Lucy: The Cock-Sucking Angel of Notre Dame - Part 1

(Part 2 from 2)

He said little, except that he had to go find someone else. I handed my camera to Tom and decided to follow him. As we headed down the spiral staircase to the bell tower, I was amazed that the line for Lucy just kept going. In fact, by now, it extended all the way to the second level terrace and was starting down the next level of spiraling stairs. Ultimately, he and I entered the main sanctuary of the cathedral, and he walked up to the same elderly priest I’d noticed over an hour ago during my tour of the sanctuary, who’d been chatting with people as they passed through.

The Dutch guide whispered to him something in French, and his eyes grew big. Suddenly, all three of us were heading back up the stairs. I couldn’t help but notice that, even over the course of a few minutes, Lucy’s line had obviously grown by at least a full 360 degree spiral of the stairs – in less than 10 minutes, another 50 or so men had joined Lucy’s line.

Luckily, the senior priest arrived just as Lucy was starting on her Dad again. (Man! That guy was horny!) The other guys in line waiting for Lucy stepped back in respect for this man of the cloth. As my three buddies and I watched nervously, and the men in line waited as patiently as they could, the priest and Dad chatted amicably, Lucy’s mouth alternating between them, her eyes peering up hopefully.

Finally, after shooting his load, the priest stepped back and explained to Mom and Dad, in good but thickly-accented English, that he would extend this part of the tour for as long as it took for Lucy to finish off those already in line.

“We must be fair to those who have been waiting,” he said.

Of course, Mom and Dad had several questions, and the elderly priest answered them calmly and thoroughly. The upshot was that, once Lucy was finished, she, her parents and I (since Mom made it clear that she wanted me to stick around with them – “I’m sure Lucy would want this,” she said) would get to finish our tour before leaving.

“You’ll be most welcome to take your time. I’m sure one of the night watchmen will be happy to give you a tour,” he smiled.

Finally, he left to go downstairs to inform the staff to cut off Lucy’s line; and I followed to see how long it would be. Of course, he stopped to explain things to the old Dutchman, which took a couple of minutes. And then he stopped again to chat to several men in line when they stopped him. He seemed in no rush.

And Lucy’s line just kept going... and going... and going. In fact, it extended all the way down some 300 stairs to the ticket line, with a different man on every single stair... and rumour of the new special attraction for men had even spread to those waiting outside.

The old priest laughed.

“I guess your girlfriend is going to be busy for awhile,” he said, having now abandoned the idea of cutting off the line. “We’ll close the doors an hour or so early,” he explained with a smile, “and then the line will just end on its own.”

And I smiled all the way up the stairs again at the prospect of Lucy being called my ‘girlfriend’.

Needless to say, Mom and Dad were both EXTREMELY pleased when I told them of the more than three hundred men already waiting to use their daughter’s mouth, with at least another 4½ hours of open door time left too.

“I’m sure that number will more than double,” Dad chimed in happily.

“If this doesn’t get her mind off her old boyfriend, nothing will,” Mom laughed.

Lucy had been on her knees for just over an hour now, and had already managed to swallow about 50 loads, even though it was still just 10:30 in the morning; so even 600 more blowjobs certainly seemed both do-able and fun for her.

“Lucy is a very determined young woman,” her mom smiled, proudly watching her daughter on her knees working tirelessly. “She won’t go anywhere until she’d done everyone.”

To this, Tom came to me and said that he, Mark and Jeff would be heading out. “You coming?”

I shook my head. “I think I’ll stick around.”

“Be sure to sneak back in there for another blowjob from time to time,” he said, as he patted my shoulder and left.

I didn’t have to worry about THAT: every hour or so, Lucy’s Mom pushed me into place, and Lucy was ALWAYS pleased to see me. How did I know? I could tell because she actually sucked me differently... a bit more slowly and more sensuously, tilting her head from side to side with her big brown eyes peering right up at me.

And she always deep-throated me like she did that first time, going so deep her little nose disappeared in belly fat... and purposefully arching her back and pushing her bum out so that the seat of those sexy multi-coloured shorts she was wearing was clearly visible to me, the thin material pulled so tight against her ass as to accentuate her oh-so-enticing crack... and then holding this pose as her eyes found my face for a few more pictures.

Mom even handed my camera back to me so that I could take several point of view pix... and Lucy looked more than proud in them... she looked like she was doing all of this... ALL of these blowjobs... all of EVERYTHING... just for me. And then, after swallowing each of my loads, each of these many times, she even took a second to kiss the tip of my penis and smile up at me, and then her eyes watched me step away as the next total stranger stepped forward to cram his by-now rock-hard cock all the way down her throat to fuck it.

Wow! I was in love!

I could go on and on and on about how unbelievable Lucy was for the next 20 or so hours. I couldn’t even comprehend how her mouth didn’t get tired... but it didn’t. And the blowjobs she gave - though quick to everyone to me, rarely lasting more than a minute or two because guys were so hard and ready just watching her work the cocks before theirs - were obviously so good for everyone that NO ONE left the line.

Mom, of course, wandered down the line from time to time proudly showing pictures of her daughter to keep everyone interested. And, when he saw this, that old priest had one of his underlings take several pictures of Lucy, print them off on the office computer, laminate them, and then tape them to the wall all the way down the stairs. I found this out when Mom returned from one of her wanderings and told me and Dad to “go have a look.” By the time we returned, Dad was so damned horny he didn’t even need Mom’s prompting to push his way to the front of the line.

Mom laughed and aimed the video camera as Dad grabbed Lucy’s head, stuffed his already aching-hard cock all the way into her mouth, and then totally pulverized his daughter’s throat, thrusting his hips endlessly with all his might for the next 10 minutes while Lucy calmly rested her hands on his thighs and tried her best to look into Mom’s camera. Finally, he arched his back and his entire body became rigid as he pulled Lucy’s face as hard onto him as possible.... then every second or so, his entire body would jerk. Mom and I knew he was shooting his load.

Amazingly, given how deep down her throat he appeared, a significant volume of sperm ended up in Lucy’s mouth, because her mouth was full as he pulled out. When I asked him later, he explained that he’d cum at least two or three times BEFORE his big final climax... he was so turned on, he just kept pumping until his cock got rock hard again. Mom was pleased that Lucy had been able to taste some of it.

As you might expect, the next couple of dozen or so guys followed Dad’s lead and brutally fucked Lucy’s throat too. In fact, it took over an hour before things calmed down again. But Lucy didn’t seem to mind having the guys do most of the work... and Mom and Dad certainly enjoyed watching her having so much fun. In fact, after awhile, Lucy grew tired of doing the work again and waved Daddy over to fuck her throat a second time... which he did generously and with a great result... once again, for over an hour, Lucy’s throat was absolutely pulverized by every man who stepped forward... and she was delighted.

“Looks like we have the secret,” Mom said, contentedly and winked at Dad.

We’d been told that the doors had been supposed to close no later than 4 PM, an hour before the normal 5 PM closing time; but, in fact, the young priest due to close them popped upstairs just before 4 to make sure that everything was okay, and Mom immediately grabbed his arm and guided him into Lucy’s line… and then Mom delayed him further by chatting with him for several minutes about the history behind the bell tower.

And then, of course, Mom had Lucy blow him again... and Mom told Lucy to really take her time and make the second blowjob special. And so it was that the doors closed 45 minutes LATE. Oh well! What was an extra 80 or so blowjobs to Lucy at this point? Even at 6:30 PM when I walked down to check on things, there were still men on every single step leading down to the entrance, and several still huddled just inside the door.

“Where did you put the others?” I asked the priest at the door.

“They all squeezed in,” he answered.

And so it was that there were still about 300 men left for Lucy to blow, AFTER closing time.

“There’s no rush,” the old priest returned to the loft later to assure us. “We always have someone here... and we can let men out down another set of stairs and out another door when Lucy is finished with them.”

“Thank you so much, Father,” Lucy’s mom and dad both said in tandem.

“But before I go...” the priest said, stepping into line with his cock already out.

As you might expect, Lucy gave him a GREAT final blowjob, she was so appreciative of everything he had done for her. And once he’d cum into her mouth and she’d swallowed, when he announced that he now had to rush back downstairs to have a leak, Mom naturally stopped him.

“Don’t be silly!” she said, leading him right back to Lucy.

“Excuse me,” the senior priest said politely as Mom instructed the man currently in her daughter’s mouth to give way for a minute.

“Ne rien (no problem)” the man said, as the priest stepped forward and Lucy opened wide to let him use her mouth as a urinal, while Dad closed in to capture both the heart-warming scene and the delightful sound of his lovely daughter’s mouth being filled with the priest’s piss right up close.

Talk about holy water!!!

Lucy swallowed everything, and then thanked the old priest again with a second loving blowjob.

“I’m so sorry,” Father Jean told the man waiting behind him.

“Ne rien,” the man shrugged. “I might need to piss in her mouth too.”

“Of course!” Mom chimed in immediately. And, sure enough, he did.

It was midnight, and Lucy’s line still extended half way down the endless flights of stairs.

“Hmm hmm hmmmm?” Lucy asked me sweetly, when I yawned.

“She wants to know if you’re tired,” her mom explained.

“Oh, I’m okay,” I replied quickly and gave Lucy, my new ‘girlfriend’ (I hoped), a huge smile. There was NO WAY I was leaving now.

In truth, Lucy was tired now too. So when I informed her a few hours later that we were down to the last 80 or so guys, she noticeably slowed down. There were just a few more hours to go. Amazingly, despite the hour, no more than a few guys had left the line to leave before being blown. And they were more than made up for by the twenty or so who’d somehow managed to sneak in when someone left through the entrance door and they grabbed the door before it closed. The young deacon assigned to make sure we had everything we needed asked Lucy’s parents if they wanted him to escort those additions out.

“Of course not,” Mom laughed.

So when he returned at about 5:30 in the morning to find Lucy down to her last fifteen or so, he didn’t hesitate to let them know that about 50 more had already lined up outside to see if Lucy would be still available when the doors opened at 9.

“What do you think, Sweetie?” Mom asked Lucy. “Can you handle another 50 or so before we take you home?”

“Hmm hmmmmm!” the girl nodded emphatically.

The fifty or so ended up being closer to 100. But Lucy didn’t complain. Interestingly, one of them ended up being a blind man with a guide dog... at least that’s what he claimed, though we couldn’t actually see his eyes due to his dark glasses. He also claimed to have come early just to get through Notre Dame before the crowds arrived, and to know nothing of Lucy. But what’s the point of a blind person paying good money to climb all those stairs... the view? Of course, his German shepherd was a boy.

“Hmmmm,” I said suspiciously as I helped to hoist the big boy up on his hind legs for Lucy, something her mom insisted upon. Lucy couldn’t stop laughing... that is, until Buster managed to thrust his throat-buster into her mouth and started pumping frantically away.

Mom made sure Dad and I caught all of this on our cameras, and even took a number of pictures on her cell phone to send off to friends and relatives. It was an action-packed 20 minutes as millions of years of canine instincts kicked in for poor old Buster. The next 80 or so blowjobs seemed pretty routine for Lucy after that.

Lucy finished off her last blowjob at 8:47.

The old priest was back and amazed to find Lucy still there.

“We’d LOVE to have you stay for another day,” he said. “But I really think you need to go home and rest,” he said. And Lucy reluctantly agreed.

“Hmm hmmm,” she said, though, as he turned to leave, motioning with her hand for him to join her Dad and me for one last blow. She definitely wanted to blow him one last time.

“Oh dear,” he said once he shot his load and turned to see a long line-up already forming again for the girl. As soon as he pulled back, four of them rushed forward to be serviced by the girl

“You really needed to have left by now,” he told the teen as she dutifully wrapped her mouth around the first of this new group of four hard dicks.

Mom laughed and said not to worry.

“We’ll make sure that we close the doors right at 4 today,” the priest promised. And everyone agreed.

Other than a few snacks we’d been brought by the priests themselves, none of us had eaten since the previous morning, so Lucy’s parents and I did leave Lucy for awhile to go out and eat.

“We’ll be back in about an hour, Sweetie,” Mom said.

“Hmm hmmmm,” Lucy returned.

As it turns out, the doors DID close at 4 o’clock that afternoon, though Lucy still had at least 300 men to go, like the day before. Understandably, she had long since slowed down her torrid pace, but still managing to swallow about 20 to 25 loads each hour. When that same old priest showed up at 8:30 the next morning to make sure we got Lucy away in time, Lucy was already waiting for him.

We snuck out the back door of Notre Dame Cathedral at 8:57... just in time. Another three minutes and Lucy would invariably have been stuck there another 24 hours or more. Mom and Dad insisted that I follow them back to their hotel for breakfast and a little rest, and Lucy’s arm around mine as we walked back to the subway left me no choice.

The subway was packed with morning commuters, standing room only now; but that still didn’t stop Lucy from sinking down to her knees to blow me and her dad and a third, stranger’s cock that popped out of nowhere. As the train rolled along, her mouth brought all three of us to climax and, as always, she swallowed everything.

I was so tired when we trudged the final two block walk back to their hotel, it was almost impossible for me to keep my eyes open. We arrived at their room at 9:51, and decided right then and there to nap first... then shower and go out for dinner somewhere whenever we woke up.

Lucy was so tired, she didn’t even climb out of her clothes. I slept in mine right next to her on a big queen-sized bed, my hand on her ass, while Mom and Dad slept in theirs.

I woke up a couple of hours later with a warm moist feeling in my groin. I looked down to find all the blankets on the floor and Lucy reflexedly nursing on my cock, like a baby, fast asleep. I had to pee, but didn’t want to wake her... so I just went. The entire time, she remained asleep, instinctively tightening her lips around my cock so as not to leak and swallowing everything calmly while she purred like a kitten.

“Hmmmmmmm!” she moaned happily.

When my bladder was empty, I put my head back down on my pillow and closed my eyes, still loving the feel of Lucy’s mouth on my cock.

Mom had already said that, after resting up today, we (and she included me now) were all going to head out to the Palace of Versailles and its huge grounds tomorrow; and Lucy had already said she wanted to blow me right in the open somewhere. I could hardly wait to see the line-ups that would form for her there.

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Still on his knees outside his mother's closed door, Rod synchronized his motions with the sounds coming from the bedroom. Again as the rhythm rose he heard her say,"Rod, baby! Cum to mommie! Cum to mommie, yeeuw bad boy!"