Medicine by mouth : Part 2 - Oral Olympics
The other huge ‘perk’ of Kim’s unwavering dedication to science had been her selection for the week-long Oral Olympics that were to take place in Dr. Snow’s home town of Vancouver in just one week. And Kim could hardly wait. Nine other girls were to travel all the way to the west coast to represent St. George’s School, including another gorgeous blonde named Brooke Adams, a lovely brunette named Stephanie Taylor, and the principal’s own daughter, Katie. Chaperoning them, of course, would be the lovely Ms. Anderson, borrowed from the local college to both accompany the girls and participate in at least a dozen events herself in the senior division, which included women from 20 through 39. At the event, all the girls would not only get to have sixteen solid days of cock-sucking fun, broadcast on most major TV stations across the continent, they’d also get to meet the cock-sucking legend herself: JoAnne G. None of the girls could wait for the opening ceremonies to start.
After the opening ceremonies, the girls would be kept continuously on the go, since there were to be any number of competitions, including several equestrian and canine events. Kim had signed up for four events in every category, because (1) she thought she had a chance to win many of them; and (2) she wanted to keep her daily blowjob average up. In fact, she’d inquired and been assured that pimps would be made available so all the girls who so desired could work downtown Vancouver after their athletic endeavours for the day were completed; and Kim’s Mom had immediately signed her daughter up for this. And so it was that Kim’s mom also was very busy buying nice new clothes for her daughter to wear out in Vancouver.
As it turns out, Kim was working especially hard at school this week, since this was a week for her in the navy stables. But no worries! Mom said she’d go out and buy “some nice outfits” for her, since she knew Kim’s size. Now, normally, even working the streets, Kim dresses a bit conservatively. If she wears jeans, they’re tight, but not excessively so. Even while having fun prostituting herself, she looks very much like an office assistant, perhaps on casual Friday when wearing jeans. But, in case the British Columbia and international TV crews were going to follow some of the girls being pimped, Mom wanted her daughter to look “like a perfect little street slut.” And so she returned from the store having lovingly purchased four pairs of the tightest 5-pocket stretch jeans ever: one navy blue; one light blue; one white; and one hot pink; and, to go with them, several really cute t-shirts with very appropriate captions on the front. One light blue one said: “#1 cocksucker”; a second pale green one said “Let me blow you…” on the front and “… and you and you and you and you…” on the back; and Mom’s favourites, a variety of pastel-coloured (light pink, lavender, and baby blue) t-shirts that read: ‘Blowjobs: 25¢’. She knew Kim would have fun with these, and a few more she’d bought for her. She also bought her three pairs of 3-inch heels: one black, one white, and one hot pink, to match her outfits. And, to round out the ensembles, she bought her several chain and extra wide belts (white and black), ten pairs of satin bikini panties in a variety of colours and patterns, and lots of pink and purple make-up.
The next day at school, Kim showed up wearing navy blue stretch jeans that were so tight they went right up her crack, a new lavender-coloured ‘Blowjobs: 25¢’ t-shirt, white heels, and an extra wide white belt… and everyone was stunned. In fact, with all the pink rouge and purple eye shadow and lipstick she was wearing, some hardly recognized her. Naturally, word travels fast at a high-school, so it didn’t take long for Principal Stanner to hear and put out a call for Kim to report to his office. As usual, he met her in the hall.
“This is quite a different look for you, Kim,” he said.
She went on to explain that, since she was participating in three different 24-hour blowjob marathons at the upcoming Olympics, one in each of the three divisions, she wanted to experiment to see if there might be an advantage to her “dressing up” like this at the stables. “Mom suggested I try outfits like this Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, and my usual style Tuesday and Thursday.” She added brightly: “The stable even has a few dogs I could try this out on... to see if it makes them more ‘perky’.”
“A solid plan,” Mr. Stanner nodded solemnly. But then he smiled: “But why don’t you experiment first on me?”
Kim required no further prompting, dropping instantly to her knees.
As it turns out, because the photographer had some technical issues with his camera on Thursday, Friday ended up being Senior Picture Day, the irony being that Kim, unquestionably the most conservatively-dressed girl at the school on most days, ended up in her Yearbook Senior picture looking like the school’s biggest slut, wearing her pink ‘Blowjobs: 25¢’ t-shirt; dark pink stretch jeans (also insanely tight), and pink pumps, her face brightly coloured in pink and purple, and her mouth once again wrapped prettily around Mr. Stanner’s rod.
As for the horses and dogs, they certainly did seem to enjoy Kim’s look, such that, on Monday, the teen was through her personally-designated 5 stable boys, 25 horses and 4 dogs more than an hour before her pimp was due to arrive to pick her up at about 8:00, en route to downtown.
As usual, he called about 7 to confirm that she was on schedule, expecting to leave a message because Kim usually was busy rushing to finish her quota. But this time, Kim had just swallowed cum-serving #34, and answered.
“I can’t really come early,” he said, since he had several girls to manage.
“No problem,” Kim said happily. “There’s more I can do here.”
“Have fun! See you in an hour!” he said.
The results were similar on Wednesday and Friday; and this exciting result led her and her mom to think that the eager teen might consider wearing her new look on most days at the Olympics competition, in addition to at night when she serviced Johns in a downtown Vancouver parking lot somewhere. She packed all four of her new jeans (to go with two pairs of black and one pair of white front-pleated dress pants), 7 of her favourite new t-shirts (and three more formal blouses), all her new panties, matching bras, and heels, and all her new belts.
On the Saturday before she was to leave, her parents had a huge 16-hour ‘Send Off’ open house, to let everyone who wanted to come and wish her well. Truth be told’, ‘Open Yard’ would have been a more accurate name for this event since they set Kim up on her knees in a big gazebo they had in the large front yard of their estate. It was Kim’s older sister’s idea to place a little basket next to her for ‘loose change’ to raise money for a local soup kitchen. In cute recognition of the yellow t-shirt Kim wore with black pants and heels, the recommended donation was 25¢; but the 217 men who Kim ended up swallowing cum from (about 80 of them blown, and the rest just masturbating into her mouth) were VERY generous, leaving $117.13 in tips (just under 50¢ a head).
The event lasted past midnight, but Kim was so excited she was up the next morning at 7:30 to make the final preparations for her flight to Vancouver, which was to leave that afternoon at 3:25. All packed, dressed and ready by 9:30, mom and dad then drove Kim to the navy stables, in the school sweater and plaid skirt all the St. George’s girls decided to wear for the trip, where Kim said a final good-bye to and had a final practice with each of the horses and the four dogs, before driving the final ten minutes to the airport. To everyone’s delight, JoAnne G. was on the same flight wearing one of the panty-suits she’d made so famous, this time a light blue sports bra, white satin bikini panties and black heels. The stewardesses were great about assigning each of the 10 school girls, Ms. Anderson and JoAnne to a row seat, one each row, with their parents and everyone else on the flight seated closer to the window, so all the men on the flight could be blown by any of the girls of their choosing. Of course, many of the fathers, brothers and other male relatives already had been blown by some of their daughter’s/sister’s/niece’s classmates, but this was an opportune time for them to try every one of the girls.
Although many had long perceived Dr. and Mrs. Henry as being unapproachable because of their extreme wealth, people soon found out that this was not the case at all. As did most of the men, Kim’s Dad went up and down the aisle (luckily, it was a big plane with wide aisles); and he was anything but aloof. In fact, as he porked the various girls’ mouths, he mostly told dirty jokes, especially about blondes, because he was married to one. Jokes like:
What do blondes say after they finish a blowjob? Answer: Who’s next?”
And why did the blonde keep bumping her table? Answer: Because all the guys were sitting around a table.
And how did they save the blonde who was choking? Answer: They told the guy to pull back a bit.
And then he started leading everyone in dirty songs, like:
Blow, blow, blow your goat. Let your throat be reamed.
Verily, verily, verily, verily, fill your mouth with cream.
And a rousing and seemingly endless version of…
99 cocks full of cum in the hall. 99 cocks full of cum.
Daughter, please, drop to your knees. 98 cocks full of cum in the hall.
98 cocks full of cum in the hall. 98 cocks full of cum.
Daughter, please, stay on your knees. 97 cocks full of cum in the hall.
97 cocks full of cum in the hall…
And so on.
And all the while, Mrs. Henry had fun chatting gaily with all the men who came to drive their rods down her daughter’s throat.
“So... you’re Brooke’s dad. You must be SO proud of her,” she said.
All of this pretty much rendered the four pretty stewardesses useless, since the aisle was so crowded there was no way they could pass out snacks. So they quickly dropped to their knees, two at the front and two at the back to provide more in-flight ‘service’.
‘This is SO Much better than a little bag of peanuts,’ Ms. Anderson thought to herself as she enjoyed one of the twenty or so men who ‘chose’ her mouth for their in-flight entertainment.
With the 3-hourtime change, everyone arrived in Vancouver at 4:45, where a huge party of well-wishers, mostly teenage girls, were at the arrival gate to cheer them on. Since the opening ceremonies were due to start at 8:00 PM, there was no time to do anything more than freshen up at the hotel before heading down to the huge downtown stadium.
The stadium was packed with almost 60,000 spectators in the stands (not a seat was to be had), there to watch a spectacular 3-hour extravaganza. The festivities officially began when JoAnne G. was led into the stadium riding a big moose and carrying a huge rubber penis, followed by Dr. Snow and her daughter on their own moose. Everyone laughed at the moose and said ‘Yup! This is Canada!” and wondered if there were further plans for those three. But all curiosity would have to wait, because JoAnne’s entry was followed by almost an hour of laser and strobe lights, under which various choirs, bands and other groups played, sang and danced. It was wonderful.
Next, the 50 teams from across North America paraded in, each one carrying a big flag announcing the school’s name and wearing a specific uniform. Some schools, like St. George’s, had their girls wearing their school uniforms, which ranged from blazers, white blouses and plaid skirts to formal t-shirts and pants: for example, the girls from Lockridge School in St. Louis dressed in dark blue lady’s polo-type shirts, camel-coloured dress pants, and classic black school shoes, and the pants looked very nice. Other schools had their girls wearing cheerleader uniforms, probably because most of them WERE, in fact, cheerleaders. Others had their girls wear nice jeans or pants of their choice, but all the same top. Yet others sent their girls dressed as sluts, in tight, tight jeans, skimpy tops, spike heels and too much make-up. And a couple of teams even adopted JoAnne’s famous panty-suit look, all the girls wearing the same colours of top and bikini panties, along with black heels. Thousands of cameras went off to catch all the girls coming in, usually led by their team chaperone, some of whom dressed the same as the team; others of whom dressed differently. Lovely Ms. Anderson, for example, showed up wearing a dark green blouse, tight white 5-pocket jeans, and black heels, and looked VERY sexy, even wearing her accustomed dark-rim glasses.
Kim was the logical choice to bear the flag for her school, and did so proudly, with Mr. and Mrs. H. watching just as proudly from the stands.
Following the girls came a representative sample of the men the girls would be blowing: almost 1000 men of all ages (from 18 to 98) and from all walks of life; most walked, but some came in wheelchairs, which was very heart-warming to see actually. It didn’t matter how old or ugly or infirm you were: as long as you had a cock to suck and cum to give, you were PERFECT for any and all of these girls.
Then came the animals: first a parade of dogs – mostly large breeds like Great Danes, Rottweilers, and such; but a few medium-sized breeds like Golden and Labrador Retrievers; next over 500 horses; and finally, and this made everyone laugh, another fifty or so moose.
“This really IS Canada!” one mom laughed, seeing all the moose.
Sure enough, after circling the arena, the dogs and horses were led out again; but all the moose remained. A buzz of eager anticipation spread through the entire stadium as the moose were arranged in a huge oval, essentially circling the entire field. Three moose remained in a row at the centre, the one’s that had been ridden by JoAnne, Dr. Snow and Natalie.
What was going to happen?
And that’s when the master of Ceremonies asked each of the school flag-bearers to “proceed to the nearest moose.”
Kim was so excited she almost dropped her flag.
Soon, she was the lucky representative of her school posing for hundreds of cameras under her first ever moose. Man! It was huge! Even under horses, Kim always had to bend over a little bit to reach her destination. But not with a moose! She knelt fully upright, looking straight under the animal’s belly to where a crowd of cameramen gathered, all aiming at her.
“Look this way, Kim!” voices kept calling out to her. “Lift your skirt up to show us your panties,” someone said from behind her… “and pooch out your bum a little bit.” She did as told.
“Hmmmmm?” she asked.
“Now try going a bit deeper!” a voice ahead of her instructed.
The cousins came for their first job interview and discovered that having a job was much more than just work... |
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