Maiden Maid-Chapter 2

(Part 2 from 4)

“Come over here and let me look at you,” motioning her over to the fireplace. Michael watched as she walked over to him, the tight skirt fitting snuggly over her hips, a slight sway as she walked, the high heels making her seem taller then she was. He could imagine those legs with the four-inch heels on, especially in only her stockings and garter belt. Soon, he thought, soon she would perform for him. He was pleased with the silk blouse. While her tits were not big, he could see that her nipples were. They were already poking out her blouse, the silk material having that effect on women. “Turn around, yes, stop.” He saw her ass, the skirt pulled tightly over her cheeks. Michael was an ass man, there was nothing better then a nice ass on a female. He made her stand there, her back to him.

Sarah watched Michael’s eyes as she walked over to the fireplace. She feared what she saw. It looked like he was undressing her. No, it is just your imagination, everything is going to be all right, she thought, calm down, you got to make this work. She saw him look her up and down. She heard his command to turn around, she complied. He just wants to see if the clothes fit, she thought. It felt strange, even though she could not see Michael, she could feel her gaze. She felt uncomfortable as she stood their, long minutes clicking slowly. Finally she heard his command to turn around. She faced him again, her face flushed, embarrassed to be put on display.

“The clothes fit you good, Sarah. I expect you to look this good everyday. I will leave you a list of clothes to wear each day. I expect you to follow the list without exception. I will not tolerate insubordination. The first time you fail to comply with any of my wishes is the day your employment with me ends. There are a very many young ladies that would jump at the chance to have your position, many of them more attractive then you. Do you understand the terms of your employment, Sarah?”

“Yes,” she stammered. He was right, she was not very attractive, more of an average girl. With his wealth, he could have just about any woman. She did not want to displease him, “yes, sir”.

“There are some rules to your position. First is that this is my home. Just because you are here and you happen to be a female, this is still my home. I will enjoy it the way I see fit. I have many friends, men and women. Very often we have parties which you will be present to serve us. You may see things that you do not understand or approve of. This is not your place to approve or disapprove. Your place is to serve us. If I see any appearance of disapproval or shock, your employment will be terminated. While I am here alone, you may find my dress very casual and in some cases you might see me nude. You will have to get used to that fact.” Michael watched for any sign of disapproval. He did not see any so he proceeded. 

“I run a very strict household. All of my employees are expected to perform at an exceptional level. I do not allow slackers. While mistakes may happen, they will not be tolerated. If you make a mistake or displease me, you will have the option of terminating your employment or submit to a punishment that I deem fit for the offense. I find that this is the only way that employees remember not to do it again.” He saw a faint flicker of fear in her eyes when he mentioned punishment. She did not know what his punishment would consist of and he liked that. He would find many times when she would displease and would have to be punished. He couldn’t wait until he could spank that lovely ass of hers.

“You will be available to me 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I will give you time off when I see fit. At times, you may accompany me when I vacation as a servant. You will find that employment here has its benefits. I am not very demanding, many times I will not even be home during the days. You will have sufficient time when you are not working. My library is quite extensive and you may wish to do some reading and broaden your horizons.” He had many books including a very extensive library of books regarding sex, especially the more perverted varieties. He would make sure that she read many of them. He wanted her knowledgeable when he was training her for his and his friend’s pleasure.

“You must obey all of the commands of my friends. I entertain often and I expect you to treat them like you would treat me. Any infractions will bring about a suitable punishment.” He watched for any reaction. His friends were also excited about the opportunity to have their way with this gorgeous redhead. They would love that red pussy bush.

Sarah watched as Michael related the rules. It would not be so bad. She was a very excellent worker, so she did not expect to make any mistakes, so therefore she would not expect to be punished. Even if she did, what would he do, dock her pay? She could live with that. She was a little worried about seeing him naked. She had never seen a male naked before except for some of the medical pictures that the older girls always passed down to the younger ones. But she could see his point, this was his home and she would have to take the situations as they arose. “Yes, Master Michael. I will follow your rules. You will find that I am an excellent worker and I will obey your commands.” She smiled, Michael smiling back at her.

“Now, you will be responsible for cleaning my room, the library and your own room. Part-time help will clean the rest of the house. Meals will be provided and cooked by kitchen staff. They go home, along with the rest of the staff by 7:00 PM unless I am having a party. You will have free reign of the house and the kitchen and you may make yourself comfortable when you are not serving me. Before I retire for the night, I like to take a bath. You will get my bath ready for me at 9:00 every night unless I tell you otherwise. That is the only daily ritual that I have. I have a bell in your room, connected to all of the rooms. If you hear the bell, you must come immediately. This is very important. Your job is to serve me and I expect your undivided attention.” 

Sarah nodded, “yes, Master Michael. That will not be a problem. I am a light sleeper. I will take care of you good, sir.”

Yes, you will take care of me good, Sarah, you will give me everything I want including your virginity, Michael chuckled to himself. “You may go now. John will give you a tour of the house and show you where everything is,” his hand waving her off. Michael watched Sarah as she left the room, her ass swinging sensuously, the high heels accenting her legs. His cock was hard. 

John was waiting outside the study as Sarah left. “How did everything go?” 

“Fine. Can I speak to you frankly, John?”

“Of course, Sarah, you may tell me anything, I will not reveal it to anyone.”

“The conversation was a little strange. He talked about punishing me if I did anything wrong. Then me mentioned that I might see strange things when he parties with his friends. Is there anything I should worry about, John?”

“Sarah, I will give you the truth. Michael is very rich and very eccentric. Most rich people are. They can and do anything they want and we, the poor, have only one choice. We can either go along with them and reap the benefits or we can go back to the rest of the truly poor, on the streets. I personally chose the first. I had many friends that are on the street, unable to feed themselves, much less their family. I do not want to be like them. Michael had hired one girl only last month for your job. She only lasted for a week. Michael caught her making too many mistakes and he was going to punish her. He wanted to spank her. She thought that this was too much for her to stand and she left. Last I heard about her, she is living on the streets. She will not survive very long on the streets. She was an orphan like you and had no skills that would allow her to survive. She will probably end up being a prostitute on the street, directed by some pimp. You look like a smart girl, Sarah. I suggest you think long and hard before you decide to disobey Michael. This is your one and only chance in this world. Don’t screw it up.”

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