Love and Pleasure Part 1
Her alarm clock blared. She reached one arm out in search of the snooze button, but ultimately she was unsuccessful. Amara sat up in bed and covered her mouth as she yawned, and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the mild sunlight shining in through the window. She had turned off the alarm and pulled the sheets off of her, as she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep now that she was fully awake. She plopped back down, and lay there as already a thin layer of glistening sweat had formed on her chest and thighs. It was mid July and about 80 degress out. She knew the heat would make for a long day at the small diner in which she worked. She slowly pulled herself up once more at an effort to stand, but instead sat there for a few moments on the hard, uncomfortable, bed.
It was a small motel room she was staying in.
At first she had only planned to stay there for a week and return home when her father was moved out. She was 18 and her parents were going through a divorce. She has convinced herself it was her fathers drinking that caused their marriage to end, but she had finally come to realize that her mothers cheating has caused the big fight between them. It had been almost 2 months now, her mom and dad still living together. It was on again off again for the two of them. One day they would want to go through with the divorce, and the next they would be a happy couple, it seemed. Amara knew better. A marriage can't last without love. Or at least, not a healthy marriage. She knew that was so far from what her parents had, her father's outburst had come too much for her to handle and she refused to come home as her mother wished her to over and over. Working at the diner all afternoon and into the evening was the only way she could stay on her feet. Though she had very little money, it was enough to pay for the room she was staying in and eat, which was all she really needed, even if it didn't have the luxuries of home.
It was all but silent in the room, and then a knock came on the door. It was the owner of the motel who was leasing the room to her. An old man, slightly stalky, and short. His green eyes, gentle and compassionate as he was. Especially towards Amara. There was something about him that she had always admired, maybe his knowledge, but she could never be sure. He looked quite wise, but she had never had a conversation with him long enough to know if her assumptions were true. She made her way toward the door, glancing in the mirror on the wall to make sure she looked semi decent. She stopped and ran her fingers through her hair so it wouldn't look exactly like she had just woken up, but that was still quite obvious. She tugged her shirt down to cover her belly button, it must have slid up her body as she slept. She opened the door carelessly, half knowing it was him, and greeted him with a warm smile.
"Hi, Mr. Longshore." she said, innocently, pretending as if she didn't know he came for the money she owed him. "Need something?"
He gave a slight chuckle under his breath, knowing what she was up to, which made her aware he was onto her act. "I think you know exactly what I need Amara" as he gave her a weak, but genuine smile. She sighed.
"Today is friday Mr. Longshore and -" He interruped her suddenly.
"Amara" he said, smiling again, this time sympathetically. "Sweetie, take all the time you need to give me the money, I know it's been hard for you lately." He paused as if he were going to say something else, glanced down at the floor and then back at her. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something. I've noticed that you haven't had much company except for Suzanna lately." He said, as he paused for a second time. Suzanna was a middle aged woman and the manager of where she worked, but a good friend none-the-less. He continued on awkwardly. "I know it's hard being away from your parents, but don't isolate yourself. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, or act like your father, my dear. Understand that, but please, If you can take a day off from work and go out in the evenings, or not work your extra shifts on the weekends, get out there and meet some new people. Even if it means being late for the rent."
She smiled. "Thank you." she said appreciatively. "I'll have the rent by tomorrow for this month. I get my paycheck tonight."
After He left, she thought about what he had said. She did need more interaction, she was always so lonely. More than anything, she needed male company. The past months for her had been hell after her and Lucas, her now ex, broke up. She not only needed sex, but she needed companionship and love again. If that were possible.
She grabbed some clothes, jeans and a medium blue, form fitting low cut tank top. She noticed because she had big breasts, that anything to excentuate them and her round ass, using tight clothes, would get her lots of tips. She layed them on the bed to put on after she got out of the shower. She made her way towards the bathroom and turned on the water and she made her way out of her night clothes. Peeling off her shirt, and then letting her shorts and panties drop to the floor. She climbed into the shower and washed her hair. Then she grabbed some shower gel and squeezed it into her palm and rubbed her hands together before rubbing her body down to get clean. She washed over her arms and stomach and between her thighs. She gasped as some water made its way between her slit, running down her clitoris and making a shivering, pleasurable sensation go up her spine.
She slowly put her hand on her hairless pussy rubbing her fingers over her clitoris until she was close to coming, making little gasps and moans as her muscles tightened and she came, slowly but powerfully. It still wasn't enough, she needed something inside of her, a cock. She couldn't settle for her hands any longer, she needed someone else. Making her way out of the shower she grabbed a towel and wrapped her hair in it so it stayed put as she toweled off her body. She wiped away some of the steam from the mirror, and looked pleased with what she saw. Her reflection showed her beautiful curves. Her full hips and ass, and large, but perky breasts. Amara was fair skinned, but not pale, she just had a very milky white complection. Amara was hardly full of herself, but really didn't see much wrong with her body, she had a nice tight stomach, and a very naturally pretty face which only added to her beauty. She was around 5 foot 8 inches tall, with very long, toned legs. After she was sure her hair wasn't dripping wet, she let it out of the towel letting the shiny, golden blonde hair cascade over she shoulders. She brushed her teeth, and combed through her hair as it started to dry, and the waves and body came back to it. She stepped out of the bathroom and over to the bed where she started putting on her clothes. First black and lacey, bra and panties. And then the clothes she had previously picked out before. She glanced over her shoulder at the clock and just as she has planned it was the exact time she should be going. She slipped on a pair of casual high heeled shoes, and was out the door.
Amara arrived at work just before 12:00 in the afternoon when her shift started. She sat in the car and grabbed her purse sitting next to her on the seat and took out some lip gloss and rubbed it on her lips. She also put on some light pink blush and a little eyeshadow as well, still keeping her natural look. She got out of her car and slammed the door shut as she walked towards the door of the diner and pushed it opened as the bells chimed, alerting everyone who was sitting there and enoying their lunch she was here. There were some regular costumers, but other than that, the diner was pretty slow and it made her happy when she saw some new faces. She said hi to suzanna, pulled back her hair, and started waiting tables as usual, nothing of importance, or out of the norm happened, just another day at work as always.
The bells chimed. Suzanna, Amara, and two fellow waitresses, Ally and Melinda looked up, as there was no one else there. It was 4 p.m., the slowest time of the day, in about two hours everyone would be crowed in for dinner though. 5 men walked in. All faces they had never seen before. Amara assumed they weren't from around here, maybe from new york on there way somewhere else,stopping in pennsylvania for a bite to eat. They were well dressed, they looked around their early or mid twenties. There was one man that appeared to be puerto rican, and the others, were caucasian. They seated themselves and seemed to be sort of fascinated with the small town appeal the diner had. They looked as if they had some money, which meant big tips to Amara, so she hurried to get whatever they wanted before Melinda did.
"Hi, i'm Amara, what can I get you?" she said almost seductively, as she smiled warmly to greet them. She wasn't a slut, but very sexual, and she knew that tips made up the majority of the money she made, so she'd flirt with the younger men she served.
"We're not quite ready to order our food yet, but we'll all have some coffee, if you don't mind." The puerto rican man said politely.
"Sure." She said in a friendly voice, as she nodded. "One second."
She went into the kitchen to grab some coffee. She felt someone tap her shoulder, almost spilling the cups, she turned around.
"We're all going out to have a smoke and then taking a walk through the park, since they're the only ones here, can you handle this place for about 30 minutes?" Suzanna asked.
"Of course." Amara replied, trying to sound as happy as possible but somehow that got lost in her voice and she sounded tired.
"You'll be fine." Suzanna, said promptly. "Cheer up."
Amara grabbed the coffee and took it out to the table as she saw the other women leaving.
"Here you are." She said.
"Tired?" one of the men asked.
"Very. Sorry if it shows a bit too much."
"Not at all." he paused and seemed to think about something for a minute. "I'm Mike." he said, reaching his hand out.
"Nice to meet you." She said and she took his hand and shook it. "Where are you from?" she asked out of curiousity. "Surely not from around here." she added.
He laughed. "No, not from around here. We're from New Jersey, actually."
"Ahh." she said. "I wasn't too far off, I was thinking more New York, though."
The Puerto Rican man looked up at her. "Take a seat." he said as he moved over. He didn't have a puerto rican accent, but he did sound like he was from Jersey. "I'm Manuel."
"I really shouldn't." she said. "I need to work."
He smiled. "We're the only people here, and there doesn't seem much else to do. We've been driving for 2 days now and we've only seen each other, we could use some company."
She reluctantly sat next to him. "Where are you headed?" she asked.
"Just down to Pittsburgh, so only about another hour to go."
She engaged in light conversation for the next 20 minutes, with all of the men, although Manuel was the only one that really spoke. She studied him closely as they spoke, he had dark, very short hair, and deep brown eyes, with brown skin, although it was slightly tanned and she could tell he was probably lighter in the winter. He may not have been the most attractive of men, but he was handsome in his own way. She wasn't used to seeing men of another race around where she lived, so she was strangely attracted to him. Something about the way he talked freely and just let the conversation flow turned her own. Briefly in the conversation he put his hand on her knee and rubbed up her thigh, although it only lasted about 3 seconds, she longed for it to happen again. Somehow she doubted it would. They never ordered any food, but Manuel laid 25 dollars on the table, considering the coffee was cheap, that left an extremely large tip. They said goodbye and started to get up to leave, Manuel said thank you, for the drinks, and good conversation. He touched her hand for a moment, then slowly released it and kept eye contact with her until he turned away.
That was the only interesting part of her day. She thought about it until her shift had come to an end, it was eight, and she was about to leave. Suzanna had to leave, which meant they had to close early, the other girls left, leaving Amara to close up on her own. She heard a car pull up and she looked outside, thinking it was just another person that came too late that she would have to tell to leave. As the person stepped out of the car, she realized it was Manuel, only this time, he was alone. She wondered what he wanted. "I thought they were leaving for pittsburgh" she thought to herself. Well, at least he was here and she could get the answer to that.
She opened the door for him. He walked in and paused for a moment. "Amara, I had to see you again." he said. She looked at him surprised. "I need you." he told her as he took a step forward. "The whole time we talked, I felt such a connection with you. I know I barely know you, honey. But-" She stopped him as she put her index finger over his lips. "I need you, too." She said in a seductive whisper. He took her hand away from his lips and guided it down to the front of his pants to make her aware of how hard he was. She closed her eyes for a moment as she felt, fantasizing about how his cock would feel inside of her. He took his hand away from hers and she massaged his member though his jeans voluntarily. He panted lightly, knowing what was about to happen. He grabbed her waist and pulled her body closer to him and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She looked down at the floor, and then back up into his eyes. He was only an inch or so taller than her, which made every aspect of their bodies almost match in height. Amara licked her lips and kissed him back, softly and let her lips linger on his for a short while. He moaned quietly to himself as they kissed. Their kiss became more passionate and deep with each passing moment.
Amara's heart began to beat faster and her lust for him grew stronger. She could feel her juices starting to wet the lips of her sex. He moved his lips from hers, to her jawline, and then down to her neck where he bit lightly and then quickly went onto her shoulders. He kept kissing down her body and made his way to her cleavage where he kissed lightly, but more firm than he had kissed her before. He took a step toward her causing her to take a step back until she backed into a table. He lifted her and sat her upon the table and she opened her legs so he could stand between them. He stood up completely and smiled down at her. He reached down at her hips and lifted her shirt over her head to reveal her black lacey bra. He looked her over approvingly. He bent to kiss her neck once more with very light teasing kisses and he reached around to undo her bra as she drew her arms up around him and lightly ran her fingers down his back. He pulled the straps from her shoulders kissing the exposed flesh as the bra fell to the ground, kissing her nipples and sucking them until they were hard. He pushed her shoulders back onto the table so she was laying there and he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off along with her panties.
He stood up once more to look her over. She was by far the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, let alone naked. He leaned down and kissed her stomach. Amara moaned with anticipation which made Manuel harder than he was before. He kneeled infront of her and pulled her legs until her ass was at the edge of the table and he had her pussy right infront of him. He took a breath, inhaling her aroma which was intoxicating to him. He kissed her on her thighs and worked his way up to her beautiful wet pussy which he couldn't wait to get a taste of. He kissed the lips of her sex, and then ran the tip of his tongue between her slit. She gasped as it sent a shiver up her spine, and then moaned in satisfaction. She put her hand on the top of his head and ran it through his short hair as if telling him to keep going. He now shoved his tongue inside her slit a little deeper and spread her legs wider so she was open to him. He ran his tongue over her entire pussy over and over, then he focused more of the clit. Sucking on it and running his tongue against it over and over.
She was panting heavily and close to the edge of orgasm but not quite there yet. He took two fingers and put them inside of her, fucking her with them rythmically as he sucked her clitoris. That put her over the edge and she thrust her hips up towards his mouth as he kept sucking on her clit. She came so hard and powerfully, it seemed like it lasted forever, but at the same time it was over all too soon, and she started to come down from her ecstasy. She kept moaning, and almost felt like crying from being so overwhelmed with pleasure. He stood up again, and his cock was covered with his own come. She saw and knew that he must have come while he was going down on her. She gave him a lazy smile, and he smiled back. He grabbed her upper body and held her in his arms, as she rested her head against his chest while she was half lying, half sitting on the table against him as he sat there. He kissed the top of her head and whispered "I love you." in her ear as she fell asleep against him. About an hour later, the both awoke to a sudden banging on the door. It was a girl. Manuel jumped up first, pulling his pants on.
"Manuel!" the voice shouted. "What the fuck are you doing!?"
He couldn't say anything, he was at a loss for words. Amara looked at him confused, he looked at her with hurt in his eyes, although she didn't know if it was genuine or not.
"Who is she?" she said, looking over at the the woman now standing silently at the door.
"She's my wife." Manuel answered.
My first real Grandad when I was just a 18yo boy... |
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