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Midnight Market reviews

Posted by Bartek
FABULOUS! I am going to share this with my team. Sounds like a great company. I am invhag such amazing experiances with Thirty-One and it is woman centered. The biggest thing I took away from our recent conference was that the ceo, marketing guru's, everyone follows the above. The culture of the company is like none I have seen before- thier motto is Celebrate, Encourage and Reward. I had the awesome opprotunity to have dinner with the CEO, Cindy Monroe and her husband that they never told me what I could do better- they thanked me for working so hard and told me I was fantastic. The CEO of my company told me I was enough . I think if more companies really realized what Edelman- and Thirty-One does the working force would be such a better place- and it would trikle down. Excited for you to have such a great support system-and love ya bunches anyways!
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Sophie can't stop thinking about Kevin. The feeling's mutual when Sophie finds Kevin at the door, smiling down on her. Did I mention no one's home?