Lyndsey's Last Night
It had been an unusually slow night at the club when Lindsey heard her name called out across the speaker. The manager’s voice was excited. This perplexed Lindsey. She had been stripping at the Royal Gentlemen’s Club for several years now, and her manager had grown to dislike her. The atmosphere; leather seats, crystal glassware and Brazilian hardwood floors had all been erected so as to cater to a more expensive crowd, a more “distinguished” crowd. Lindsey, though having proved to be a crowd pleaser with her leather, BDSM attire and her soundtrack consisting of Nine Inch Nails, Type O Negative and Marilyn Manson did not fit in.
What the fuck does he want now. She thought to herself as she wrapped herself in a see through ankle-length gown. She downed the last of her vodka, a drink purchased by her only client of the evening and removed herself from his lap, then kissed his forehead and thanked him for the tip. She did not need to look back to know that he was staring at her ass as she walked away.
“Lindsey, I have a new client that I think you would be perfect for and I want you to do a special show for them in the back room.” Her manager said as she approached the bar. This, again was odd. Typically the backroom was reserved for Tiffany; a blonde, Barbie look-alike with big fake tits and a 12 year olds giggle. Not that she had earned it, Tiffany was simply willing to do anything for a buck and was often requested for private meetings.
“What kind of show?” Lindsey asked. The back room was on a rental basis only, and so only the highest of the clubs big-wigs were ever back there and it was always for special occasions.
“We have a group of Japanese businessmen who have a fetish for something a little darker than the typical gentlemen’s club caters too.” Her manager paused as though trying to find the right words to say. “It’s a bit of a strange request.”
“Ok, well you have my attention. What is it?”
“They want to watch a white girl hang.”
“Like… tied up and hang from the ceiling?”
“No… they want to see you willingly put a noose around your head and hang yourself.”
“I don’t think so!” Lindsey stared at her manager, acting astonished at the request. This was protocol, and the only way to get good money out of him. In fact the idea was not only a turn-on for Lindsey, but similar to other things she had done for previous boyfriends.
“It’s ok, it’ll be safe and they just want to see you swing around and then you will be let down...”
“Forget it”
“…totally supervised…”
“I’m not doing it!”
“I’ll pay you $5,000!” Lindsey paused. She had expected him to offer $500, and had hoped to talk him up to $1,000.
“What are they paying you for that room?” She asked, tingling with excitement from the opportunity to pay off her car and take a vacation.
“It doesn’t matter, will you do it? If not I’ll ask Tiffany, you know she will.”
“Will they tip?”
After going over a few short safety instructions and changing into the desired outfit in the back, Lindsey walked timidly through the large double doors of the back room. The room intimidated her. Several strippers had walked through here never to return over the years. The room catered to special requests, and sometimes those requests got out of hand. Sometimes they were more than the girl could handle.
The room was dimly lit, with a few small colored lights above a business like oak table. The ceiling was much higher than in the regular club; the walls were adorned with deer heads, paintings and sculptures. From one of the large wood rafters at the ceiling hung a noose; a small wood chair sat on the table below it. Twelve Japanese suits sat quietly around the table, all smiling happily. Her outfit was simple; black thigh-highs, a short skirt and a black button-up blouse tied up at the stomach and unbuttoned. Her hair was tied back into a pony tail with a red ribbon.
Lindsey’s manager entered the room and shook hands with an older man sat at the far end of the table. She couldn’t hear what he said, but saw that he had introduced her and that the gentleman approved of her.
“Ok Lindsey.” Her manager said as he sat next to the man. “You have our undivided attention.”
Lindsey walked up the removable set of stairs to the table, excitedly staring at the noose. Her body shaked… from fear, the thoughts of money… and from arousal. The lights on the table turned red and Lindsey stood up on the chair. She was told to wear white cotton panties under her skirt, and she could now see why they made such a request. Her fear and arousal had caused an easily visible wet spot between her legs, and the men around the table made no qualms about looking at it and imagining dirty things.
Once situated the waitress joined her on the table and walked around her. The waitress wore only panties and heels, typical attire of the back-room. She was obviously getting off to it as well; her cute little breasts postured two erect nipples against Lindsey’s back. The waitress took Lindsey’s hands and tied them together with another ribbon. She let out an almost inaudible gasp of pleasure as she wrenched the knot shut on Lindsey’s wrist, then she slipped a hand up Lindsey’s blouse and cupped her breast.
“You’re liking this, aren’t you?” The waitress asked as she tickled a finger Lindsey’s hardened nipple. Lindsey could only meek out a smile. Inside she was imagining herself hanging and wished she could watch it herself. She wished too that her ex-boyfriend could be here to watch her, then imagined all of her ex’s watching her. The thought of that humiliation made her wet.
The noose sat hanging loosely in front of Lindsey’s face until the waitress grabbed it and dropped it around Lindsey’s head. She pulled back Lindsey’s pony tail and slid a hand along the soft white flesh of Lindsey’s neck and throat.
“Ok, how do you want it?” Asked the waitress.
“What do you mean?” Lindsey retorted, she did not know she had options.
“The noose… do you want the knot behind your head or to the side?”
“What’s the difference?”
“Well, if I put the knot to the side then you can see everyone’s faces…” The waitress started. “They love that. The catch is that you are going to be choking for a longer amount of time. If I put it behind your head then you are going to be facing only Mr. Yao and me, but you will suffocate faster.”
Until now Lindsey had preoccupied her mind with thoughts of her dangling at the end of the rope; now she realized that they were actually going to leave her to hang until she passed out. She would actually suffocate before they pulled her limp body from the rope and lay it on the table for everyone to see. Her pussy became excited as feelings of desperation and excitement welled up inside her. The waitress was rubbing her hands up and down Lindsey’s sides, and Lindsey knew that at that moment if the waitress were to run a hand up her skirt and against those wet cotton panties that she would cum uncontrollably.
“Which is better?”
“Well,..” The waitress started as she smiled and bit her own lip. She proceeded to answer with a whisper in Lindsey’s ear. “I am going to be giving Mr. Yao head while he watches you, and I think that it would be really hot if you watched us while we watched you.”
“Ok.” Lindsey muttered as her pussy begged to be touched.
The waitress tightened the knot down around Lindsey’s throat. The loose rope hung down against her back, and the waitress came around in front of her. Then the rope raised from behind her until the noose pulled tight against her throat.
“This is sooo hot, I can’t believe you are going to let them do this to you. Do you want one last lick before you die?” The waitress asked as she stared up at Lindsey’s tightly strung up body.
Lindsey became anxious. Die? Was the waitress acting out a plot? Was she playing to Mr. Yao’s fantasy? She tried to ask the waitress but could only choke out an unintelligible sound as she struggled for air. The waitress took it as a “yes” and lifted her little skirt to reveal the now soaking panties underneath. She spread Lindsey’s legs just enough to reach her swollen pussy, and took one long lick up the cotton panties.
Lindsey, almost ready to cum from the waitresses slick tongue glanced at her manager as he sat next to Mr. Yao. She had ignored him until now, something she had learned to do a long time before. He was talking quietly to Mr. Yao.
The waitress dropped Lindsey’s skirt and bounced down to Mr. Yao, where she undid his pants and began nurturing and sucking on his exposed member. The manager broke off their conversation and looked up to Lindsey where she caught his eye. She was gasping with the rope strung tightly around her neck, but searched for some reassurance from his gaze. He looked at her seductively, happy to see her at the end of a torturous rope. He seemed pleased and in good spirits. Oh God!
The chair ripped out from beneath her feat and her body came crashing down on to the thick white rope. The drop was nothing more than three inches; but it rocked her body and all but shut off her airway. She swung in compliance with the rope; fighting for each breath in terror as the knot tightened against her throat. Her hands panicked against the unforgiving ribbon that bound them, her chest bobbed as she begged for fresh oxygen.
Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck… She thought as she shook and swayed in the air. Her legs stretched downward in a futile attempt to find the table beneath her. Her body erupted into a series of convulsions as she tried to somehow writhe herself free from the grasp of the closing knot. The more she kicked, the tighter the knot closed around her luscious little throat. She could feel it tearing into her airway and clamping against her jugular. Lindsey tried to breath, to cough, to gasp… nothing came and it only caused her to panic further.
Her legs began to tingle like they had fallen asleep, and her struggling settled into a stupor. She looked back at the manager. He now had the waitresses ass on his lap and his hand between her legs. She was laying across both men and screaming for more as Mr. Yao came in her mouth. The manager was watching the act; completely unconcerned with the safety or condition Lindsey was in.
The noose had completely closed off Lindsey’s throat now, and the bobbing of her chest had slowed and sank. Tears had smeared her make-up and settled on her shirt. Her fingers had curled up and her legs had stopped kicking. She could still feel the weight of her body stretching out her neck as her body pleaded to be dropped to the floor, though the swelling of blood in her head had dissipated.
Oh fuck… oh fuck… oh… fuck… oh… oh… oh… oh…
Lindsey’s body fell limp and dangled lifelessly. After a moment a thin line of cum ran down her leg as her previously impending orgasm released itself post-mort.
Kaci stared up at the corpse hanging in front of her. The men had left her to take the body down and to leave it on the table to be disposed of later that night. That’s why I waitress, she thought to herself. The body had stopped writhing now, and the nerves had ceased convulsing. Now the body simply hung there, silently.
The waitress took a minute to feel the former strippers skin; her smooth face, her supple breasts, her perfect pussy… What a waste of a perfectly good fuck.
Kaci turned the wench and slowly dropped the body to the floor. The feet caught no traction and simply slid on their toes down the table. Lindsey’s knees made a small thud upon reaching the table, and as the body continued downward they spread, then slid back as well. When she was resting fully on the table Kaci returned and undid the noose, then turned the body on it’s back. She ran a finger inside the shirt to the cold breast inside, then opened the blouse to reveal the lifeless bosom and prone nipples. After inspecting the chest she lifted the skirt and removed the now cold panties. She stared at Lindsey’s shaved, wet pussy. She wondered how it had felt. Must have been fucking amazing, she came all over herself. Kaci spread the legs and licked the pussy again. It was moist, but not as warm as it had been earlier. Earlier it had been soft and excited, now it was stiff and rigid. Just another slab of meat. Kaci looked at the clock. 4 a.m.
The janitor would be here in another few hours to take the body away. God knows what he did with them, Kaci never had the guts to ask him. Not that she cared. It was late, and she would have to be at work early the next day for an extra special show they had scheduled.
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