, what a man you are. What a body and ooooohh what a cock you have. Yes you are Ram you are a man for sure, mmmmm.”
Standing in front of her, she took off her top and her tits fell easily to her slender figure. Her nipples were hard, he recognized they were as his eyes fixated on them, and she said to him “Feel free to touch me anyway you want sweetness. Touch my boobs for they yearn for you. I yearn for your touch as do my nipples. But let me warn you, the one main ingredient that craves you awaits you inside my panties. Get inside them and you’ll be a man forever baby.”
He went hard and when he did, she was amazed.
He asked “May I suck on your nipples please? May I please?”
He took off his undies and his erection, solid as it was, pointed straight at her face. She was beside herself. As much as she craved it, she wanted to suck him off even though it was so huge. He pushed her back and sucked off her nipples first, driving her batty. She loved how he made them tingle and went wild.
“Ohhhhhh god Ram, yes ohh yes Ram ooooooohh my, my lord yes!” He continued sucking her fat nipples. He didn’t have much to say, he let his hormones do his talking.
She felt he was a great conversationalist in that respect. Pulling down her panties, he turned her over. He went for her beautiful white mature ass. Looking at it with a crazed desire, she thought he was going to fuck her from behind, but when she felt his rod dig into her anal cavity, she screamed in pain initially. Soon enough she loved it.
He didn’t hurt her like she thought she would feel. In fact she loved how the monstrous black beauty felt up inside her. “Ohhh fuck yeah momma, your ass is wild baby” he yelled out. “I could fuck your sexy white ass all day if you’d let me honey.”
He sounded like someone else, but either way she loved being ridden in her ass. “Oh, ohhh my ohhhhh, oh ohh Ram, oh no, oh yeah that’s wild. God you are blessed. Oh god yeah, ohh no, yeah. Ohh Ram, yes yess” as he continued to plug her ass.
Never in a million years did she think she'd get such treatment, but she was in heaven. Getting fucked in her ass was a dream come true. She had fantasized about a couple of guys, her age, do her but never a black guy and never a young man as virile as Ram.
“Mam, this is why I’m called Ram. Yep it is and I’ll do you anywhere you want but I figured I’d take advantage and do this now while I could mam.”
“Oh then, then ohh fuck my pussy. I want your beautiful cock in my cunt Ram or I can suck you off.”
“I get sucked off by my mom’s friends all the time mam. I don’t need sucking off, but if it makes ya happy, I’ll let ya. Yep, I’ll let ya feel it in your mouth. So he propped her up, slid up, and shoved his cock in her mouth. She sucked away at it pleasuring him. She did a great job on the monster.
He yelled out blissfully. She sucked hard at the young ‘green’ cock. Inexperienced, but knowledgeable, the myriad of feelings running through him made Ram prematurely explode inside her mouth.
Cum spiraled down her throat almost choking her. Pulling out safely, it splashed against her face. Surprised how powerful her sons friend Ram was, her mouth was wide open. Shaking her head in surprise, it gushed through her hair and into her mouth again.
She laughed gleefully. She loved his beauty, his manhood, his power, and his size. Even afterwards, since it was limp, she still wanted to feel the size of him in her mouth. Not expecting that, he thought she was weird. But she surprised him again as she began tantalizing him using her tongue. Ram within 5 minutes of toying with his limpness, was semi hard. She was proud, he was amazed.
She pushed herself flat out on her bed which was cummed soaked. She politely and sweetly told him to slide it inside her cunt. Looking at the way she smiled and with her face and hair cummed soaked, he was horny again and popped her cherry.
She was ready to fuck and began banging the handsome fit black friend of her sons. He proudly put it to her and before long he moaned in pain pushing every last remaining ounce he had as she screamed in ecstasy and climaxed thoroughly for him.
“God Mrs. W. what did I ever do to deserve such awesome and incredible treatment?”
“Being black and sexy and having a great cock helps honey. Come by tomorrow at 11 am and we can do this again. I’ll wear something even sexier for you baby. Sound good to you? Oh and we’ll make plans to do something crazy such as do a friend. Do you have any other friends who are black honey and night be interested? I’ve got a few ideas, but for now come back tomorrow and we’ll get it on like this. Come here, give me a kiss.”
My name is Chris and I hope you enjoy my story of how my wife turned into a slut... |
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