Marine Corps Tale of all tails : Justins Awakening
Justin was whimpering and moaning as the finger in his ass kept on hitting that special button. Within a very short time, Justin cried out and his cock began pumping a tidal wave of creamy cum straight into Timmy’s milking hot mouth. Timmy grunted as each thick strand flew sharply, striking the roof of his mouth with the utmost power and sheer elegance. Timmy swallowed a large portion and his moaning sounded more like growls as his thirst for this tasty fluid sent his mind spinning from his body. A few more swallows and Timmy did his best to obtain a taste, but there just wasn’t any taste for him to savor.
Timmy sucked Justin’s cock into a flaccid state, then allowed the limp noodle to slip free from his mouth. Timmy stood up, without any words being exchanged, popped open the buttons and yanked his short’s and underwear all the way down to his ankles. Justin looked at the fiery red bush pronouncing itself with magnificent glory, the his eyes fell on Timmy’s erect cock. It was a good 7 inches long and curved upwards, almost like the curvature of a banana. Just like Ken’s cock, Timmy’s was uncut too, but the foreskin partially covered the flared mushroom head and Justin could easily see the glistening pre-cum as it glistened on the pink colored head. Timmy’s cock was thinner than those he had encountered previously, but by no means was it thin. His balls hung low in a sac covered with red curls and they were about the size of a medium sized chicken egg.
Justin sank to his knees and began bobbing his head up and down Timmy’s upward jutting cock. The familiar taste of piss, sweat, and pre-cum swarmed all over his taste glands, but that didn’t stop Justin from milking Timmy’s cock. A minute or so of sucking Timmy’s cock, Timmy yanked his cock out of Justin’s mouth, then said, “I got to get me some of that ass!” Timmy had Justin turn around, facing the desk, then placed his right thigh on top of the desk. Timmy stepped in behind Justin, and just using Justin’s saliva for lubrication, Timmy pushed hard until his cock began sliding into Justin’s hungry hole.
Timmy grabbed Justin’s hips and began immediately pile driving his cock in and out. Justin retaliated by clamping down with his ass muscles as hard as he could with his every breath. Timmy was cussing and slinging his head all over the place as the young Marine’s anal muscles attacked his cock, offering no mercy in the process. In less than a couple of minutes, Timmy’s cock exploded, pounding his sperm shooting cock harder than ever into Justin’s anal kingdom. Justin could feel each powerful sperm jet as it shit deeply inside of him. Constantly and continuously, Justin used his anal muscles to milk the thrusting cock of all its fluids.
Just as fast as it started, it all ended. Timmy withdrew his flaccid cock from the most awesome ass his cock had ever known and fell seated into a chair behind him. Justin got up and went back into the bathroom to deposit the fresh load back into the toilet. After showering again, Justin walked back into the office and began placing his clothes back on. All Timmy could do was sit there, mouth wide open, and stare at the most gorgeous human his eyes had ever seen.
The two walked out of the office and waved their goodbyes and left out the door. Inside Timmy’s car, just as he was backing out of the parking spot, Timmy nervously said, “You are incredible, you know that right?” I mean, dude, you are precisely what fantasies are made of. You uh, you are so fucking gorgeous!” Justin properly gave Timmy his thanks and the two conducted a brief conversation until they got to the store. It was a drug store that was located less than a mile away from the bar. Timmy waited in the car while Justin went inside.
Justin grabbed a cart and the first thing he did was place a cheap tote bag in the cart. He walked around and placed the following items in his cart: coconut oil, 3 twin packs of Fleet enemas, underarm deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, an enema bag with an attached nozzle with a cutoff valve, baby oil, pineapple juice, coconut fragrance body soap, and a small bottle of shampoo. After making his purchase, Justin placed all the items into the tote bag and got back into Timmy’s car.
Back inside the bar, Tom took Justin’s tote bag and placed it inside the office. Justin got a beer and began walking around, taking in all the things that were going on inside the bar. One guy who had been hanging around a group of guys who were close to Justin’s age approached him, and blurted out, “Dude, why are you wasting your time with those old trolls? You should be hanging that sweet ass of yours around us if you want some real action!” Justin paused, thinking of the most polite response, then replied, “Thank you, but I prefer the companionship of those guys, you know, the ones you refer to as old trolls!” The young man fired back at Justin, “That’s just fucking sick! I can’t believe someone who looks as good as you would actually want to suck their old shriveled up dicks...that’s fucking disgusting!”
Taking a swig of his beer, Justin cleared his throat, smiled ever so angelically, then responded, “That’s your opinion, but let me ask you something? Does the cum from a, let’s say, 50 year old man taste any differently than the cum from a 20 year old? Does the 20 year olds shit smell any better than that of the man who is 50? You base everything on an age, whereas, I base everything on the person. One day, it just might be you sitting on one of those barstools and some of the younger guys will be referring to you as the old troll. Have you ever thought about that? I doubt that very seriously. Besides, who are you to tell me who I should like? Maybe, just maybe, if you flick that chip off your shoulder, you just might find a whole new world out there waiting for you. One last thing my friend! Whether you want to believe it or not, your looks, my looks, will fade over time. Only you can change yourself, but don’t try and change me. I love being with older men, and that sir, is the bottom line!”
The young man looked at Justin but couldn’t say a single word. Everything Justin had said struck a major nerve somewhere deep within him. As the man stood in place, Justin spoke once more, “If you want to find happiness, then you should probably consider reality. A person’s age has got nothing to do with it! When you have sex with a guy around your age, chances are it doesn’t last very long. Even better, chances are that there is no real affection involved. I don’t know about you, but as for me, I really love to feel special, and those old trolls you refer to, are the ones who takes affection to another level. Don’t knock it until you tried it!”
Justin turned and walked away. A little while later, the Karaoke contest was being set up. Ken and Tom and two other guys were getting everything in place and Justin was now sitting on a barstool at the bar. Those who wanted to participate was called to the stage to sign up. Ken walked over and sat next to Justin, then stated, “Justin, why don’t you go sign up. I am willing to bet the farm you have a beautiful voice.” Justin shook his head back and forth, then blurted out, “Sorry sir, but I really don’t know a lot about music.” Ken got up and walked to the stage. Upon his return, he was carrying the thick song book. Together, they flipped through the pages looking for that one special song.
Both Tom and Ken kept on working on Justin who finally gave in and signed up. There were 20 contestants and each must sing two songs. The winner would be chosen from the crowd response. The two songs Ken and Tom picked out for Justin were “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton and “Lady” by Kenny Rogers. Justin was sitting on the barstool and his legs were shaking. To say he was a bit nervous would be the understatement of a lifetime. He go another beer and began swigging away, patiently awaiting his turn. Both Ken and Tom were a bit anxious as well cause they knew Justin had such an angelic voice and now wondered what his singing voice offered.
Justin was finally called, being that he was contestant #17. As he approached the stage, his legs grew even shakier. Grabbing the microphone with his right hand, his eyes stay fastened to the monitor. There was a lot of chattering from the crowd and that did ease him somewhat, knowing that many of them had their own agendas, and not that of paying much attention to whoever was singing.
The first song was “Coat of Many Colors.” Justin forced his mind to concentrate on the monitor as his vocal chords exploded with such a richness that every single person stopped what they were doing, and now all eyes were focused on the heavenly angel with the voice that stole their very heart. Justin nailed the song with the utter most perfection and as he began singing “Lady”, the vast majority of the patrons had gathered around the stage to get a better view. Ken and Tom had tears in their eyes as they listened and watched Justin perform like the king of all kings. To say the least, Justin nailed “Lady” too and received a standing ovation as he began walking off the stage.
Several people patted him on the back, and butt too, as he made his way back to the bar. As he approached Ken and Tom, they couldn’t resist hugging Justin. Ken held Justin’s cheeks in his large hands and while looking straight into Justin’s piercing blue eyes said, “My God Justin, you truly are gorgeous in every single way. Your voice alone brought everyone to their feet and you made me and Tom cry. Oh my, you are so very, very special!”
Ken had his right arm around Justin’s shoulders while saying, “Ken’s right my boy, that voice of yours can melt hearts. It melted ours!” Justin gave his thanks then took up a seat at the bar and resumed swigging on his beer. After the last contestant sang his two songs, each of the contestants were called back to the stage for the crowds response indicting the winner. As the MC began standing next to each contestant, the crowd applauded, but when he stood next to Justin, their response literally raised the roof. Without a doubt, after the MC went to the last contestant, their was no question as to who the winner was. Justin was declared the overall winner and was handed $500.00 in cash.
Nearly everyone in the bar congratulated him, including the young man who had approached him earlier. He leaned into Justin’s right here and whispered, “You are the best and I’m gonna make that change, starting tonight. While you were singing “Lady”, I flicked that chip off of my shoulder! Thank you so very much!” Justin smiled at him and the two men hugged ever so affectionately.
Now that the contest was over, the MC announced open Karaoke time. Justin returned to his seat, sitting in between Ken and Tom. Ken caught Justin’s attention, then said, “Justin, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Justin spun around in his seat and saw a huge man standing to Ken’s left. The man must have stood close to 6’6” and weighed a whopping 300 plus pounds. He did have a belly, but the guy looked powerful. He had a thick beard and his hair was brown and he looked like he was somewhere in his mid to late fifties. The more noticeable thing that caught Justin’s undivided attention was the mass of hair barreling out of the man’s shirt. Seeing that made Justin’s cock become achingly hard.
Ken said, “Justin, this here is Walt. Walt, this young angel is Justin.” The
two shook hands and Justin’s small hand was entirely consumed by Walt’s thick
right hand. Walt felt the surge of electricity as his hand enclosed around
Justin’s. Walt’s big brown eyes couldn’t take force themselves from admiring
such overall enhanced beauty. He had heard Justin sing and he had watched the
young beauty walk around the bar, gracing all with his sheer elegance and
magnificent beauty. Now, he was face to face, peering into the most entrancing
crystal blue eyes he had ever seen.
When their hands fell to the perspective sides, Walt stole the moment to roam his eyes up and down’s Justin’s tight little body, noting intricately, the heart stopping bulge gathered up ever so nicely within the young Marine’s tight fitting shorts. Justin could easily see where the big man’s eyes were fixed on, so Justin pointed at his crotch, smiling ever so proudly, blurted out, “It wont bite you sir. You can touch it if you want to!” Walt’s beefy right hand cupped Justin’s tight package before his mind even had time to sort things out.
The big hand gently squeezed his cock and balls, forcing his cock to throb with excitement. The world around Walt was totally lost as his hand held the young angel’s priceless package as the words flew from his quivering lips, “Hot damn! I’d love to suck the honey straight from this here pretty cock! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you are soooooooooo fucking perfect!” Justin gave Walt his thanks and he too began offering barely audible moans as the hand toyed with his cock and balls.
Tom and Ken saw where Walt’s hand was, and they both smiled as Tom shouted,
“Walt, if you want to and if Justin is up to it, you guys can go use the office.
It’s a hell of a lot quieter in there than it is out here, and at least you guys
can have a bit of privacy!”
Walt ordered two more beers and Tom got up to unlock the office. Tom was
followed by Justin who was followed by Walt. Walt’s massive legs trembled as his
eyes zeroed in on Justin’s mouth watering little ass. As soon as Tom unlocked
the office, Justin stepped in followed by Walt. Tom closed the door behind
himself, then locked it to give the two men some privacy.
Justin was standing near the love seat and had just turned around and now was facing the large man who was approaching him. Walt placed the beers on top of the office desk, wiped his mouth and beard, then growled, “I got to get me some of you boy!” Justin smiled, sending shivers racing up and down Walt’s back, then, in an almost teasing like manner, slowly began easing his tank top off of his smooth olive tanned chest. Walt couldn’t help not to notice the muscle tone, the boy’s olive complexion, those tiny pink nipples, and the light frosting of blond, almost pure white, nesting of hair resting under each armpit.
While Justin was torturing Walt’s eyes with his strip tease, Walt wasn’t wasting anytime tearing out of his button up shirt. His fingers fought with each button, but Walt was way too horny to have something like a button get in his way from devouring the near naked young Marine. Justin kicked out of his shoes and slowly began slipping each of his socks off. Walt had already kicked off his boots and had already stepped out of his pants. Justin’s eyes saw the huge hairy man standing before him wearing just his white Fruit-of-the-Looms underwear and the large tent protruding outwards as the man’s cock wanted desperately to be freed.
Before Walt could slide down his underwear, Justin went ahead and yanked his shorts all the way off, leaving his naked body out in the open for Walt’s watery eyes to feast upon. Walt took a deep breath, then in a growling whisper, stated, “Holy shit! Oh my, oh my God! You are soooooooooo beautiful!” As Walt finished his last word, his hands fought with his own underwear, but finally managed to get them off his large frame and step out of them. Now, it was Justin’s turn to come face to face with Walt’s erect, pre-cum covered, cock.
Walt’s cock strained from his large body a solid 5 inches, but it wasn’t the length that grabbed Justin’s attention. It was how amazingly thick it was! To Justin, Walt’s uncut cock was thicker than it was long, and just by sight, Justin quickly determined that Walt’s thick cock would be the thickest he had ever come in contact with. The man’s foreskin had withdrawn just enough so that Justin could see the gaping piss slit as it pumped out huge globs of pre-cum. Justin allowed his eyes to trail down and peer at Walt’s super hairy balls. The sac itself looked like it contained one perfectly rounded ball giving Justin the impression that it could only be compared to a baseball.
Justin found a man’s body hair exciting, and now, now in the presence of Walt, Justin was foaming at the mouth due to Walt being completely covered with jet black fur. To Justin, Walt looked more like a bear than a man, and the hair covered Walt’s entire backside as well. The man was a living, breathing, walking, talking, mass of thick fur, and this, this made Justin’s sexual drive kick into overdrive.
Justin dropped to his knees and stretched his mouth around the skin covered thick knob and began moaning as Walt’s pre-cum, piss, and sweat concoction swarmed the interior lining of his bloated mouth. Justin tried his best to get his mouth around the huge cock head, but he simply couldn’t stretch his mouth wide enough. The man’s cock was just too thick. Justin placed his right hand at the base of Walt’s cock, and his fingers, even though he stretched his fingers, didn’t come close to touching. Even when he placed his left hand on Walt’s cock, his fingers still couldn’t touch the fingers from his right hand.
Walt held Justin’s head while slinging his own head from side to side,
saying, “Yeah, that’s it boy! Suck daddy’s cock! Yes, yessssssssss, make daddy
feel good boy!” Justin was too busy using his tongue to bathe every engorged
thick inch to utter a single word. His left hand began cupping and caressing
Walt’s huge hairy balls while the fingers of Justin’s right hand ran their
course over Walt’s hairy stomach and fur covered chest. Within a couple of
minutes, Walt made Justin stop.
Walt sat on the floor, placing the back of his head on top of the leather
cushion of the love seat, then barked, “Get that sweet ass up here and sit on
daddy’s face boy!” Justin stepped up and onto the love seat, using his hands to
brace himself on the love seat’s top portion as he began lowering his ass onto
Walt’s face. Walt watched as the two lovely olive tanned tight cheeks parted,
revealing the most unbelievable tiniest asshole his eyes had ever seen.
Justin squatted to the point that Walt’s tongue hungrily ravished his butt crack and began flattening itself out onto his bung hole. Walt’s large hand reached around and latched themselves onto Justin’s thighs, forcing Justin to squat even further down on the man’s face. Walt was literally growling and grunting as his tongue fought against all the odds to gain entry into the most mind boggling butt holes of all times.
It took some doing, but Walt wasn’t one of those guys who easily gives up, but he now had his grizzly bear of a tongue churning away inside Justin’s anal canal. Walt forced as much of his tongue up Justin’s ass as he possible could get inside, and his bear like body was shaking feverishly as a true sign of his overall excitement. Justin was humping his ass up and down on Walt’s tongue, working himself into a sexual frenzy. Walt was loving every ass eating second of it and to further add to his sexual delight, he loved the way Justin’s hairless balls rolled graciously on the bridge of his nose.
The tongue working his anal canal into a frenzy, mixed with feeling of his balls rolling and smashing themselves on Walt’s nose, triggered a rapid and unforeseen orgasm. Justin screamed out, “Ohhhhhhhhhh, I’m, I’m, uhhhhhhhhh, gonna cuuuuuuuuuuummmmm!” Not wanting to miss out on anything, Walt slipped his tongue from Justin’s delicious little chute, using his right hand, forced Justin’s soon to be erupting cock into his moaning mouth. Walt’s lips hadn’t got to the middle of Justin’s cock when the young Marine’s cock exploded, rapidly shooting jets of thick creamy cum, heavily coating the interior lining of Walt’s mouth.
Walt grunted and growled as thick globs of Marine juice sprayed his mouth continuously. Feeling the richness of Justin’s sperm inside his mouth, Walt couldn’t resist the urge to taste the fine delicacy. With that being said, he opened his throat and his growling and grunts got even louder as he did his best to discover the true taste, but as he swallowed and swallowed, he too, just like the others, was unable to detect the slightest of tastes.
When the last of Justin’s copious supply of Marine cream had been swallowed, Walt let Justin’s cock slip from his mouth. To his total disbelief, Justin’s cock was still hard, so he went back to work fucking the young Marine’s delicious ass with his tongue. While eating Justin’s ass, Walt barked out, “Tell daddy what you want boy! Tell daddy the way you want it!”
The only thing that popped into Justin’s mind was feeling the big burly man’s cock pile drive his asshole into total submission, so Justin quickly replied, “Yes daddy, I want, I want to feel that big fucking cock inside me. Please, please daddy, fuck me and fuck me goooooooooood!”
Hearing how Justin responded was music to Walt’s ears, so he forced his face away from the most awesome ass he had ever dined on, stood up on wobbly legs, then went to Tom’s desk. Opening the top drawer, Walt retrieved the lubricant and the bottle of rush. He handed the rush to Justin who quickly unscrewed the top and took a couple of deep breaths. While Justin was doing that, Walt was busy smearing the slick stuff all over his meaty cock.
Walt lined up two of the office chairs and had Justin place his knees on each one, forcing Justin’s upper body to angle towards the floor, in between both chairs. In this position, Justin’s ass was ripe for the taking and it was at the perfect level so that Walt didn’t even have to bend his knees. Smearing the slick oil all over his cock, Walt’s eyes glued themselves onto Justin’s upturned, damn near invisible, soon to be, cock filled, asshole.
Me and a friend from high school have quite the experimental night... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting