Living in a Pub
Abby Stone got out of her battered mini in the car park of the Coach and Horses. The weather was dull and drizzling, and twilight was just a few moments away, which matched her sombre mood. She was feeling a little depressed after her meeting with the Regional Manager at the brewery. He had been very nice and very sympathetic with her dilemma. But he had pointed out that under the present economic conditions, the brewery were having to consider closing some of the managed houses. The increasing cost of the beer, with the added government tax had meant that trade in most houses had dropped drastically. In her case being a widow, and not having a husband or a man on the premises to help out, and being only just profitable, meant that she must be considered as one of the houses that could be picked for closure.
She looked up at the front of the Public House. The pub sign shone brightly in the rain, and she reflected that it was not as nice as the old one which had recently been replaced by the brewery. The pub had been built in the late 19th century long before TV and even radio, and Public Houses had then been the centre of local entertainment with darts and dominoes being the main attraction, as well as the beer, and with beer that was a lot stronger, and very much cheaper. Abby had been born here, and had grown up helping her parents run the pub with her sister and brother, until her parents had both died, when she took over the license. A child out of wedlock in her teens, and a bad marriage to a semi-alcoholic work shy man, who thought that living in a public house meant that he had gone to heaven, had followed..
She was lonely, she desperately needed someone to share the burden of running the business with, and to share her personal problems, but the thought of another marriage horrified her.. She just could not risk bringing another man into her life after the traumatic experience suffered by her daughter at the hands of her drunken now deceased step father.
Abby herself was a tall 5ft 8 inches sexy blonde with shoulder length hair. She was very slim and had an engaging smile. She dressed with a sense of panache, that seemed to suit her extrovert personality. Her outgoing and friendly personality’ had brought in much of the present business. The patrons liked her, and she would spend time talking with them when trade permitted. The Regional manager had noted that, and congratulated her on coping so well after her husbands tragic death. The licensing magistrates had quite happily transferred the tenants license to her, and she had hoped to keep building up the business.
He had said. “Keep on improving the trade, and your chances of staying open must improve, the Directors must go with the houses that make money, especially if you can get some male help. I know it’s a problem of wages, and that your budget has been cut. Recently, like most of our houses, but that‘s the best advice I can give you.”
But Abby was determined she was not going to ever get married again. She had been lucky that her last husband had killed himself with a little help from her, and she was not going to let any man get involved in her life again..
Meanwhile Tony Nash being young single and just out of University, was attending an interview at nearby Hazlehurst Grammar School, Tony was absolutely delighted to get his first job at such a prestigious school, . After being appointed, he decided that he needed to find somewhere to live fairly quickly. He was just 23 and very fit, as he kept himself in trim by jogging every day, and he was a big sports enthusiast . As soon as he was settled in somewhere to live, he planned to find and join a local keep fit club.
After the job interview, he was introduced to the few admin staff at the school who were available, but all of the teaching staff were still on vacation, as the school did not re-open until a month later, but then when the School Secretary a Mrs. Natalie Anderson approached Tony, and asked for his current address. Tony had told her that so far, he had not got anywhere in mind. Then she asked him ”Would you mind living in a pub?.” Tony laughed “Who could refuse an offer like that, no of course not, I am not a big drinker but as long as it is clean and comfortable I am interested?“.
“My sister is the landlady of the Horse and Coaches the pub on the corner, she is recently widowed, and she is looking for a man to live on the premises, and someone to help her for about an hour a day with the heavy cellar work, and I am sure that you could come to some sort of arrangement about the rent. It would fit in with school hours for you, and would be quite reasonable. The brewery likes their tenants to have a man living on the premises for security reasons if nothing else, although my sister y rarely has any problems. “
The Headmistress who happened to overhear the conversation said.” What a good idea, look Natalie why don’t you take Mr. Nash along to your sisters now. There is nothing urgent here, that can not wait until tomorrow, and then you can go on home afterwards.“
As it happened the Coach and Horses was also the local watering hole for the school staff, and was only three minutes walk away on the next street corner. Tony was immediately impressed with Abby when he was introduced. He judged she was in her early thirties, and he learned that her husband had been killed recently in a car accident. Tony said to be polite.” I am sorry to hear about your husband .” and Abby promptly replied cynically “I’m not I am glad to be rid of the bastard..”
They talked for a while, she explained the problem that the brewery had with her tenancy, and that they liked to have a man on the premises, which Tony understood. Abby showed him the room, and Tony thought it was quite nice, and they soon agreed that all Tony would pay for, was a nominal amount for his food. The accommodation and laundry etc would come free in return for his occasional help with the cellar work averaging about an hour a day....
It had been at one time a thriving public house, and Abby told him as they talked that she was steadily building up the lunch trade, with a selection of bar snacks, and home cooking. Abby was a good cook, and she said the trade was growing steadily. When patrons ate they liked to have a beer at the same time, and if the food was good, they would keep coming back. She was assisted by two ladies who worked part-time in both cleaning and serving in the bar.
Abby warmed to Tony as they talked, he seemed nice, and he seemed respectable. She was re-assured when he told her that he rarely drank except occasionally with meals
When she was discussing with Tony about him coming there to live She pointed out with a giggle, That there is only one drawback living here, and that I have a 18 year old daughter Sheila, and her cousin Joan who is the same age who lives with us as both her parents are in the army in Afghanistan. They both go to your school, but they can be a bit noisy at times. But they are lovely kids really, although Sheila is a bit shy with men. She had an unfortunate episode with my ex husband her stepfather, which has left her rather traumatized..”
Tony moved in two days later, and that was when he was first introduced to the two girls. They were both quite pretty blondes, and at first as Abby had pointed out, Sheila tended to be very withdrawn, especially with men, meanwhile in the following days, Tony gradually got used to sorting out the cellar work. He had worked in the Students Union bar at University so it was not all new to him. Tony also started to help by serving in the bar when the bar was busy, as well as playing the piano in the adjoining conference room for his own amusement some evenings..
The Conference room was not in normal daily use, but people hearing the piano, gradually drifted in to listen, taking their drinks with them, and quite quickly their was a noticeable increase in trade.. Gradually, his piano playing built the Friday and Saturday weekend trade up, and usually quite a sing song would take place on a Saturday evening. After a couple of weeks the increased trade was very noticeable, and Abby was talking about having to hire extra bar staff especially for the weekends..
Abby was increasingly delighted with Tony, and they grew much closer working together, especially as Tony had so much time on his hands during the holidays. Although there was a significant age gap Tony began to feel sexually interested in Abby when she was around.. She had told him to use her private lounge if he wanted to watch TV or anything. Tony did for a while, and then he suddenly noticed the girls were spending a lot more time with him. He did not try to get too close to Sheila at first, but let her talk to him, when she felt like it Her cousin Joan however loved to chat, and sometimes they started playing a few card games, with Sheila joining in and becoming more responsive to him
Abby suggested that she paid him for the extra work Tony was putting in, both in the bar, and playing the piano, but Tony refused, saying that he enjoyed it, and it was fun.. Most days Tony would leave the house for a morning jog quite early, and after about two weeks Sheila and Joan started to join him on his morning jog, quite soon they became quite close, but Sheila still seemed very nervous, and withdrawn when she was left alone with him. Then suddenly to his surprise one afternoon when he was having a after lunch nap he found Sheila laying on his bed alongside him when he awoke. For a moment she was a bit shy, and then she said “I wanted to talk to you Tony, and you looked so comfortable that I was tempted to lie down beside you.”
“That’s alright Sheila - no problem.”
“Well it is Tony I think I am in love with you.”
With that she blushed and ran from the room.
Later he caught hold of Sheila and said “That was quite a compliment. But lets
just keep it as our secret for now”
That episode seemed to mark a change in her attitude, and quite soon he found that Sheila was just as noisy, and extrovert as her cousin. Tony found her good fun to be with. Then suddenly Joan suggested one day in the last week of the holiday that they should all go swimming at the local pool together,
He noticed gradually that Sheila seemed to be quite at home with him and sought every opportunity to be together with him, he also noticed that Joan looked a bit worried at the sudden change in Sheila’s behaviour, but Abby was happy that Tony had made a breakthrough with Sheila, as she was now joining in enthusiastically with everything that Joan and he did..
From that time on he found that she would walk to school with him, without necessarily Joan being present.. In school she was like most normal teenagers and both Joan and Sheila did not take advantage of their friendship, but increasingly Sheila tried to impose herself on him. She would take every opportunity to touch him, and be alone with him to the extent that he became a little worried. .
Suddenly, after about a month, Sheila caught him on his own in the cellar, and taking him by surprise, he found her in his arms and kissing him passionately on the lips. . Tony knew he should have known better, but he was a bit worried about the effect of rejecting her might have. He had to admit that he also enjoyed it., and increasingly found himself thinking about her. That day when she broke free from his arms she just stood their looking at him. “ I really love you Tony dear.”
Tony told her gently. Why don’t we talk sometime when we are on our own, and
we can tell each other just how we feel, and what we are going to do about it
Sheila dear”
He too had a dilemma, he thought Sheila was damn sexy, and he was being sorely
tempted by her interest in him, but their was nothing he could do about it, or
was their?
Abby must have noticed that Tony was getting on well with the girls, and mentioned it to him in passing. She said that it seemed that Tony was as good as any doctor in sorting out Sheila’s problem. She had not told him what Sheila’s problems were, but Tony suspected that it had something to do with a man. In reply he told Abby that Sheila had told him she was in love with him, but nothing had passed between them, and he was trying to let her down without hurting her.
Abby was alarmed, and it gave her food for thought. She was glad to have her old Sheila back, the daughter she so loved. Tony also had the problem that while he was very attached to Sheila he was finding that he was also very sexually and emotionally attracted to Abby. This came to a head when Abby started taking Wednesday evenings off . It was the quietest evening as a rule, and Abby had a part time barmaid she could trust who filled in for her, so that she could have an evening off on the Wednesday, and so Tony and Abby started going out for a drink, or to a cinema.. Tony by now had begun to feel really at home with Abby, and the girls, as they all ate their meals together, like a family, and Tony would help the girls with the dishes, and little household chores..
Inevitably, Abby and he gradually became much closer, and one Wednesday evening Abby and Tony had been to a local ballroom dance. Abby loved ballroom dancing, and Tony had held Abby’s sexy body in his arms most of the evening while they danced, and when they got home, Abby turned to him and said.
“Thank you Tony that was a lovely evening“ and then she threw her arms round
his neck and kissed him on the lips. When they broke away from the kiss, Abby
said “Tony’ I‘m sorry Tony I should not have done that, and he noticed she was
crying ’
“No don’t be sorry I have been longing to kiss you for a long time. I think that
you are very lovely, and very sexy, but I have never had a girl burst into tears
when I kissed her before. And with some pressure from Tony, asked her what was
the matter?
“I will tell you one day when the time is right. Tonight I am just so happy.”
“Abby dear I think you are lovely, and I am happy living and working with you. I love the girls, and I did not want to risk spoiling it all, by doing anything to upset you.” Tony blurted out. Abby looked at him, and she saw that he was very serious Abby put her arms on his shoulders, and leaning close to him, she whispered, "Tony would you be prepared to make love to me properly. I just don’t want to be fucked Can you do that for me, as a friend ?"
Tony just nodded and he got up and he took her hand, and they made their way to her bedroom Tony looked at Abby, and he realised then just how lovely she looked as she lay there almost naked, apart from her panties, suspenders and stockings as she lay waiting impatiently on the bed smiling up at him, her blonde hair was splayed out over the pillow... She was giving him that ‘come on and hurry up look’ that was incredibly arousing and she opened her arms to him and just said “come“. .
Tony undressed and joined her on the bed and lay down next to her. Leaning over Tony kissed her tenderly on the lips Tony stared down at this lovely woman who was offering herself to him. He was feeling very nervous, yet strangely excited as he reached out and slowly, and gently fondled her nipples Her nipples were just a little darker than the rest of her small breasts. Tony took a breast in each hand, and squeezed them gently, then Tony lowered his mouth to one of them, and licked the hard nipple, then Tony started to suck on it. She reacted with little moan of pleasure.
He moved down a little and began sliding her panties down slowly, exposing her pussy.. She lifted herself off the bed slightly, so that Tony could slide her panties down making it easier for him to remove her panties. Tony slid them down her gorgeous legs and off throwing them on the floor.
Tony stared down at her pussy . He reached over and softly licked those lovely pussy lips between her legs, with his mouth and tongue and Abby began to breathe more heavily as she responded to his attentions. She spread her legs apart, as Tony positioned himself between them. Tony lowered his face to her moist wet pussy and covered it once again with his mouth. His tongue licked between her lips, and found her clit. Flicking his tongue against it, Tony heard a small gasp from Abby as Tony used his tongue to explore all the crevices and openings of her pussy, enjoying the smell of her excited sex as it infiltrated his nose.
Her head was rolling from side to side and her body started to move against his face as Tony took her clit into his mouth again, and sucked on it, causing Abby to moan, and writhe beneath him. His hands stroked the firm flesh of her thighs, which were pressed tightly against his head, as Tony continued to run his tongue around and over her clit.
By now Abby was panting and gasping . "Please Tony, take me lover, I want you inside me ."
Tony wanted her just as badly. He sat up and positioned himself over Abby’s naked body, between her thighs. Her legs spread as wide as she could, and she took his cock in her hand and placed it against the wetness of her pussy lips. Tony pushed forward a little, and his hard, throbbing cock parted the lips of her waiting pussy and his cock started its journey of exploration in Abby’s pussy.
Tony thrust his hips forward, driving his cock deep inside her.. He remained still for a moment, reveling in her tightness around his cock. Abby wrapped her legs around his thighs, and her hips began to move. She made little movements up and down and side to side. His cock moved in harmony with her movements. He leaned forward and Abby's hands came up and locked together around the back of his neck.
Tony began to move in and out of her tight pussy, feeling it grabbing his cock as he did. The feeling was incredible! He drove himself faster and harder into Abby, and she responded by lifting up to him each time Tony drove deep inside her. Faster and faster Tony pounded into Abby, his body making smacking sounds each time it met her body. Abby gasped with pleasure each time their bodies met.
With a yell of pure ecstasy, he drove hard into her one last time, and their bodies ground together as they both came. She came several times in quick succession, as she grabbed him, and held him close, demanding he stay deep inside her as he filled her writhing and demanding pussy with his baby seed..
Tony eventually rolled off of Abby, and they lay together for a while recovering from their exertions . Abby cuddled up against him, and softly stroked his chest, sending tingles through his body.
“Don’t go back to your room Tony, I want you to stay here with me tonight. I want to tell you something.
Abby suddenly blurted out “Tony I killed my husband, and I am not sorry. I killed him. I encouraged him to fill himself with booze, and then I told him to go for a drive. He crashed the car and killed himself. The bastard had raped Sheila twice before I found out, and I did not grieve for him for one minute.” .
There was not much Tony could say, but point out to Abby that it was up to him, whether he drove or not, and she should not feel guilty, in her place he would have probably done something worse...
It was a long and very demanding night sexually, and they were both a little late to rise the next morning,. Abby seemed a bit shy, and later that day she caught Tony on his own, and she said quietly. “Tony I really enjoyed last night but if we do it again, and I hope we do, there must be some ground rules. For a start I do not intend to marry any man again, it would be easy for me to fall in love with you, and I think I probably have a little bit. .anyway. For a start there is too much of an age gap, and secondly, I don’t propose to give any man a chance to do something bad to Sheila.”
Tony was a bit surprised “OK but I think that in any case its far too early to talk about marriage, lets just be good friends. I enjoyed making love to you, and I would like to think that we can make love again without complications, when we both feel like it.. I think time will determine what we should do, but I do have one major problem and its about Sheila.”
Tony explained to Abby that Sheila had been coming on to him and hinting very strongly that she wanted to have sex with him, but apart from her age, and everything I am frightened that it could do more harm than good, yet on the other hand if I refuse, and she goes and seeks out someone else to do it with, who treats her badly, it could make things far worse.
Abby looked shocked. “You say you kissed?” “Yes a very passionate kiss, and she keeps telling me she loves me, she keeps on wanting more from me, and I am worried that if I refuse, it could be harmful after what she has been through.”
“Abby looked stunned.. and they sat and talked for a bit discussing the situation, then Abby said “Thank you for telling me, and I agree with you. I would feel happier if she must have sex, then it should be with you, especially after what I experienced with you last night, I feel that I can trust you. It will allow you to judge the situation much better.”
I will talk to both of them, but Joan is going back to her parents in a couple of weeks as they have been posted back to the UK
I’m Alison, bisexuel, recently divorced and am a bit of a nymphomaniac! I’m very clitoral and anal and I love masturbating my little clit while prodding the tip of my finger in my tight arse. I’m now 39 and lucky to still have young skin and a firm, slender, tall (1.80m) and leggy body. I love sex and have always enjoyed exhibiting myself... |
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