Metamorphosis of Narcissus
“Charles also invited three of his cronies so in short order I found myself stretched backwards over something like a vaulting horse with, well to be blunt, a prick in each available hole and another wanking off over my tits. Now, don’t get me wrong! I do enjoy a good gang-bang as much as the next girl, especially in my rather spaced-out state. I wasn’t objecting at that point, in fact, if I remember rightly, I was in the middle of some screaming orgasms. I was that original ‘good time had by all’.
“It started to turn ugly from my point of view when Charles, having just come royally up my arse, started pissing on me and got the others to do the same. He was also slapping me around and calling me filthy names. The cronies did what cronies do and followed suit, and I ended up pretty well roughed-up. I couldn’t go out for a fortnight, because of the bruises, and my insides were pretty messed up too. Did I say he shoved this enormous leather dildo everywhere he could? I was bleeding for two days!
“I vowed that I would have the bastard for what he did. I couldn’t very well go to the Police - Daddy would have a shit-fit! So I bided my time. When he wanted to sell the flat in Caxton Street, I saw my chance. So now you know what you’re up against. By the way, he’s done it to quite a few girls over the last few years. We could form a club. Charles’s ex-whores!”
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I’m no prude and if Sally or anyone else got their jollies by being fucked in very hole by a bunch of guys, that’s their business. I have never been able to stomach the rough stuff, though. The whole thing made me feel sick and I couldn’t eat another thing. There I was thinking it was a case of ‘Hell hath no fury’. It wasn’t a woman scorned I was dealing with. It was a woman violated. I tried to gather my scattered wits. I managed to pick up the pieces after a while and a couple of hefty swallows of Barolo. That noble wine isn’t really meant to deaden one’s sense of outrage. I tried to be professional.
“Sally, I don’t want to belittle in any way what must have been a horrible experience. My concern now is to find a solution to the present impasse over Caxton Street that satisfies you and doesn’t leave you open to criminal proceedings. I understand he offered £50,000. I know he will go higher, we can probably double that, is there any chance you’ll settle?”
She almost spat at me, she was so angry.
“Did you understand a word of what I’ve been telling you? It isn’t about money; it’s about revenge. I won’t even call it justice. It’s revenge, for me and the others. That’s what I want. By the way, Pippa is another of Charles’s victims.”
I didn’t know what to say. I could see no way out. Hearing Pippa had suffered similar treatment made me feel cold to my core. Pippa wasn’t a ‘party girl.’ I felt close to tears. Whatever loyalty I had felt to Charles as my ‘client’ up to that point evaporated instantly.
“Hasn’t anyone reported him to the Police?”
“Oh, James, come on! We all went in consenting. OK, judgement was impaired by various substances, but can you imagine what Plod would make of it?”
She had a point. Getting a straightforward rape investigated seriously is difficult enough. Given the circumstances, it’s hard to see the Met exactly jumping through hoops to get a conviction. Also, girls like Sally and Pippa wouldn’t want the scandal. Knowing Charles, it was unlikely that any of the victims would have been anything other than solidly upper-middle class with a lot to lose if things came out in Court.
“What does Pippa say,” I asked at last.
“Oh, you know Pippa. She doesn’t want to see me in trouble and doesn’t want the World and his Wife to know that she got gang-banged and beaten up by that little shit and his pals. Pippa’s into ‘let’s pretend it never happened’ mode.”
I recognised that. Pippa always shied away from any sort of confrontation. That was the reason we split in the end. Rather than face any difficulty she would sidestep neatly. That’s just the opposite of me. I like things out front where I can deal with them. Nothing ever got dealt with, so we drifted apart. I was hurt at the time but recognised it wasn’t her fault. I thought for a moment. “Who else got the treatment?” I asked.
“Just about every one of Charles’s paramours in the last five years. It’s been getting worse, though, more violent. I swear he’ll do someone some permanent harm before too long. Rachel is in for this Friday night, although she doesn’t know it yet.”
“Haven’t you warned her?”
“Oh yes, even if she is a stuck-up bitch. Too like Charles in so many ways. But no, we of the sisterhood should stick together. Do you know Penny Atwater? Penny gave her the gypsy’s warning but it didn’t faze our Rachel one bit. So I called her and told her what had happened. She told me I was exaggerating or must be jealous because I couldn’t keep my man satisfied. Imagine! The bitch!”
“OK. I have an idea. It’s strictly illegal, wholly unethical but I frankly don’t care. I think we can fix Charles’s wagon. I’ll need your help, a couple of others too. I don’t suppose Pippa would be up for it but you might ask her. There is only one condition. If I succeed in sorting out Charles, you agree to settle on Caxton Street for, let’s say, a hundred grand?”
She agreed and I told her my plan. Her grin got wider as I explained what I had in mind.
I explained the whole situation to Phil and David; I needed them on my side if the plan was to succeed. I needn’t have worried. Once they heard that Pippa had been a victim and Rachel was to be next, they were in like Flynn. We left the office on the dot of Five O’clock that Friday and went straight to the Gym. Sally was there to meet us with Penny Atwater, a pretty redhead, and, much to my surprise, Pippa.
“Right, I need one of you three to clear the ladies’ changing rooms for us. Phil and I are going into the glazing business. David, you go with Sally to Charles’s private room and set things up there.”
Pippa and Penny duly obliged and cleared the changing room. Phil hung a prepared sign reading ‘Out of Order, Please use Swimming Pool Changing Rooms’ and then we set to work. We took out Charles’s trick mirror and reversed it. We could now look into the Dungeon but he couldn’t see out. On the other side of the glass, we watched as David and Sally made their preparations. They joined us in the darkened changing room and we settled down to wait. A couple of hours passed slowly. Sally was flirting with David and Phil was showing Penny how the video camera and concealed microphone worked. I sat quietly with Pippa. She reached out and squeezed my hand.
“I only got involved with Charles because we broke up,” she said. “I didn’t know what he was like, of course. He seemed … exciting somehow.”
“Pippa, you don’t have to explain.”
“Oh, but I do! James, it was horrible. I don’t know how it happened but we’d been out for the evening and ended up back here. I hadn’t drunk much but I was feeling really woozy. He showed me that Room.” She gestured towards the mirror. He started laying out a couple of lines of coke and snorted them. He asked me to give him a blowjob and I don’t know why, but I agreed. Then these other men appeared. They literally ripped my clothes off.
“James, it was horrible. They were doing all these things to me and it was like I was watching it happen. I was powerless to stop them. I couldn’t even struggle, I felt so weak. Then Charles started to have me, you know, anally. It really burned but it was like it was happening to someone else. I knew it hurt but I couldn’t really feel it properly. Charles got really angry because I was just lying there. He wanted me to show how much I was enjoying it! But I wasn’t. I hated very second but I couldn’t do anything about it. My arms and legs seemed to weigh a ton. He stared at me with this really cruel look on his face and then he started to hurt me.
“He twisted my nipples and bit them hard, then he got a riding crop and whipped me all over my front, from my breasts to my thighs. The others were getting a bit concerned and saying things like ‘you must have given her too much; the bitch isn’t feeling anything. Be careful, you don’t want to do any lasting damage.’ I must have passed out about then and when I woke up, I was alone. They’d left me on the settee in the foyer. The place was all dark and closed up. I got a taxi home and went to bed. It wasn’t until the next day that I fully realised what had been done to me. I called Sally. I wanted to call you but I was too ashamed.
“Sally told me that Charles must have drugged me with that date-rape drug. That was why I was so detached and helpless. I thought about going to the Police but I was afraid. Mostly I was scared that you’d find out.”
Any lingering doubts about what we were going to do left me then and there. I put my arms around Pippa and wept softly into her hair. “I still love you, you know,” I whispered. “I never stopped.” I saw she was crying too. She shook her head.
“How can you when I’ve been such a whore?”
“It wasn’t you, it was that bastard and his sick mind and sick friends. Well it stops here, tonight!”
Suddenly a light came on in the private room and we all saw Charles and Rachel walk in. Charles nonchalantly dangled a bottle of Champagne and two flutes from one hand. Rachel was looking tipsy and we could hear her giggles over the hidden microphone. Charles pulled her towards him and they kissed passionately. He unzipped Rachel’s dress and she shrugged her shoulders to send it sliding down and pooling at her ankles. Someone, I think it was Sally, said, “Will you look at that? She’s got artificial tits!” We all laughed like maniacs, it broke the tension.
It was true. Rachel was definitely surgically enhanced – or otherwise – depending on your point of view. She slipped her fingers into the waistband of her thong and stood, totally nude, in front of Charles, striking a pose with one arm raised and her head thrown back. Her pubes were trimmed to a thin stripe down the centre of her mons. You could see her lips pouting pinkly and her erect nipples signalled her arousal. Her long blonde hair was a silky frame to her beautiful face. She looked wonderful and wanton. Charles’s face was a picture of lust. His too-perfect features were contorted into a satyr’s mask. Rachel turned and wiggled her backside at him. “Come and get it, Lover-boy.” Her voice was loud through the amplified microphone. Phil had started the video camera.
Charles stripped quickly. His body was flawless, as was his tan. He was sprouting a semi-hard on and Rachel grabbed it and began to rub him feverishly. He pushed her hand away and propelled to her to one of the leather bench-like things that were scattered around the room. She pushed him back and walked to a sort of X-frame. She lay against it, face forward and indicated to Charles to secure the manacles at each corner of the X over wrists and ankles. It was clear that our Rachel was something of a player. I was starting to have my doubts about the plan. It may have been kinky but it was clearly consensual up to this point.
The frame twisted and spun in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Charles twisted her upside down and started to rain a series of light slaps on her thighs, buttocks and crotch. Rachel shivered and gasped. Charles then bent his head and started to lick her with feather-light flicks of his tongue. We could see the muscles in her buttocks flexing as she struggled to push her pussy up to his teasing mouth. He took a twist of paper from a hidden recess and we watched as he poured a sprinkling of white powder at the junction of Rachel’s thighs. “Got him!” said David as Charles proceeded to snort the cocaine off his human table. Two more figures entered the room. Rachel was incapable of noticing anything at that point. She was lost in the middle of a very loud and vocal orgasm.
Pippa’s grip on my arm tightened as the two new arrivals stripped. They were in good shape but didn’t compare with Charles. In the meantime, he had lowered the top of the frame to the horizontal. Rachel was now suspended face down at about waist height. One of the newcomers went around to her head and thrust his engorged cock into her mouth. All Rachel could see was his legs and feet so I suppose she thought it was Charles at first, for she sucked avidly, making moaning noises in her throat.
It was only when Charles rammed two fingers into her arse that she realised her mistake. We saw her jerk, shaking her head to get way from the insistent cock battering at her mouth. The frame and the guy fucking her face wouldn’t let her move. The second guy was now crouched beneath the frame, rubbing his hands over her breasts and pinching her nipples. Charles grabbed a tube of something from the recess and spread it on his fingers and prick. He jabbed forward and we saw Rachel’s eyes go wild with pain and shock as he rammed her into her with no warning.
The humiliated guys get revenge... |
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