Lover From Russia
"Your American guys certainly are very pushy, Joey," Natalya said to her as Joey drove them back to her house after school, "I have been given five telephone numbers today," she laughed and waved the paper with the numbers on at Joey.
Joey laughed too, her anger and jealousy of earlier had gone by now, the enjoyment that she got from Natalya's company, although the Russian girl could still be a little superior, made up for the attention guys lavished on her.
"I think your new outfit was noticed too," Natalya continued, "Your Greg seemed to like it."
"Not as much as he liked Claire," Joey said, slightly sulky, not wanting to talk about it, but grateful to her friend for making the effort to care, "Are you going to use any of those numbers?" she said, trying to change the subject.
Natalya laughed again, "They are just silly little boys," she said, screwing up the piece of paper and dropping it out of the open car window.
Joey smiled for a moment, although Natalya seemed to enjoy the attention, she didn't really care about any of the guys, it seemed to Joey that Natalya considered Robbie on the same level as she did Brock. Joey thought that, although the Russian girl had accurately uncovered Joey's taste, she had no idea what kind of guys Natalya went for, except Luke the pool guy, but that wasn't mentioned for the rest of the week . . .
It was Saturday, and the weather continued in its unseasonal heat wave, if anything this Saturday was even hotter than the one before. Natalya had now been staying with Joey for a week and Joey now wondered how she had ever managed the dull evenings alone before Natalya. They had a lot of fun together, watching movies or just sitting and chatting. At school Natalya continued to laughingly enjoy the attentions of most of the guys, especially Robbie who followed her everywhere, which Natalya also just laughed about. She'd flirt a little with most of the guys but never anything more. Joey's parents were to return that evening from their latest business trip and Joey and Natalya enjoyed their last day of having the house to themselves by swimming in the Stiller's pool and afterwards lounging beside it, drying off and getting a tan, although Natalya's white skin, despite days in the sun, was just as pale as when she arrived.
Once again Natalya wore her sunglasses and Joey wondered for a moment if she ever took them off. Aside from this she wore nothing but a stylish black bikini which contrasted with her pale skin so that Joey had to admit she saw what all the guys in River Falls were attracted to in this exotic Russian.
They lay there in the sun, not speaking, for what seemed like hours. Joey could feel her skin burning up a little. Natalya was obviously thinking the same thing as she turned to look at Joey:
"Do you have any sun cream Joey?" she smiled, her teeth as perfectly white as her skin.
Joey walked over to the living room and found a half full tube of sun cream which she brought out into the garden. She squeezed the tube between her fingers and some of the thick, white lotion spurted out over her hands. Natalya turned her back to Joey and lifted her jet black hair to show her back and long neck. Walking over, Joey began to gently rub the white lotion across her friend's back, running her hands over the pale, unblemished, perfect skin of Natalya's shoulders. Natalya turned and smiled at her, taking the tube of sun cream from Joey she turned to face Joey's back. Gently she untied the bow that tied the back of Joey's pink bikini top to bare all of Joey's back. Joey gasped for a moment as the cold lotion made contact with her hot, sun kissed back, but then gave a sigh of appreciation over the gentle touch of Natalya as she slowly rubbed the lotion over Joey's back.
Joey felt almost as if the Russian girl was giving her an expensive massage such was the feel of Natalya's soft touch across her shoulders, Joey lost herself to her fantasies as Natalya's pale, well manicured hands brushed across her back. Joey licked her lips with the pleasure of her fantasies but was brought out of it with a start as Natalya said:
"There you are Joey, you're ok now."
Joey was about to lie back down in the sun when both girls heard the sound of the gate as Luke arrived again to clean the pool. Suddenly, Natalya grabbed Joey by the arm and dragged her quickly into the living room, shutting the big one-way glass doors. Some instinct inside her made Joey lock the doors as Natalya stood looking out at at Luke, once again sweaty and topless, come into the Stillers' yard.
As the two girls stood staring out the window, Joey saw Natalya's hand reach down and heard a sigh of pleasure which she assumed came from Natalya's mouth and only a realised after a few seconds that it came from her. Looking down, she was slightly surprised to see Natalya's right hand was not inside her own bikini bottoms, but Joey's. Joey opened her mouth, intending to say something questioning about this but all that came out was a moan of pleasure as Natalya inserted first one, then two of her perfect slender fingers into Joey's pussy which was already surprisingly dripping wet.
As Natalya expertly and skilfully stimulated Joey's pussy, Joey felt her own hand, almost independent of any will of Joey's, feel its way across the soft white skin of Natalya's midriff. Both girls' eyes were still glued to the sweaty, muscular form of the pool cleaner outside and Joey found her way across Natalya's body by feel. She felt her way beneath the elastic waistband of Natalya's bikini bottoms and slid her finger into the other girl's wet, lubricated pussy. Without thinking about the strangeness of the situation, Joey began to frig Natalya's pussy as if it were her own, whilst her own was equally well stimulated by the other girl, all the while both girls' attention was fully focused on Luke outside the one-way glass doors.
This time it was Joey who came first, the combined stimulation of her earlier fantasies, the sight of the hunky pool guy, and the stimulation of Natalya's skilled attention to her pussy was too much for her and, with another deep moan of pleasure, she felt her knees buckle beneath her and her orgasm spread through her body. As she felt her body racing towards its climax, Joey's own hand began to rub Natalya's clit with a greater, more forceful urgency and, sure enough, moments later Joey heard a gasp from Natalya as the Russian girl filled her panties and soaked Joey's fingers, which still lingered there, with her juices.
Finally, Joey removed her wet fingers from Natalya's soaking pussy and turned away from Luke to look at the Russian. Natalya smiled encouragingly at her. As Joey had reached her climax she had bitten her lip again in the ecstasy of the moment, and now a drop of dark red blood appeared on her bottom lip as it had a week earlier at the airport.
"Joey, you are bleeding, didn't I say you shouldn't be biting your lip like that?" Natalya said.
Natalya leant towards her and Joey thought she was going to wipe the speck of blood from Joey's lip. Instead, the Russian girl leant closer and, before Joey realised what she was doing, planted a brief kiss on her American host's lips. Before Joey had a chance to react at all, Natalya had turned and headed for the door.
"I am going to get dressed before your parents come home," she said, perfectly naturally as if she was just going to change out of her bikini after sunbathing.
With that Natalya left the room and Joey heard her feet running lightly up the stairs, leaving Joey to muse on what had just happened. Joey could still sense the feel of Natalya's soft lips as they pressed against hers for just a split second, as the Russian girl's hand brushed across Joey's shoulder and for that one enchanted moment their eyes met before Natalya turned to leave the room. The kiss had really shook Joey up, when Natalya had bought her the $120 top she'd kissed Natalya's cheek and the contact here was little more than that, yet Joey stood there contemplating the moment, dressed just in her bikini in the living room, fo some time. Joey licked her lips, as if to savour the taste Natalya had left on them, then she too slowly left the room and went to change into a more acceptable outfit for her parents' return.
Joey was suddenly desperate to talk to Natalya privately, to say something about the kiss, to ask what it was for, what it meant to Natalya. However, as soon as Joey felt this urgent desire to talk to her, it seemed impossible to find a moment's privacy with her Russian guest. For the last week they had spent hours alone together, but now, when Joey really felt she needed to talk to Natalya alone, they were suddenly denied that privacy. It was infuriating.
As it was, Natalya didn't emerge from her room until Joey's parents returned a little later. Joey, now changed into her denim cut-offs and a navy blue T-shirt, sat on the couch watching TV, her bare legs stretched out in front of her. She paid little attention to the images on screen as her mind was still racing. She didn't here the front door close and was startled to look up and see her parents come into the room. Richard and Karen Stiller were dressed respectably in almost matching grey business suits, they looked so right together that Joey couldn't imagine a time before they were a couple.
"Where's Natalya?" Her mother asked as soon as the perfunctory small talk about their trip had been pushed aside.
"Oh, she's just getting changed upstairs we, er, swam earlier."
With that the door swung open and Natalya herself entered the room. For the first time she was free of her favourite sunglasses and her jet black hair fell naturally to frame her snowy white face. She was dressed in an elegant and glamorous black velvet dress which was a total contrast to Joey's outfit. The dress' low-cut neckline not only showed off her cleavage but also her long, swan-like neck. She smiled nervously at Joey's parents and extended her hand to Joey's father.
"Joey has told me lots about you," Natalya told them in her attractive foreign accent.
"All good things, I hope," Joey's father laughed feebly at his own feeble joke.
Natalya's appearance was very serious for a moment, "Of course, she is a very generous person."
They all ate dinner together that evening. It was rare for Joey's mother to fit
cooking into her busy schedule, however tonight she managed it and the results
were excellent as, when she could be bothered, Karen Stiller was an excellent
cook. Natalya, tonight the model of a charming and complimentary guest, was duly
grateful and praising of the meal and seemed to enjoy being the centre of
attention as Joey's parents plied her with questions about her family and St.
Petersburg. Joey herself was unusually quiet at the meal, lingering slowly over
the food as she still thought she could feel the imprint of Natalya's lips
against hers. Natalya went to bed early that night so Joey continued to be
unable to talk to her alone.
The next day, Joey's parents insisted on driving Natalya out to show her the surrounding countryside so Joey was still unable to find a moment alone with her Russian friend. The scenery around River Falls was, admittedly, very beautiful. The valley through which the river flowed was filled with all kinds of lush vegetation, but today Joey couldn't keep her mind on it. Instead, she kept trying to glance over at Natalya, to catch her eye, as if they could communicate wordlessly. But the Russian girl's attention was constantly drawn to something outside the window of Joey's father's Mercedes.
That evening, Natalya excused herself and went to bed early again, and Joey, not really in the mood for conversation with her parents, decided to follow soon after. That night she had one of the most vivid dreams she had had in a long time. It started out familiarly as she turned into the park by the river where Greg Grant stood waiting for her. Greg gave her his lopsided smile and she walked towards him, it was a dream she'd had before. But as she walked closer, Joey saw that it wasn't Greg that waited for her beneath a tree, but Natalya. The Russian girl was dressed in just the black bikini of the day before and she smiled her perfect white smile as Joey approached. As they stood alongside each other Natalya leant over to her and again, as she had the day before, brushed her lips against Joey's. But this time Joey caught Natalya's head in her hands and stopped her from pulling away again, locking the Russian's lips in a much longer kiss, she explored the inside of her friend's mouth with her tongue while their bodies pressed against each other.
Joey awoke with a start, hot and sweaty, and not just because of the continued heat outside. She was surprised to find her fingers inside her pussy, gently rubbing it as she had dreamt. And now she came to realise why Natalya's kiss of the day before had so played on her mind. She realised that what she thought had been an experience of voyeurism over Luke the pool cleaner hadn't been that at all, but rather she had been attracted to her glamorous Russian friend. For the first time Joey's conscious mind began to realise that she was really attracted to Natalya. She'd never felt sexually aroused by a woman before, but there was something about the Russian girl that made Joey long to take her in her arms and kiss her as passionately as she had in her dream.
Joey got up early on Monday and, for the first time in a long while, decided to really make an effort with her appearance to impress her Russian guest. She decided to wear the expensive pink top Natalya had bought her, the one that clung to her curves to show off her breasts, Natalya had complimented how she looked in it, so Joey figured that this was the top that would best impress her. Rifling through her wardrobe Joey managed, with some effort, to find herself another impulse buy that she never wore, a knee length denim skirt. It had been some years since Joey had stopped wearing skirts and started wearing jeans instead, but she felt this would be the right thing to impress Natalya. She also decided, for once, to wear a small amount of make-up and shiny pink lip gloss. Admiring herself in the mirror, Joey was pleased with the feminisation that this outfit gave to her normal tomboy appearance. To top it all off she lightly sprayed some of the expensive perfume from the airport across her neck.
As Natalya came down for breakfast Joey flashed her a smile and was pleased to see Natalya smile back. Joey's parents seemed to busy to notice the change in their daughter's appearance, in a way that was probably quite fortunate, Joey didn't know what they'd think if they knew the reason for it, but she was quite sure Natalya had noticed and wondered if she realised that it was all for her benefit. Finally, Joey thought, she would be able to have a minute to talk to Natalya alone as she drove the two of them to school.
Or so she thought. There was a ring of the doorbell as they were about to leave and Joey opened it to find Robbie standing on the doorstep. He'd obviously gone to a similar effort as she had with his appearance. The braces had been taken off his teeth and the thick glasses had been replaced with contacts, his black hair was properly washed and brushed and he even dressed better. Joey had to admit Robbie didn't look too bad once he'd cleaned himself up a bit.
"I was just in the neighbourhood and wondered if you'd mind giving me a lift to school," he said.
Joey looked at him a little sceptically, her house was miles from anywhere, there was no neighbourhood. Still she couldn't just abandon him, he was her friend after all, so she knew she had to give him a lift even if it prevented her from getting a moment alone with Natalya. Besides, she felt an odd bond with Robbie because of his desperation to make an impression on Natalya.
"You are both looking nice and dressed up today," Natalya said as she joined them in the car, making no further comment about Robbie's sudden appearance at the Stiller house, "You two show me up very badly."
They both blushed at this, although it clearly wasn't true. Natalya was dressed, as usual, with a stylish elegance far beyond Joey and Robbie.
At school, the first thing they saw when they entered the building was a loud argument between Greg and Claire which resulted in Claire storming off angrily. Natalya turned to Joey and smiled at her, obviously interpreting Joey's effort with her appearance as a result of her desire for Greg.
"It seems your Greg has not such a great relationship after all," she said encouragingly.
During their lunch break that day, Joey finally managed to shake off Robbie and have a moment to speak alone with Natalya. All day she had struggled to concentrate in any of her classes as her eyes and her mind were constantly drawn back to the girl sitting next to her, Joey's eyes were constantly drawn back to the perfect smooth lines of Natalya's long pale legs and however hard she tried not to keep looking at her friend, she kept finding her eyes pulled back with an even greater attraction. So, finally, after a day of waiting, Joey had a chance to unload her feelings to Natalya.
"Can I talk to you a minute?" she said.
But as soon as those words left her lips she saw Greg approach and wave to her and knew again that she would be kept from having her talk with Natalya.
"Can I talk to you a minute, Joey?" Greg said as he came over, using the exact same words that Joey had used to Natalya moments earlier.
Without waiting for an answer Greg took her arm and drew Joey into a corner while Natalya stood back at a respectful distance. While Greg spoke to her Joey didn't really listen, she kept looking back aross towards Natalya, the Russian girl continuing to hold her attention. She couldn't concentrate on anything Greg said, but his gestures obviously showed it was something important:
"So, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this Thursday, to see a movie or something?"
Joey's attention snapped back to Greg in an instant, he was asking her out, she'd waited all year fot this moment, she bit her lip nervously. She realised in an instant that she may have waited so long for this but suddenly it wasn't what she wanted, she wanted Natalya, desperately, passionately wanted her, in a way she'd never wanted Greg. Joey glanced over to where Natalya was studiously examining her scarlet fingernails and trying to ignore Joey's conversation with Greg.
"I'm sorry Greg," Joey replied finally, "I'd really love to, but I'm kind of seeing someone at the moment."
Greg's face fell and for a moment Joey felt a pang of pity for him and felt about to reconsider her rejection until she looked back up at Natalya and realised that this was the way she wanted it.
Joey rejoined Natalya as her Russian friend was talking to Robbie, who'd found them again. Joey's moment alone with Natalya was gone and she felt for a moment annoyed, at Robbie and Greg for spoiling her moment alone with Natalya and at Greg for making her feel guilty. Robbie spent the rest of the day with them and came back home with Joey and Natalya, hanging out with them for a couple of hours until Joey's parents came home and then dashing off. It seemed fate was conspiring against Joey's desire to be alone with Natalya. The frustration of it all only served to deepen Joey's desire for the stylish Russian and her determination to win her over.
However, just when Joey thought fate really was conspiring against her and Natalya, Joey's parents accepted a sudden dinner party invitation at Claire's parents' house, telling the girls not to wait up and that they could be back quite late. Finally, Joey was given the opportunity she craved. And yet, as she and Natalya stood, alone and quiet, in the living room, hearing her dad's Mercedes leaving the driveway, Joey's mind went blank. She couldn't think of any of the things she had been wanting to say to her Russian friend over the last couple of days.
"What is the matter, Joey?" Natalya asked, obviously noticing that Joey looked a little put out, "You have seemed a little concerned recently. You wanted to tell me something today before Greg appeared, I think. You have some reason for rejecting Greg and this is what is worrying you, right?"
Joey nodded, Natalya was right to a certain extent, she did have a reason for rejecting Greg and that was bothering her, but still she couldn't work out what to say to her friend of the deeper feelings she was experiencing.
"It's not just that," Joey began, stuttering as she tried to find words to express what she felt, "There's something I wanted to talk to you about, something about me and you."
"Was it Joey?" Natalya said, smiling but looking a little concerned, "I hope I have done nothing to offend you."
Joey was standing in the centre of the room, looking at Natalya who stood directly in front of her, looking beyond her friend's luxuriant long eyelashes and into her dark eyes. Joey smiled back, "No, no, nothing like that. In fact what I wanted to tell you was . . ."
Finding no words at all to express what she felt and what she needed to say, Joey paused for a moment, looking into those deep eyes, before she took Natalya's head in her hands. Slowly, as in her dream, she bent towards Natalya, bringing the other girl's head towards hers until their lips met, Joey savoured the feel of Natalya's soft lips against hers as, to Joey's joy Natalya's lips opened to allow Joey's tongue in and be caressed by Natalya's own tongue. Joey ran her hands through her friend's shiny, smooth, black hair as she felt Natalya's hands across her shoulders, running down her back and over her spine. The other girl's touch and the soft kiss sent an electric thrill running through Joey's body as their breasts pressed together.
Finally they broke from their passionate embrace and Joey looked again into her friend's eyes and saw a tenderness and affection that filled her with a warm glow of pleasure. There was a smile on Natalya's beautiful red lips, none the less beautiful for the lipstick smeared across her cheek. Joey smiled back, aware of the smudging of her own lipstick.
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