Matthew and Daniel

(Part 2 from 3)
Matthew and Daniel walked to Matt’s house, because it wasn’t that far, and they wanted to talk. Of course Daniel was never serious and joked all the time. It wasn’t that he didn’t know when to be serious, it was because of the fact that he believed himself to be ugly and unattractive (though he was far from it) that he tried to be nice and friendly and funny to make up for it. Matthew thought it was nice that Daniel was never serious, he hated those people who never joke and are always solemn. Daniel though was funny and made Matthew laugh a lot. When they reached Matt’s house, Daniel took Matt’s bag from him so that Matt could unlock the door and let them in. Inside, they set their bags down and Matthew put his arms around Daniel’s neck and French kissed him deeply. Daniel moaned softly and wrapped his arms around Matt’s waist.
Suddenly Daniel pulled away from the kiss, a little alarmed. “What about your parents Matty? Are they home?”
Matthew smiled lovingly and told him “Don’t worry. My parents aren’t home yet and they know about me being gay anyway, and they’re okay with it. They also know that I have a major crush on you.” He added coyly.
As he said that, Daniel blushed quite deeply and looked away embarrassed. Matthew laughed and said “You are so cute when you’re embarrassed!” which caused Daniel to blush considerably more. Matthew laughed again and wrapped his hands around Daniel in a tight hug, and pressed his lips back to Daniels mouth, sliding his tongue out again. But Daniel pushed Matt away and grinned, saying “That’s your punishment for embarrassing me like that!”
Matthew laughed and cried: “That’s not fair! That’s like taking away a kid’s favourite toy! That’s mean!”
Daniel smiled and stroked his hand over Matt’s cheek, replying “Well don’t embarrass me then!”
Matthew reached up and took Daniel’s hand, leading him into the kitchen. “Do you want anything Dan? I’m going to have a Diet Coke.”
Dan smiled and jokingly said: “Sure, everyone likes Diet Coke!” As Matthew bent over the fridge, looking for the Diet Cokes, Daniel suddenly had an idea. He walked up behind Matthew and brought his hand back. “Y’know, you did embarrass me twice…” and with that brought his hand down on Matt’s rear, hard enough to sting a little, but not hard enough to really hurt.
“Ow!” Matt said, not really from the pain but more than from the surprise. He found himself fully erect, to his surprise. He liked a good spanking but being aroused from one spank? Maybe it was because Dan was now caressing Matt’s rear end, running his hand over it and rubbing it through the clothes. Matt moaned softly.
“Does Matty like?” Daniel asked. Matt nodded his head and moaned again. Suddenly his body jerked as he was spanked again. He moaned again, becoming more and more aroused. “Well Matty will have to wait for his punishment! So, I’ve found out a kink eh? I’ll have to do something about that!”
Matt moaned again, but this time in disappointment. “Oh! You are a tease, aren’t you? What d’you fancy for dinner?” he asked, closing the fridge and turning, putting his hand into Daniel’s.

Later that night, and after an explanation that Matt’s parents won’t be home until the morning; they were away on business, Matt and Dan were relaxing in Matt’s room. Matthew had a big bedroom, with a large double bed, an expensive-looking hi-fi and television. Matthew and Daniel were just sitting watching the television for want of something better to do. While Daniel was sitting on the foot of the bed Matt was laying face down on the bed. Matthew suddenly slid up to Dan and wrapped an arm around Dan’s chest, kissing and suckling his neck. Dan enjoyed this for a few minutes before saying “You’re forgetting your punishment, Matty.” Which of course Matthew was not! Matthew stood up and moved in front of Dan, beckoning him to follow him and taking his hand. He led him into another small room joining Matthew’s, which contained old junk, obviously just a room to keep stuff like old toys from early childhood. In a corner was a large chest. Matt needed help to move it out into his room, it was quite heavy, so he asked Dan to help since Dan was quite strong for his age. After they had set it down on the floor of Matt’s bedroom, Matt opened it, slightly embarrassedly.
Dan looked in it, slightly amazed at what he saw. sex toys. Where did he get them? Matthew was 13! He lifted out a few dildos, quite surprised at the thickness of some of them. Matthew had obviously been working on stretching himself. Next he lifted out what he had planned for Matt, some spanking paddles, one of which was broad and flat, which could easily cover Matt’s entire rear. Then there was a smaller one, long and quite thin, which should sting quite a bit. There was also a table tennis bat, and a ruler. At the bottom of the chest there was a big tube of Vaseline. “Bend over, love.”
Matt gulped a little and bent over the chest, which was just the right size for his body. He felt Dan’s fingers hook into his trousers and underwear, and slowly pull them down over his rear. He felt gentle hands caress his cute exposed ass slowly, feeling the softness of Matt’s rear end. Then he felt the hands move away, and something cold and rough touch his ass. Matt wondered what it was. It was hard, and was rough as if some sort of skin covered it. Ah, it was the table tennis bat! Suddenly he felt it move away, and his ass and thighs jerked with the impact as the bat connected with his naked left cheek with a sharp WHAP! sound. Matt let his head hang as the familiar mix of pain and pleasure washed over him. Dan looked at Matt’s head, concerned, thinking that any moment Matt would scream in pain and tell him to stop. He didn’t want to hurt him!
Matt looked around, wondering what made Daniel stop, and saw the concerned look on his face. “Don’t worry Danny. I can take it!”
Dan smiled and brought the bat back again, just as hard, on the right cheek. Matt moaned. Dan began a steady quick spanking, left, right, left, right, and watching Matt’s cute ass redden nicely. Matt just let his head hang, feeling his ass warm up. He put the bat down and picked up the long, thin paddle. He lined it up with Matt’s red left ass cheek, brought it back and forward, hard. It hit Matt’s soft ass cheek hard and left a diagonal strip of darker red on his cheek. Matt cried out in pleasure. Dan asked him if he was okay, concerned. Matt said yes, and Dan whacked Matt’s right cheek, hard. Matt cried out in pleasure again. The pain from the paddle was sharp, only serving to intensify the pleasure more. Dan placed his left hand on Matt’s thigh, gripping it gently as he started the left – right pattern with the thin paddle. Each spank ended with a cry or moan of pleasure from Matthew. When both of Matthew’s cheeks had turned a nice red, he picked up the big paddle. He placed it against Matt’s soft warm rear and brought it back and forward again, with some force. Matthew’s whole frame jerked and jiggled with the impact, as his whole now quite sensitive ass was spanked, again and again and again.
Daniel then put the paddles down and picked up the ruler. It was thin, just the right size to reach those hidden areas on Matt’s nice ass. He used one hand to spread Matt’s ass cheeks, exposing the pucker of Matt’s hole. Matt realised what was coming and shivered a little, not having used that ruler before. He felt it slide along his pucker, rubbing it softly. Then he felt it very suddenly leave his ass and hit it again, dead centre on his asshole. He cried out in pleasure again. The pain was more intense here, therefore the pleasure was more intense and more enjoyable. Dan spanked Matt’s anus hard and quick, until the anus was dark red. Occasionally he brought the ruler down to Matt’s cute balls, and every time he did, Matthew almost passed out from the pain and pleasure.
Finally Dan stopped, but kept Matt’s soft cheeks spread. He moved his face closer to Matt’s ass, and pressed his lips to cover Matt’s anus. He licked his tongue slowly along the opening to Matt’s hole (which was clean of course), and he could hear Matthew moan in extreme pleasure. The he tensed his tongue making it hard and pushed it slowly into Matt’s anus, tasting Matt’s ass. Matthew’s moans intensified, and he could feel Dan’s tongue move in and out of his passage, fucking him with his tongue. He almost climaxed there and then.
Dan stopped when his tongue got tired, Matthew stood up and pulled his T-shirt off while Daniel pulled Matt’s trousers, socks and underwear off, holding Matt’s thigh to steady him. He paused to admire Matthew’s body. Matt’s torso was completely hairless, and his nipples were a nice pink colour. A patch of hair was above Matthew’s cock, which was about 5 ½ or so inches, and about average thickness. As Daniel stood up to kiss Matthew, Matt pushed Daniel back onto his bed.
“Now it’s your turn sweetie.”
Daniel blushed a little and after a little hesitation pulled his T-shirt up over his head. Daniel had a very nice body, he was very well muscled for his age and had a developed six-pack. Obviously Daniel worked out and body built a lot. He had dark brown nipples and his body was also hairless. Matthew stood and stared openly at Daniel’s body to such a point that Daniel waved his hand in front of Matthew’s eyes. Matthew grinned and asked Daniel to stand up so he could take the rest of his clothes off. Daniel did, and Matthew first slipped his fingers down Daniel’s trousers and played with Daniel’s cock, watching Daniel close his eyes in pleasure, his own eyes growing large as he did so. He knelt and pulled Daniel’s trousers down at the same time that Daniel pulled his socks off. He just knelt there and watched Daniel’s cock grow and fill with blood. Daniel’s cock was cut and about 8 inches erect! For a 13 year old teenager! But it was the thickness that got to Matthew. Daniel’s cock was about as thick as a can of coke! His balls were also large and deliciously full. Matthew stared at Daniels cock, before taking it in his hand and lifting it up, examining it. He stood up and pushed Daniel back onto the bed again and sat facing him, straddling him. He put his hand underneath Dan’s chin and lifted his head so that he was looking into Matthew’s eyes. Daniel stared into those beautiful eyes. They seemed to draw him in, to speak his name…he saw them close as Matthew leaned down to French kiss Daniel tenderly. Daniel closed his own eyes and leaned back on the bed still kissing Matthew, pulling the smaller boy on top of him. Their erections pressed and ground into each other as they danced their tongues together passionately. Matthew pulled away from the kiss, and smiling and trailing kisses and licks down Daniel’s body began to slide down it. He paused at each nipple, and then continued down, pausing again at the belly button, and then continued down again, passing Daniel’s cock and balls and going for the inner thighs, before travelling back up again. He kissed Daniel briefly, then went down again, again passing his balls and cock and teasing Daniel mercilessly. On the third time down, he finally paused at Daniel’s balls, licking them tenderly, sucking in one then the other and then went back up to Daniel’s nipples again. He went down again, pausing at the balls again, licking them and suckling on them tenderly. He went below the to that area between the balls and the anus and licked and kissed there. This time he went up and paused at the cock, looking up and seeing the need in Daniel’s eyes.
He took the thick cock in his hands, one up covering the head and the other down near the base and started to stroke it up and down. Daniel moaned as the waves of pleasure washed over him. Matthew paused in mid-stroke to lick the cock from the tip to the base from all sides and getting it nice and wet and slick with his saliva. He then resumed stroking, Daniel moaned louder as the feelings intensified. Matthew continued stroking the thick cock up and down until Daniel was right on the edge of climax, then Matthew stopped abruptly and watched in amusement as Daniel writhed around on the bed as he experienced an anti-climax.
Matthew waited until Dan was looking him in the eyes before putting his lips to the head of Daniel’s thick cock. He had to avert them however and close them as he tried his best to stuff Dan’s cock in his mouth, being very careful to avoid his teeth. He slowly managed to and began to slide his mouth down the length, slowly so he could dance his tongue around the head and underside of Dan’s cock. He managed about 4 or 5 inches before he began to bob his head up and down, licking and sucking on Dan’s cock. Dan for his part just watched most of his cock disappear into the warm, wet hole of Matt’s mouth and moaned in pleasure. Dan started to thrust uncontrollably and murmured “I’m going to cum Matt…Matt I’m gonna cum! Move if you want, here it comes!”

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