Medicine by mouth : Part 3 - Best Cocksucker competition

(Part 1 from 5)

To say that JoAnne G. was a household name would be a gross understatement. But to a pretty cashier in London, Ontario named Stacey Staples, JoAnne was much more than that. To begin with, JoAnne was a hometown girl, born and raised not far from where Stacey now worked. But that was just the start. Within twelve years of her 18th birthday, JoAnne had now sucked just shy of 60,000 cocks, at least one quarter of these blowjobs having been enjoyed by males with names like Bucky, Pluto, and Big Mack. Her pictures were everywhere. At last estimate, there were 17 billion copies of over 100,000 pictures, and more than 7000 hours of great video coverage of JoAnne on the internet, and she had some huge cock in her mouth in over 99% of these. Not only that, but her beautiful cock-filled face was in magazines and billboards everywhere, JoAnne’s cock-filled face being used to sell everything from cosmetics to sexy jeans to, of course, panties. That youthful face of hers (that seemingly hadn’t aged a day since she started prostituting herself at age 18) had been the driving force behind the huge, multi-stage Semen for Women (S4W) Study to see whether swallowing semen (either from a bottle or directly from the tap) was the secret to eternal youth for women; and that study had been the reason for this, the first annual International Oral Olympics (IOO).

But even that wasn’t all. In so many ways, JoAnne had made the world a better place. 18 years ago, when JoAnne first met a big black pimp named Brutus to drop and suck him and five of his friends, panties were something girls always wore hidden, under their clothes. But, within weeks of the day that JoAnne came out of the bathroom to go to work downtown wearing nothing but an orange half sweater (reaching just to her belly button), white satin bikini panties and black spike heels, carrying a pair of jeans but telling me to lock them in the trunk of my car and “throw away the key”… so-called ‘panty-suits’ had become an insanely popular fashion. Some store chains now devoted themselves entirely to them; and many pretty women wore panties without pants or a skirt almost as often as with them. From teenage girls at school to pretty young secretaries to bank tellers (any job really)… to entire women’s sports teams… girls wore panty-suits everywhere. On some hot summer days, it seemed you had to look hard to find a pretty girl whose panties weren’t on full display as she walked downtown. And this was all because of JoAnne.

And, back when Jo had her start, girls mostly sucked cock privately… indoors… and didn’t talk much about it. Now, sucking cock was as much a part of any pretty woman’s day as putting on make-up or having lunch. Often, cock-sucking WAS lunch. And it was a form of greeting. You’d run into a girl you hadn’t seen in awhile downtown and, after a quick kiss on your cheek, she’d drop to her knees to blow you AND whatever male friends you were with… just to say ‘Hello’!

“Kelly… the guy you’re sucking right now is named Allan; and the guy in your right hand is Pete and the one in your left is Sean.”

“Hmm hmmmmm!” the girl would say, sweetly. Hello!

More than once at train and plane stations, I saw older women bringing their teenage granddaughters with them to give Grandpa a real special ‘Hello’ when he arrived home from a trip… right there at the station. Grandma would whip out her camera as the smiling girl dropped to her knees to help Grandpa unzip and unload.

And more than 90% of pretty girls were turning tricks by the time they were 19… most of them just casually…one or two a day, for just $10 to $20 a blowjob… seed money really (no pun intended)… but prostitution was no longer something looked upon with disdain. JoAnne had made being a prostitute glamorous and fun. I still lived with JoAnne, of course. But we shared the apartment with two other lovely young women… my ‘other girlfriend’, Nadine, a similarly gorgeous blonde who’d started as solely a weather reporter for a local TV station, but now sucked me and 10-20 other guys daily, in addition to her continued work at the station; and the spry teen Emily, who’d we’d met on the cruise where JoAnne had celebrated her 50,000th blowjob (I was the lucky bastard), and whose mom had sent to live with me to “learn from the best”, her pet bull Jackson still living in our back yard and receiving daily love from Emily, Jo and Nadine, not to mention other girls who worked for me and several other girls in the neighbourhood who just stopped by (Jackson was the most spoiled bull on the planet, I’d say). And, like Jo, both Nadine and Emily worked the streets daily.

Because of JoAnne, crimes of hostility towards women were at an all-time low. Why? Instead of secretly being frustrated by being unable to be blown by the girl of his dreams, almost any man (no matter how old or ugly or weird) could now approach almost any woman (no matter how gorgeous and/or sophisticated she was), with impunity, and politely ask how much it would cost for a blowjob… and 99% of the time he’d get it… right then and there, usually for $20 or less. Being asked to give a blowjob for cash had become a tremendous compliment. It generally meant that some guy thought a particular girl’s face was so beautiful, he wanted to fuck it. Though, admittedly, some guys (including me) also really enjoyed receiving blowjobs from girls with not only a cute face, but also a gorgeous ass… seeing a gorgeous ass bent over into a kneeling position is something I consider HOT! And, because of this, tight jeans and nice tight pants and shorts were everywhere. And girls were thinner too; (1) because of the huge face-fucking incentive that girls had to stay thin; (2) because of the great exercise that giving several blowjobs a day gives a girl; and (3) because most girls now find cum to be a deliciously satisfying and filling snack, lunch, breakfast, or whatever. In short, girls and guys now were healthier and happier because of JoAnne.

The art of giving a good blowjob was not only accepted now; in fact, it was revered. Universities and colleges across the country were adding classes in Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Fellatio to their curriculum; and schools that were 100% dedicated to producing up to 100 new high-class prostitutes each year had sprung up in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Miami, Dallas and Los Angeles, as well as several schools in Europe (especially in Sweden, Germany, France, Italy and The Netherlands), South America and Japan; into which girls were selected from thousands and thousands of applicants.

As a further sign of respect for the oral arts, there now were sex-worker Halls of Fame in Canada, the US, Japan, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and several other countries worldwide. The first, in fact, opened in Japan. But the second was in JoAnne’s hometown of London. Stacey was too young to have attended, 5 years ago, when the doors first opened to visitors. But she heard how JoAnne herself had shown up to give blowjobs to the first 1000 males in line, working round the clock for 53 hours to finish the task. Since then, she’d repeated the feat, starting on that same day every year, which happily happened to be her birthday, blowing all 1000 in an amazing 43 hours and 14 minutes last time, when Stacey finally was old enough to attend. With great pride, Stacey remembers JoAnne peering up at her with her mouth full of cock to sign a pair of Stacey’s satin panties… and then being forced down to her knees herself to be throat fucked by more than 100 men over the last 11 hours Jo worked. Stacey’s mom was there and was so proud seeing her daughter working hard to keep pace with the legendary JoAnne. Of course, JoAnne blew well over 200 in the same 11 hours; but Stacey never rested, and everyone commented how beautiful she was and how sweet her ass looked in her nice, new Guess jeans.

Several people were nice enough to tell Mom that Stacey would be a ‘perfect little street slut’, or that she had a face that ‘deserved to be fucked’ and Mom was VERY pleased.

That museum, initially housed in a smaller building, but now having had to move into a much larger, 15,000 square foot, 3-storey building, was now open 24/7, and received over 5000 visitors daily. Of course, there were galleries featuring pictures and videos showing and captions describing the amazing careers of numerous famous porn stars… from Deep Throat’s Linda Lovelace, Debbie Does Dallas’ Bambi Woods, and Jenna Jamieson (the most face-fucked classic porn star of all time), to talented contemporary sluts like Britney Amber, Kissy Capri, Shawna Lenée and Tiffany Rayne. But there also were numerous interactive activities. One popular one had visiting girls, 18 and over, climb onto one of five circular stages in a huge room to kneel to blow all-cummers while being photographed by 5 full-time professional photographers; how long they could stay up on the stage depended upon how many girls were waiting. There were always line-ups, such that 5 new stages were being built; but girls usually got to enjoy the limelight for about 30-40 minutes each, time to blow anywhere from 3 to 6 guys, depending on how quick they were. Interestingly, these girls more often came with their girlfriends or moms than with boys… most saying they wanted to ‘practice’ on total strangers.

In another room, there were three huge male Great Danes and a male pony for girls to enjoy, and they were ALWAYS kept busy, with several girls waiting in line.

There was an ‘interactive boy’s bathroom, where girls kneeled behind one of four urinals, latching their mouths onto the end of the drainage pipe and having their head strapped into place. Once in, they were at the mercy of any guy with a full bladder for at least a half hour, because the strap was locked. Girls LOVED this one (as did their boyfriends).

And, in a cute little food court, the Japanese provided a whole selection of cum-filled and/or cum-covered food for the ladies to enjoy – from cum on toast and cum omelettes in the morning to cum pizza, hotdogs dressed with cum, and various cum desserts for lunch. They even served semen and mushroom soup. And to drink, they supplied cum milkshakes (literally 500 ml of whipped cum) as well as 500ml beakers filled with pure cum or piss so visiting girls could see how much they actually could drink (for all the cum foods and drinks, it was most convenient to use horse semen). For the guys, the Japanese provided three pretty Asian teens on their knees, one wearing a classic Japanese school uniform, one dressed like a Tokyo or Bangkok prostitute in skin-tight stretch jeans and spike heels, and a third dressed sometimes like a teacher, sometimes like a stewardess or nurse or whatever; all three using their mouths continuously to entertain male visitors of all ages, 18 through 100.

But JoAnne’s HUGE picture and video gallery remained the major attraction, covering the entire top floor and featuring over 25,000 rotating pictures on huge video screens and at least 500 hours of exciting gangbang blowjob video coverage. And, as Stacey’s Mom told everyone, there were 27 VERY flattering pictures of Stacey from her first visit to the museum, and over a hundred more from subsequent visits scattered all through exhibits on the other floors.

Stacey LOVED visiting that museum, and did so at least twice a week. And every time she offered her mouth up for an hour or two of fun pictures (on a stage if one was available, or just wherever there was free floor space for her to kneel if all the stages were busy); and then played with one of the dogs or the pony for as long as he was free. She always finished off by having some cum-flavoured treat like cum-filled chocolates or cum tarts, and drinking down as much cum as she could. Her record was THREE 500ml beakers.

What the huge and ever-increasing popularity of this museum meant is that girls were giving blowjobs EVERYWHERE now… at home in front of their parents, on busy sidewalks, in malls, in school, in banks, at the office… wherever they could safely kneel without being run over. Though some older people objected, most loved this new freedom.

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