Master's Last Wish
There are a lot of misconceptions about us slaves. We aren’t all nymphos, though I do have a strong sexual appetite. We aren’t all weak minded, or easily walked over. Ha! I wish someone would try to walk over me. My tongue has been known to cause pain as well as pleasure. We are male and female, we are strong even when we are weak, we may be submissive, but that does not mean we are pathetic!
I thought of all this as I sit at my computer desk disgusted at the “Masters” online. I know 95% of them are fakers trying to get off, but the things they think and voice are enough to make you pull out your hair.
I turn off the monitor and glance around the spotless house. Since I’ve stopped working a majority of my day is spent cleaning and taking care of my master. My master has been sick and slowly getting worse over the last few months. I used to work, but he asked me to stop so I could be with him more. Afraid that he meant he was dying I immediately quit. He won’t tell me what’s wrong, but I suspect it’s cancer.
As if he could hear my thoughts I hear the door open and I glance at it to see my Master silhouetted against the sunlight before he closes the door. I freeze waiting to hear if he needs me.
“Yes, Master,” I ask as I stand to go to him.
He slowly makes his way to his chair and my heart breaks to see my once strong Master so humbled. As usual I try to help him ease into the chair and as always he shoos me away. I curl my lithe frame at his feet and rest my head on his knee looking up at him. I know some Masters demand that their slaves stay at their feet, but mine doesn’t; probably because I would tell him where he could stuff it.
“Severen, my beautiful Severen.” His hand tangles in my hair. “No interruptions.”
I nod yes.
“I’m dying.”
My eyes instantly swell with tears as I shake my head no.
“Yes, I can’t stand to see the pity in your eyes when you look at me.” He looks away.
Suddenly my heart sinks and I go cold. Is he throwing me out? Is he taking my collar? My hand unconsciously slides over the silver metal loop.
“No, my child I’m not casting you aside.” I relax. “Come, get dress, we’re going to a dinner party.”
I blink slowly. “Is the discussion over?”
“NO! You can’t tell me you’re dying and that’s it. We need to discuss this. Figure out ways to make you better. Plan!”
“You’re only 25 years old,” he shouts at me.
“What does that have to do with anything? That never crossed your mind when you were fucking me. Didn’t even faze you when I was 18 and you had your cock shoved down my throat.”
“Severe,” he growls a warning at me. I had crossed the line, but he could punish me later. He slides his hand threw his peppered hair and sighs. “I’ve looked into cures and there’s none that I’m willing to go through.”
“Like what? Is it chemo? Are you afraid of losing your hair? Who cares?” I walk to him and press my body against his. “I don’t.”
“That’s enough.” He pulls me away from him reluctantly.
I clamp my mouth shut and straighten my back. [i]Fuck it![/i] “Fine, but know that the pity you see is all in your imagination. Don’t confuse pity for love.”
“Severen you forget your place.”
“No, I know my place. It’s by your side. It’s caring about you and putting you first. It’s about wanting what you want, needing what you need, and feeling what you feel. I AM your slave.”
With a familiar growl my Master pushes himself to his feet towering over me. He grabs my forearms and pulls me to him hard. He reaches one hand up and twines it in my hair before pulling my head back at an almost awkward angle. He stares long into my eyes before he slams his lips against mine bruising them. He darts his tongue deep into my mouth and probes while I stand there with my breasts thrust forward and my hands on his arms steadying myself.
I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter as it has been some time since I’ve had any sexual pleasure. I could masturbate, but a vibrator doesn’t bite and it doesn’t make you yearn and I yearn. I press my lower half against my Master’s groin and a whimper escapes my lips.
Suddenly my Master stops. I try to keep kissing him, but he holds me firmly back. “That’s why I have to do this. It’s not fair to you. I’m to protect you. You put my needs first and I put your needs first. That’s how the relationship works. I can’t put your needs first anymore. I can’t pleasure you like you need to be pleasure. I can’t take care of you anymore.”
“Master, what are you talking about? Yes, you do and yes you can. I’m not some little girl. I’m your slave. I take care of you.”
“And I take care of you,” he interrupts me. “Now go get dress. It’s going to be hard enough as it is.”
“What will,” I ask feeling something deep inside of me tense up.
I pull myself away from his warmth, his strength and walk slowly to my room. I open the huge closet and stare at my clothes. As his slave I should wear a dress that was slightly provocative and yet classy. As Severen, everyone could go fuck themselves as I pull down a black pants suit. Granted the pants had slits on the side from toe to hip. I grabbed the matching top that had a deep V neck, with long sleeves that also was slit all the way down.
Standing in the mirror I observe my appearance and decide that pulling my hair up in a sloppy bun would make the look complete. I put on a pair of cotton socks and slide my feet into knee high 2-inch heeled boots.
I walk out the room 30 minutes later to see my Master also wearing black slacks and a white polo shirt that compliments his deep tan perfectly. I lock eyes with him staring into the bluest eyes I have ever seen. At 57 he was still a man to reckon with.
He pushes himself to his feet and smiles down at me. “You look beautiful.”
“As do you. Is this a vanilla party or ones that are in the know, lifestyle?”
“In the know,” he sighs. “Come let’s go.”
We get in the SUV and drive off. I can’t help thinking that something is seriously wrong. What could make my Master so afraid that he doesn’t want to do the cure? How can I help him? Why won’t he let me help him?”
“Severen, baby, we’re here.”
I look up at a beautiful white small mansion. That’s all I could think of. It
was too big to be a regular house and not quite big enough to be a mansion. It
looked like a baby mansion. I cock an eyebrow trying to think who we knew lives
My Master pulls me close to his side and knocks on the door. The door opens and a very scantily clad slave opens the door. “Master Stone.” She greets my Master respectfully while nodding at me until he addresses her.
“Slave. This is my slave Severen.”
“I’m Slave Too.”
I thought duh, but she steps back and ushers my Master and myself into the house. I glance around as my Master walks through the home as though he has been here many times. I wonder when.
We enter into a huge grand dining room with two other men seated at the table. My Master pulls me forward. “Ronaldo this is my slave, Severen.”
“Hello, Master Ronaldo,” I say respectfully.
“Why Michael,” Ronaldo purrs at my Master. “I didn’t know your girl was black and with that caramel complexion, hazel eyes, and that hair. How do you get such reddish brown tones?”
“Naturally,” I reply. Ronaldo frowns that I’ve answered for my Master. I could already tell we weren’t going to get along. My Master turns me to the other gentleman at the table.
“Erik, this is my slave Severen.”
“Hello, Master Eric.”
“It’s Erik, love. Air-reek.” He smiles devilishly at me and I can’t help, but smile back.
“These are my girls,” Master Ronaldo states. “Number 1.” A pretty redhead steps forward. She frowns at me before turning back to her duties. “Number 2.” The asian girl who answered the door smiles shyly at me. “Number 3.” The blond girl only glances up. “Number 4.” The other blond girl, but whose breasts weren’t as perky flips her hair and lick her lips at my Master. I step forward, but my Master holds me still. “Number 5.” The girl with brown hair and huge bashful eyes tilts her head studying me. “Number 6.” A very large bosomed woman turns and sizes me up before turning back to whatever she was doing before. “Number 7.” A small very petite girl wiggles two fingers at me.
“What are their names,” I ask.
“What,” Ronaldo looks at me.
“What. Are. Their. Names.”
“Is she always allowed to just talk out? She wasn’t being spoken to.”
That got my panties in a twist. “I find it demeaning that you call them numbers. They aren’t things, they are humans. And don’t you dare think that I can’t have an opinion or think whatever the hell it is I want, just because I may be submissive to this man.”
“Severen, go cool off.”
I glare at Ronaldo before I turn sharply and walk towards where I assume would be the kitchen. I push open the door and step through. My assumptions were correct. It was the kitchen with a table in the middle of it. I slammed my fist down on it when I heard the door open behind me.
Thinking it was my Master I put my head down on my arm. “Can we please leave now?”
“It’s not my choice,” Master Arik replies.
I spin around and stare at him. “I apologize I thought you were my Master.”
“No need. I came to ... check up on you.”
“Why … Master Arik. I just need to calm down is all. Rough day.”
“I like you. You’re not like those robots out there. You have spunk, fire, feisty. Michael is a very luck Master.”
I blush and watch him leave the room. Feeling much better I walk out after him. My Master is seated at the table as well as Ronaldo and Master Arik. The girls are sitting on various cushions in the room at the far wall. I go over to a chair besides my Master and sit.
Ronaldo quirks an eyebrow and I dare him to say more. He smiles at me, but the smile unsettles me. It’s like he knows something that I don’t and what he knows I won’t like.
“I’ll take her,” Ronaldo says.
“WHAT?!” I shout.
“Severen,” My master starts. He reaches up and slides his hands over my neck. I nuzzle into him waiting for him to finish when I hear a small click and then the weight of my collar falls away. I grab it to stop it from falling, but it wasn’t falling. It was in my Master’s hands.
“I … you… the cure would be to cut my manhood. Not a part, but all. I can’t live like that. I found you someone who can satisfy your needs.”
“You do satisfy my needs.”
“All your needs.”
A tear slips from my eye, but I hold the rest back. I’m too angry to be sad. I can’t believe what’s happening. He stands up and I rise, but he pushes me back down.
“Her things will be delivered tomorrow.” My master, no Master Stone looks at me. “I love you Severen.” He walks away.
“No,” I yell trying to go after him. I didn’t make it 2 steps when I’m dragged from behind. I look over to see Number 1 and whoever grabbing me. “Let me go!”
They shake their heads. “We can’t. Don’t fight it. It’ll be that much worse.”
Ronaldo walks over and stands in front of me. “You’re mine. All the fire, spirit in you will die. I’m going to enjoy breaking you.” He reaches forward with his own collar and I pull back and spat in his face.
“Bitch!” He rears back and smacks me in the face. “Take her, have her, and hurt her.”
Number 1 smiles gleefully, “Thank you Master.” She grabs a handful of my hair and drags me back screaming to the other girls. The other one wraps her arms around my legs and carries me off the floor. It’s obvious they’ve done this before.
Sam helps his neighbor "express" herself... |
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