
(Part 1 from 1)

I am about 5'4" with dirty-blonde hair reaching just below my shoulder blades. My eyes are a chocolate brown which are always framed with coloured eyeliner. For a European my lips are quite full and are one of my favorite features, although I'd never willingly admit it to anyone. At seventeen I have nicely rounded thighs with a nice flat tummy and toned arms and my breasts are a perky b-up. Working out and eating healthier after the end of my year long relationship had certainly paid off. I had had a goal to gain a better figure than my ex, just to show her what she was missing out on and it had gone to plan perfectly. Not that I really cared anymore about what she thought 4 months on.

Block exams had finally arrived, much to my annoyance, and I had been trying my best to get in some studying. Staying indoors for about two weeks prior had temporarily converted me into a hermit, which was a big contrast to my usual extrovert-type nature. On the day of my English Exam my friend Joanne insisted we meet up before the three grueling hours of essay writing that we were expected to endure. I wasn't terribly keen to head out earlier than I needed to as it was raining and I'd just straightened my hair. After some nagging she eventually persuaded me to go with her to buy lunch from Subway. Subway was inside the service station across the street from our school; the convenience of this attracted quite a few other hungry students. I sat on one of the stools and patiently waited for Joanne to buy her food, my head was down, lazily scanning the store.

My eyes came across a pair of legs, and began to focus on them. I slowly raised my head to see if I recognised the owner, I did not. She was a stunning brunette, with hair much longer than my own, and an olive complexion. She looked as though she was in the year below me, so about 18 years old. This girl looked refreshingly beautiful in our school uniform which was usually the least bit stimulating. She was in line to order and was oblivious to me checking her out, so I didn't turn away but instead began to stare. Her breasts looked about the same size as mine, maybe a little smaller, and her face was cute. I swear it was from that moment that all my studying had gone to waste, and instead my mind filled with thoughts and images of her. I needed to talk to her.

Joanne came up beside me, and jabbed me sharply in the ribs.

"Ouch, what the hell did you do that for?", I shrieked.

My eyes quickly returned to the direction they were in previously.
The girl had paid no attention to my sudden outburst and continued looking straight ahead, nearing the front of the line.

"You were in a daze that's why, what's up with you anyway? You're usually so animated.", Jo replied.

"I'm just in a study-zone I guess, Jo, but for fuck's sake don't you dare jab me like that again." I threatened loosely.

I looked back to the line to see the girl looking over at us, I winked. She smiled shyly and quickly turned back to the counter where it was now her turn. Joanne sat down and started eating her lunch, I stood up.

"Where are you off to?", Jo queried. I ignored her, I wasn't going far.

I nervously approached the girl, and she looked at me a little confused. I began to doubt myself, I had not planned anything to say, how was I to explain my impromptu interest? I smiled. She smiled.

"Hi… you're Kate right?…" she asked.

I hadn't expected her to know who I was, and I wondered briefly whether or not that was a bad thing.

"Yeah, hi, what's your name? I've seen you around school…." I lied.

"I'm Maddy. I've seen you around too… I've actually been on your Bebo page a few times to be honest. I think we have a few 'friends in common'." she joked with her Bebo jargon, knowing that I'd understand.

"Oh yeah, cool, I'll look you up when I get home, after my exam, and comment you." I promised.

"haha okay, well I'll TTYL" Maddy joked again.

I watched her swing her hips subtly as she walked away, then took a seat back down next to Jo who seemed to be concentrating a little too hard on eating her sandwich.

I rushed home after the exam, which I was sure I had failed, excited to find Maddy online and scope her out a bit more. She had commented me already, which benefited me as I didn't have to go through all my friends list to find her.

Haii Kate it was nice talking to you and meeting you today.
I'm sorry if it sounded weird when I said I'd been to yewr bebo before.
I wasn't stalking I promise LOL.xx

After a few back and forth comments on Bebo I managed to get her number and arrange to meet up with her the next day over coffee. To my surprise she was very excited about seeing me. I had been thinking more and more about her and could not stop wondering what she'd look like scanty clad. I felt a little bad for thinking about Maddy in such a sexual way before I had even had a proper conversation with her.


I sat and waited for her at the café we'd agreed to meet at, feeling my heart jitter. I knew that I was meeting Maddy only as a friend, for all I knew she had no clue of my bisexuality. Nevertheless I couldn't help but feel nervous. She walked through the open doorway, wearing tight dark blue skinny jeans and a long fitted t-shirt, both complimented her girlish curves. She beckoned to me, I arose without hesitation and took the opportunity to give her a warm hug. Her hair smelled like it had just been washed that morning.
"Let's get the coffee and go somewhere outside to chat." Maddy offered after our embrace.
I was more than happy to ditch the busy café for some alone time, it was beautifully sunny anyway. I wondered if she knew how much she had me longing for her as I followed her outside to a nearby park, which was relatively quiet.

After settling onto the grass we began to chat about school, life and friends. I was surprised how interesting she was and soon enough it began to feel as though I'd known her a lot longer. Even though I felt very comfortable with Maddy, she was still nothing like any of my other friends. She did not challenge my opinions and instead asked me questions about how I came to my conclusions on certain things. I was not prepared for when Maddy reached over and took my hand in hers.

"You're stunning, you know that?"

"I know right?", I joked back egotistically

"I mean it", she said, "I'm a bit jealous actually"

I put my otherhand over our already holding hands, as if to secure their place, and looked into her eyes seriously. I wasn't sure whether I was reading the situation right, was she hitting on me, or just being friendly? She giggled, apparently I was taking the moment with a lot more caution than she was.

"You haven't said anything about me yet.", Maddy teased.

I took my opportunity to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, to test the water if you will.

"Maddy I don't think I've seen another girl whose appearance captivates me as much as yours does. And you're lovely to talk to", I replied, wondering if I'd perhaps gotten a little too 'wordy'.

Maddy's eyes lit up, "Really?", and she had kissed me before I could answer. Her soft lips stayed pressed against mine, I closed my eyes.
My own lips were unable to move, it was fair to say I was not prepared for her forwardness. She pulled away and I was afraid my sudden nervousness had given her the wrong idea. It was not like me at all to freeze up like this... but I had always been the person to make the first move. I guess that's what did it.

She pouted, her eyes grew a deeper emerald and she leant in. Her lips grazed against my own once more, she then bit down gently on my bottom lip and sat back up.

"You're bi" I said dumbfounded.

"What makes you think I'm not gay?" Maddy challenged.

"You bit my lip that's what. It's a bi trademark I swear", I grinned.

Maddy ignored my justification and began speaking very quickly, "Kate. I've wanted you for a while now. Ever since I saw you holding hands with that girl last year. Then I knew you two were over. And, then yesterday. You winked at me, you did wink, right?"

I stopped her by finally returning her kiss, meeting her lips. Maddy leant her weight on me and I fell back softly in the grass, her body over mine. I ran my hands down her back, briefly feeling the ridges of her spine through her thin T. My hands stopped, holding her firm bum. Having her on top of me felt amazing, I began to smile as we kissed playfully, with light tongue.

For a moment I was brought back to reality, there we were laying on top of one another in the middle of a public place. Sure, there was nobody around in the present but that wouldn't stop people from walking through at anytime. Maddy obviously noticed my concern and looked at me questioningly, breaking our kiss.

"We're in the park, Maddy, someone might come through. Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked.

"No I don't", she whispered, "I want to take you right here in the open."

Hearing those words from her perfect lips unleashed the exhibitionist within me. Maddy began kissing me aggressively, her tongue keenly massaging mine. I could tell the risk of being caught in public turned her on as much as it did me. I started to rock my hips against her causing her to moan quietly in my mouth and return the motion. I began to ravel up her t-shirt from the end, she lifted up slightly and I managed to pull it over her head and toss it to the side.
I could now see her bosom rising and falling as she caught her breath, my finger tips tracing the outline of her pink bra cups. I pulled her back down onto me and let my hand slide in between her firm thighs, resting on her denim covered crotch.

"Touch me, please!" she begged, and started kissing and nibbling my neck.

I used my hand to rub her over her entire crotch, not yet focusing on anywhere in particular. It drove me wild thinking about how wet she might be already and I longed to find out for myself. Her jeans were almost skin tight and I wondered how I was going to fit my hand inside them. Maddy soon found her way into my top and easily got beneath my bra, running her thumb over each nipple in turn, causing me to shudder. I'd never felt them so hard before and her light touch almost hurt, but I wanted more.

"Fuck Maddy!", I moaned

"You like that then, I'm guessing?" she queried, and pinched them.

This caused me to yelp a bit, and I nodded back enthusiastically. I was all hers. She could have asked me to run around clucking at that particular moment and I would have.

"Get up" she ordered, as she herself climbed to her feet.

I clambered up and as I did my eyes eagerly drank the site before me. I noticed every muscle definition of her beautiful toned tummy and the slight appearance of her ribs to the sides below her bust. In one quick movement Maddy had my top laying in the grass, and was unclipping my bra.

"Fucking ninja!" I grinned, my bra straps still hanging pointlessly on my shoulders. I threw my bra off, then looked toward her. Maddy returned my grin with her own mischievous one and began backing me up until I was leaning against the trunk of a tree. Her hands rested on the tree trunk, one to either side of my head, I felt the heaviness of her presence leaning over me.

My hand sought Maddy’s pants zipper, her hands returned to pleasing my breasts. I yanked down on the waistband of her jeans to reveal a pair of panties that matched her bra. Maddy began kissing me again, this time with a fair amount of aggression and I responded immediately. The younger girl took my hand and placed it in between her thighs. I caught my own trousers dropping to my ankles before my mind had even taken in the dampness of Maddy’s panties.

“You can’t be wearing these any longer, look at them!” I heard myself saying.

She didn’t respond with words, instead she hooked both her thumbs onto either side of my underwear teasingly- and bit my neck hard. I screamed a little, which caused Maddy to giggle happily. That was it, my hand dove past the pink material that was covering Maddy’s crotch and I felt her hot sex. Her lips trembled on the same spot where she had bitten me. I ran my index finger against her slit that was slick with her juices, her own fingers lowered my panties. A breath of fresh air hit my now naked lower half and the trunk of the tree grazed my buttocks.

Maddy removed her bra effortlessly; I looked at her naked breasts, my finger settling on her erect clit. Her nipples were light brown and puffy, I lowered my head and sucked on them. Her hips gyrated against my hand, the friction increased. My mind flooded with the sounds of her whimpering and begging in my ear. Maddy slipped the tip of her middle finger inside me, and I brought myself forward from the tree trunk to push it in further. In turn I gently scraped her left nipple with my teeth, my finger continued to work on her clit and my thumb entered her vagina.

Maddy allowed her middle finger to join her index and she penetrated me with more force. I meet every thrust I was given, trying my best to keep a steady rhythm stroking her. Maddy’s breathing deepened dramatically before she shuddered against my hand. We stopped for a moment, leaning on one another as Maddy tried to compose herself quickly. Her fingers had lost contact with my body, I felt empty.

Maddy dropped her knees to the soft grass and a tongue probed where her fingers had abandoned. Her hands reached around to cup my buttocks and she tasted me hungrily. Her lips moved and encircled my clit, causing me to curse out loud and drag her head closer to my sex. She sucked me without mercy, my cunt dripped juices which washed down my inner thighs. She kept at it for a while until I bucked involuntarily as my orgasm possessed me. Maddy replaced her mouth with her fingers again and looked upwards, our eyes locked just like they had the day before.

I woke moments after to a tongue licking over my inner thighs, I was now lying down on my back. Maddy noticed that I had regained consciousness and brought herself up- laying her head on my stomach. I moved my arm around to her with the little energy I had left and proposed a cuddle. The sun was now leaving behind the horizon, we must have been at the park for quite a while.

“Hey sleepy, you okay?” Maddy asked, her hand gliding down the side of my naked body.

“Maddy, it’s never been that powerful. Of course I’m okay.” I ensured the brunette, giving her a kiss on the head, “But you’ve got to let me return the favour”

She chortled and then whispered, “Babe, you’re not going anywhere just yet.”


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Hop to:

I opened my e-mail and read a message from a woman who told me she had been watching me jerk off. I had no idea anyone could see me. hat was until now! Now, I was planning to meet his stranger at the mall and if things go right, do her. From the description she gave me I was almost sure I knew who it was that was watching me masturbate and really enjoying it...