Mary Blows Santa
Mary first started wanting to blow santa Claus last Christmas Eve. She had gotten out of bed to get a drink of water from the bathroom and heard muffled noises downstairs, like someone mumbling. A light was on in the living room. And there, as plain as day, stood Santa Claus… with his full white beard, red hat, red coat, red pants, and black boots. Oddly, however, Mary’s older sister Kim, 21 years old, on her knees in jeans, a red sweater and sneakers, helping Santa position gifts under the tree.
“You’ve been a VERY good girl, Kim,” Santa returned, his voice oddly familiar. “Ho! H! Ho!”
“Shhhhhh,” Kim said. “You’ll wake Mom and Mary.”
‘I wonder where Dad is?’ Mary thought.
Finally, Santa stood up straight as his bag appeared empty.
Still on her knees, Kim peered up at him. “Now it’s time for YOUR gift,” she said, a big smile on her face.
And with that she leaned forward, helped Santa pull down his pants and then leaned forward, open-mouthed, into his crotch. In utter amazement, Mary watched her big sister give Santa Claus a blowjob. At one point, Mary sneezed. Kim froze and looked right towards the stairs. Mary hid behind the railing. Kim stayed frozen it seemed for twenty or thirty seconds, Santa’s cock still deep in her mouth, before she relaxed and started to suck again. Five or so minutes later, Santa started to grunt and jerk. He grabbed Kim’s head and held it firm in his crotch. Finally, he relaxed. Kim was smiling when she finally slid off his dick. Mary knew Kim had been rewarded for her good work.
“Thanks Santa,” Kim said after she’d swallowed.
‘I’ll bet Santa’s cum is sweet,’ Mary thought to herself.
The last thing she heard before she headed upstairs was Kim asking Santa if he wanted her to blow the reindeer. Santa laughed and told her that, after last year’s blowjob, Rudolph had been hard all this past week expecting another one.
Mary quietly turned to sneak back upstairs to her bed. She peered into her parent’s room. Mom was asleep. Dad was nowhere to be found.
‘Maybe he’s in the bathroom,’ Mary thought to herself.
Once in bed, she lay quietly awhile listening for sounds from the roof. She was sure she heard someone up there.
Mary never felt comfortable telling Kim she’d seen her with Santa. Another year came and went. Finally, one week before Christmas, Mary finally confronted Kim.
“Oh my God!” Kim exclaimed, covering her hand with her mouth after hearing that her baby sister had watched her blow ‘Santa’ under the tree last Christmas.
“It’s okay,” Mary assured her. “mom and dad don’t know. Mom was asleep. And Dad must have been in the bathroom or something.”
Kim’s eyes grew wide, but then gradually relaxed.
“Why are you telling me this?” Kim asked her sister.
“Well…” Mary said. “This year I want to blow Santa too.”
Kim hummed and hawed. “Well… I don’t know that he has time for TWO blowjobs at our house. And I’m not sure he’d like that you’d been sneaking around watching him.”
Mary seemed sad.
But then Kim’s face brightened. “I know!” she exclaimed. “There is a big Santa Claus convention in town this weekend. You could blow him there.”
“But aren’t they all FAKE Santas?” Mary said.
“Well… maybe. But I’m sure the REAL Santa must be leading the convention. Maybe he’s the guest speaker.”
“What if no one will tell us who the REAL Santa is?” Mary asked.
“You and me’ll blow them all!” Kim said triumphantly. “Why don’t you stay with me at my apartment this weekend. On Friday night after supper we’ll go shopping. I’ll buy you are really cute outfit for you to meet Santa in.”
“You too?” Mary asked.
“I’ll buy one too. A nice sweater and pants and shoes and stuff. Then we’ll get up early on Saturday, change into our new outfits and go out together… in SEARCH OF SANTA.”
Kim laughed excitedly. Yes! This sounded like a GREAT idea to Kim. And, sensing Kim’s enthusiasm, Mary thought it would be fun too.
It was settled.
Mary could hardly wait for Kim to arrive after school on Friday. The two sisters joked and laughed all the way to the mall. Kim told Mary all about what it was like to blow Santa.
“How many times have you blown him?” Mary asked.
Kim thought a moment. “The last three Christmas Eves,” she said proudly.
They looked through every store but finally came up with two perfect outfits. Mary got a really cute Christmassy sweater that was red and green with a little Santa face on the front, a short, white blouse, as well as tight, light blue five-pocket Guess jeans, a white belt and fashionable black, wide-heel shoes. Kim also bought tight, five-pocket designer jeans, but hers were dark navy in color; she also bought a light blue sweater with big white snowflakes on it, and black, two-inch spike heels. The girls bought matching underwear in the spirit of the season… a red bra and red nylon bikini panties. They were so proud of their bra and panties that the two sisters asked and were permitted to model them outside the changing room area to look at themselves in the huge floor-to-ceiling mirrors on the wall actually outside the store in the mall’s central indoor courtyard. For a full five minutes they giggled and modeled for each other, posing and admiring themselves and each other in the mirrors of the extremely busy courtyard… seemingly oblivious to hundreds of passers-by watching them.
The next morning they were up and dressed at eight. They continued to laugh and play as they both leaned over the bathroom counter to brush their long blonde hair and put their make-up on in the mirror. They both wanted everything to be perfect. Kim let Mary borrow some her red lipstick and Mary let Kim borrow some of her eye shadow. At one point, Mary stood back to admire her sister’s cute butt, so nicely hugged by her tight, new jeans.
“You have a REALLY nice butt,” she told Kim.
“Gee… thanks,” Kim said. And then she leaned back to admire Mary’s bum. “You too,” she said as she reached over to fondle Mary’s a bit.
“So…” Mary said. “Did you REALLY get to blow Santa’s reindeer?”
Well… for some reason it seemed especially important for Kim to make the entire Santa thing as real as possible, so she said something she’d later regret. “Yup! All eight of them.”
“What about Rudolph?” Mary asked.
“Nine,” Kim corrected herself. “I always forget Rudolph.”
Kim had called the day before and apparently, the convention started with some sort of get together at ten o’clock. She wanted them to be there at least an hour early to find and maybe even give Santa his blowjob before then.
The two girls found a Santa sitting by himself in a large room on the second floor. He was on what seemed to be a large riser sitting in the classic Santa chair. The room itself was an auditorium, with at least a few hundred seats set out. The two girls approached the Santa nervously. He seemed to be sleeping.
When they were about ten feet away, Kim spoke: “Excuse me. Are you Santa?”
He awoke startled, shook his head a bit and looked at them.
“Ho, Ho, Who are you?” he asked.
Kim answered: “My name is Kim and this is my sister, Mary. We’re looking for Santa Claus.”
“It looks like you found him,” the fat man said.
“We’re looking for the REAL Santa Claus,” Mary added.
Kim looked a bit embarrassed. “Mary? How do you know this Santa isn’t the real one. Maybe he is the guest speaker here like I told you.”
“I know Santa’s voice,” Mary said calmly. “No disrespect, Sir. But I know Santa’s voice.”
Santa looked puzzled.
“I heard Santa speaking to you when you were blowing him, Kim,” she looked at her sister. “He sounded just like Dad.”
Now Santa REALLY looked puzzled.
Kim quickly tried to explain. She told this Santa how Mary had hidden on the stairs and watched her big sister (“That’s me,” she interjected with a smile) blow Santa under the Christmas tree last year.
“And then the reindeer,” Mary added.
“You watched your sister blowing Santa’s reindeer?” Santa asked, his mouth agape.
“No,” Mary admitted. “But I heard them talking about it and then I’m sure I heard noises on the roof after I’d gone to bed.
“I seeeee,” Santa said, looking at Kim who had a look of panic on her face.
“What Mary wants, Santa,” Kim recovered… “is to find Santa…”
“The real Santa…” Mary interrupted.
“Yes… the real Santa so she can blow him too. I mean… why should I have all the fun?” Kim laughed.
Santa smiled, thought a moment, and then he spoke: “But we are ALL real Santas,” he said.
“Huh?” Mary said.
“I mean… it has to do with the suit. You see… we all are elves, but when we put on a Santa suit, we get his magic to do his work. That’s how Santa can deliver gifts all around the world in one night.”
“But I thought elves were small,” Mary said.
“We ARE small,” Santa said… “But only when we are young. That’s when we live and work at the North Pole. When we get bigger, we are sent out to live all around the world. That’s how we make the naughty and nice list… we write it up and send it to the North Pole so the Santa there can read it.”
“So there IS a Head Santa?” Mary asked. Kim just watched in silent amazement.
“Of course there is. He is the oldest elf… the first elf. He stays at home to run things there.”
“Except on Christmas Eve,” Mary said firmly.
“You ARE right. On Christmas Eve, he DOES get in a sleigh to deliver toys, but so do the rest of us. Again… with the suit on, we become Santa. There are millions of us, all around the world.”
“But is the Head Santa here?” Mary asked.
“I don’t know,” the Santa said. “We all look so alike, it’s hard to tell. And he may not tell us.” Then he whispered: “He likes to check up on us from time to time, you understand.”
Mary and Kim both nodded. Kim’s eyes still were stunned.
“Do you think our Santa is here?” Mary asked. “…the one who delivers to our house. I really want to blow HIM.”
“Probably. We have over two hundred Santas here, from all over the area. I’m sure he’s here. But YOU’LL have to find him. I just know who I deliver to.”
“Could we just announce our address?” Mary asked.
“Hmmmmm. I’m afraid us Santas know roofs, not street addresses. So your address wouldn’t help much.”
“What do we do, Kim?” Mary turned to her sister.
My turned to Mary, still in a daze. “I guess we have to blow them all.”
“That makes sense,” Santa said. “It wouldn’t be fair to only blow half of us, find your Da… I mean, Santa… and then stop.”
Kim asked again: “How many did you say are here?”
“A little over two hundred.
“How do we find them all?” Kim asked quietly.
“Just turn around,” he said with a smile.
Sure enough, when the two sisters turned, they saw that fifty of the chairs behind them now were occupied and more Santas were streaming through the door through which they themselves had come.
Sophie's new pe teacher turns out to be a guy from the gangbang! He decides to take her to his office and punish her! |
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