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Limo ride: straight no more reviews

Posted by slyden
Posted by Brenda
Cheers Luke, Yes I agree touching otihwut permission is extremely rude. Some may believe because of what you do and the public nature of it that personal space boundaries do not apply with you. They are of course WRONG. Just stay professional and your own personal dignity and class will shine through their obnoxious behavior and to those around you. You have sacrificed your privacy so we can enjoy your work and remain anonymous. I for one do not take that huge offering lightly and want you to know it is appreciated. You would think they would realize how hard you professional models work. Even models in the fashion industry complain about having to hold poses that are strenuous and painful. In your industry the posing and stretching can be even more extreme and then you add the elements of pain that your genre of BDSM have and the fact you are also filming and it is obvious you are lads are pretty tough. However, now that you are becoming more widely known you may run into this more often but hopefully most people will be respectful. In any event did you get to enjoy some of the Manchester Pride? I thought our Pride festivals in the States were big. Compared to yours ours look like family picnics! Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing more of your excellent work.
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I liked her hot body, her shapely midriff, a flat tummy, a deep navel and most of all a perfect pair of breasts held in place by a bra. The top of her breasts were just popping out in a sexy cleavage...