Marathon Man: Breaking the Family
Sweat went into Mabadi's mouth while he ran the track trying to grasp as many meters as he could for every second that he lost. Forcing himself to push harder and faster for every new drop of sweat that fell down unto the running field.
It had been 6 months of hard training since he came to the states, having been spotted by an American sports agent, after he showed prominence in a running match down in Cape Town.
Mabadi had been thrilled to leave Africa, thrilled to get closer to his dream, thrilled to show the world how fast he could run and thrilled of how easy the sports agent recognized his skills in running.
Yes in fact he thought everything would be easy and like a dream, that he would run like a stallion, that he would be able to fly to America with everyone praising him, and that he would be free forever, but every dream has its flaws.
''Run you god damn monkey!'' the shouts of encouragement from his agent were never appealing during exercise, ''What do you think we're running for? Oh right, the freaking Olympics!'' he yelled sarcastically, ''So get a move on you!''
Barry Hansen was Mabadi's only flaw of his perfect dream; never had he thought that sports agents were so arrogant. Barry was rude, racist and disrespectful towards Mabadi, believing that Mabadi was nothing more than a tool for his own gain.
''Fat little bald headed prick,'' Mabadi thought, ''One day I will find a better agent then you,'' kept he thinking. But until this day Mabadi had no other choice than to grind his teeth and keep up with Barry's racist remarks.
Barry always looked down on the runners that he had picked up from Africa, always believing them to be nothing more than street kids and thieves with lesser brain then a piece of rotten fruit. ''Uneducated,'' was his remarks about Africa, ''Only good at one thing,'' he thought, ''Chasing for food.'' Yet he saw potential in them for running, and had exploited many scared runners for his own gain in the Olympics, all poor and hungry. That was how he operated, but Mabadi was different.
Mabadi was no poor kid, neither was he uneducated, no in fact he was very well educated. Having learned both French and English at a private school, and grown up in a decent family.
His father was a lawyer, and his mother a teacher, and he himself had been encouraged many times by his parents to go to medical school, but all he really wanted was to run.
Running the field Mabadi sealed his thoughts of Barry away and kept sprinting and jogging, thinking of more pleasant thoughts then his agent. Thoughts like winning the race, or perhaps prove to his father that running is his true calling, or maybe the thought of Barry's nice and young daughter Lisa in a one night sex-drive with Mabadi sweating and gasping while she professes her eternal loyalty to him. Oh yes good thoughts indeed.
After running the last half of the track and relaxing in a chair sipping his water, Mabadi catches a glimpse of Barry's wife Susan, having a heated discussion with Barry.
''They're at it again,'' said a soft and clear voice. Turning around Mabadi sees Lisa standing beside him, dressed in her usual over the top fashion red sweater and blue jeans.
''Gee, ma is always so pushy with dad,'' she said.
''Why would you say that?'' Mabadi asked.
''She always gives my dad a hard time, whining with this and that,'' she remarked.
Mabadi looked towards the couple, seeing Barry yelling and waving his hands in the air, while Susan looked sad and depressed.
''Are you sure she is pushy? She looks fairly calm and almost sad then pushy,'' Mabadi inquired.
''What the hell would you know about it anyway!'' she said angry, ''It's not like you know about these things, being a street kid and all,'' Mabadi felt a faint anger rising up when she said those words, but restrained himself, ''Why don't you keep running, that is all you're ever good at anyway,'' she said while walking away.
''fucking bitch,'' he thought, ''All I need is one night with you and you'd find out what other things I am good at,'' he said in a low voice.
Barry stormed past Mabadi angry and stressful, saying to himself various profanities about his wife Susan, then disappearing into the stadium's exit, ''At least now I can exercise in peace,'' Mabadi thought.
Looking towards the starting line, he saw Susan still standing there sighing sadly and talking to herself.
Mabadi walked over to her and asked, ''Is everything alright Mrs Hansen,''
Turning towards him a bit surprised and producing a fake smile she said, ''Oh yes, everything is fine dear,'' trying to divert her issues she asks Mabadi how his training is coming along, ''So, how's the progression going?''
''It's good, it's fine. I feel I am getting faster every day to be honest,'' Mabadi said, ''Your husband has been very kind to give me this opportunity,''
''Ah well, my husband has his reason's,'' she said in a low voice with her head tilted down. ''I hope he hasn't been too rough with you?''
''No, he's been great,'' said he, not telling her how racist and stupid her husband really was.
''You're not a good liar,'' she smiled. Touching his arm and stroking it she says, ''Hang in there champion,'' and then gradually walked away.
Susan had always been good to Mabadi, ever since he arrived to the states. She had always encouraged him and cheered him up during the first few months. Barry was lucky to have such a wife Mabadi thought, but she was unlucky to have Barry.
Susan was combing her hair and dressed in a gown, ready to go to bed, while starring at her mirror with a sad face. She tried to remember her past, the time when she met Barry, the time when they were both in love and young, ''What went wrong?'' she asked herself.
Time had changed everything. It first started with bitter discussions, then disagreements, and finally anger. It had come to a point where not a day went by without them both fighting over some idiotic issue. Whether it being money or vacation, or just something as simple as sex, ''Sex, how long has it been?'' she thought.
She could not remember the last time Barry and her had sex, the last time he kissed her, or even gave her a hug. At first it did not really bother her, as she always took care of the children, but now that Lisa was 18 and Charlie nearing the age of 13, she felt some desire for her husband again.
She had tried to encourage him in bed, but he would always reject her, or pass an excuse that he was tired. She did not blame him for it, he was always working hard. Coming home late and travelling almost every weekend, and yet she wished that just for one minute he would use some of his time to be with her.
She stopped combing her hair, which was now falling down strait across her neck. She's always been complimented for her fluffy hair, and how beautiful it was in the sunlight. But now at the age of 43 she had begun to get some grey lines in the middle of the scalp, and though no one had taken notice to it, she had.
Moving her finger under her eyes she could feel the wrinkles that she had procured over the years, having some on the sides as well. Her overlarge breasts were not as firm as they once were, having become a little saggy after her two child births, and her stomach had begun to loosen up a bit. But what bothered her the most, was her ass.
It had enlarged and become bigger in size, and though she stayed away from any kind of junk food, it still grew a tad bigger every year. She was not fat, only non-fit. She smiled a little when she thought of that, ''The wife of a sports agent is not fit, ironic.'' She drew a last sigh and placed her comb onto the table by the mirror, and went to bed.
Laying down and pulling her sheets over her, she looked towards the empty spot to her right where her husband was supposed to be, and sulked. Barry had gone to an advertisement conference in the weekend for Mabadi's first run.
She kept thinking of Mabadi, and how difficult it must be for him in the states. Susan had always felt sorry for the runners that her husband found, thinking of how strange it must be for them to leave home and live in a foreign country. She had always tried to encourage those runners, telling them to hold on and fight for their dreams, but for Mabadi it was different.
She felt closer to him than with the others, and more relaxed. She'd have long conversations with him about Africa and his family, and he would tell her of how weird it was to leave his home, but also of how great it felt at the same time.
She felt she was more of a second mother to him than a simple friend; she'd always cheer him up and keep pushing him to aim for his dream. Sometimes she would wake early up in the morning to see him exercise, just so he would know she was there for him.
Watching him train always made her feel somewhat happy, she did not know why. Every once a week she'd see him exercise, and every week his muscles would have grown larger and thicker.
She was thinking of those muscles, thinking of how amazing they were and
thinking of how beautiful he was when he ran that field.
Her left hand began to creep up towards her chest when she continued thinking about him, ''He is so focused,'' she thought.
Her excitement began to heat up, and her hand came closer to her breasts. She closed her eyes and saw his body running and sweating, jiggling whenever one of his foots would hit the ground.
Her hand was now unbuttoning her cleavage, and pushed itself into the open space. She kept focusing on him running that long track, and his beautiful dark skin shinning to his sweat.
Her fingers had now reached her nipple and she began to pinch it, while her right hand slowly made its course downwards. She was hardly thinking of anything else then Mabadi's body, and how strong his arm was when she stroked it this morning.
Her hand slipped into her underwear and she could feel how warm and wet her pussy was, as she pressed her finger and began caressing the opening. The sensation made her moan, while she kept on pinching her enlarging nipple with her left hand.
The thoughts of Mabadi's hot and wet body enchanted her, making her masturbate faster, than furiously. Her legs parted under the sheets, letting her reach her opening more deeply.
Finally she pushed her finger into the love-hole; making her moan in such an intense way that she began to push her hips upwards from the pleasure.
Her legs were now shaking and her toes were squeezing down unto the sheets, as she kept sweating and moaning at the sensations of it all. Her nipple grew bigger and harder as her fingers kept pressing it, at the same time as she was caressing the breast.
She was now furiously masturbating at the simple thought of Mabadi, she wanted him to grab her, she wanted to know the taste of his sweat, she wanted to be ravaged by him. She was in such an ecstasy that she pressed a second finger into her hole, which was now flowing.
Her body became warmer and her hole gripped her fingers almost instantly after her middle finger entered. She was not used to two fingers; in fact she was not used to masturbate at all.
Her fingers kept entering and exiting her as she began to bite her own lips, and then as a time bomb, she exploded.
Her hole juiced with liquid, her head tilted backwards and her hips were pressing further up, as she screamed a deep sound of joy. Her left hand ran up towards her mouth and she began to bite her fingers leaving her breast and nipple alone, while she forced herself to enjoy every last second of that orgasm.
She could feel the orgasm make its way through her body and finally fade away silently, while one of her legs fell from the side of her bed dangling and touching the cold freezing floor.
It was over, her mind started to recover and her body became colder. She kept breathing hard as she felt the once dry sheets touching her body. She wanted to sleep, to just close her eyes and sink into darkness, but all she could think of was shame.
''What have I done,'' she thought. All of those lustful thoughts about Mabadi had now changed into guilt. All that was coming into her mind now were thoughts of how indecent she had been, and how sickening it was that she had masturbated to a man that was so much younger than her.
But soon her eyes faded and she crept into silence, feeling sleep arriving. Soon she slept, soon her mind went dark, and all was peaceful. No shame, nothing but her warm pillow was in her mind now, and she fell asleep. Good Night.
Morning was Mabadi's favourite time of the day. He would always wake up early, so that he could try to break all of his former records, again and again.
A faint wind breeze in the morning and the noise of his running shoes hitting the ground, was the best of sounds. A small but sharp flash of sun peeking into the stadium, was the best of sight. And the feeling of his sweat running down his face as he ran the kilometres, was the best of sensations.
He would exercise for long hours with no intrusions and no distractions, feeling nothing but the wind hitting his face. This is what he wanted, this is what he craved. Yet he felt something was missing the closer time reached 10, some noise or something similar, he thought.
When it finally did reach 10 am, his mind began to wonder more of what that missing detail was. Every time he completed a round, he'd look over at the seated chairs by the entrance, feeling that something or someone was supposed to be there.
''Susan,'' he finally thought. ''Where is she?'' he asked himself.
Susan had always come every Wednesday at 10 am to watch Mabadi train, but today she was not here. And though he did not pester much on the matter, he felt a void within him growing the more time went by, as he gradually looked towards the empty seats.
At about half past eleven, Mabadi could not stop but wonder where she was. It was not the idea of her safety that bothered him, but rather the comfort he felt while she sat on the side of the track observing and cheering at him, that was now gone.
This comfort had been a key factor for him to beat his old score, and in fact his scores at the end of his exercise today, were not the best he had done.
After finishing half of his exercise, Mabadi decided to seek out Susan, going first to her house. Believing the distance between the stadium and Susan's house, being a perfect opportunity for him to see how his long distance running was coming along.
He changed his shoes and sipped some water from his bottle, and began to easily jog towards the exit, mesmerising on what excuse he would use for wanting to see her.
Susan's and Mabadi's relationship, had always been a platonic one, and yet sometimes he could not but look at her in a more intimate way. Sure she was older than him, but he never felt it was a negative thing.
He would often look at the curves of her body in amazement, the beautiful hair she so much fluffed up, and also the tightening her breast made on her clothes. She was a beautiful woman, well above average in breast size and ass.
Yes, her ass was quite the jewel for Mabadi. He would often watch her try to hide it, by pulling her overcoat further down over that huge butt, or by dressing up in more loose clothes.
Mabadi smiled a little when he remembered her expressions when she tried to hide it, as well as not understanding why she would feel ashamed for such a wonderful booty, and wondering how she'd be in bed.
By the time he had reached more than half the distance to her house, Mabadi's mind had turned into a living porn dream.
Thinking and wondering her size, her taste and her smell. He was now fuelled with perverted thoughts about his agent's wife, and could not but run faster to reach the house.
Finally reaching the house, he jumped unto the porch and stopped to breath. He was here, he'd do it, he'd try it he thought. ''What is the worst that could happen?'' he said, while breathing hard.
Catching his breath, and slowly regaining its former rhythm, he stood straight up and pressed the door bell. He needed to remain cool, not to jump into it too soon, he thought.
He rang the bell again, waiting eagerly for the response, and just for a split second a sudden fear came over him, believing that she might not be home, but then the door opened.
Susan stood in the doorway, both surprised and shocked at seeing Mabadi almost soaked in what she could smell being his sweat,'' What are you doing here?,'' she asked.
''I did not see you today at the track, I just wanted to know if you were alright,'' Mabadi replied, hiding the real reason for his visit.
Susan stood still for a second, starring into his eyes'' I am sorry, I forgot today. I have been busy all morning, and it just slipped my mind,'' she was lying. She did not feel comfortable going to the stadium today, after last night's experience.
The awkward silence that occurred rendered both of them mute, until Mabadi said, ''You mind if I come in?''
Like waking up from a dream, Susan stuttered, ''Oh D-dear, of course. Come in, come in,'' As Mabadi entered and passed her, she could smell the strong scent of sweat pouring down from him, ''Why don't you make yourself at home, while I go and fetch you a towel you can use.''
Before he could say anything, Susan had already gone upstairs and Mabadi was left wondering and admiring the house, ''So this is where all the money goes,'' he murmured as he saw the over the top luxury that was in the house.
True Story! |
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