Love can be a bitch sometimes
Nancy was a good girl and she went to CHURCH with her parents every Sunday. She wore plain dresses and no makeup. That was the devils work to dress like a harlot.
A new boy had moved into her town. He knew more BIBLE verses than anyone else and the preacher let him recite the BIBLE in CHURCH...
Nancy was mesmerised with the good looking boy. He was so wholesome and good. Exactly the type of boy that would make a good husband some day.
Nancy's parents liked the new boy and invited him to dinner. Nancy was ecstatic! She had never had a boyfriend and now maybe it was time. Maybe it would be him.
Charly Snow came to Nancy's house for dinner. Nancy opened the door and invited him inside, Nancy introduced herself and her parents. He politely shook hands and said how glad he was that he could have a good meal with religious folk. My father and mother beamed with pride and we all sat down to our meal. My father ask Charly if he would say "grace." Charly complied.
"God is good." He said.
"Jesus is still alive in our hearts."
"Women must share their life with a man and tent to his needs."
"That was a thoughtful prayer Charly." Said my father.
"I liked that part where women must tend to their men."
My heart jumped when I imagined myself tending to Charly's needs. I wondered if that also meant making a baby. The devil must be in me. What an impure thought.
We ate dinner and the small talk faded. It was time for Charly to go home. My mother said.
"Would you like to walk Charly home Nancy?"
"Yes." I said in a week voice.
It was settled then I would walk Charly home and come right back. We lived in a small religious town where every one knew everyone and there was not even the slightest of danger from evil doers.
Charly and I walked to his house and he held my hand. I was was in heaven and I squeezed his hand. When we were in his long gravel driveway Charly kissed me. My heart pounded as I had never kissed a boy before. When he stopped kissing me his hand brushed against my breast. I felt a wetness in my panties that I had never felt before. Had I peed myself in my excitement?
I stammered. "I have to go home now."
I almost ran home and I remember that hand brushing my breast. I had to be an accident. Charly is a good Christian. I always told my father and mother everything I did but I would not tell them about this. My parents would not approve of kissing let alone an arm touching my breasts. What would they say if they knew that I almost wet my panties with his kiss. I remembered Charly's prayer.
That is what GOD wants I assured myself.That is what GOD wants I assured myself.
My parents were waiting for me when I entered the house.
"Do you like Charly?" My mother ask.
"Oh yes mother." I said.
My father boomed in.
"Perhaps it is time you started dating Nancy."
"You could not find a nicer Christian boy than Charly." He said.
"Oh daddy he haven't even ask me."I stammered.
"He will." Said my father with confidence,
"I saw him watching you."
My ego went to the heavens and I went to bed dreaming about Charly. I felt a tingle in my private parts and a strange new wetness. What was happening to me?
It was Sunday afternoon and Church was a blur. I could not believe it but it was true. Charly had asked my father if he could take me to his farm and meet his mother. I put on my a new white dress that my mother had bought me and she arraigned my hair and said.
"You look lovely honey."
"Do I." I said very proud of myself.
I could not belive that I was actually going on my first date ever.
Charly came to the door. He had borrowed his mothers car. He opened the car door for me and we drove to his mothers house. She was waiting for us. She was a pretty woman who was very skinny and she looked younger than he age.
"My boy has told me about you Nancy." She said.
"Why don't you take your girlfriend to the barn and show her the horses?" She said with a smile.
I heard the word girlfriend and my heart raced.
"Oh yes. I like horses." I gushed.
Charly and I went to the barn. He led out a beautiful black stallion.
"His name is Satan." He said.
I replied. "What an ungodly name." said with a giggle.
Charly reached under the magnificent horse and stroked his huge member. It grew in size before my surprised eyes. It was facinating and I could not avert my gaze. I was in a trance and was getting wet again. This was getting to be a habit.
"Feel it." Said Charley.
I did not care any more what I did. I just wanted to please Charly and be his girl friend. I felt the animals sex member and it was warm and very exciting for me. Charly kissed me hard. He put his hand in my blouse and felt my breasts. I did not have the willpower to protest. At that point he could do anything to me that he wanted.
"He unzipped his pants and pulled out his "boner" and my heart fluttered. My panties were wetter than ever. Was I becoming a whore? He told me to feel it and I put my hand around his peter. It felt wonderful. He then undressed me and sucked my breasts. I almost fainted. He slipped his finger into my cunny and moved it back and forth. I shuddered and gushed juice and I was in heaven. I knew that I had had my first orgasm. Other older girls had told me about a girls orgasm but I thought they were fibbing.
He got a horse blanket and laid it on some bales of hay. He pushed me down and spread my legs apart makeing my girlhood ready to be penetrated. I shook with anticipation and he stripped naked in the barns soft light. He put his peter in me and it hurt when he broke my hymen. I floated past the pain and into sweet extacy. It was over only too quickly when he shot a huge load of sperm into my willing hole. He pulled me to my feet and we kissed. Charly begged me not to tell anyone and I remembered the words.
We then dressed and went back to the house.
Mrs Snow ask me if I liked the horses. I told her that Satan was magnificent. She beamed with pride and said.
"Yes he is isn't he."
We ate dinner and then Mrs Snow asked me why I did not wear lipstick. I told her my parents did not approve of that kind of thing.
"Nonsense." She said.
She led me to the bathroom and applied red lipstick to my puckerd lips.
"There." She said.
"Isn't that pretty?"
I looked into the mirror and saw a woman looking back at me instead of a little girl. I was delighted. Sadly I wiped off the lipstick fearfull that my father might find out.
Mrs Snow put the tube of lipstick in my purse and said.
"I won't tell anyone if you don't." She said.
Charly drove me back home and when I went inside my parents were waiting.
"How was your date." My mother said.
"I was great and Mrs Snow was very nice." I replied.
"Do they have a nice farm?" Ask my father.
"Yes they do and they have a horse named Satan."
"What an alfull name." Said my mother. "He must be an evil ugly beast."
"NO he is beautiful and as nice as could be." I said and remembered how I had herd his large peter in my hand.
"I don't want you to see those people anymore. They can't be good Christians if they name a horse Satan." Growled my father.
"Watch your mouth." my father snaped.
I looked to my mother for help and got none.
"Your father is right and you can't see those people. I will tell every one at Church what sinners they are." She said righously.
When I turned to run to my room and cry I accidently spilled the contents of my purse to the floor and the red lipstick was there for my parents to see.
"What is this?" Said my father pouncing on the lipstick tube like a cat catching a rat.
"It's red lipstick." My mothe gasp.
My father thought about his own mother who was a whore. She used to undress him in front of men and offer his little naked body to strangers for money. Then she would laugh as they molestd him. She wore red lipstick. One day he ran away and hid in a Church. The preacher found him and gave him to a religious childless couple. He was made to work hard and read the bible. Finally a life without sin.
Nancy was locked in her room and all her clothse were taken and burned. Her father gave her one of hi dirty night shirts and she wrapped around her trembling small naked body. Then she was given a bucket to urnanate and deficate in. Her humiliation was complete, She cried and sobbed untill she could cry no more and dreamed of Charly. Two weeks went by and then two more. Nancy discovered she was pregnant. She was going to have her lovers baby. Happiness and fear filled her emotions. When her parents came to empty the smelly bucket and Nancy met them at the door.
"I'M PREGNANT." She screamed.
The color draind from her fathers face and he hit little Nancy in the stomich wit a mighty blow knocking the air from he bending her over, He grabbed both of her breasts and threw her to the floor jumping on top of her prone little body slamming his fist into her face over and over again. Blood flowed from Nancy's nose ad mouth. Her eyes were blackend.
"STOP IT." Said her mother. "YOU ARE KILLING HER."
"If god won't kill her for her sins I will." He panted.
Nancy gurgled spitting blood and whimpered.
"Don't hurt my baby."
Her father got off of her.Then he gave her face a stinging slap and left the room locking the door behind him.
Nancy's father had a lot of power in that religious community and the Snow's found themselves shunned. Someone had tried to poison her prize horse Satan. Mrs Snow sold her farm and moved away with Charly and her horses. They never knew that Nancy was pregnant with Charly's baby.
Nancy had her baby boy at home only attended by her mother. Her mother said that the child was conceived in sin and he was a little bastard. Nancy lived a life of misery and wasn't allowed out of her room unless it was Sunday when her parents were in Church. She looked forward to the times when her parents were in Church and pulled her dirty night shirt open to feed her son with her milk filled breast. He was the only bright sunshine in her dark prison. Nancy woke one morning from her babies cries and picked him up to feed him. On his forehead in red lipstick was printed BASTARD. Her father had snuck into her room at night and done it. He was so cruel. How could he do that to his grandson? She sobbed and cried until she was sick.
Unknown to Nancy was the fact that she had a friend. It was the preacher of her Church. He found the Snow's new address in a town not far away. He wrote a letter and let them know of Nancy's plight. The terrible life that Nancy led was about to change.
One Sunday morning Nancy was washing her sons diapers. They were rags that her mother had given her. Nancy had no panties to wash. Her father said that she was a slut and she did not need to wear them. She emptied the bucket that was in her room and was satisfied that she had done as much as she could to keep things clean. Nancy wished that she had something other to wear than her fathers night shirt. Somehow she could not wash the blood off when he had beat her.
Nancy heard a knock at the door and she panicked. The knock got louder and she went to the door and said in a timid voice.
"Who is it?"
"Charly." Said the voice from the other side.
Nancy unlocked the door shaking with anticipation. She flung it wide open and there standing in the sunshine was Charly!
She jumped on him and put her arms and kissed and kissed him and said.
Charley said in a quivering voice as if he were about to cry.
"I did not know you were pregnant."
"Get our baby Nancy we are leaving this ugly place."
Nancy rushed back into the house and grabbed the baby. She went to the car with Charly. She recognized his mothers car and hoped that Mrs Snow wanted her also. They drove away and Nancy could see the beautiful countryside slipping by. Nancy was crying but they were tears of joy.
The baby was crying and Nancy pulled he shirt apart and fed him. He sucked her nipple and Charly stopped the car under some trees, Charly sucked her other nipple and sweet milk flowed from Nancy, She got wet between her legs and it was the first time since she had been with Charly, How good it felt!
She was as happy as she had ever been and it was probably as happy as she would ever be. She pulled her tit from Charley's mouth and said.
"Yet's go to your mothers house and show her the baby."
Charly stopped sucking and drove into the sunset.
My life changed forever after Marge kissed me in my kitchen the first time... |
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