Loving family
100% fiction!
Linda had been acting strange for over a month, quiet, kind of sad, not her
usual bouncy self. She’s my sister, she had just turned eighteen and as I did
every year I kidded her that now I couldn’t call her my kid sister (I was
exactly ten months older than her). But this year it didn’t get a rise out of
her. Ma noticed it and tried to get her to tell her what was wrong but she said
she was okay, the same thing she told me when I tried to help.
I hated to see her this way ‘cause I loved my sister. Hell, more important, I
liked her. I think we were more like real close friends than siblings.
Finally she asked, “Bobby, can I talk to you about something real personal?”
“Sure, Sis, but if it’s about girl stuff I ain’t too experienced, so you
might want to see Ma. But I’m here if you think I can help.
She hemmed and hawed and stammered, and mumbled, her face red as a beet, “Bobby,
do you think I might be gay?”
I damn near shit my pants! What a question! How the hell would I know? I almost
made a wise ass remark then caught myself, damn, she’s really hurting.
“Jesus, Lin, I don’t know, I mean, I never saw you act, you know, butch or
anything like that. Uh, you don’t have to answer this, but have you ever, uh
made out with a boy?”
“Uh huh, I ain’t a virgin, if that’s what you mean.”
“Uh did you like it? I mean, did you feel like you wanted to do it again?”
“I loved it, Bobby!”
“Then what makes you think you might be gay?”
“Well,” she was almost in tears, and even redder, if that was possible, “Promise
not to tell anyone? A couple months ago me and some of the girls in gym class
were foolin’ around, you know, in the locker room, and later we got to talking
about it, you know, and pretty soon we were playin’ with one another, and then
we, uh, you know, like, uh took turns tasting one another, and then we,
....we..... we paired off and made out, you know? And we done it a couple more
times since then.”
Jesus, the image gave me a hard on which I managed to hide from her! Linda
with a boy! Linda with another girl! And I realized I’d never pictured her as a
sexual female, just as a sister. And I also realized I was gonna have to tell
her a secret I wouldn’t tell anyone else in the world.
“Hey, Sis, take it easy,” tears were streaming sown her cheeks now, “It ain’t
the end of the world. Sounds to me like you might be bi, which ain’t such a big
thing for a girl. Lots of girls are, and no one cares one way or another.”
“How about you, Bobby, do you care? Honest?”
“Well, I’m jealous of your boyfriend, and really jealous of those other girls.
But just so you’re happy, that’s all I care about. Besides, I’m the last person
who can judge you. See, you ain’t the only one with a secret. Last summer at
camp me and my tent mate, well, we ended up the same as you and your pals.”
“I don’t believe you! You’re just trying to make me feel better.”
“Hones, Sis, Jesus, you think I’d lie about sucking cock? Oops, sorry, I didn’t
mean to use that word.”
“No, I guess you wouldn’t,” she said slowly, then a little smile curled her
lips, “Do you really think I’d be embarrassed by the word ‘cock’ after telling
you I’ve been .... you know, .... eating pussy?”
At that we both burst out laughing and she came over to give me a hug. Naturally
she felt the hard on I’d been hiding and asked, a sly look in her eye, “Did I
cause that or is the memory of camp?”
That just made my dick harder, so I slid my hands from her waist to her ass
and squeezed her cheeks. “Camp? what camp?”
Instead of pushing me away she ground her hips into mine and gripped one of my
“Are you really jealous of the other boy and the girls?”
It took a full second to get my hands inside her shorts and panties to the firm,
smooth skin of her ass. “Does your boyfriend eat your pussy?”
She back away, but only to unzip my jeans and reach in for my prick. “Huh uh.
Does your girlfriend suck your cock?”
“You must be kidding!” I got a finger between her cheeks and found a ticklish
spot. “How come I never knew you had such a great ass? You gonna give me a look
at it?”
She had my prick out of my pants and was fondling it with both hands.
“You can have a good long look at everything I got, Brother Dear, and a feel,
and a taste, and anything else you want. But mom and dad are gonna be home
pretty soon. I’ll give you a preview, though,” and she stepped back, pushed her
shorts and panties down to mid thigh, and turned around real slow, then bent and
licked the head of my dick. “They’re going out tonight,” she added, then I’ll
show you that you don’t have to be jealous of anyone.”
She started pulling her pants up but I stopped her long enough to slip a finger
in her pussy. She giggled when I sniffed it, then stuck it in my mouth.
“Want me to shave before they leave?”
“Don’t you dare! You think I’m a pedo wanabee?”
“I’m sure glad you’re feeling better!” Ma said to Linda at supper, “What
happened, Bob, you finally get her to open up?”
I choked on my food and Linda giggled, “That he did, Mom. Now we just have
one more thing to get straight between us and everything will be fine.”
That time me and Pop both choked and Ma poke him. “Get your mind out of the
gutter, Phil, she didn’t mean what you think.” She sounded stern but had a
mischievous smile on her lips.
“Don’t wait up for us, Kids,” Ma said when they left, “We’ll most likely be late
getting home.” She had on a short dress with a deep vee neck, tight across her
ass, and Pop had a handful of her cheek as they went out. The door hardly closed
before I grabbed Linda and shoved my hands down her shorts.
“You sure are hung up on my cheeks,” she laughed and pushed my jeans down, “I
hope you don’t think you’re gonna shove this cock between them.”
“Don’t worry,” I assured her, “That was part of my camp experiment, and once was
more than enough for me. Though I might do a little finger probing.”
I had her undressed down to her bra and she had all but my tee shirt off. Soon
they were in the pile with the rest and I stepped back to admire her. Her brown
hair just covered her ears, her skin was two toned, tanned except for the parts
covered by her bathing suit, her small boobs white mounds tipped with pinkish
brown nipples, flat belly and a curly dark brown V pointing the way to her
“You know, we could go to hell for this,” she giggled.
“Yeah,” I said, “But right now I feel like I died and went to heaven.”
She held my prick as she backed to my bed and laid down. I crawled between
her spread legs and put my nose in her soft curls. I wanted to plug her more
than I ever wanted anything in my life but I didn’t have any rubbers and wasn’t
about to take a chance on her getting knocked up.
“Jesus, you smell great,” I said, inhaling her sexy scent. Nervous, not knowing
what to expect, I touched her moist lips with my tongue. “Goddam, you taste even
better!” I let instinct guide me as I ate pussy for the first time, probing as
deep as my tongue would reach, then licking along the length of her slit. After
I found her tiny clit and saw the reaction when I licked it I included it in my
In a few minutes she began moaning and squirming and pulled her legs so high
and so wide apart I thought she might dislocate her hips or something, but it
also opened her pussy and let me get my tongue farther inside. I licked and
sucked and kissed for all I was worth, till she began moaning in a thin, squeaky
“OhmyGod, Bobby, you’re gonna make me cum!”
That just made me try harder. I spent a little more time tickling her clit and
then she whispered loud, “OH FUCK!!” and her pussy pulsed and contracted as if
it was trying to chew my tongue. I got so turned on I damn near shot my load on
the rug, I think if I had touched my prick I would have.
Slowly her spasms tapered off and she relaxed, my tongue still in her pussy
and her fingers playing with my hair.
“How about coming up here so I can kiss you?” she whispered, “And then let me
have my turn.”
We shared a long french kiss, then she pushed me onto my back and slid down on
the bed.
“I never saw one that was circumcised,” she said, “It’s beautiful! Mmmm!” the
last she mumbled with her mouth around my prick. Jesus, I knew I wasn’t gonna
last long, the way her lips and tongue were working.
“Don’t worry, Sis, I’ll let you know before I cum,” I said through gritted
teeth, “I won’t cum in your mouth.
“Mm hmm,” she answered, not interrupting her sucking.
Now she was sucking the head, running her tongue around the tip and stroking
with one hand while she played with my balls with the other. I didn’t think I
could take a lot of this, and sure enough, a few minutes and I felt that
tickling, tingling sensation that signaled an explosion.
“Better stop now, Linda,” I warned her, “I’m gonna cum any second now.”
“Mm hmm,” she repeated and kept on sucking and jacking, and before I could jerk
my prick out of her mouth I shot my first spurt. She choked and coughed but kept
on going, catching every squirt and milking the last drops, till my prick began
to wilt. Then she swallowed, gagged, almost puked, swallowed again and grinned
at me.
“How was I, Bobby, did I suck you all right?”
“Jesus H. Christ, Linda, you were great, but why the fuck didn’t you stop when I
told you to?”
“I wanted to see what your jizm’s like. Yuck, it’s slimy, like snot or
something, but it doesn’t taste so bad. I think I kind of like it.”
We laid side by side for a while, then kissed and got up.
“Tomorrow I’m buying a bunch of rubbers,” I told her while we dressed.
“You better get a lot. I liked getting my pussy licked and really liked sucking
your cock, but I want to fuck more than anything.”
She got her wish. for the next two years we either fucked or ate one another every chance we got. Naturally we didn’t get that many chances, living with the folks, but by the time I was nineteen I had a good steady job and moved into my own apartment. We figured we’d have it made then, but it turned out Linda could only come up with so many excuses to come to my place without Mom and Pop. Then she got a job and her own place near mine, and things got better for us. Mom always called one of us in the afternoon if she planned to visit that night, so we didn’t have to worry about her or Pop dropping in and catching us with our pants down, so to speak.
When I was twenty-two Pop took off. He left Ma a note which she didn’t show
anyone, and every month there was a nice money order deposited i her bank
account, but he didn’t call or write, and Ma went got a case of the blues.
One night about six months later I was at Linda’s and she seemed real excited
and anxious to show me something on her computer. Seems like she had been
chatting with someone when Ma dropped in without calling. Linda signed off but
didn’t think to turn off her webcam, and I got to eavesdrop on their long and
very interesting conversation.
To make a long story shorter, The thing Ma missed most after Pop’s sudden
departure was his dick. “He could be a real asshole and he had a lot of faults,”
she told Linda, “But he was great in bed.” Anyway, the final scene in Linda’s
home movie had Ma telling her, “Goddammit, Linda, I’m sorry if this offends you,
but I need a real cock instead of a dildo. Every time I see Bobby I get horny,
and if he wasn’t my son I’d fuck him!”
Linda hugged Mom and told her, “You didn’t offend me, Mom, I understand, and if
I were you I wouldn’t give a shit about whether Bobby was my son or not, I’d get
him between my legs come hell or high water.”
And Ma just nodded!
“How’d you like to bring Ma into our little relationship?” she asked, “Think you
might enjoy a little strange pussy?”
“Shit, I don’t know, how would you feel about me getting in Ma’s pants? And
speaking of pants, if you’ll get up for a minute I’ll get out of mine, this
conversation is making them tight in the crotch.”
It must have been the idea of us getting into a threesome with Ma, but that
night was the most intense since we started screwing one another. Linda seemed
to cum one time right after another, bang, bang, bang, the actually fainted
after what I think was her fifth. And for the first time in my life I didn’t go
soft after I shot my load, and managed to cum three times.
“Holy shit!” she gasped when we recovered, “If this is anything like what we’ll
be like with Ma, I don’t know if I can handle it.” then she leaned over and
kissed me and added, “But I sure want to give it a try!”
A few days later Linda started her period and we decided it might be time to
see if Ma would fill in our threesome. I called her from the shop and invited
her over to my place that evening.
“I just subscribed to the adult movie package on cable and though we’d see what
they offer in the way of skin flicks.”
“You’re kidding, right?” she asked, “You expect me to come over there to watch
porn movies?”
“Of course not. I’ll call for a pizza too, and if you want I can pick up a six
pack on the way home.”
“Oh, I see, you expect to get me drunk and watch porn movies with you.” I could
hear the laughter in her voice, and was sure everything was go.
“Okay, I’ll skip the beer. Think it over, and if you decide to come over, the
good shows start at eight.”
At five minutes to eight she rang my doorbell. “I figured it would be
informal, so I didn’t dress up,” she said and kissed me on the cheek. She had
sweat pants and a tee shirt that plainly showed she didn’t have a bra. I
immediately started getting hard and she eyed the growing bulge in my jeans.
“Is that all I get, a little peck on the cheek?” I asked, “C’mere, let’s try
that again.” This time I held her close and our tongues dueled for a while
before she pushed me away.
“Do you always keep your guests standing in the hallway?” she asked, “Where’s
that pizza you promised me?”
She put her arm around my waist and pulled mine around her shoulders, and as
we walked to the living room I let my hand fall onto her tit. She just squeezed
my waist tighter so I began kneading her boob and tweaking her nipple.
“You always did like my boobies,” she said and slapped my ass, “I had a hell of
a time weaning you to the bottle.”
“Yeah, and I’ll bet you liked nursing me, didn’t you?”
“That I did,” she laughed, and instead of slapping my ass she squeezed my cheek,
“Just as much as you liked sucking.”
The pizza was on the coffee table in front of the couch. “You pick a movie,” I
said, giving her the remote, “Your tee shirt made me lose interest in the TV.”
“My tee?”
“What’s under it.” I ran my hand inside her shirt to her bare tit, “The women in
these movies usually have silicon boobs, I like the naturals.” She raised her
arms so I could remove the shirt.
“Even if they’re small and saggy?” She unbuckled my belt and unzipped my fly. “I
can’t believe it’s been twenty years since I undressed you.”
I stood so she could pull down my pants and shorts. She ws so close my dick
almost hit her in the face when it popped free.
“And this is the first time I ever undressed you.” She stood with me and I
pulled her sweat pants to her ankles. Her dark brown bush was right there and I
couldn’t resist kissing it. She caught her breath and said, “That ain’t pizza,
Young Man.”
“And this ain’t pepperoni, but I bet they’ll go good together.”
“Smart ass!” she laughed and pushed me onto the couch. As if she’d practiced for
years she straddled me and lowered her pussy directly onto my prick.
“Aaahhh, perfect," she sighed, “No wonder Linda spends so much time with you. Ah
ah,” she said when I began humping into her, “This time let me do it all. You’ll
last longer that way. I haven’t had a good cock in years and I don’t want you
goin’ soft before I have a chance to really enjoy you.”
Far be it from me to argue with my mother. She had a pussy every bit as good
as Linda’s and I wasn’t about to do anything to cut short our first fuck. And
she was right, I managed to last a lot longer than I thought I would, in fact Ma
started cumming just as I finished and my prick was going soft.
“Whew, I really needed that,” she whispered, her head on my chest, “I almost
forgot what a real cock feels like.”
“Give me a couple minutes to get my strength back and I’ll try to jog your
memory some more,” I told her.
“Why don’t you move back home?” she asked, “I feel like a hooker, coming here.”
“I was hoping you’d ask. The apartment and my furniture are on monthly rentals
so I won’t have to worry about breaking a lease. Me and Linda can move back in a
couple days.”
“Linda too? Hmm, this is gonna be better than I hoped.”
“Me too,” I said, "Now can I get up? I gotta go.”
Ma got off the couch and pulled me to my feet. “I have to pee, too, you ain’t bashful, are you?”
Me and Linda moved back into our old rooms, but they were mostly for closet space. Ma had a king sized bed and that’s where we slept. For the first week or so we wore one another out every night, but then we slacked off to a more relaxed sex life. Ma insisted the me and Linda date, and it wasn’t long before we both fell in love and married, which slowed down our incest but didn’t stop it. We have hopes of eventually bringing my wife, Gerda, and Linda’s husband Frank into the arrangement. Gerda’s totally uninhibited and would probably go for it, and Linda seems to think she can bring Frank around. But we’ll all have to wait to see how that pans out.
This story talks about the time Matt celebrates his birthday and gets an unexpected visit from me at his own home, while his roomates are in the house. It was a birthday hell never forget... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting